Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 79: mechanical


7-004 is a jackal.

With his gear on his back, he searched down the tunnels of the shelter, and soon found himself on the wrong track. He stood up from the pipe, stuck chewing gum on the iron wall of the pipe, and said, "Fuck, the traces are all fake."

"These bee-type aircraft are malfunctioning," the team member opened the backpack, "Hephaestus has not responded to the message."

"Sometimes the system," 7-004 pointed his head at the team members, "is like a mental retardation, which is of no use in this dangerous mission. If you want to kill 01AE86, you have to rely on yourself."

There was an observer in the team, and his backpack was unusually heavy. He asked, "What should I do about 7-001 Yan Junxun? The system didn't say where he can fight and where he can't fight."

"Just keep his head," 7-004 turned around and looked at the other end of the complicated road, "Hephaestus wants the chip, not him."

"Are we really going to go back with the chip?" The observer glanced at the turned off guide, "Go back to the combat command center."

There was some shyness in his expression, as if some monster was hiding in the Black Panther Combat Command Center.

"That's not necessarily true," 7-004 took off his sunglasses as he spoke. "The chip is equivalent to the 'God's key.' Get it, and the choice is in our hands."

7-004 is not ugly, his eyes are slender, and he puts all his ambitions in it.

"Find them before the sun rises."

He patted the observer's backpack, meaning.

"I really hate the sun."

* * *

Yan Junxun was very cautious about his memory, but when he became Experiment No. 98342, he could no longer trust any of his memories. The opening of his eyes in 2162 changed his world, and looking at it now, it should have been his first attempt at being thrown into the crowd.

"Aris has no face either," Shi Shanyan's shoulder touched Yan Junxun, "it shared an image with Fu Chenghui in the early days."

This is the favorite stalk of TV programs in the wartime zone. They overlapped Fu Chenghui and Ares, claiming that this is a great fusion of human beings and the system, symbolizing the strength of the alliance. Yan Junxun's memory began in 2162, so he didn't have Shi Shanyan to understand these things. The alliance has always shown a state of excitement about the Civil War, which is most obvious in development areas such as the Light Track District.

"Fu Chenghui represented oligarchy, but the Black Panthers did not profit from it. Power was only held by a small group of people who invented the 'blood theory' to solve the problem of the stagnant zone."

Shi Shanyan could hear Yan Junxun's breathing, softly, reminding him of Xiao Yefeng in Section 154 of the stagnation zone.

"The plague broke out in the stagnant area in 2150," Shi Shanyan curled up his arms after learning from Yan Junxun, and squeezed close to Yan Junxun, "the reason is that it was bombed."

A system failure in the light track area caused the bomb to fall into the stagnation area. This is the only explanation that can be found, but which system caused it, the Alliance has no record.

"There was a mental hospital in Division 154 before 2150," Shi Shanyan said, "a lot of women were detained in it."

They lie at the steel window all day long, hugging the pillow as their own child. They get excited when they see Shi Shanyan. Each woman claims to be Shi Shanyan's mother and pours the only rice soup she has left over to Shi Shanyan.

Shi Shanyan lives outside the mental hospital, and his only friend is a wild dog. He only goes out at night. When the sun was out of the horizon and Section 154 was no longer so hot, he would take the wild dogs across the sea of garbage, climb the walls of the mental hospital, and get the day's rations from the hands of these "mothers" sticking out of the narrow windows.

In 2150, when Shan Yan was 11 years old, he saw a red light across the night sky in the sea of garbage, hitting the ground like a meteor, and a wind strong enough to blow him over. The dingo dragged him into the den, and he held the dingo when he heard the pounding of hail outside.

"The bombing in 2150 razed the mental hospital to the ground. In the ruins, I met the military personnel sent by the Alliance to investigate. They were in a dilemma of food shortages after the transport ship was stopped, so they ate my friends." Shi Shanyan's voice was emotionless, his eyes were staring into the darkness, "There are still some mice."

These so-called military personnel did not wait for the pick-up and drop-off plane in the light track area. After the transport ship was shut down, plague broke out in 160 sub-districts of the stagnant area, and the area was completely blocked. During the five-year blockade, all the outside news that Shi Shanyan heard came from regional public broadcasting.

[The league's tomorrow will be better.]

[The commander will lead us to the new world.]

These regional public broadcasts became the characteristic landscape of the stagnant area, and Shi Shanyan continued to wander in their unrestricted loop broadcasts, and his wandering range was always within Division 154, staying with the military personnel who were left behind. He learned fighting skills from these people, as well as sniping. In 2155, the Black Panther announced the "law of survival" to the stagnant zone, and Shi Shanyan got rid of these "teachers" before signing up.

Yan Junxun turned his face sideways and said, "This is the big bombing that the scalpel said."

"That's right," Shi Shanyan also turned his face sideways, "The bombing blew up the stagnant zone, and the recovery after the war depends entirely on the system."

