Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 72: Uterus


Yan Junxun threw the shirt to Shi Shanyan, and took out the scalpel from the tray. He urged Shi Shanyan with his eyes, signaling Shi Shanyan to go down.

Shi Shanyan was wearing a shirt, heard the sound of the mobile car, and said, "The chip exposed the location."

"It's so difficult to be a repairman," Yan Junxun didn't need to look back and knew the situation outside, "but you're free."

Shi Shanyan pinned the pistol with few bullets left to his waist, looked at Yan Junxun, and said, "You're almost there too."

Putting the scalpel on his slippers, he gestured to step on Park Lin's head: "Stop talking nonsense, go straight down, and turn left into the tunnel."

"I didn't speak!" Park Lin said as she climbed down, "What are you doing, why did you build such a big basement? Did you report to the bureau? This is illegal excavation."

It was ten meters deep, no lights, and a smell of rust. There are roads to the front, back, left and right of the iron ladder, which is a complex maze.

Park Lin stepped on the water when he landed, and he turned on the small flashlight in his trousers pocket. This thing came from Jiang Lian. Park Lin turned on the flashlight, the light was so weak that nothing came out.

The scalpel came in last, and he pushed the shutter back into place. Seen from above, the floor is tightly stitched together, and there is no mystery behind it at all.

Park Lin wanted to change the guide lighting, but he pressed the guide twice, but the guide didn't respond, and the light screen couldn't display it.

"No signal," Scalpel's slippers got water, and he bent over to raise his trouser legs, and the exposed calf was also tattooed, "Stop playing with this thing, and hurry into the tunnel."

Yan Junxun tried to tilt his head, and the noise in his ears disappeared.

Shi Shanyan saw that there were traces of fire on the nearby walls, and there were some irregular lines and graffiti. "Is this a former shelter in the berthing area?" he said.

"I didn't expect it?" The scalpel rubbed his back with the muzzle, walking in front, his slippers rattled in the water, "This piece is not connected to the separation area, it was made by the coke factory itself during the war. of."

During the Civil War, there were shelters in all districts. The shelters reported to the official in the berthing area were under the separation area. They were only used once or twice, and not many people knew about them, let alone here.

"Why is the coke factory doing this?" Park Lin raised her head and looked up, "It's illegal."

"You're here to catch the law," the scalpel looked at Pu Lin and bared his teeth, "Stinky brat, are you bothered! Why did the coke factory do this? The Black Panther knows best. The system clamored to bomb the Southern Alliance all day long, but all the bombs fell into the stagnation zone."

"Ah?" Park Lin asked back, "It's fake, right? I've never heard of this..."

Park Lin came out of a serious school and was an officer of the Inspectorate Bureau. He knew the news of the alliance by heart. If such a thing happened, he would definitely not forget it.

Fu Chenghui is a bit domineering, but the war needs, Park Lin actually understands him quite well, and he needs means when necessary. For example, in a place with 160 sub-districts like the stagnation zone, military personnel alone cannot control it. One of the reasons for the proliferation of organizations is the lack of monitoring.

The scalpel turned into the tunnel, and there was an echo of his speech: "Believe it or not."

Park Lin was a little embarrassed. He slowed down and asked Yan Junxun quietly: "Do you know about this? Is it true? There is no file on this."

Yan Junxun didn't know, he didn't like answering this kind of question.

Records are something to be trusted, especially today. Don't trust those web records, don't trust those electronic archives, don't trust those system expressions, they're all probably fake. Humans can even tamper with their own memories, what else in this world can’t lie

The scalpel went so fast that the water from the slippers made his pants wet. He didn't say where he was going, through the long tunnel, the explosion of the bee-shaped aircraft had completely disappeared, and a more complicated underground labyrinth lay in front of them.

Iron staircases run down both sides of the tunnel entrance and meander into the bottom. The bottom is criss-crossed with pipe-like things, twisted together as a whole, like tree roots buried deep here. The stairs on both sides were covered with thick dust, and no one had come for a long time.

Scalpel stood at the entrance of the tunnel and turned back to them and said, "Stinky boy, I was very kind to bring you here. Welcome to the end of the world."

Park Lin took a few steps forward and said, "What exactly is this... Please speak clearly, I'm about to be confused."

"There is no system," Yan Junxun looked around, "there is no network, there is nothing here."

"This is 'people's home,'" Scalpel exclaimed as he walked down with his gun, raised one arm, and showed them the maze, "you won't find a place like this again! The whole world is held by those systems, Surveillance and Internet occupation." Scalpel turned around and pointed at Park Lin, "Don't tell me about the stagnation zone, that's the same."

Shi Shanyan looked into the depths of the steel roots, and there was no movement to escape his ears. "You still have friends here," he said.

