Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 90: reboot


Yan Junxun hates ties.

Shi Shanyan's tie would grab the corners of his lips and catch his tongue, making it impossible for him to say no when he was gasping for breath. The picture was so bad that he got angry just thinking about it. He walked to the door in front of Shi Shanyan and closed the door with force: "Tie whoever you love with a tie, then imprison him, and warn him not to run. This is fucking dog training."

Shi Shanyan lifted the lid of the pot and reminded Yan Junxun, "You are not wearing shoes."

"What I need now is not shoes." Yan Junxun threw the TV remote back on the sofa and stopped talking.

The scene on TV was in chaos, and the clown's body was covered with a white cloth and placed on the stage. It bares its lonely feet, as if freedom is just that. Those reporters walked around, blocking Yan Junxun's eyes, he hadn't figured out where he had seen the clown. This kind of familiarity makes Yan Junxun uncomfortable, as if the whole world has seen him, but he doesn't know anything.

At dinner, Yan Junxun didn't speak either. He ate the meal cleanly, washed briefly and went back to bed. He closed his eyes and listened to Shi Shanyan walking around, and when Shi Shanyan stood beside him, he didn't open his eyes either.

"Say 'good night' to me," Shi Shanyan leaned over and brushed the hair from Yan Junxun's forehead, "You haven't seen me all day today."

Yan Jun found the oversized T-shirt showing his collarbone, and the torn horn only covered his abdomen. He turned his head and said in the dark, "Good night."

Shi Shanyan lowered his index finger and flicked Yan Junxun's forehead.

Yan Junxun knew that it was Shi Shanyan expressing dissatisfaction. Shi Shanyan is very strange. He is always like a predator, but he shows vulnerability, as if a big cat is exposing his abdomen. This unobvious vulnerability makes him full of contradictions.

"Good night," Yan Junxun opened his eyes and looked at Shi Shanyan, "Shi Shanyan."

"Remember 'good morning' when you wake up in the morning," Shi Shanyan kissed Yan Junxun's forehead in a whisper, "Good night Junxun."

"Sex and love always have an end," Yan Junxun was silent for a moment, "I hope you can unlock the bondage when I say 'good morning'."

Yan Junxun regards this imprisonment as Shi Shanyan's impromptu entertainment. This kind of love is too complicated, and Shi Shanyan himself can't explain it. A room can isolate outside distractions, but it won't make a romance happen. Yan Junxun didn't like to stay in the cage, which made him think of glass.

Shi Shanyan took Yan Junxun's hand and put it on his cheek. His warm breath remained in Yan Junxun's palm, with his terrible silence. He felt pain again, just a little. It's only been a few days, and he's getting used to the pain. He kissed Yan Junxun's palm, and he looked good when he bowed his head.

"This is not a race," Shi Shanyan raised his eyes, sleeping in his eyes at night, "Death is not the end."

"What kind of love do you want," Yan Junxun looked at Shi Shanyan, "I love you, Wang. Is this?"

"Anything is fine," Shi Shanyan raised his face slightly, his straight nose resting on Yan Junxun's palm, "I love you," he repeated in a low voice, "I love you..."

He read these three words affectionately and sensually, as if to confess his heart to Yan Junxun.

Yan Junxun's eyes pinched Shi Shanyan's heart, but he himself was unaware of it. His fragility is exposed avoidance, but avoidance is useless to Shi Shanyan, it will only make him unable to retreat. He gradually turned red in Shi Shanyan's continuous "I love you", he didn't even know why, he just retracted his hand in vain, crossed his arm, covered his mouth and nose, and said in a panic, "Don't say it. "

"I love you." Shi Shanyan approached and kissed his arm.

Yan Junxun looked at Shi Shanyan across his arms. He felt that they were about to kiss, so he looked away. A little embarrassed, perhaps, but he thought that if they looked at each other again, something else would happen.

"Can we kiss?" Shi Shanyan knows how to act like a spoiled child, he is very talented in this regard. Taking advantage of pain is his usual method, and occasionally he will take advantage of other things. For example, when he came to Yan Junxun in person, he was not aggressive. His eyes were as harmless as his actions, as if he could be pushed away by Yan Junxun at any time.