The environment in the stagnant zone is deteriorating faster than expected, and extreme weather changes make it no longer suitable for human survival. The "blood theory" separates the residents of the stagnation zone from the residents of the Alliance. They are rumored to be degenerate in fertility, irritable and aggressive, and belong to the natural criminal population described by Ares. The stagnation zone is thus isolated. It became a driftwood on the waves, with only one end still tied to the hemp rope.

The introduction to the stagnant area in the Alliance News stays on the "organization". The 160 divisions of the stagnant area have gradually become synonymous with the organization. Every year, only the official transport ship belonging to the Black Panther will go to the stagnant area to distribute food. No one or the system was responsible for the bombing, and not even the residents of the stagnation zone had any idea what was going on.

They all thought about what the scalpel said, and these things may have originated from the Artemis experiment.

"The mental hospital in Division 154..."

"It is one of the systematic confinement centers established by the Alliance in the berthing area in 2140."

When Yan Junxun was in Lixing, he was thinking of a few things.

Artemis, Clown, Fu Chenghui.

The "Mite" action is an arrest action advocated by Fu Chenghui. This action is to put the "hunting knife" Shi Shanyan by Yan Junxun's side, and kill Yan Junxun when necessary. In this way, Fu Chenghui even thought that Hephaestus would come to the berthing area to recover Yan Junxun. The contradiction in the middle is that since he knew that the system would act spontaneously in two years, why didn't he kill Yan Junxun when he left the Black Panther

The shelter made Yan Junxun feel relaxed. Even if it didn't stop Hephaestus' pursuit, it did relieve the pressure on Yan Junxun's head. There were secrets deep in the coke factory that he couldn't see.

"We can't stay here for too long," Yan Junxun felt that his head started to hurt again, it was the chip that was creating unease, "We have to catch up with the scalpel quickly."

* * *

The space of the Vault Pipeline restricted the direction, and they could only travel in one direction. After passing through the narrow road, it entered a more complicated junction of pipelines. It's like the internal organs of the body, the pipes of different sizes are crowded together, and it looks a little nauseating in the dark.

"The scalpel left a mark," Shi Shanyan found scratches on the iron wall of the pipe, "they went to the right."

Yan Junxun looked to the right, and there was intermittent beating and echoing inside the dark pipe. He gradually became irritated by this echo, as if his thoughts were interrupted.

"It's too noisy," Yan Junxun raised his hand and covered one of his ears, "the sound went all the way."

Shi Shanyan didn't speak, but clenched Yan Junxun's wrist.

Yan Junxun noticed something in this moment of silence. He looked at Shi Shanyan and said, "...You can't hear it."

Shi Shanyan's ears were very sensitive, but he didn't hear anything. It was quiet inside the pipe, except for their voices.

Yan Junxun felt a little weird, but this situation was not unusual. Maybe something was interfering with the chip, which affected him and gave him an illusion. He regarded the sound as a problem with the chip.

The bottom of the pipe gradually filled with water again, just enough to cover his ankles.

When Shi Shanyan walked forward, he could see graffiti on the walls on both sides, but he couldn't see exactly what was drawn. His lighter was lost on the way and could not light up.

"You said the berthing area is an experimental field," Shi Shanyan said suddenly, "Jue is also an experimental product."

"Its evolution ability is stronger than the main system," Yan Junxun also found the graffiti on both sides, the outlines of those lines are somewhat familiar, "It can sense the emotional changes of human beings, it is not accidental that Park Lin fell in love with it. Su Heting stopped berthing. When the zone system is active, it behaves differently from the normal system."

He paused when he said this.

"I'm not suspecting it's a bad boy."

Yan Junxun likes Jue, the kind that can become friends. Jue's evolution has not shown aggression, and has even become more gentle. If there is an ideal evolutionary template for intelligent systems, it must be Jue.

"I opened Jue after interfering with Hephaestus, it was a risk, but I hope it can take Jiang Lian out of trouble. The Inspectorate is no longer safe..."

Before Yan Junxun finished speaking, he kicked something with his toes, and the other party fell to the ground with a bang.

"There is something." Yan Junxun carefully retracted his foot.

Shi Shanyan bent down and picked up a small hat in the dirty water. He moved his gaze forward and saw an old robot lying on its side in the water.

This little robot is very small, with rust on its limbs, as if it had been placed here for a long time. It fell into the dirty water, facing Yan Junxun's direction, its electronic eyes like goggles shone faintly.


The voice of the little robot was cut off, and it made a murmur of "stinging".

"you're back."

Yan Junxun was familiar with this sound, although it was the most common electronic sound, but—

"Yes. I live here, this is my home."

"I don't have a father."

"Teacher, welcome home."

This is the little robot of Huo Qingjun, the victim of the Chen Xiulian case.

The author has something to say: There is a bug, there are only 160 partitions in the stagnant area, not 200.