Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 92: combustion


Black 02 had already landed in the torrential rain.

Hu Xin and Yi Ting leaned against each other, staring at Limpopo in horror. The man seemed to be sick, lying on the ground like a dog, sniffing the ground frantically.

Limpopo was fascinated by this home, he looked intoxicated, and whispered "Mom" in his mouth. He sniffed Hu Xin's bedroom all the way from the living room, where he saw Hu Xin's family portrait.

"You really are," Limpopo looked at the family portrait fascinatedly, "you are so lucky."

Hu Xin was taped to seal her mouth and let out a heavy snort, her eyes full of fear of Limpopo. Limpopo stuck out his tongue and greedily licked this family portrait, trying to eat it. His strange behavior frightened the girls, and they huddled together tremblingly.

At this time, the phone rang. It was Hu Xin's mother's goodnight call.

When Limpopo heard the phone ringing, he showed a surprised expression to the girl. He pressed the family portrait to his chest, and with a coy attitude, he said with lame acting skills, "Your mother wants to say goodnight to you."

Hu Xin burst into tears while trembling.

There was only one lamp on in the room, and Limpopo's face flickered. He leaned down, put his ear to the phone, and said, "Hello, hello, hello, Mom, I took your daughter."

The phone is still ringing.

Limpopo kept leaning over, his expressions were so rich, so rich that the picture was weird, like he was acting in a comedy silent film that wasn't funny.

After ten seconds, the bell went off.

"Hang up," Lin Popo pointed to the phone and said to Hu Xin, "Hang up..." His expression gradually became gloomy, "You didn't answer, why did she hang up?"

The room smelled of rust.

Hu Xin felt suffocated for a while, she didn't dare to look at Lin Popo, it seemed like something was going to happen in the next second.

Lin Popo tore off the old-fashioned phone, squatted in front of the girl, and tore off the tape from Hu Xin's mouth. He pressed the handset hard against Hu Xin's ear and shoved Hu Xin's head: "Call mom, loud, loud! Let her hear."

Hu Xin burst into tears in fear, she struggled and shouted: "Mom!"

But the phone has been torn apart by Lin Popo, and there is no busy tone inside.

Hu Xin was in despair in an instant, she shook her head at Lim Popo and cried in a panic, "I'm sorry." She didn't know what she had done wrong, so she could only keep apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Limpopo tilted his body and put his ear to the receiver. His left eye had only grown from a stye, and it was stinging from the rain, which made his expression distorted, and he couldn't tell whether it was refreshing or painful. Hu Xin's cry made him regain his dignity, and he felt that he was too majestic.

Lin Popo raised his hand to wipe Hu Xin's tears, he was disgusted by the tears on his fingers, but it made him very excited. Limpopo stared at his hand. Every time this hand touched the girl, he would get unparalleled joy.

"Today's weather is very, very bad," Lin Popo stared straight at Hu Xin, "It's been raining, it's raining, and it's getting you dirty. Are you angry? Are you angry with me?"

Hu Xin shook her head vigorously, she was going crazy.

"But I'm pissed," Limpopo said. "The water got dirty and my shoes were very expensive."

Hu Xin broke down and shouted, "I'm sorry."

"Shut up!" Lin Popo suddenly got angry, he slapped Hu Xin, "Shut up! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Bitch and bitch only say sorry! Don't say it anymore, don't!"

Limpopo hugged his head, thinking of his mother. He once was punished by his mother for soiling his sneakers, standing naked on the stairs outside the door, enduring nightmare shame, crying and begging his mother to open the door.

A bitch will only say sorry, Limpopo, I don't need your sorry, I don't need it!

His mother was screaming hysterically. She doesn't communicate properly, she screams all the time. She wants to vent and pass the damage on to others so that she won't suffer. This is the only skill Limpopo has learned from her.

Limpopo didn't want to think of his timid posture again. He grabbed Hu Xin, slapped Hu Xin again, and slapped the girl to the ground, but this power only existed for a few seconds, and Yi Ting suddenly rolled and struggled, kicking with her bound feet. Limpopo's calf made an angry sound in his throat.

Limpopo grabbed Yi Ting's hair and lifted Yi Ting's upper body. He was reluctant to fight Yiting, this was the most satisfying girl he could find. Yi Ting's hair is like silk in her hand, and it feels silky.

Limpopo said bitterly: "Your soul is not clean, you have been invaded, and you also need education."

His obsession with the word "education" is a lie.

Limpopo's abnormal sexual cognition made it difficult for him to talk about "making love". Normal sexual intercourse could not give him pleasure. The part of his missing sex education was made up for sexual violence. Abuse is his own way of venting, he thinks he is right and wrong is someone else, only he is a normal person.

These girls—the girls caught by Limpopo, all need education in Limpopo's eyes. He doubled the humiliation he had suffered on them, but he was so pathetic that he never dared to look at the corpse after the so-called "eating".

The faucet in the bathroom was leaking, and the ticking sound was blocked by the sound of rain.

Lin Popo threw away Yi Ting and dragged Hu Xin towards the bathroom.

Hu Xin sensed the danger in the bathroom and pushed Limpopo's body desperately. Her whole body was resisting Limpopo's touch, which not only made her tremble, but also made her gag.

