Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 89: warn


It's still raining, and the Inspectorate's Weather Channel is broadcasting live, issuing a rainstorm warning to residents of the area.

"The transport ship is currently out of service," the anchor clasped his fingers and said to the camera, "The public transportation system will also be temporarily suspended, but everyone don't need to panic, the regional reserves are very sufficient, but there will be heavy rains these days. It is recommended that Everyone, reduce going out, pay attention to safety—”

The Weather Channel was cut.

"I had to ask the Inspectorate, what are you doing? Why haven't you acted yet?" Liu Chen was wearing a suit he had not changed. He was so emotional that he even stood up and waved his arms towards the camera. Flooded, the corpse floats in the water. My God, audience friends, the corpse floats in the water. Is this still a surveillance society? We surrendered our privacy to the inspectorate, which is abominable The homicides are still happening, and the Inspectorate can't guarantee the safety of the residents at all!"

Liu Chen's generous speech got stuck, and he was frozen on the TV screen. Yan Junxun continued to change the channel with an expressionless face.

"If you see this person, please call the following number immediately to contact the Inspectorate." The inspector pointed to the light screen, which showed a photo of the number 01AE86 holding a placard in the prison. "This is a dangerous person. Say it again, If you see…”

Yan Junxun changed the channel again.

The host of the entertainment channel raised his hands and shouted excitedly: "Let's welcome the clown circus with warm applause!"

A clown stepped out on a unicycle. He blew a kiss to the cheers from the audience and took off his hat. He turned the hat upside down towards the host, and it was empty inside.

The host said cooperatively: "Okay, I see it clearly, it's empty. What are you going to do?"

The Joker magically took a gun out of his hat, shot himself, and fell to the ground like he was dead. The host screamed in horror, and the audience screamed too. The clown suddenly sat up and turned the gun into a flower. The host laughed while clutching his chest, and the audience applauded.

"You're a magician," the host exclaimed, "a clown magician."

The camera has panned to the Joker, giving him a close-up of his face. He spread his hands to the audience, shrugging his shoulders and learning how to walk as a duck. The audience continued to laugh, and he walked back to the host, bent down to the host, and motioned for the host to stretch out his hand.

"What is it this time?" The host stretched out his hand, "I'm really looking forward to it."

The Joker took out the gun from behind and fired a shot at the host. The host fell to the ground, just like the Joker had just done. The audience laughed loudly, much to the delight of the Joker, who gave the camera a flamboyant smile.

But the host didn't stand up.

A few seconds later, the audience in the front row screamed first. She saw blood running along the stage and wet her shoes.

"Don't go," the clown hugged the camera, brought his face close, took pictures left and right, and said happily, "Do you like this show? Profiler!" He suddenly turned around and scolded the audience, "Don't be noisy! I'm so annoying! You guys are so noisy that I can't speak properly!" He turned back and said "tsk" irritably, "I brought a high-profile webcast, please keep your eyes on me. , look at me, I have something to say."

The stage lighting was well done, and the Joker felt satisfied.

"I said everyone, why don't you resist? Resist," the clown released his hand and waved urgingly, imitating Liu Chen's actions, "Monitoring the society will kill each of you, the inspectorate is the dictatorial black panther. I heard that," he whispered with his mouth closed, "I heard that Fu Chenghui is going to blow up this place."

[This person is crazy, hhh]

[Improvisation? What a rubbish show.]

[Fu Chenghui, he just said Fu Chenghui, here it should be @Inspectorate Jiang Lian. When the black dog comes out to work, someone scolds your father.]

"What are you doing?" Jiang Lian in the Inspectorate stood up and looked at the central screen, "Why are there real-time barrages? Didn't you turn them off? Hurry up!"

"I want to say that this is not a society that advertises freedom? I have freedom of speech," the clown scratched his head with the hand holding the gun, and changed his voice in fear, "I will be arrested for telling the truth, did I do something wrong? Did I commit a crime? I'm just here to save everyone!" He raised his hand and shot off a stage light, "Fu Chenghui blew up the stagnation zone a few years ago. You all know the stagnation zone, the women there—ah, I said that. "Women," the clown narrowed his eyes slightly, "women are great, they give birth to the world. I wish I was a woman too, so that I could contribute my womb. Hey, hey! Fu Chenghui wants the system to rule the world, you, You, the only use of women is this," the clown draws his little finger, "that is to nurture the world, to carry out reproductive activities for the human beings under the rule of the system, this is your profession."