Scalpel's nose grunted and he took down the gun and tapped the pipe with it. The sound traveled far, like a doorbell, awakening the small animals in the depths. A group of children seemed to have emerged from the ground, exposing their heads one after another.

"Aqi," Scalpel shouted their names proudly, "Xiaohui, Liuhe, Huicai, Mi Tao, Sugua... Stand up and show them." He looked at Shi Shanyan and Yan Junxun, provocatively Said, "The kid on my side doesn't have a number, everyone has a name."

"Congratulations," Shi Shanyan folded his arms, "The child on my side also has a name."

Yan Junxun glanced at Shi Shanyan, then looked at the scalpel again, and said, "...My name is Yan Junxun."

"I know your name is Yan Junxun," the scalpel jumped onto the pipe, raised his head, and looked at them, "The Alliance's Experiment No. 98342, the miracle child created by the system and human beings. I also know what's in your head. That thing was made by what, and they're about to recycle you."

"I'm 98342?" Yan Junxun frowned, "I'm 'Yan Junxun'."

"You are 'Yan Junxun' No. 98342," the scalpel gestured with his little finger, "There were thousands of 'Yan Junxun' before you, and none of them survived. When you were so old, The number of the glass bottle given to you is 98342, and the uterus that nourishes you is provided by the 'mites' to the experimental base in the light track area."

"Wait," Park Lin hugged her head, "I'm the only one who doesn't know anything, I'm an outsider! Can you explain it to me? I often fail the reading test."

"You know the 'experimental base'," Shi Shanyan said, "you know too much."

"Really?" The scalpel narrowed his eyes at Shi Shanyan. This old man likes to talk to people with a sarcastic expression. He doesn't take any of them seriously. "Then we can talk again." Location, "7-001, 01AE86 felon, 36809 from the 156th division of the stagnation zone—is that you? Fu Chenghui's second-generation 'hunting knife'."

Yan Junxun couldn't help but ask Shi Shanyan, "Do you still have this title?"

"You can call it 'God's Eye'," Park Lin interjected, "I'm called 'The Recorder'," he said with joy, "The old man is 'God', and he seems to be holding a game script."

Scalpel says, "I am 'Scalpel.'"

"This is not to get the game ID," said Yan Junxun, looking at the scalpel again. When he was not sleepy, his eyes were sharp. "You said that 'mites' provided the uterus for the experimental base in the light track area."

"In 2135, the alliance issued a call to all districts. They said that it was technological progress, and they wanted to provide better systematic education for children. Many people were fooled." The scalpel emptied the water in the slippers. They can't even speak clearly, they can only do arithmetic. In 2140, the Alliance issued a call again to provide more convenient system services for women in the stagnant area, and even established a system of confinement centers in the stagnant area, which drove many parents crazy. In 2143 The main force of this experiment changed from the alliance to the black panther, and the black panther turned to the berthing area. Fu Chenghui reached a non-disclosure agreement with the 'mites', and the 'mites' provided the black panthers with wombs that met the requirements to cultivate 'Yan Junxun'. "

Yan Jun's fragmented memory was broken in 2160, and there was only Artemis' glass room ahead. He seems to have changed from a child to an adult overnight, with no transitional memory in between. He knew Artemis, he knew experiments, he knew clowns, but he didn't know where he came from or what he did.

He was born in the glass room of Artemis.

"I see, smuggling by transport ships... My God, the 'uterus' are all women in the stagnant zone! If 98342 is in numerical order, then after the plague of 2150, the drop in fertility in the stagnant zone has an explanation! "Park Lin pushed up her hair in the confusion, as if she couldn't understand the problem, and her expression was indescribable, "What's going on... Are the other children dead?"

Yan Junxun felt nauseated. He thought of the Glass Room, where Artemis was.

"The cultivation of 'Yan Junxun' was carried out at the same time," Scalpel touched his own inch, "I only know that it's crazy."

Glass room.

Yan Junxun flashed across the dim interior of the glass room in front of his eyes. Rain streaks crisscrossed the glass walls. He was safe inside. No sunlight, no noise, the whole world is quiet. There are always unfinished questions on the small blackboard.

Yan Jun found himself in the incomplete memory. His shirt and overalls were ironed properly, and his little leather shoes were shiny. He used chalk to do questions on the small blackboard, one after another endlessly.

"Jun Xun is the best kid."


Yan Junxun looked at the glass and saw his expressionless face.


Yan Junxun said in a low voice.

Through the glass, through the rain, he saw thousands of blurred faces.

All "Yan Junxun" stayed in the glass room, doing the same questions across the heavy rain.

Artemis whispered this sentence to the "Yan Junxun" like a news broadcast.

"Jun Xun is the best kid."