Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 77: Imprisoned


This sentence is mixed with blood, making simple words sick.

Shi Shanyan took Yan Junxun's "kill you" as a confession, because so far, Yan Junxun has only told him. Without the glass, Yan Junxun's innocence belongs to him. He can confuse black and white, confuse concepts, and show his inferiority to Yan Jun.

He desecrated the tribute on the altar, just like that night at Lixing.

This time, Yan Junxun didn't have a rabbit tail or black stockings, and he was covered by Shi Shanyan's palm.

"you are cute."

These words were repeated in Yan Junxun's ears, implying some kind of expectation.

Yan Junxun couldn't hear Shi Shanyan's speech like this. The voice was too loud, making his ears tingle. He knocked over the little blackboard, and now no one can save him. He was trapped in Shi Shanyan's palm, and he was very close to Shi Shanyan.

There were waves in Yan Junxun's eyes, and his voice was a little fierce in the fine breath: "Don't kiss me!"

Shi Shanyan stuck his thumb between Yan Junxun's mouth, and his voice sounded like a deception: "Kissing won't get pregnant."

Yan Junxun's lips were very thin, and when they got wet, they showed a magnificent color. With the tear mole at the corner of his eyes, it was a look that made Shi Shanyan coveted.

"Kissing is polite..." Shi Shanyan's voice bewitched Yan Junxun, "You will get pregnant if you love me."

He said it so truthfully that it seemed to be true.

The love that Yan Junxun thought was all explained in textbooks, it was pure and translucent, but Shi Shanyan's love was a turbid and disorderly wave, which he couldn't resist. This is the wild way of a strange world. Xiao Tiancai's beautiful butterfly bones did not grow wings, so he could only fall into Shi Shanyan's arms, and the lion grabbed his throat.

"Kill..." Yan Junxun was washed away in Shi Shanyan's imprisonment, physiological tears wetted his tear mole, and his voice finally turned into a small and shameful sob, "Kill you."

Tokiyama responded with kisses, hugs, and bites.

* * *

Jue is browsing the task records of the main system.

Jiang Lian's shirt was wrinkled beyond recognition. He quickly sucked on the instant noodles and asked Jue, "What did you see?"

"About Mr. Yan's order."

Jue lit up the screen, and the encrypted command received by the main system appeared on it.

"'The mission termination time is August 8'," Jiang Lian looked up at the encrypted command and read it softly, "This is different from the termination time I received."

Jue said, "Do you mind if I relax? I'm too nervous right now."

Jiang Lian nodded hesitantly.

Jue played Tetris on the other end of the screen, and it said, "I hope you can talk more about the 'Mite Protocol' situation."

"This is Fu Chenghui's proposal. I thought it was an opportunity for Jun Xun. After all, he has never been able to integrate into the Inspectorate." Jiang Lian put down the instant noodles. "The arrest will make everyone better aware of his abilities."

"Mr. Yan really did an excellent job."

"Yeah," Jiang Lian looked at the empty corridor, "but that doesn't allow him to blend in with us."

The genius prediction not only did not let Yan Jun find the friendship of colleagues, but pushed him further. His predictions were too accurate, and colleagues had to worry. Yan Junxun is not good at words, and his behavior of avoiding the crowd makes him look even more difficult to contact.

"I will submit reports on Junxun regularly. This is the order of Fu Chenghui at the beginning. We made a Junxun observation manual, and the daily information in it was provided by Pang Da's interview. It was about a year ago that I learned about Junxun. Xun is a relevant person in the Artemis experiment, but no one told me the specific situation, Fu Chenghui said it was a secret."

Jiang Lian was puzzled by this experiment, but he knew one thing very well, that it was no accident that Yan Junxun was placed in the parking area.

"Fu Chenghui will send 01AE86 to the berthing area after the 'mites' arrest. I have raised objections about this matter, but Fu Chenghui insists on it. At that time, I began to doubt the true identity of 01AE86. After all, the top black panther sniper came to us. It’s too ridiculous to solve the case in a place where birds don’t shit. It sounds fantastic. Jun Xun is also very dissatisfied with this. We once discussed sending Shi Shanyan back, but Fu Chenghui rejected it.” Jiang Lian said I got angry here, "It's so fucking hard, Fu Chenghui has to stuff people here in the bigger fart in the parking area."

01AE86's transfer order was the beginning of Jiang Lian's dissatisfaction with Fu Chenghui's arbitrary and domineering, but Shi Shanyan was unexpectedly very good, and he didn't cause any trouble to the Inspectorate here. His only danger seems to be escaping from prison and fleeing the separation area to find Yan Junxun. Before he shot and killed the 7-020 observer, Jiang Lian's assessment of Shi Shanyan's danger level had been adjusted to B.

"So the content of the 'Mite Protocol' is only to receive 01AE86," Jue extracted the key point, "but you said that you also received the order of the mission termination time."

"The termination time I received is 'to be determined'," Jiang Lian said. "Fu Chenghui is still observing Jun Xun. In his words, 'the experiment has not been completed'."

However, Black Panther has now changed its mind.

"I couldn't get through to Fu Chenghui, and 7-006 was replaced. Fu Chenghui didn't explain it to me, and the system manager dismissed me without authorization. The most peculiar thing is that 7-004, he actually has My dismissal document." The sequelae of Jiang Lian's confinement is that he easily falls into anxiety, which is a kind of anxiety that has not yet gotten rid of the confinement mentality, and he is in a strong sense of unease, "I hope to get a reasonable explanation, why, why? I have absolutely no idea what's wrong!"

"Brother Jiang," Jue stopped playing the game, "Calm down."

Its soft voice soothed Jiang Lian, who let out a long breath while his hands trembled slightly. His shoulders slumped, he took off his glasses, and covered his face with his hands, looking very decadent: "... I'm sorry, Jue."

"It's alright," Jue turned off Tetris, used the data on the light screen to create a naive little man, and made a "pat" motion toward Jiang Lian, "This is a normal reaction. Don't be nervous, you can relax. , here is the Inspectorate, you are the boss, we are safe now."

Jiang Lian was silent for a long time and asked, "Where is 7-004 and the main system?"

"7-004 is still tracking Mr. Yan, and his location shows that he is near the Low Au Mountains. The system in charge is sleeping," Jue put a question mark on the screen, "I don't know what happened, but I woke up."

"You have the authority to manage the system?"

"Yes," Jue thought for a while, "it's not quite the same as my settings... It's very confusing to me. When I woke up, the main system was still chatting with Athena, and my instinct told me that I couldn't let them continue."

It even used the word "intuition".

"I'm very sorry, I browsed their chat logs without authorization. The main system calls the berthing area 'Area 14', and also mentions 'Experiment No. 98342', and 'Artemis Mode'. I am very concerned about this information. Did a search and integration and came to the following conclusions." It said softly, "Hopefully that doesn't scare you."

Jiang Lian looked at Jue's light screen with complicated eyes. He admits he was horrified when he heard the word "intuition". Jue is not a poor imitation of the main system, it is truly considerate.

In order to be polite, it never used the system camera to face Jiang Lian.

Jiang Lian, who figured this out, had another subtle fear.

What's wrong with this world? The systems seem to be evolving rapidly. Jue's humanoid level is even higher than before falling asleep. It didn't understand human emotions very well a few months ago, and would have an "unintelligible" answer to Park Lin's emotions. But now it handles so well that it seems like it was developed specifically for this.

"Go ahead," Jiang Lian sat in the absurd vortex, "...I believe you."