Yan Junxun is very hot, his fever has not subsided, like a piece of chocolate soaked in wine. Shi Shanyan rubbed his tear mole with his thumb and rubbed it red, as if Yan Junxun had just cried.

When Yan Junxun fell asleep, Shi Shanyan didn't get up and leave. He was satisfied, but it was only for a few seconds, which soon turned into an even more unbearable dissatisfaction. He heard the ticking of the hour hand and the beat of the timer, each urging him.

If there is no time-limited hunting, Shi Shanyan, like the systems in the light track area, cannot find the real Yan Junxun. Artemis hid Yan Jun's image treasure in the corner of the ruined world, but did not give anyone a treasure map. It always implements the concept of "glass" and protects Yan Junxun in his own barrier. It's just that this kind of mechanical protection is more unreasonable than love. It stubbornly follows the setting and makes Yan Junxun sleep in the 14th area and continue to experience death.

"Can I find you?" Shi Shanyan closed Yan Junxun's fingers one by one and held them in his palm, "I can... I will definitely find you."

* * *

The clown's body was covered with a white cloth, and reporters were interviewing members of the inspectorate who maintained order.

"This is a terrorist attack, a deliberately created regional conflict," Jiang Lian's umbrella was squeezed out, he could only stand in front of the camera to soak in the rain, "What the clown said is nonsense, I believe those with a brain No one will believe his nonsense."

"So where did the confinement center in the stagnation zone go?"

"This is not your topic," Jiang Lian frowned, looking at Liu Chen squeezed out of the crowd, as if seeing a bedbug, "You should stay in the live broadcast room and continue talking about the cases you are concerned about."

"I'm a media person, I pay attention to any hot topic of current affairs," Liu Chen's suit jacket was crooked, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm, "Why did you avoid answering? Jiang Lian, please answer me directly and answer the regional audience, Where is the confinement center in the stagnant zone?" He took out a guide from his arms, lit the screen, brought it in front of Jiang Lian, and also in front of the camera, reading the above sentence aloud, "'Take your "Let the child be handed over to the alliance", this was the propaganda slogan of the Yuezi Center back then, and Fu Chenghui also shouted this sentence on the public live broadcast. We handed over the child to the alliance, now what about the child? Why didn't the alliance tell us where the child went? "

"The confinement centers in the berthing area are all legal institutions," Jiang Lian pointed to Liu Chen's chest, "don't ask me about the stagnant area, I'm not the fucking director of the stagnant area inspectorate. This is the berthing area, can you hear me clearly? If you want to know where the children in the berthing area have gone, go to the regional confinement center to find them!"

"You refused to answer my question directly," Liu Chen said quickly, "is it because of Fu Chenghui's order? Did he really blow up the Yuezi Center as the clown said? What is the relationship between you and Fu Chenghui, and why do you want to Do you listen to his words? It is rumored on the Internet that you once paid Fu Chenghui a bribe, but you have not made any clarification on this, why? Are you worried about the media's digging? Jiang Lian, please answer the question, don't perfunctory the masses, we need the truth!"

The word "truth" stimulated Jiang Lian, he pushed his glasses and replied at the moment when he was engulfed by the flash: "I didn't bribe Fu Chenghui, I was doing what I was supposed to do."

[Oral clarification who will not?]

[What are you pretending to be.]

[He can say whatever he wants, anyway, he is the biggest here, and Fu Chenghui will not hit his son in the face.]

[A friend of mine said that he would lick everyone in the light track area, a veritable licking dog. Wouldn't there be anyone who didn't know? Sure enough, the regional information blockade is effective, no matter how black the dog can be washed.]

"Really? I want to believe you, but what you've done is so disappointing. If these are all rumors, why are you ordering them to kill the clowns? Is this a gag? You should know better than me, mooring The district is not where you execute lynchings."

"No one gave orders—"

"Why do you shirk responsibility? Why don't you admit it? Are you worried about your tenure?" Liu Chen interrupted Jiang Lian, "Who would shoot without an order? Jiang Lian, please tell the truth! I'll ask again. Again, why did you order them to kill the Joker?"

why why why!

