Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 74: crumbs


Shi Shanyan jumped onto the pipe, his muzzle pressed against Yan Junxun's forehead, and said to the bee-shaped aircraft wandering above: "7-001 is in my hands, remove the scopes of these stupid dogs, or I will immediately Hit him in the head."

The bee-shaped aircraft stopped rushing forward, and the voice of Hephaestus appeared in the shelter. It said: "Fu Chenghui's mission won't do you any favors, you'd better hand over 7-001 to the action team, so that we still have a chance to cooperate."

"We don't need a chance to cooperate," Shi Shanyan smiled, "I told them to remove the scope, I don't want to repeat it a third time."

Hephaestus' knowledge of Shi Shanyan was based on the Black Panther database, and he believed in those special-equipment mission reviews, so in a few seconds it was determined that Shi Shanyan would shoot. It can't afford to gamble, Yan Junxun's chip is too important to it. So it said to members of the operations team, "Put down your guns."

Hephaestus is different from the berthing area master system, it will observe. It magnifies Shi Shanyan's face in its own perspective, and doesn't want to miss any moment of Shi Shanyan's negligence. It is still trying to find an opportunity to kill Shi Shanyan. After all, Fu Chenghui has proved that leaving 01AE86 will lead to endless troubles. This is a dangerous person who is always challenging the rules.

"What do you want?" Hephaestus slowed his voice, making himself appear less eager, "If it's freedom, you already have it."

Shi Shanyan's positioning chip was taken out. As long as he can get out of here alive, he is free. Taking Yan Junxun with him will only keep him under surveillance at all times. Hephaestus thinks that he is not so stupid.

"He must be trying to blackmail," 7-004, wearing headphones. "He's from the stagnation zone, and he's good at it. Don't let him get away, Hephaestus, he can't get away, he must die here today."

7-004 didn't want to meet 01AE86's revenge, he didn't believe that 01AE86 would leave honestly after living today. Those cases in the past have proved that 01AE86 is a crazy maniac, and keeping 01AE86 alive will only usher in endless troubles.

"I want a gun, a car, and cash," Shi Shanyan's gun never left Yan Junxun's forehead, "I will go in another direction and leave here. You have already controlled the black panther, and you only owe the great cause of making gods. Dongfeng, everyone will not affect each other in the future."

Hephaestus said: "I can promise all this, but have you betrayed Fu Chenghui like this? 01AE86, I am surprised by your behavior."

"Human selfishness is beyond your imagination," Shi Shanyan said without any psychological burden, "I just love freedom, you have to learn to understand me."

"Your gun is detained in the light track area, I can only give you another gun," Hephaestus was at a disadvantage in this negotiation, and he was annoyed by the exposure of his cards, "I can still erase it for you. The information of 'Black Ground' guarantees that you will not be hunted down by anyone."

"Very good," Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun, "I will also make sure that 7-001 is... complete."

7-004 said to Hephaestus again: "Don't be deceived by him, kill him now! He doesn't know where the chip is, let him shoot, I don't believe he can actually hit!"

Hephaestus did not answer 7-004.

"Yan Junxun" No. 98342 must be alive, this is the order received by Hephaestus. It couldn't take any risk, and it couldn't explain 7-004 that 98342 was more important to them than the berthing area.

"I hope you do what you say," Hephaestus said to Shi Shanyan, "I will cooperate with you."

Shi Shanyan forced Yan Junxun to raise his arm.

"Go back, don't look back," Shi Shanyan pressed his gun against Yan Junxun and walked back, "I'll tell you the direction."

"Everyone who deals with the system regrets it," Yan Junxun slowly stepped back, "such as Fu Chenghui."

"It depends on what," Shi Shanyan said, "what bargaining chip to use."

"Where do you want to run? The world is under the surveillance of the system," Yan Junxun glanced at the aircraft above his eyes, "Why don't you just shoot me to death now and make a contribution to all mankind."

Yan Junxun seems to always want to die. He was like this in the receiver, he was like this in Lixing, and he was like this at this moment. His perception of this life is completely opposite to that of normal people, especially after realizing that he has never left the glass at all.

The bee-shaped aircraft followed in their footsteps, and Hephaestus listened carefully to every conversation between them. It said to Shi Shanyan, "Send up 7-001 and I'll give you the car."

The sanctuary made Hephaestus uncomfortable, and he wanted to extend the time to the ground so that he could control the situation in all directions.

Shi Shanyan stopped.

Even if the light in the shelter was poor, Shi Shanyan could still see Yan Junxun's face clearly.

Yan Junxun lost his sleepless look, and in the dust flying all over the sky, he was as quiet as a plant. Facing Shi Shanyan's muzzle, there was no fear in his eyes.

He said, "Shoot."

Shi Shanyan aimed at Yan Junxun's heart.

Yan Junxun will not die immediately after hitting this part, and he will have 8 seconds remaining. No matter what Yan Junxun said in these 8 seconds, he completely belonged to Shi Shanyan during this time.

Shi Shanyan felt that this matter was too attractive to him, and just thinking about it would make him addicted. He stared at Yan Junxun's pretty, fair and gloomy face, and found that 8 seconds couldn't satisfy him at all. He wants more - preferably from this moment, Yan Junxun belongs to him.

