Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 8: Xiulian


"You mean, he hates those who commit sexual assault," Jiang Lian put down his chopsticks, "and is afraid of the photos and videos in their room that symbolize the sexual assault process, so he may have experienced sexual assault, right? Too much like PTSD."

Yan Junxun fell into silence. He often fell into silence, no matter how noisy the surroundings were, it couldn't interfere with his thinking.

The smoke between Shi Shanyan's fingers lit quietly, he thought: What a beautiful hunting posture.

"He's been sexually assaulted, more than once. He can empathize with victims of sexual assault, but he doesn't empathize with them, and he doesn't empathize with himself. He's familiar with sexual assault — sexual violence is more appropriate, he's familiar with it, and he's comfortable with it. Feeling terrified and hopeless about this incident. He closed the curtains in Liu Xincheng's room because the pictures Liu Xincheng posted on the windows scared him; he didn't clean Liu Xincheng's urinal, but also because the screenshots of photos on the walls of the urinal scared him . He is full of fear of Liu Xincheng's home. Have you ever taken pictures of the graffiti in Liu Xincheng's corridor? There is a woman with a beard painted on her face, which was added by the murderer, and he regards that as a self-portrait."

Jiang Lian pressed the details and asked, "Why did he draw a beard?"

"Because he thought of himself as a man when he committed the crime." The beer mug Yan Junxun was holding was dripping with water, and his palm was wet, "Across the window of Li Jianhua's living room is a glass building, and the murderer is standing there. It was like looking in a mirror in the living room. He couldn't look in the mirror, it would disillusion him, so he drew the curtains in Li Jianhua's house."

The graffiti in Liu Xincheng's corridor is full of sexual innuendos. Yan Junxun remembers the beard on the woman's face, but they seem to be small notes stored in the corner, buried by the photos in the room. Yan Junxun didn't notice it at first, until when they came out of Li Jianhua's house, what Shi Shanyan said—

The giant baby doesn't want to be a dad.

Since the giant baby doesn't want to be a father, Liu Xincheng, who has a clear sexual orientation, doesn't want to rape a man with a beard. The murderer tried to be a man in both victims' rooms, and the "man" imagination allowed him to carry out his plans with confidence. He got strength from it, got the strength that once hurt himself.

Jiang Lian's expression changed slightly: "Is the murderer a woman?"

"Separating corpses is a technical job," Shi Shanyan's fingers burned to the end, and he put the cigarette out in the ashtray, "She doesn't know much, and she doesn't have enough strength, so she can only use other things to cut it. So the corpse was handled in a mess. The bruises and bruises on the surface of the body were in different directions, because she had to keep dragging the body while cutting, so that the body was in the most convenient position for cutting."

The barbecue on the iron net was still simmering with oil, only Shi Shanyan picked up the tweezers again.

"The site of the dismemberment is not at the victim's house, and the victim is staying in a relatively densely populated community. How can she make them go downstairs obediently?" Jiang Lian raised his arm, "Even if she is a fighting coach, it is impossible to put the victim down. Just drag it downstairs. Especially Li Jianhua, he is not easy to deal with."

"No," Yan Junxun looked at Jiang Lian, "Li Jianhua is the best way to deal with it. There is no residential parking lot in Huihe and the dam, and all vehicles must be parked outside. The murderer wants Liu Xincheng and Huo Qingjun to walk over, only Li Jianhua does not need it. , the elevator in the Puli community leads directly to the underground parking lot.”

It was completely dark outside the barbecue shop, there were more and more people in the hall, and the next door was also full of people. Shi Shanyan ate four plates of Southern Route Beef Short Ribs in such a noisy environment, and it seemed that listening to the case analysis would give him a big appetite.

"How did she let Li Jianhua go downstairs?"

"Put it in the cleaning car in the building," Yan Junxun's beer mug was full again, and the foam filled the mouth of the mug. He said, "When you come out, you can also take away the garbage at the door for the neighbor next door. I told her to do this. She is very professional and may have passed the test. She was married, and the person who abused her was most likely her husband. She had children, but not now. She blames herself for her children and wants to give them one A better home, and a better father, so she became a husband in Li Jianhua's home who was exactly what she imagined. She should have no savings, otherwise she would dress up Li Jianhua's home to make it look warmer ."

Jiang Lian thought for a while and said, "I will start investigating the domestic violence records in the berthing area tonight, but the information is incomplete, so I can only hope that she has once asked the Inspectorate for help."

"Pay more attention to those who have no husbands to ask for help," said Yan Junxun as the beer foam gradually disappeared. "Liu Xincheng may not be the No. 1 victim."

After eating, Jiang Lian sent them to the door.