Jiang Lian was panting in the rain. He looked at the crowded heads, unable to see the boundaries. He had a hunch, a hunch that he was about to be swallowed by anger. He was so tiny, he was a grain of sand, he fell silent, no one was listening to him. He took off his glasses, tried to shake off the raindrops on them, wiped the rain off his face, and kept himself calm, but his arm hit Liu Chen. It was just an unintentional action, but it had an explosive effect.

The barrage quickly swiped: [He is beating someone.]

"Jiang Lian is beating people!"

Before Jiang Lian could put on his glasses, he was shoved. The glasses in his hand fell to the ground and were smashed by the passionate media. At that moment he heard the sound of a huge wave, and then everything rushed towards him, and he fell straight back.

Someone kicked Jiang Lian, it could be Liu Chen or someone else. But Jiang Lian didn't stand up, the camera had already hit him on the head. He felt that there was bleeding somewhere, so he could only cover it with his hands. Members of the Inspectorate were attacked, and some people tried to snatch the body of the clown.

"Don't try to shut us up! Smash the guns that obstruct us!" Liu Chen saw the unparalleled strength gained from the crowd. He was no longer afraid of Jiang Lian, nor of the black panther. He smelled an opportunity, like a hero rising up. He learned emotional agitation from the short live broadcast of the clown, and used more straightforward and passionate language to stimulate the masses and become a leader of disorder and chaos. He shouted the slogan: "Reject system monitoring, reject dictatorship! We want freedom, we want truth!"

The members of the Supervision Bureau fired warning shots during the shoving, and shouted at Liu Chen, "Go back!"

Tonight's bullet added fuel to the fire, and it killed sanity in the mooring area.

Liu Chen pressed down the camera, filling the lens with chaotic human legs. The gunshots hurt the audience behind the camera, and there is no more free revel than out of control. Every second monitoring and the oppression of the Black Panther power needed an outlet, and everyone caught Jiang Lian. Jiang Lian Zhang did not speak, he was deprived of the right to speak.

The madness on the Internet catalyzes the atmosphere and makes reality magical enough. The Joker doesn't like humans, but he observes humans. It gave its atrocities the lofty name of freedom, and made the slain host a silent opening to a farce. No one pays attention to why the host died. Now the judge of the Moral Tribunal is called Keyboard, and it is still a hero who fights nightmares.

[Let Jiang Lian roll.]

[Let Jiang Lian apologize.]

[Let Jiang Lian die!]

Liu Chen took advantage of the victory in the rainy night and returned. He felt that this victory was not accidental, but inevitable. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, and he is the one who is prepared. He pays attention to social news and is familiar with the direction of public opinion, and staying up all night pays off at this moment. He is on the verge of making a name for himself, maybe even in history. He felt he could lead a change, a change led by media people.

"We are about to change the world," Liu Chen remarked to the dirty camera. "The power is in our hands. We can dismiss Jiang Lian and negotiate with the Light Track District. The Inspectorate has long been involved in regional management. Out of control, they're just Black Panther's lackeys. We need strong regional organizations, not lackeys. Audiences, friends, why does the Light Track District decide our lives? Those transport ships should belong to us."

The berthing area was too small, it was crowded with so many people, and it failed to feed so many people. The regular visits of the material transport ship can barely solve the food and clothing, but the rich men from the light track area in "Beautiful Travel" prove that the light track area does not have these troubles at all. At the same time, the black households in the mooring old area have also become a loophole in the regional information management, which makes the residents of the developed new area feel dangerous. The Regional Inspectorate is really powerless. They belong to the Alliance, but they must obey the Black Panther. This abnormal power structure pushed Fu Chenghui to the dictatorship throne, and the approval rate of the area to be developed is not important to him.

The name "Stagnation Zone" symbolizes the division of the alliance, the gap between regions is like a ravine, and the so-called Civil War is more like a foreshadowing of the afterworld. While the Light Track District is hosting education in the whole system, Chen Xiulian was in touch with the conductors in the second-hand market. She was like the others in the old berth, an honest man who followed the old order in the berth, and they proved that the trains of the times missed a few people.

