Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 9: dam


Yan Junxun did not blow his hair after taking a shower. He squatted next to the breeding box in the bathroom with a towel on, watching the panda's turtle crawling around. The light screen hangs beside it, and the information of the three victims is automatically circulating.

There are more than 200 reports on sexual assault cases by Liu Chen, but the cases of Liu Xincheng, Li Jianhua and Huo Qingjun are not the most eye-catching. The murderer is not an impromptu crime, she has a plan and an organization, she chose these three people, something must have stimulated her.

Yan Junxun crossed out the information with his finger and clicked into Liu Chen's column.

Liu Chen's self-description is a cutting-edge media person, and his profile picture is a portrait of a successful person. His real-time feeds have a soft spot for sexual assault cases, and the titles are all suggestive and inflammatory. He is also keen on follow-up reports, such as how the victims live, how the sexual assault lives, and he is very interested in it.

Yan Junxun picked out the news of Liu Xincheng, Li Jianhua, and Huo Qingjun, and swiped the screen to start browsing. He had read these many times.

The victims of sexual assault and the methods of sexual assault are the focus of Liu Chen's attention. In these early articles, he subjectively inferred the psychological activities of the victims, analyzed them, and wished to smash every expression and every look of the victim. speak. He thought that it was a sign of both sexes, and that there was always a reason for sexual assault.

Yan Junxun slid the article to the end and pulled it back. He repeated this, and even forgot to take care of the turtle. When the panda knocked on the door, he realized that the turtle had crawled under the sink.

"Teach it," Yan Junxun opened the door, "Teach it to stand."

"You really give me a problem every day." The panda was holding the tray. The milk on the tray was steaming. It was ready to show it to Yan Junxun in surprise. "If you can drink the milk clean, it can learn to stand still."

Yan Junxun wiped his face with a towel, very knowledgeable about current affairs: "I forgive it."

* * *

The dyke community is in a remote location, farther than Huihe. The buildings in the community were crooked as if they were about to collapse, and the old rain stains made these buildings look like they had been wiped by a dirty mop. The emergency passage outside the building was broken several times, and the railings were soaked and covered with rust. Only the outline of the gate of the community is left, and there are no iron gates, and there is a lonely sentry box next to it.

Yan Junxun drove the car around for a few laps, but couldn't find a suitable parking space. In the end, he could only park the car in the open space far away from the community, and there was a garbage dump in front of him.

Shi Shanyan turned on the air conditioner in the car, and his rolled up cuffs showed the warning of the restraint lock last night. When he got out of the car, he did not forget to wave to Xiaojulong.

The sun in the berthing area dried up the dirty puddles near the garbage dump. There is a drainage ditch next to the garbage dump, which is passed from the embankment community. Yan Junxun took a look, the sewage in the ditch has solidified into black green, and groups of green-headed flies are carnival here. Not far away, there was a child who was trying to go to the toilet with his butt out. He was holding a newspaper to protect himself from the sun, and when he heard the sound of a car, he turned back halfway to see the situation.

"See no evil." Shi Shanyan put on his sunglasses politely.

Yan Junxun walked along the unrepaired dirt road in front of the open space to the gate of the embankment community. He noticed that standing at the garbage dump, he could not see the gate of the embankment community, and the view was blocked by the prominent side of the building. There were street lights around, but the bulbs were broken by children with stones.

Halfway up the dirt road stood a plank with the words "Don't litter" written crookedly.

Yan Junxun looked at the board and saw that there were graffiti on it, but it was just some dark lines. His gaze slid to the embankment community from here, and now he could see the sentry box.

"She parked the car at the garbage dump, where it was not noticeable," Shi Shanyan raised his hand to block the sunlight, "and then stood here to observe Huo Qingjun."

"This building is the same as Huihe Community. No one will call a part-time worker." Yan Junxun's eyes did not move. "She can't use the 'clean on time' sticker here."

But the rubbish of the surrounding residents needs to be cleaned up, and garbage trucks will come here from time to time, and her car has to be an old-fashioned truck so that it can fit properly.

Good old trucks.

Yan Junxun looked back at his old sports car.

The punctual cleaning service also uses old-fashioned trucks, and the back bucket is not too big to hold a lot of debris. This kind of car is very convenient to turn second-hand in the parking area, and the advertising stickers on the body are as simple as removing food packaging bags. In the past, coke transportation also liked to use this kind of car, as well as steel processing plants, and it is not uncommon now.

The weather was so hot that Yan Junxun just walked over like this, and the back of his neck was tanned red. He stood still in the shadows in front of the post box in the Diba Community, and didn't talk to the dozing old man inside. The paint on the door frame of the sentry box has almost fallen off, and if you look closely, you can see a few shapeless characters carved with a knife on it.

Bow - though - dry.

There are two pots of half-dead wilted flowers on the doorway. I don't know who cut off the flowering branches, and half of the walls are gone.

Yan Junxun looked at the building in the community, the broken water pipe was hanging down in the corner, and the dirty water flowed into the grassless lawn. The drains were so clogged that the stench could be smelled across the road from the guard booth. But there are a few small elm trees that are growing well on the opposite side, and they should be newly planted soon.

Huo Qingjun's news here is just a chat after dinner. A 42-year-old rapist was dismembered, and the real-time news said that it was most likely a vendetta, which made everyone more interested in the victims of the year. There is no more exciting drama than killing the enemy.