[Incite gender opposition and you are dead.]

[Did Fu Chenghui not do it? He also called for the establishment of regional confinement centers. The current system of education is the prototype. It was said earlier that Fu Chenghui was not credible.]

[Women just want to have children, is it wrong to have children? Who the hell is gender-biased? How are you so sensitive!]

[Men and women don't get rhythm, this is a lunatic.]

The clown enjoys the barrage storm, he loves this moment, and manipulating public opinion can give him the pleasure of "being a man". He—it can't distort established facts in this world, but it can use this to stir up regional chaos. There is not much time left for the time-limited hunting, and the clown can't wait any longer. He has a new method, which he learned from Liu Chen and Chen Xiulian.

"Shh... Listen to me, I don't mean to offend you women, I'm just giving an example to help you recall what happened in the stagnant zone." The clown opened his eyes again, "Do you know where the confinement center in the stagnant zone is? I haven't answered it directly, because it was blown up by Fu Chenghui."

[? ? ?]

A question mark appeared on the barrage.

"Can't you turn it off?" Jiang Lian was like a trapped beast in front of the central light screen. He hadn't finished solving Yan Junxun's matter, so he could only shout in anxiety, "Be in charge of the system!"

"I'm a good guy, an honest guy. My main job is to be a clown, and my side job is to save the world. Listen to me, believe me, I'm not doing a terrorist attack. I'm not even going to work because of you," the clown said. He kicked away the host's body, "I'm going to be the first to say 'no' to the world, no!" It stood in the brightest position with its arms outstretched, continuing a dangerous speech, "I want to say where I want to, and talk to me. Can you come to me? Follow me. Fu Chenghui blew up the stagnation zone, don't you believe it? I have proof."

The Joker shows the public evidence of it, a video of his personal information in the stagnant zone that he once used in Lixing. With the word "cunning" written in its eyes, it changed its attack mode during this hunt and turned itself into a righteous party.

"We are all naked in the online world. This is the result of Fu Chenghui's request, but he did not give us protection. Watching these videos, they can be bought online for twenty yuan. Women in the stagnation zone no longer have children, that is not Their fault is Fu Chenghui. Information leakage is just the beginning, and danger is about survival. System monitoring keeps our living space shrinking, and freedom is about to disappear." The clown stared at the camera, his eyes were penetrating, as if he could see Yan You are looking for. It misappropriated Yan Junxun's lines and continued: "Human beings are full of personality. If we want to become livestock in the farm, it is worse than the destruction of the world, and the death of all."

The light of the TV screen shines on Yan Junxun's face, his face is not good, and his head "buzz" when he hears the inciting words of the clown. Holding the remote control in one hand, he pushed the hair in front of him with the other, revealing the forehead with the antipyretic sticker.

Today's Shi Shanyan doesn't know where he went, Yan Junxun has been unable to get out, he can only watch TV. The shit show upset him, but he didn't change the channel because the Joker gave him a sense of familiarity.

[Does the Inspectorate care? ?]

[Fuck, he was right, this is an information leak!]

[When we eat and sleep, we will be recorded by the system, and the system will sell these records. What are we?]

[Scalp is numb! Hey! ! !]

"I'm willing to stand up, everyone, stand up like a person." The clown started his rhythmic performance, "Say 'no' to the inspectorate headed by Fu Chenghui, and 'no' to the world! People live to fight! "

"Forcibly shut it down," Jiang Lian looked at the content of the barrage that was gradually getting out of control, "Don't let it have a rhythm! This is a terrorist attack, and it is spreading dangerous information!"

[Jiang Lianzhen just wanted Fu Chenghui to lick the dog, and Fu Chenghui should take care of it. He didn't even do his best as a son!]

[Jiang Lian, surnamed Fu, has been picked up long ago, and he bribed Fu Chenghui.]

[? ? ? I thought he was fine too!]

[He is so cheap, and his character is poor!]

Security and Inspectorate members burst into the lobby, warning the clown to raise his hand.

"The Inspectorate told me to shut up, they pointed their guns at me!" The Joker wiped the makeup off his face and shouted forcefully at the camera, "But I'm a fucking fighter!"

"Put down the gun," the inspectorate member shouted. "Put down the gun!"