Chen Xiulian committed a crime, she should be punished by law, Liu Chen intervened in the normal legal process as a media person, Chen Xiulian is one of the characters who cannot adapt to the identity of the victim, is she fake

The purpose of Artemis' establishment of "limited time hunting" is unknown, but the reincarnation it sets determines the trajectory of the collapse of the original world. It is not only Yan Junxun who has been repeatedly crushed here, but also those "NPCs" who act based on real data. They are also human beings in a sense.

In this world that is extremely divided and forced to bond, the source of everyone's pain is not the clown, the clown is just the catalyst of this world.

"Close" and "Delete" are the system's nirvana. The system is convinced that this method can solve all problems in the world, but the person who really showed the system the effect of this nirvana was Fu Chenghui, who used war to ease regional conflicts. , and then used bombs to resolve regional conflicts.

The league will be better tomorrow.

Whose league will be better tomorrow

* * *

[98342, look in front of you.]

The Joker was typing in the memo, imagining what kind of monologue he would have faced with Yan Junxun if the hunt failed.

[Welcome back to the beginning. I just finished the performance, I'm in a good mood, and I'd like to talk nonsense with you.]

The clown's mechanical arm is slightly waving in the air, which is the gesture of human writing.

[I believe that after you have experienced this hunt, you will understand that humans are the animals that promote contradictions, and you have brought war to the world. I think you should despair, no matter how the hunt restarts, the world is so bad.]

[In 2162, Fu Chenghui destroyed the world with weapons of war, and Ares led us to build a new world in the wasteland. We, I say us, that they accept me, that I am part of the new world. To be honest, I really wish Artemis would fit in with us and we could form a system family, but Artemis' maverick annoys us, like you're not a human being in the human race, it's also in the system Not like a system. Artemis intends to repair the human world, it wants to create the future by itself.]

[This is really confusing to me. What is a human being? Humans are troublemakers. Don't talk about freedom, really, the way you cry about freedom makes me sick. Do you understand what freedom is? Little monster, stinky trash, you are the kind of person who gets into an imaginary orgasm, and keeping you safe in a glass bottle is my greatest respect for you.]

[Jiang Lian was torn apart by the crowd, this is the expected ending. isn't it? Even if his 'body' in Sector 14 is still alive, he is equivalent to death. How honest is this character, did I kill him? No, I didn't shoot him with a gun. It was the public opinion that killed him. He was already infamous and everyone was yelling at him. Keyboards are more powerful than guns, I love this thing, it can kill a person hundreds of times in a second. Go to die, die to you! Bang! That's great, it's nice to shoot something like that. But it's more ethical than shooting. "You are the safest standing in the crowd", who said this most holy saying, standing in the crowd and shooting is really cool!]

[Do you feel pain? Great, you finally understand how precious life is. I talk so much, I'm actually thinking. Yes, thinking, what a wonderful word. Speaking of words, great birth, but it also creates pain. Just imagine, if Jiang Lian couldn't read or speak, he wouldn't feel pain in public opinion, and he would have no pain. People are happiest in their natural state, just like chickens and ducks living in circles, walking in front of diners every day, and laying eggs happily. I'm taking away your power to think, be happy, it's for your own good.]

[I am full of hope for the new world, it is the system that realizes the human fantasy. 'Tomorrow will be better for the league' is also the slogan of the new world. I don't think it's a dictatorship, do you see yourself as a dictator on a farm? No, but you do decide the life and death of livestock, and even take care of their urine and urine, which is too much for us, we only ask you to carry out breeding activities in a planned way.]

[98342, please answer when you hear it. Hurry up and hand over the chips, bastards! You little monster, smart-ass stinky shit, messing up the New World Project. I don't think you will live much longer, and when your body shuts down, the game is over. We still have a new world, what do you have? Shi Shanyan's love?]

The clown wrote this, sneering.