"Tomorrow, I will stay at the Inspectorate. The geographic portrait is trying to determine the range of her activities so as to find the site of the dismemberment." Jiang Lian put his hands in his pockets and stood there, "You go to Huo Qingjun's house tomorrow, if you find anything, Tell me." He hesitated for a while, "I actually wanted to say just now that there is something suspicious about Huo Qingjun's sexual assault case. The time he was in prison coincided with the chaos in the berthing area, and many evidences are now untenable. , I mean if…”

Yan Junxun nodded, and he knew it.

Jiang Lian was relieved and waved at Yan Junxun. Yan Junxun waited for Jiang Lian to enter before opening the car door. Before he could sit down, he saw Shi Shanyan.

Shi Shanyan is good at anti-guests, no matter what the atmosphere is, he has the upper hand. It is difficult for him not to be a good sniper, and he wants to control the highest kill point anytime, anywhere. He admired the change in Yan Junxun's eyes, and said in a low voice, "Welcome."

The night wind passed through the various neon lights, blowing Yan Junxun's black hair. He lowered his eyes and stared at Shi Shanyan, in the silence that seemed to be isolated from outside sounds, his eyes were like an animal that had been dormant for a long time.

"You do this job not because you are good at it, but because you need it." Shi Shanyan said deceitfully, "You learned hunting skills from Artemis, hiding in this steel jungle, only dare to be careful licking his teeth. How pathetic."

"You can also pretend to be a savior," Yan Junxun said calmly, "use your knowledge of those perverts to earn a free meal for yourself, instead of wearing a dog chain like you are now."

Shi Shanyan's rolled-up cuff showed a restraint lock, and its remaining wrist buckle was stuck on Shi Shanyan's forearm. His arms could now be stretched to half a meter wide, and the electric current swam between his arms like an eel. However, always remind him to keep a safe distance.

"Don't say that," Shi Shanyan leaned towards Yan Junxun, his straight nose exposed in the faint neon light, "I dare to take it off and move freely, do you dare?"

"Waiting for the day you can really take it off," Yan Junxun lowered his body and lowered his voice, and there was a bit of mockery in the pause of his voice, "Ask me again."

The current of the restraint lock suddenly flowed, causing Shi Shanyan's arms to turn red, and the tingling sensation burst through him like a tide, making him clearly feel his existence. He enjoyed Yan Junxun's indifferent gaze and the pain.

"I found happiness," Shi Shanyan laughed gradually, licked his lower teeth, and said fiercely, "You fucking hurt me."

Yan Junxun looked at him and whistled briskly.

* * *

Honglin Iron and Steel Plant is located near Guangtie in the berthing area. It is one of the old factories facing bankruptcy in this iron and steel industrial park. At its peak more than ten years ago, it acquired many small local steel processing workshops, and now its scale has shrunk to only Thirty coke transport vehicles. The virtual greening in the factory always fails. At this moment, it is only half lit, and it looks like it was bitten by a dog on the side of the road.

"Xiao Chen," Yang Yu, who had just finished cleaning, stood in the door and waved to Chen Xiulian, "I brought something good today!"

Chen Xiulian turned around. Her gray clothes had been changed, and they would not fall off when they were hung on her body. The exposed arms had muscle lines, but they were not deliberately trained, but the result of long-term desire to live in the steel factory. She raised her hand and wiped her face, her palm was a little dark, and there were many calluses on her palm.

"You have to get your own food when you go back so late," Yang Yu took out the iron lunch box from the cloth bag, "We have eaten together, you can go back to sleep. Oh, I really thank you some time ago, otherwise my salary will be deducted. "

The cafeteria of the Honglin Iron and Steel Plant has not been closed yet. The cafeteria aunt is familiar with the two of them. When she saw them walking in, she put her head in front of the dining window and shouted, "Hey, sit here! It's easy to talk here. There's more left for today. Lots of rice, and sweet and sour pork ribs."

"Xiao Chen didn't bring a lunch box today. You give her the whole bowl, and we'll wash it for you and send it back in a while." Yang Yu stood by the window where the meal was made, raised his hand and fixed the short hair beside his ear, and saw the ribs with joy. , "There's so much left! Then I'll bring some back to my daughter-in-law."

"Is she going to give birth? Hurry up," the cafeteria aunt put the spoon into Yang Yu's lunch box, "I think you're going to be exhausted right now. You have to work during the day and coax the child at night. "

Yang Yu picked a piece of spareribs from the lunch box with his hands, and after eating two bites, he said while sucking the bones, "It's okay for a while, thanks to Xiao Chen, who has worked for me a few times." Then he turned to Chen Xiulian. Laughing, "My grandson will make a full moon wine soon, you have to come."

Chen Xiulian saw the crow's feet on the corner of Yang Yu's eyes, and smelled the residual disinfectant on Yang Yu's hands. The pork ribs were stewed so badly that Yang Yu fell off as soon as he sucked it. The smell of meat mixed with the smell of disinfectant reminded her of something. After a while, she said, "Okay, okay."