Shi Shanyan was too tall, he had to lean a little to avoid being exposed to the sun, he said, "Do you smell the murderer?"

"She doesn't use perfume," Yan Junxun opened the ice water, "perfume will leave traces, and her financial conditions do not allow it. She likes disinfectant that leaves no smell, so that you can't smell who she is in Liu Xincheng's room. ."

"Maybe I know." Shi Shanyan said playfully.

"You don't know," Yan Junxun looked at him, "otherwise you would show it off to me."

"Your competitive spirit is not weak." Shi Shanyan wrinkled his nose slightly, "When can we change positions? It stinks here."

"After I figure it out."

"Please think about it quickly," Shi Shanyan urged him closer, "Come on, use your little blackboard."

Yan Junxun watched Shi Shanyan puff out his cheeks slightly, and the ice water stirred the tip of his tongue, making him feel comfortable. He didn't intend to answer, his gaze casually skipped Shi Shanyan's profile, and continued to walk around the community.

Huo Qingjun does not live in Diba Community, but he is active here. The guard box has no door, and the murderer can see what Huo Qingjun is doing at any time. She might be standing opposite - but that's too obvious, she'll have to find a good spot out of the sun. Or she could pretend to be a garbage truck driver, stand at Yan Junxun's current position, and knock on the window of the sentry box, asking Huo Qingjun some questions about garbage collection.

She doesn't like being seen by too many people, of course, she's here to replace those health services. Now this time is very good, the sun is poisonous, no one wants to stand on the balcony and watch, and no one wants to care who the guard at the guard is talking to. She has done her homework, which is very simple for her, she has rich social experience, she has done all these jobs, and she is familiar with everything.

The old man in the sentry box fell asleep with his head up and his throat cleared from time to time.

Yan Junxun leaned over and looked in from the window.

Manuscript papers were piled up in a mess on the table, some of which were used to support rice bowls, making Tangshui Youxing very dirty. The innermost is a small desktop bookcase, stuffed with a few scattered urban novels, and a rolled-up mathematics textbook.

According to the cross-examination records of the Inspectorate, Huo Qingjun often gave questions to children when he went to work here. Every time he squatted on the steps and lectured to the children, for fear that others would not see the children, he did not dare to speak for too long. After a long time, the children called him "teacher", but he did not dare to respond.

There was something in the math textbook, Jiang Lian said it was Huo Qingjun's previous family portrait.

Yan Junxun looked at the exposed corner of the photo.

The killer disguised himself as a garbage truck driver. She has been here several times. In order to let Huo Qingjun get to know her well, because she couldn't drag Huo Qingjun to the garbage truck by her own strength, she had to let Huo Qingjun walk over by herself without any defense. She would stand here and talk to Huo Qingjun. There was a topic they could quickly become familiar with, and that was children.

Yan Jun looked for a light screen and pushed it towards Shi Shanyan: "Ask Jiang Lian, has Huo Qingjun's family photo checked for fingerprints?"

"Taking off the gloves is a polite move, Huo Qingjun must have been moved by her details." Shi Shanyan raised his index finger, but shook it in the air, and asked Yan Junxun, "What's your password?"

Yan Junxun turned his head and looked at Shi Shanyan: "Hurry up."

"I guessed it," Shi Shanyan said firmly, typing in the password, "21430808."

The screen lights up.

"Your savings password is also the same," Shi Shanyan's sunglasses slid along the bridge of his nose, revealing his cynical expression, "You are so boring."

"That's right," Yan Junxun put his gaze back into the guard booth, "it's better to change the abbreviation of the room password to someone who has his own fetish."

"This will make it easier for you to communicate with me in depth when you are interested," Shi Shanyan sent Jiang Lian a message and looked at Yan Junxun, "So are you interested?"

On the top of the desktop bookcase is an enamel water cup with a waterproof sticker, and the word "Huo" is beautifully written on it. Huo Qingjun has high requirements for his writing on the blackboard. He practiced calligraphy and did not give up in prison.

Does this mean that Huo Qingjun always believes that he can return to the podium

Yan Junxun turned around and said, "Go to Huo Qingjun's house to see."

* * *

Huo Qingjun lived in the basement. There was no sensor light in the old passage. There was a strong musty smell here. Yan Junxun stood at the entrance of the stairs, and along the steps, he could see the exposed iron pipes of the sewer. They were entangled in the darkness like human organs, dripping dirty water.

Next door to Huo Qingjun is a young couple who are used to not closing the door, and the plastic basins for washing are piled up at the door. When Yan Junxun was passing by, he heard the man playing games, and he glanced at the corner of his eye, and the woman was sleeping on the dirty sheets full of debris in the morning.

Shi Shanyan was too tall, and it was inconvenient to walk, but he was as sensitive as a big cat, and followed Yan Junxun without making a sound.

Yan Junxun took out the key, but found that it did not match Huo Qingjun's door lock. He tried to push the door, and it opened a little inward, with the iron lock hanging in the middle. In this gap, he saw some yellow petals on the ground.

"Door service," Shi Shanyan whispered, "Do you want me to unlock it?"

Yan Junxun held the iron handle, and in Shi Shanyan's eyes, he directly broke off the door handle. He caught the iron lock that fell, and glanced at Shi Shanyan in the dimness, as if showing it silently.