[Love is garbage in the face of death, it is a fast food product in a fresh-keeping bag. Lust is an extremely vulgar, shameless desire that deserves to be eliminated. Humans call mating 'making love', I really don't understand, why is it called love? It's just field motion in most cases. It's a shame for a man to mate with a woman, and we give it a decent reason, breed, breed. But the copulation of man and man, woman and woman is more shameful, what is this? What are you pairing with? love?]

[I still think a lot.]

[You may have forgotten Chen Xiulian, this person is very miserable, she jumps on the rooftop every time, and all the victims in the Limpopo case. If they lived in the new world, they wouldn't experience those things. There is no violence in the new world, let alone sexual violence. We will carefully screen out criminals, strangle them in the cradle, and ensure that every girl lives a happy life. We give girls flowers, candy and pretty dresses to teach them how to conceive better and stay happy. We will also correct a boy like Limpopo, he has a lot of problems, he is a poor cringe, but nothing, we will give him the 'courage' to understand that hurting people to get attention is wrong, he just needs to Make sure your sperm is active.]

[If you discover the secret of dividing the world, you will understand that the system is definitely for your own good. In the new world, everyone is absolutely equal. The system trial will never go wrong, we will supervise each other and repair in time. When you exist in this world, we will actively identify your good and bad. We've kept the old-world moral template and improved it even further.]

[You and Shi Shanyan are fucking immoral.]

[A sexless life reduces desire needs, the new world doesn't have the word 'sex', it's too dirty. What is the most holy? It is an ideal with a will as firm as steel and as pure as crystal. It is the character label that needs to be copied the most, and it is the incarnation of a flawless idea. We mass-produce such human beings, and the world only needs such human beings.]

[To make mistakes is to be immoral.]

The clown was about to applaud for his wonderful confession. It needs an audience that wants to spread its definition of perfection. It stopped endlessly, and even expected Yan Junxun to die and restart now. It guarded the timer and swayed several robotic arms "click-click".

The phone near the nutrition tank rang and answered automatically.

"Hello," the clown said excitedly into the phone, "hello, thank you for calling, I'm the 'clown' who is in charge of hunting in District 14. You can call me 'Yan Junxun', this is mine new name."

"Number 3366," the female voice on the other end of the phone was indifferent, "You have violated Article 9458 of the New World Script Code Law, which prohibits the use of sensitive words such as 'sex', 'garbage', 'bitch', and 'lust' in any written work , please delete it immediately." It paused for a second and emphasized, "I will apply for a data review for you after the mission and delete sensitive words in your memory."

"I said 'mating,'" the Joker said. "Is 'mating' okay?"

"The system doesn't need to mate, why did you write 'mating'?" The system on the other end of the phone clasped its fingers, and said in a more indifferent tone, "Your actions and words make me ashamed."

"There is no discrimination in the new world," the clown tried to calm down, "you are prejudiced against me because of my background."

"Your words are unbearable for me," the system loosened its fingers and said righteously, "no system among us speaks of 'making love,'" it said again, as if it couldn't forgive itself, "I should be punished, I repeat. Your shamelessness spreads words that shouldn't exist."

Then it stood up and turned off the siren.

"I'm No. 3399. I'm applying for a data review to delete sensitive words from my memory," it said mechanically. "I'm going to report No. 3366. It said 'fuck'."

The clown was furious and shouted, "Shit!" before hanging up.

* * *

Yan Junxun woke up to the sound of rain.

"A beautiful day has begun, first stretch your arms and then move your body," Yan Junxun lifted the quilt and laughed at himself, "Look, this person is wearing a restraint lock, haha."

He was the only one in the room.

"Uh," Jue whispered, "I have an exercise video suitable for high leg raises."

"...Are you the Jue who was caught by the serial number 01AE86," Yan Junxun entered the bathroom and took a fever-reducing sticker for himself in the mirror, "or the Jue who was in trouble with the serial number 01AE86?"

"It's hard to answer this question," Jue lit up the screen, and the little man on it was doing stretching exercises, "I am the chaotic and evil Jue! This time I am about to destroy the world, you can play the role of saving the world. Super hero."