Yang Yu turned out to be a female worker in a steel factory. Her husband drove a coke transport truck. A few years ago, her husband died of alcoholism, and she was also laid off by the steel factory. Until 2160, she went to the berthing area health service station to fill in the information and became the support object of the service station. The service station helped her find a job as a cleaner. She is not a regular worker of any cleaning company, but an off-site support. If anyone has any orders they don't want to do or can't do it in time, they will find her as a cleaner who is named at the service station.

The cleaning staff of Honglin Iron and Steel Plant resigned the year before, and the iron and steel plant looked for Yang Yu. Yang Yu has to support her family by herself, and a job in a steel factory is not enough, so she is still named in the punctual cleaning, and they give her the list they don't want. A few months ago, her daughter-in-law gave birth to a child. She had to take care of her daughter-in-law. She asked Chen Xiulian to help with the cleaning order on time.

Chen Xiulian was taciturn, but she was a nice person, and she would help every time they were in trouble. I heard that her husband had a car accident with his child driving after drinking a few years ago. The child died and her husband's leg was broken. Now he is paralyzed in his hometown.

"Is this thing easy to use?" Yang Yufan ate half of the meal and looked at the ID guide on Chen Xiulian's ear, "I want to get a second-hand one for my daughter-in-law, so that she can find me easily if she has anything."

"It's easy to use," Chen Xiulian didn't respond very quickly, always thinking too much, "It's easy to contact, you can go to the coke factory to buy it, it's cheaper there."

The aunt in the cafeteria was cleaning up the pots and pans inside and interjected: "Xiao Chen, can you drop me off later? My daughter, what kind of exhibition are they going to participate in today? They went to the central building, and my parents have to go. Pick it up. I think it's so far away that it's too late to take the bus."

Chen Xiulian picked up the pork ribs with chopsticks, and after a few bites, she nodded in a panic.

* * *

Chen Xiulian's car was an old-fashioned truck, so old that it hadn't been washed much.

It was not the first time for the auntie in the cafeteria to sit in the car. She was wearing a coat in the car, glanced back and said, "It's dark, what's in it? This car can quite carry it."

"Old and tattered," Chen Xiulian glanced at the rearview mirror from the corner of her eye, where she could see the rear bucket, she said, "Qinqin's equipment used by her father's factory is now obsolete and can only be sold as scrap metal."

"How's Qin Qin's dad doing recently?" Auntie turned around and asked Chen Xiulian, "Are your legs better? Come to the berthing area. Even if our medical facilities are not as good as those in Guangtong District, it's better than the hygiene of your hometown. Don’t make people lame the more they are ruled.”

Chen Xiulian drives very stably, and she has even worked as a coke puller. The corners of her mouth moved, but she wasn't smiling, and said, "I have no money this year, so I will bring him here next year. He has been running his business all his life, and now he is taken care of in bed, eating, drinking, and lhasa, so he has to stand up. ."

The auntie in the cafeteria picked up the melon seeds that had been in her pocket for an unknown amount of time. After hearing this, she became anxious and said, "Then you really support him for the rest of your life?" She spat out the shells of the melon seeds, "Are you stupid? It must be comfortable to stay at home. He doesn't need to worry about it inside and outside, you can arrange a young and beautiful babysitter for him, hey, you are stupid."

"He never listens to my words." Chen Xiulian looked at the headlights in front, like a group of fish swimming into the neon jungle, with a strong fishy smell.

She repeated this sentence in her head, and someone suddenly scolded in her ear: "Fuck your mother! You are smashing your mouth all day and night, are you cheap or not?"

Chen Xiulian pursed her lips and turned the steering wheel.

"Talk back! What are you pretending to be dead? Don't want me to cut your ears, Chen Xiulian! Don't think I can't reach you now lying in bed—"

The car stopped steadily at the destination.

While getting out of the car, the canteen aunt persuaded her: "Otherwise, get divorced earlier, he is not a good thing, listen to me."

Chen Xiulian smiled reluctantly. The cafeteria aunt wanted to say something. Seeing Chen Xiulian gradually pursing her lips, she said, "Ouch", standing by the door and whispering, "Are you two talking?"

"Tell her to let her go! You stinky bitch! Don't care about her!" The husband was furious in the ID channel, "I'll smash her face if you don't meddle! You're shameless, I'll let you drive her Is it? You bitch! Who let you touch my car? Is this yours? Get back!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Chen Xiulian suddenly smashed the steering wheel.

The loud noise of the car horn shocked the pedestrians outside. The auntie in the cafeteria didn't dare to listen any more, so she hurried away with her bag in hand. When she turned around, she could see Chen Xiulian sitting in the car with a red neck and scolding her husband hysterically.

"Scared someone to death..." The auntie in the cafeteria hurriedly walked on, "You've been in bad luck for eight lifetimes, marry this kind of man!"