"Cloudy day, heavy rain," Limpopo read the diary he was going to write today, "I picked up the prey at the convenience store, the prey. The prey is screaming, it's too noisy, too noisy."

The rain was beating rapidly against the bathroom window, where the curtains were still hanging.

"I'm very angry, I'm very angry, I hate crying. Why are you so noisy? You are always so noisy!" Lin Popo grabbed Hu Xin's hair and pressed Hu Xin to the sink. He wanted to "educate" her by beating. He shouted: "You slow-moving pig!"

Torrential rain came in through the window, and the wind swayed the curtains from side to side.

Hu Xin's forehead hit the edge of the sink, she felt dizzy, and she couldn't even hear what Lin Popo was talking about. She knocked on the faucet, and cold water rushed out.

"Help," Hu Xin's face was pushed into the water, she shook her head violently, choked with coughing, and cried intermittently, "Help, help!"

The hairpin in Hu Xin's hair fell into the pool. She supported the mirror in front of her with her hands, trying to prevent herself from drowning in the pool.

Lin Popo's face was distorted, he decided to use a ruthless hand and press Hu Xin's head into it.

"Mom—" Hu Xin buried her head in the water, then shook her desperately.

Hu Xin's shrill screams were buried in the water and turned into boiling bubbles. She also has water in her ears. The water, like liquid glue, was flooding into her body, sealing her mouth and nose, making it impossible for her to breathe.

The cold water splashed violently, like rain, hitting the mirror continuously. In the mirror, there were flying curtains. The curtains were soaked. They were shot on the rusted window, and the stench of the drain outside the window leaked.

Limpopo heard the sound of torrential rain, very noisy, the world is too noisy. He lifted Hu Xin's hair again, but before he made the next move, the half-open window burst open from his side, and the glass splashed all over the floor in an instant.

Yan Junxun came in through the window and hit Lin Popo with his fist that smashed through the glass. Lin Popo slumped against the bathroom door and felt blood on his face. He immediately grabbed the skin care products on the washstand and smashed them at Yan Junxun. Yan Jun couldn't dodge, he grabbed Lin Popo's neckline and punched Lin Popo again. Lin Popo's nose was hot, and Yan Junxun pressed the back of his head and hit the mirror.

The mirror snapped open.

Lin Popo screamed. He tried to cover his face, and blood came out: "Pig! Cub!"

Yan Junxun was panting, but the rain on his face did not wipe off. He saw Hu Xin's hairpin dropped in the sink, and suddenly felt angry, an extreme anger that was deprived and suppressed. He ignored Limpopo's shouting and dragged Limpopo out of the bathroom. The cabinet at the door was knocked crooked by Yan Junxun's dragging, and the vase and water cup shattered to the ground.

Lin Popo picked up the kettle on the cabinet and smashed it at Yan Junxun again. His body is heavy and his movements are slow, but he is very powerful. The kettle hit Yan Junxun's blocking arm, Lin Popo took the opportunity to hug Yan Junxun's arm and slammed Yan Junxun into the wall.

Limpopo made an asthmatic sound. He covered his throat, stepped back, and shouted at Yan Junxun: "Get out! Kill you!"

"Fuck," Park Lin pulled the rusted iron lock hard at the door, "this is a broken lock!"

"Break the door," Jue turned on the guide, like Park Lin's guiding light in the dark, "You can, Park Lin, break open this door."

Park Lin gritted his teeth, took two steps back, rushed forward, and kicked the door hard. The door made a loud bang, but it was only slanted, not broken.

It is difficult for Yan Junxun to explain his anger at the moment, he rarely loses control so much, and Hu Xin's card issuance seems to be a knot in his heart that he cannot overcome.

Who pays for the girl's fear tonight



The bathroom next to Yan Junxun was screaming, and the world was screaming too. There were too many things in his head, and the one left for the bathroom was the clearest. He felt that he had stood here before, staring at the door, and the scenes restored in his imagination were Hu Xin's howls of pain.

Open the door.

help me.

"You're crazy," Yan Junxun said to Lin Popo and to himself, "You're a fucking lunatic."

[Can you stay sane all the time?]

[Yan Junxun, answer me. Can you stay sane all the time?]

Yan Junxun picked up the chair and walked towards Lin Popo.

Limpopo tripped over Yifly on the ground, and he fell to the ground, his bloated body seeming to be wriggling. He didn't realize the mistake, he didn't think it was a mistake. The so-called sanctions can't hurt him. Even if he is imprisoned, he dares to make faces at Hu Xin, Yiting, and people he killed through the railings.

He's not the clown's puppet, he's the clown incarnate.

"Don't come here," Limpopo crawled back, bleeding from his injured left eye, "Wait!" a voice squeezed in his dry throat, "You! Poor animals!"

"Mr. Yan," Jue suddenly popped up the screen, and all data was swiped on it. It called Yan Junxun with a stern voice, "Don't fall into the trap—"

But it was too late, Yan Junxun raised his chair.

[I can't stay sane all the time, Artemis.]

Yan Junxun once answered that question in the nutrition jar.

[Human sanity will burn.]