Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 80: die


Yan Junxun crouched down and determined that this little robot was the one in Huo Qingjun's room.

The air in the pipe is very humid, and the shirt that has never been dried sticks to the skin, making Yan Junxun feel uncomfortable. The sound of rain that disappeared from his head sounded again, just a little, as if the rain was falling far away.

Who put the little robots here, waiting for them to find out

Shi Shanyan took the little robot's hat and stood up again. He approached the iron wall of the pipe, wiped it with his hand, and saw the graffiti on it.

Graffiti on the walls shows several exaggerated human bodies pulled into bows and women's faces painted with whiskers.

Shi Shanyan thought of the graffiti on the walls he had just seen when he got out of the shelter. At that time, they were just irregular lines, but now they have become familiar things.

Standing behind Shi Shanyan, Yan Junxun still remembered the beard on the graffiti woman's face: "This is the graffiti in Liu Xincheng's corridor."

There was no one in the empty pipe, Shi Shanyan and Yan Junxun were both sure that there was no one here. But the graffiti seemed to be a mockery, and there seemed to be laughter echoing in Yan Junxun's ears. The feeling of being watched came back again, making his hair stand on end.

Yan Junxun's originally clear thoughts were disrupted, he took a step back and looked at the graffiti suspiciously. Is that Park Lin? Or a scalpel? Who is doing this kind of thing? The system had been turned off, and Hephaestus couldn't monitor him through the chip.

I am looking at you.

Someone seemed to be saying this to him from a distance.

"Go forward," Shi Shanyan returned the hat to the little robot and held Yan Junxun's hand, "Go and see at the end."

They have no way out, they must move forward. This chaotic world is full of fog, and the discomfort of being watched always arises when they can vaguely see the truth.

The little robot lay on the ground, its hat wet with dirty water. Yan Junxun stepped over it, its goggle-like eyes twitched, and it was out of power. It's been using the residual power until now, as if it's just to talk to them.

The water at the bottom of the pipe increased and gradually did not reach Yan Junxun's calf.

Shi Shanyan raised his head and looked at the top of the pipe. He could hear the sound of water flowing against the iron wall: "There is a leak in the pipe."

Yan Junxun also raised his head and asked, "Do you know the time?"

"At our speed," Shi Shanyan said, "it should be around 23 o'clock now."

"I haven't heard the vibration of the light track for a long time," Yan Junxun didn't hear it at the scalpel's house, he continued, "Now there is only one hour left before the recovery time," Yan Junxun mentioned " There will be a slight pain in the head when it is recovered, like an ant biting, "If Hephaestus is not awake, Ares in the light track area should have noticed the abnormality."

The systems are punctual, and they are more accurate than humans. If Hephaestus didn't reply to Ares at the allotted time, it must have taken some kind of action. Yan Junxun understands Ares just as he understands Fu Chenghui.

The knocking sound inside the pipe became louder as they approached, and Yan Junxun began to wonder, was it really the sound he imagined? It's a little different than the sound produced by chip interference, it's more realistic.

"What do you want to do most when you leave the glass?" Shi Shanyan held Yan Junxun's hand tightly.

His question came so suddenly, like an unreasonable interruption.

Yan Junxun felt that his hand was hurting. He thought about it and replied, "Look at the stars. What about you? What do you want to do most when you leave the Black Panther?"

"Make love," Shi Shanyan and Yan Junxun clasped their fingers as he spoke, "to satisfy his vulgar desires."

"This is not true," Yan Junxun looked at the hands of the two people, "you are free."

"Surveillance is everywhere, Jun Xun," Shi Shanyan saw the iron gate hidden in the darkness, "I said something similar to you before, right?"

"You said 'we are all under surveillance every second'," Yan Junxun felt uneasy, "you were reminding me at the time."

"Can people maintain their normal physiological needs under minute-by-second monitoring?" Shi Shanyan repeated his past questions, and then answered by himself, "I can."

He seems to be proving something.

"A lot of our words seem to be repeated," Yan Junxun thought of the first meeting, "such as 'hello'. Have you met me before?"

Shi Shanyan did not answer this question. After he discovered the little robot, he became a little weird, as if he was thinking about some problems. The end of the pipe was just ahead, and the iron door was not locked. Shi Shanyan tried to push it, and it opened.

Run out of the glass, Yan Junxun!

These words suddenly interrupted the percussion, like a wake-up call, making Yan Junxun's head dizzy. He held on to the door and was caught in the dim light as he looked up.

"Raise your hand." The scalpel was holding the gun, aiming at Shi Shanyan.

Park Lin held the small flashlight and pointed it at Shi Shanyan. The power of the flashlight was low and it flashed.

"What are you doing?" Yan Junxun frowned.

"Looking for an undercover agent," the scalpel raised the muzzle, and some soot dropped from the cigarette in his mouth, "Damn, you even lied to me, you are not 01AE86 at all!"

Shi Shanyan looked indifferent: "Put down the gun."

"Brother Xun," Park Lin paled, "01AE86 does not exist in this world!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The percussion sound in Yan Junxun's head became faster, and the rhythm was like a timer.

Timer again! Since the Joker appeared, the timer kept coming.

"I said that there is no 01AE86 in this world!" Park Lin's flashlight flashed again, his voice trembled, and he raised his channel, "The last message received by the shelter receiver, '7-001 Shishan Yan, has been confirmed dead in 2162'. Brother Xun, he is fake!"

Park Lin was about to lose control in the continuous shock of information.

"Everything was fake from the beginning... Shi Shanyan was already dead! He was an undercover agent sent by Fu Chenghui. He took your trust and followed here just to—"

Before Park Lin finished speaking, the flashlight ran out. The moment the space fell into darkness, the scalpel fired. Yan Junxun was dragged down by Shi Shanyan, the bullet hit the door frame suddenly, and there was a loud noise in the pipe.

The timer suddenly returned to zero, and a warning sound was issued in Yan Junxun's head. The 8th is here and recycling time starts now!

"No. 01AE86..."

In the memory, Jiang Lian stood on the side of the road and introduced a new partner to Yan Junxun. The setting sun behind him gave the picture an old and run-down feeling. The broken picture cut Jiang Lian apart, he became countless he, and the voice was also separated.

"Hazard index specific S class."

"Did you hear about him when you were in the special forces?"

"… treat yourself as a gift."

There were gunshots in the front, and there were gunshots in the rear.

Yan Junxun hugged his head, the "beep" of the timer, the sound of Jiang Lian's introduction, and the sound of gunshots all surrounded him, causing his veins to jump. The empty shelter left him nowhere to hide, the chip tingled his nerves, and he almost couldn't tell the truth from the fake again in the noise!

"This is the setting of the world," the clown wiped his face exactly like Yan Junxun's. He whispered to Yan Junxun, "No one can escape the cosmos bottle."

[If the memory can be modified...]

[Answer me, Yan Junxun.]

[Do you know how many years it is now?]