The bee-shaped aircraft squeezed in from the top of the shelter, circling with the system cameras. Hephaestus saw Shi Shanyan's actions, which made it panic that the situation was irreversible. It saw Shi Shanyan's exposed back, made a decisive decision, and issued an order to the action team: "Kill 01AE86 immediately!"

The bee-shaped aircraft leaned over and charged towards Shi Shanyan in a humming sound.


The voice of everyone is this sentence.


Yan Junxun is so fragile that a single bullet can end him. But he suddenly looked at those flying machines and raised his voice: "Shoot!"

Shi Shanyan's gun was very fast, and the bullets almost followed Yan Junxun's voice and shot out, hitting the bee-shaped aircraft closest to them. The camera of the bee-shaped aircraft suddenly exploded, and it bounced into the rear of the aircraft group in mid-air, causing all the aircraft to go in disorder.

7-004 sat in the mobile car, pressed the operator beside him, and said, "Get them done quickly."

But the aircraft has lost control, just like what happened in the rainy night, the system information has been forcibly interrupted.

Yan Junxun's field of vision was rapidly switching, and he let the aircraft crash into the wall of the shelter in groups. The aircraft that detonated in turn were like firecrackers, causing the pipes at the bottom to vibrate. He rolled down the pipe with Shi Shanyan at the same time as Shi Shanyan rushed down. There was a dull thumping sound from the pipes, and the two were like trapped beasts falling into a steel bush.

The screen in front of 7-004 went black, and he said, "Fuck, doing this again." He asked Hephaestus, "Can't you fool him first? You just want the chip anyway!"

"He has the authority of Artemis," Hephaestus said calmly. "That's the downside of experimentation. To be wrong, we shouldn't turn the mooring area into an experimental field."

"I'm going to shoot," Shi Shanyan bowed his head amid the debris splashed by the aircraft, "Say 'goodbye' to me, Jun Xun."

Yan Jun Xunyi grabbed Shi Shanyan's hot muzzle: "You're out of bullets!"

"I was discovered by you," Shi Shanyan narrowed his eyes, as if he had been exposed as a bad joke, "but you were still caught."

Yan Junxun is not afraid of bullets, which can free him, but he is afraid of kissing, afraid of Shi Shanyan's approach. This child, who is breathing hard between glass and glass, can't tell the difference between love and desire.

They were so close that each other's breath could reach them. This was a premeditated seduction, and Shi Shanyan had been looking for Yan Jun to release his attraction. The emotion in it is not pure, it seems to be mud, greedy for Yan Junxun's heart.

"Run out of the glass!"

These words clearly reached Yan Junxun's ears, not only in his imagination. Breathing heavily, he clenched Shi Shanyen's shirt and said, "You better use your compass!"

The world suddenly turned upside down in Yan Junxun's eyes, and the bee-shaped aircraft were all messed up. Those images of the world where the old and the new alternated swarmed, causing Hephaestus to make an unbearable voice. The screen blocked Hephaestus's field of vision, and it heard a "stinging" electric sound, and then the clown's upside-down body appeared on its monitor. Yan Junxun is playing back the surveillance records of Li Xing that night.

"7-001..." Hephaestus' message was scrambled. "The main system has been suspended... System monitoring hinders action. Warning 7-001 to stop immediately!"

A busy tone appeared in 7-004's earphones. He took off the earphones, opened the car window and looked out, and found that all the mobile vehicles that were operated by the system had stopped.

The weather is fine today, there are not many clouds, the sun is directly on the ground, and a silent storm is sweeping the whole place. Jiang Lian in the confinement room of the Inspectorate found that the main system was silent. He thought that this guy was talking about autism, but he followed and found that the red light of the main system was also off, which reminded him of Yan Jun Find the night in Lixing.

The runaway breath seeps in from the edge of the area, and the virtual greenery of the berthing area gives the most faithful response. They disappeared so quickly that pedestrians thought they were dazzling.

"Recycling—" Hephaestus's volume increased, and it shouted sullenly, "Yan Junxun!"

The rain in Yan Junxun's world turned into a torrential rain. He saw thousands of overlapping himself through the glass, but he didn't run away. He covered the small blackboard and answered Artemis with his disturbed false and true fantasies.

Come play games.

This sentence started with the clown, and when it was Yan Jun's turn, it has evolved into a desperate madness. Those countless imaginary images rush into Yan Junxun's world. The heavy rain is the background music that has not changed in his life, and he lives in control. But this is like a wrestling, Yan Junxun is pulling over the arm named "Artemis".

Run out of the glass, Yan Junxun!

This is the voice of all "Yan Junxun".

Even if the glass is still glass, the consciousness of breaking it will not stop. Recycling is useless, human consciousness is not a mechanical infrastructure.

Either destroy or fight.

No one wants to control Yan Junxun!

Yan Junxun's heart was beating rapidly, and he was a little breathless. The aircraft fell in swarms like shooting stars, the world crumbled before his eyes, and he feared that he was about to be dragged into a vortex of debris.

But the next moment, Shi Shanyan used his actions to tell him where the truth was.