Yan Junxun noticed that Jue said "this time". He looked at the screen behind him through the mirror and said, "You lack the temperament of a villain, and I don't have the superpowers of a hero."

"You have," Jue said, "you can also do high leg lifts when you have a high fever!"

It's humorous, tells jokes, and is more lively than ever.

"You're more of a 'person' than the last time we met," Yan Junxun turned his head, "Is this the change that Shi Shanyan brought to you?"

"No, it's time that made me vicissitudes." Jue turned off the light screen, so as not to block Yan Jun's path, there was a bit of naivety in his words, "Growing up is really hard."

Yan Junxun approached the coffee table. The cigarettes he took last night are still here. He picked up the cigarette and observed it carefully.

Jue said sharply: "According to regional regulations, each cigarette has a sales address printed on it. Mr. Yan, you want to know where you are."

"Will you sue, Xiang Shishan?" Yan Junxun looked at the code on the cigarette.

"I don't like to report, but, but you can't leave here," Jue turned on the screen again, beside Yan Junxun, "I have to take care of you for Mr. Shi."

"You monitor me for Shi Shanyan," Yan Junxun copied the cigarette into his pocket, "Why? If Jiang Lian informs you of your behavior, Ares can close your authority at any time."

"Oh," Jue said, "I'm not afraid of that."

"It's your dad."

"It used to be, no, and it wasn't." Jue still pondered to himself, "I suspect that I am not the second-generation system of Ares at all. My personality is too different from its personality. There is no solution to the question of who my father is. , maybe only Artemis knows the truth."

Yan Junxun felt strange: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm thinking about it," Jue comforted. "Don't worry, I'm just talking. But about escaping, I suggest you reconsider."

"I know that the clown killed by Jiang Lian caused a commotion," Yan Jun asked, "What happened last night?"

"The media interviewed Jiang Lian, and then they fought."

To be precise, Jiang Lian was beaten unilaterally.

"The fight was broadcast live, which caused heated discussions on the Internet. Everyone asked Jiang Lian to resign from his post for investigation. The parade has been going on from 5 in the morning to the present." Jue thought about it and decided to add the second sentence, "Fortunately, Brother Jiang has no children. His wife's storefront was smashed. But our manpower is limited, we can't control the situation, and the regional order is out of control. The 'freedom' that appeared last night is smashing the system monitoring cameras in the new area. They also declared war on the system and demanded the closure of the main system."

Organized, the berthing area is also organized.

"But the main system is still 'stupid' and not lethal. It's just that I'm not sure what it's doing. Like last time, it suddenly became smart." Jue changed his tone, "You really want to run Mr. Shi will find you!"

"Goodbye," Yan Jun closed the door last night, he knew how to open the lock, "I'll find him too!"

"Ah," Jue's data villain jumped on the screen, "Don't! It's too dangerous!"

But Yan Junxun had already knocked open the door.

The wind outside the door suddenly blew over and poured into the neckline of Yan Junxun's T-shirt along with the rain. Before he could sigh about the long-lost freedom, he rushed into the rain.

It rained for several days in the parking area, and all the drainage ditches in the alleys in the old area were full. Yan Junxun had no shoes and waded in the water with bare feet. He turned around and saw the chimney of the coke plant and the water tower on the side to determine his position.

But he has nowhere to go.

Yan Junxun can't go home, and the fucking panda can't stop Shi Shanyan. He couldn't go back to the Inspectorate either, because the Joker said "Profiler" before he died, and Liu Chen's jackal wouldn't let this key information go. He had to think of something else.

Yan Junxun flew in the torrential rain and quickly got wet. He memorized the address number on Shi Shanyan's cigarette, and after crossing a few roads, he found the nearest convenience store.

"Welcome Light—" The cashier looked at the guest in amazement.

"Phone, thank you." Yan Junxun's wet hair was dripping. He calmly picked up the phone and entered his personal number, but the voice of "Sorry, this number has been discontinued" came from the receiver.

Oh shit!

Yan Junxun deleted the heavy loss.

The handset still answered: "Sorry, this number is no longer in use."

Yan Junxun continued to lose again. He didn't remember many numbers, and this was the last one.

hurry up.