"I hope you all run away! Fu Chenghui is the lackey of the system, and the system wants dictatorship!" The clown hit the camera during the arrest, struggling violently, the makeup on his face smeared, "I want to tell the world Humans, run! Get out of the dirty and smelly glass, we want freedom! Long live freedom!"

The gun butt of a member of the Inspectorate slammed into the back of the clown's head, and its forehead hit the camera, which angered the crowd watching the live broadcast. The Inspector's channel was blasted at once, and calls from the area came one after another.

"Hello, I'm the service system of the Inspectorate."

"Death to the system!"

"Hello, I am… "

"Bah, black dog! Spineless!"

Jiang Lian's channel is also ringing, and the number of messages on his online homepage is growing rapidly.

[Fu Lian? ? ?]

[How is your family?]

[Jiang Lian follows the system to death. go die die.]

[Can you buy your wife's video for 20 yuan?]

[Why are you not dead yet?]

[The following is Jiang Lian's personal information, as well as his wife's. His wife opened a barbecue restaurant next to the inspector's office, and it was a good relationship. Who can help see if his wife's barbecue restaurant is legitimate?]

[I can think of it with my toes, Jiang Lian himself relies on bribes to get the upper hand, and his wife is all the way.]

[How many capable people are like him? He just pays bribes. You go to listen to his speech in office, it is full of high-sounding words, old bastard, I have long thought that he is not a good thing.]

"Don't do it," Jiang Lian grabbed the guide and said to the members, "bring it out..."

"Long live freedom!" The clown interrupted Jiang Lian's instructions and slammed his head under the gun of a member of the Inspectorate. "Shoot me, I will never surrender to the system dictatorship!"

Jiang Lian wanted to say something else, but the gunshot rang out. The member with the gun was stunned, but the gun rang, and the bullet hit the clown in the head.

The TV screen quickly turned red.

Joker slid down and fell to the ground.

After a few seconds, the barrage began to refresh.

[We want freedom! ! !]

[Reject system monitoring and let Fu Chenghui go! Let Jiang Lian roll!]

The street alarm in the parking area went off immediately, the neon lights flashed a few times, and then stopped. Clouds took over the entire sky, and the rain did not stop.

Yan Junxun turned his head and saw the door opened. Sitting on the sofa, wearing an oversized T-shirt and showing the antipyretic sticker on his forehead, he asked with a serious face, "Is this yours too?"

Shi Shanyan took off his jacket and took out his newly bought apron. He fastened his apron, and the little yellow duck on it stared, and said casually, "I don't know."

"This man," Yan Junxun pointed to the TV, "he said he was also a messenger of justice."

"Fake," Shi Shanyan picked up the radish on the ground and passed the sofa, "I am the real one."

Yan Junxun watched Shi Shanyan walk into the open kitchen. He didn't say whether he believed it or not, and only looked back when Shi Shanyan turned on the faucet to wash the dishes. He said, "Can I smoke?"

Shi Shanyan turned his head, looked at him for a while, and said, "Please."

Yan Junxun widened the distance between the restraint locks between his wrists. He could smoke, but he couldn't change clothes normally. He took out the cigarette from the coffee table and put it in his mouth without lighting it. He stepped on the carpet barefoot and stood in front of the refrigerator.

Shi Shanyan pointed to the side: "The milk is here."

"I hate milk." Yan Junxun took out a cold beer. In this refrigerator, no, everything in this house is to his liking, whatever he likes. He pulled out the beer and watched Shi Shanyan wash the dishes: "You said we have to stay together all the time, but you've been going out alone these days. Is it fun outside?"

Yan Junxun and Shi Shanyan had a fight, but it was useless, the shackles shackled his freedom. The curtains were all sewn to death, and there was little room for him to move. A few words from the madman just now moved him, freedom, he wanted to run.

"It's fun," Shi Shanyan turned off the cold water and put the radish on the chopping board, "We can go out to play when you're well."

"I'm not sick," Yan Junxun said, "I'm fucking not sick."

Yan Junxun finished drinking the beer and threw it into the trash can. He walked around the living room a few times and turned up the volume of the TV, causing the eardrums of both of them to hurt. The door was unlocked, and Yan Jun glanced there when he was looking for the remote control.

"Don't go near the door," Shi Shanyan's hands were steady when cutting vegetables, his voice was gentle, but the warning contained in it made his legs weak, "If you dare to run, I will tie your legs with a tie."