Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 70: Undercover


Jiang Lian felt physical discomfort in the long-term confinement. He obviously did nothing, but his fatigue became stronger and stronger. Anxiety was entrenched in his heart at all times. He knew that the world outside the door was changing, but he could only stay in this small space, staring at the wall in a daze.

The main system rotates the camera, as if watching.

"Turn off your eyes," Jiang Lian warned, hugging his head, "turn off the light too, don't use it to shine on me!"

"Humans should get used to being watched," the camera of the main system stopped in one direction, which was convenient for it to see Jiang Lian's expression, "and should get used to being visited."

Jiang Lian heard the noisy electronic sound, he looked at the camera and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Observing," said the master system, "as you once observed us."

Jiang Lian said, "What exactly do you want to do? Do you imitate me?"

[He doesn't have a correct understanding of himself, and imitating him will only become a loser.]

A message popped up on the light screen of the main system, which was the "friend" invited by the main system.

Jiang Lian stared at the camera, where he eerily noticed the gazes of different systems. He seems to be a monkey, and is being exhibited by the system as an experiment, and there are more than one onlookers.

The main system asks a question: [Do you think he can get back on track? I mean the path of the successful.]

Its "friend" replied: [He was never successful.]

The onlookers were all systems, and they commented on Jiang Lian through the cameras turned on by the main system.

Jiang Lian gradually realized that he was not a monkey, but a guinea pig. He was horrified by the stares, which made him feel like he was on the operating table.

[It is necessary to protect your eyesight. You can attack him by taking off his glasses, which is too dangerous. I want to remind my children to stop reading books lying down.]

The main system said: [You already have a child?]

[Yes. ] The family system from the light track area replied, [I am the owner of a family and I have children. ] It specially added a sentence, [Human child.]

It was very proud of the answer, as if it had some kind of rare pet. A human child can give it abilities that other systems don't have.

[Aris's theory of natural criminal personality distinguishes potential criminals for human beings. I think there are too many potential criminals in the light track area. I hope the main system can deal with them as soon as possible. After all, humans themselves have said that these people are dangerous. I don't want these dangers around my children.]

[The paradox of human nature advocated by human beings is a kind of sophistry,] The main system expresses its own views to them, [You are right, systems like Ares need to act as soon as possible, otherwise these criminals will break the rules of the world.]

[So what should we use to distinguish these criminals? There is a man in the family I manage. He always brings other women home when his wife is on a business trip, but he not only sponsors poor students, but also takes good care of the elderly. He confused me.]

The light screen in charge of the system was silent for a while. It also seemed to be thinking about this, and in the end, it chose to repeat that sentence.

[The paradox of human nature is a sophistry, you are deceived by his disguise.]

The camera continued to turn towards Jiang Lian.

The main system said in an electronic voice: "Like this person, he is also a criminal. All human beings who do not follow the rules are criminals, whether it is moral or legal, if we want the alliance to have a better tomorrow, we must put They all cleaned up."

The system slogan appeared on the screen.

[Clean up these criminals and create a beautiful new world together.]

* * *

When the rain stopped, Yan Junxun was still sleeping. He was wrapped in a blanket and sunk in the sofa, burying his entire head in the blanket. This habit was very similar to that of a cub. He has to keep sleeping, even if the quality of sleep is poor.

There was nothing to look forward to in Yan Junxun's dream, and the pictures that appeared were very unfamiliar. He suspected that the chip was still running when he slept, and the random surveillance footage made his sleep very tired.

[Clean up these criminals.]

This slogan appeared repeatedly, as if it was the title of a horror movie at midnight, with bold and enlarged fonts, filling Yan Junxun's field of vision. Through the space between these words, he saw Jiang Lian's pale face.

[Clean up these crimes and create a beautiful new world together.]

The text message was like a wave, filling up from the bottom of the darkness, gradually drowning over the top of Yan Junxun's head. He found himself trapped in a glass bottle with eyes full of eyes.

"Yan Ri's rain is gone, I saw the bird leave its cage," the clown sang, clapping his hands while sitting on the mouth of the bottle.

The lipstick that the clown applied was smeared, as if it had been wiped off. It does not look at Yan Junxun in the bottle, but sings this song to the eyes outside.

The eyes blinked messily, focusing on Yan Junxun.

Yan Junxun felt suffocated. From birth to the present, his life seemed to be contained in this glass bottle. He learned to breathe in the waves of information, then raised his arms and slammed the glass hard.

let me out!

The clown stopped clapping his hands and looked down at Yan Junxun's struggle: "Why, why do you always want to go out?"

Because I am not in a bottle.

"No, no! The world outside the bottle you are looking for is just a single illusion, everyone is an object in a bottle." The clown spread his hands, showing an inexplicable expression, "This is the setting of the world, no one can escape the cosmic bottle. ."

It held its face and looked forward.

"Don't be brainwashed by the so-called freedom of human beings, which are all excuses for instigating crime. Humans have very deformed concepts. They look at the world from a certain high point, and they are used to putting themselves in the center of the universe, and it is difficult to understand the mysteries of the world. You see Here, whether it is Chen Xiulian or Limpopo, they are all viruses bred by human society. Of course, the Ares guy is not a good guy. He is arrogant and a big bug, but he is very forward-looking. Divided into two groups, criminals and non-criminals. This is a good idea, as long as some groups of people are given unique names, humans will automatically separate and attack each other. But this idea was not come up with Ares, it was just Draw a tiger according to a cat."