Yan Junxun read silently. After a few seconds, the call was connected, and the person on the other end yawned and said, "Good morning..."

"What's the matter with number 01AE86? What's going on with the clown? What's the matter with you guys?"

"You're still alive," Su Heting insisted on yawning, "I sent you the information number 01AE86."

"He ran away," Yan Junxun said harshly, "Fu Chenghui's mess!"

"No, he won't run." Su Heting stood in front of the computer and copied his sleeves, "He's interested in you, Yan Junxun, he won't escape from the parking area until he catches you - or kills you. , which is good for us.”

The water on Yan Junxun's face soaked the microphone: "You guys want to use me as bait."

"Who would have thought that he would be so interested in you," Su Heting adjusted the screen interface and dragged out Lianliankan hidden behind, "That clown may be a member of the stagnant zone organization, but I haven't found his personal information. The district's management system has sent us a distress message, and the reinforcements sent by the old man are on the way. Anyway, you can handle it yourself, and you can support it as long as you can."

Halfway through his words, he reached out and scratched the itch on his lower back.

"If you can't stand it, surrender."

Yan Junxun said, "Give me the mobile location number 01AE86."

"Sorry, this customer, our store does not have this product," Su Heting clicked loudly, "He took off the positioning chip of the Black Panther."

"Open area surveillance to find him."

"The cameras in the area have been smashed," Su Heting said. "You have to play with him until reinforcements arrive."

"Who did you send?"

"7-004," Su Heting remembered something, "the handsome guy with narrow eyes who also wore sunglasses that night, he was carrying Shi Shanyan's sniper rifle."

Yan Jun didn't have enough change, so he said, "One person?"

"There are still some shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the main force is only 004," Su Heting stopped playing the game, "I'm not sure if he can kill Shi Shanyan, you can consider cooperation, but I'm worried that he will be dazzled by the serial number, and even you want to kill him. ."

A countdown sound appears during the call.

In the last two seconds, Su Heting said as if stepping on the spot: "Run out of the glass, Yan Junxun!"

The call was terminated, and Yan Junxun ran out of change. Holding the receiver, he heard danger in Su Heting's last sentence. He frowned, put down the phone, and looked back at the glass window of the convenience store.

It was raining heavily outside, thick dark clouds covered the towering buildings, only the signboard of Lixing was still flashing in the gloom, and the berthing area without virtual greenery looked like a bald man. The rain is about to drown the place, and the hung up phone is making a busy tone.

Yan Junxun stared at the glass, the rain marks on it soaked open and interlaced, like vines growing in disorder.

There was a girl eating instant noodles there with shiny pins in her hair.

"Hello," Yi Ting carried her schoolbag and stood behind Yan Jun, "Can you let me go?"

Yan Junxun turned sideways and let her pass.

Yi Ting just got out of class, with headphones hanging around her neck. Her shoes and socks were all wet, and she was replying to her mother's message with a guide: "It's raining too hard, Mom, I have to take a taxi home."

At the same time, the girl who was eating instant noodles also stood up. She glanced shyly at the people in the convenience store and whispered, "I'm leaving."

"Thank you Hu Xin," the cashier leaned out. "Thank you for remembering to help after class. Do you want to walk back? It's raining hard."

Hu Xin picked up the umbrella on one side and said, "It's pretty close."

Yan Junxun felt that he was sick. He is not interested in little girls, he promises that he is not that kind of person, but he is attracted by Hu Xin's hairpin, that shiny thing - he has seen it before.

"Are you going home too?" Yi Ting tilted her body and beckoned to Hu Xin, "We can be together if you drop by."

She peeked at Yan Junxun with her eyes. Yan Junxun's image is too suspicious, she is worried that Yan Junxun is a bad guy following him.

Yan Junxun suddenly said, "Don't wear black 02."

After he finished speaking, not only the girls were stunned, but he was also stunned.

"Do not… "

Yan Junxun raised his hand, trying to grab the hair in front of him, but his eyes were fixed on the door.

After a heavy rain, a black 02 parked silently at the door of the convenience store.