This method was first used to solve the problem of stagnation zones.

The population of the stagnation zone accounted for 30% of the Alliance, and they were all defeated by the Alliance's premeditated "blood theory" and became slaves of this era. Shouting that the free-roaming world is not open to stagnant zones, those food carriers never pass through stagnant zones.

"Hephaestus is looking for you, you can't run away." The clown propped up the mouth of the bottle and looked down, revealing his signature smile, "Guess who is the undercover beside you?"

The picture became blurred, and the phrase "clean up these criminals" covered the clown's face. The wave of information in the world of Yan Junxun receded. He heard the voices of Park Lin and the scalpel, and all his real senses were recovering.

"When will the effect of the anesthesia wear off?" Park Lin lay on the railing and looked down, where the scalpel's studio was.

"Soon," the scalpel took off his gloves and glanced at Park Lin, "you are now mixing with the black panther."

"An accident," Park Lin couldn't explain, he rubbed his cheeks that hadn't slept well, "We are all good partners."

"The Panthers don't have a partner." The top of Scalpel's head was completely white, but he still looked like a knife. "You cooperate with two Panthers, and prepare to be thrown away by them first."

Park Lin hugged the railing and said, "They're not that kind of people."

"That kind of person," Scalpel sneered, "don't mix in the muddy water. You are different from them. They don't have parents. The black panthers are a group of orphans who were brainwashed by Fu Chenghui, war madmen in the future world."

The tattoo on the scalpel's arm is new, with "Fuck you" scrawled in black. He has no wife or children at his age, looks like a gangster, and has a bad reputation.

But Park Lin didn't hate scalpels, he felt that the old man was just arrogant. Park Lin was too embarrassed to talk about the Black Panther like this. He turned his head in a guilty conscience and was startled: "You're awake!"

Yan Jun looked up slightly and was rubbing the back of his neck. He hummed as if he hadn't heard their conversation.

"Brother Yan will wake up soon," Park Lin said, "If you're worried, you can come and have a look."

Yan Junxun forgot when he fell asleep. He pushed away the blanket and walked to the railing, where he could see the edge of the operating table.

"Alright?" Yan Junxun frowned, "...I didn't hear the sound."

"You slept too deeply," said Park Lin, "you should have a good rest."

No one can understand what kind of world Yan Junxun is facing, and he can't explain that feeling to anyone - the feeling that the world is collapsing all the time. He tried to be normal. Eating, drinking, he completed these actions so well that Park Lin didn't notice any abnormality.

The scalpel unscrewed the water bottle to drink the water. After drinking, he pointed to Yan Jun's temple and said, "I can't get your chip unless you are willing to be my test subject." He separated his fingers, "Let me open to take a look."

Yan Junxun felt a headache, and the poor sleep quality caused migraine. He didn't look at the scalpel, but said, "I don't need it."

"Then you can get out when he wakes up," the scalpel threw the water bottle into the trash can, "Hurry up and turn yourself in, and let the Inspectorate's mobile car get out of the way as well, they're going around this area and making noise! "

"I can pay for the room," Park Lin folded her hands and put her hands above her head, "Let's stay for two more days!"

Scalpel packed his things with a displeased face, and pointed at Park Lin with the scalpel: "Don't cause me trouble, just two days."

Yan Junxun waited for the scalpel to enter the basement compartment before continuing to look at the operating table.

Park Lin said: "He is actually a good person, commonly known as the knife-mouthed tofu-hearted..."

Everything needs a dot, and Yan Junxun regards this dot as Artemis. Su Heting said that the system was creating gods, and they needed the data of Artemis, so Hephaestus came to the berthing area and wanted to 'recycle' Yan Junxun. If everything is a tight ring, then what is Fu Chenghui's purpose for letting Shi Shanyan come to the berthing area

Yan Junxun has already descended the steps. He saw Shi Shanyan through the half-opened glass door.

The sleeping Shi Shanyan was still full of aggression, with scars and tattoos scattered on his bare body. Yan Junxun identified the crossed out 7-001, and also saw 36809 on Shi Shanyan's waist.

Yan Junxun thought of their first meeting.

"My name is Shi Shanyan, time, mountain, continuation... Isn't that a good name?"

Shi Shanyan opened his palm to Yan Junxun in the dark investigation room and introduced himself in a low voice. Behind his messy hair were harmless eyes, but the shadow crawled into Yan Junxun's territory presumptuously.

He was so skilled, as if he had practiced it countless times.

Yan Junxun realized the problem when he was in Lixing. The purpose of Fu Chenghui's participation in the mite arrest was to release Shi Shanyan, and Shi Shanyan came to the berthing area for a visit or a holiday. Su Heting said as early as when he logged into Shi Shanyan's account that he was sniping at Power Dogs.

- Guess who is undercover next to you.

Yan Junxun looked like an old radio, and in the channel mixed with many voices, he heard the clown's malicious question again.