Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 13


Time always moves in the opposite direction from what one expects. After dinner, Huang Xuan slipped out of the backyard again. When he arrived at the construction site, it was already dusk and the roar of the engine could be heard in the distance, which was no less than the noise of an airplane.

Frowning and giving the money to the driver, Huang Xuan trotted into the construction site, asked two people, and found Li Shenggang who was supervising the work. There was a generator on the ground being tested. The iron nails hitting the ground were vibrating violently. The ground is also swaying.

Signaling the workers to continue, Li Shenggang pulled Huang Xuan away from him, and then said in a loud voice: "Three generators have been installed, each of 50KW, and another one is being installed. I bought 8 barrels of diesel. You can see that it is enough." No."

"Of course it's not enough." Huang Xuan said without thinking. He turned around and saw Li Shenggang rubbing his hands and smiling stupidly. He then reacted and said, "Isn't the money enough?"

Li Shenggang blinked and smiled, and said: "This unit uses liters of diesel per hour, and one liter costs more than three yuan. Not counting the deposit, the current money is only two days' worth of oil at most." He said with a smile. laughed.

Huang Xuan sighed in his heart. If Lorraine wanted tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of degrees, he really didn't care. But if it was tens of millions of degrees, he was really helpless. Now he could only take one step at a time. Moreover.

Thinking like this, he remained calm and said, "I know, please take the electricity first."

"Where to receive it?" Li Shenggang was confused for a while.

"Get it to the power distribution room at the construction site first." Huang Xuan pointed. Although Li Shenggang found it strange, he still followed the instructions.

After waiting for about an hour, Huang Xuan drove Li Shenggang away, connected the energy chain to the wire, and said: "Lorraine, I put the things here for you, I can't care about the rest."

"Understood." Lorraine finally replied. Huang Xuan didn't know what he understood. Anyway, it didn't matter to him even if he lost the triangle eyes to another world. He waved his hand, locked the door, and waved to Li Shenggang to come over.

The latter was very discerning and ran far away to the construction site on the side. At this time, he came trotting over, still smiling with his eyes narrowed.

Huang Xuan pretended to be a mother and smiled and said: "As for the line, connect it to this room, and then connect it to the factory I want to use from this room. In addition, you can also connect the line of the construction site to this bus line." , you just need to make sure the generator is fully turned on, and don’t worry about anything else.”

"This..." Li Shenggang looked at the power distribution room stupidly, but he didn't find where the wire Huang Xuan said was connected.

"I told you to leave it alone." Huang Xuan pretended to be impatient and said: "No one is allowed to touch these lines except me. Even if my cousin wants to touch it, you have to ask him to call me first. Understand No?"

Li Shenggang was a little afraid to agree. There was still electricity on the construction site. He looked at the generator innocently, then looked back at the power distribution room. It seemed that he had not yet figured out where the electricity went, but Huang Xuan ignored him. Seeing that it was getting late, he turned around and left, saying at the same time: "Remember what I said, if you mess up, I will keep it safe and you won't be able to stay in Nanjing."

As soon as Li Sheng understood this sentence, he shook his body and wanted to say something, but Huang Xuan was already gone.

Returning the same way without stopping, Huang Xuan wandered into the room, turned on the computer and said to the air: "Lorraine, are you enjoying the electricity now?"

"At this rate, I'm afraid you won't be able to fulfill your promise." Lorraine had no intention of accepting bribes at all.

"That's right." Huang Xuan stiffened his neck and said, "Don't say you have no money. Even if you have money, not many people can do your job."

"This is your promise." Lorraine said coldly.

"I know, but you didn't say you needed tens of millions of degrees at that time." Huang Xuan rolled his eyes and said, "How about you add more?"


"Add more."

"What can I add?" Lorraine said blankly.

Huang Xuan choked, lowered his head helplessly, and said: "Add some more money, your little money is not enough for gas."

"I will think about it."

Is this the end? Huang Xuan waited for a long time and sighed. The so-called person was under the eaves, but the other party was obviously like a customer bullying the store. Huang Xuan could only sigh again, count the C's, and admit defeat: "You gave it to me that day. What are the two files?”

He originally wanted to find someone to take a look, but he was worried that there was something wrong, so he happened to ask Lorraine now.

"It's two cryptographic programs."

Hearing that it was not a game, Huang Xuan shrugged boredly and said casually: "Is it valuable?"

"This depends on your judgment. According to the information I got on P16T050, it should be of certain value."

"That P and T are also time and space?" Huang Xuan was very interested in this.

"It is the P16 plane, which is equivalent to the time and space of 050 standard time."

"Is standard time the same as our current time and space?"

"The standard time is determined based on the history of the P001 plane."

Hearing these terms that seemed like science fiction, Huang Xuan became curious. He tilted his head and thought for a moment, then asked: "Is this P001 the same as our P11?"

"Originally it was different, but due to the previous space-time oscillations, the time-space collapsed in many planes, so most of the time and space now are very similar to standard time."

"What does that mean? What about space-time oscillations?"

Lorraine was silent for a moment and said: "The oscillation of time and space is a disaster. You can understand that most of the planes that were unable to resist the oscillation of time and space have perished, and history has started again. Because there is no harassment from time-spacers, development has They are very similar, of course, Genghis Khan may not be called Temujin.”

Huang Xuan's knowledge of history is limited. He continued the previous question and said: "So this standard was also stipulated by P001? Our current plane has also died?"

Lorraine seemed unwilling to say anything more about this, or simply said that he was not ready to continue talking at all. Upon seeing this, Huang Xuan just pouted and began to search the Internet for software, passwords and other issues.

Although people say that everything in the world is controlled by the Internet, I don’t know whether Huang Xuan failed to master the Internet or the Internet doesn’t like Huang Xuan. In short, whenever he is a bit serious, the Internet can always find more trivial matters for him. Confused about something, he flipped through the web pages in a daze and decided to find a professional to ask.

Zhang Xinyi rarely handles official duties at home, but there is a lot of information. Huang Xuan is often asked to sort it out. He sneaks into the study and peeks in to see his mother watching a movie, so he sneaks in quietly and digs it out from the drawer. I found the phone number of the technical director of Sifang Communication Technology Co., Ltd. in the address book of Sifang Group and dialed it directly.

From a very young age, Huang Xuan understood the truth that a kid can do things easily. For example, when he was in elementary school, he wanted to buy an arcade machine, but his mother and father wouldn't agree with anything, so Huang Xuan went straight to the company and asked for help. I took one from a sales store and put it in my classmate's house. I used it until I got tired of playing the Nth game before my mother found out about it. If the same problem was handed over to the housekeeper and secretary, regardless of whether the matter could be solved, it would definitely be done the next day. The whole family knows that if the amount of the stamps hadn't been too high last time, and Huang Xuan was so eager to verify its authenticity during the lockdown to prove that Lorraine was real and not a dream, he would never have asked his mother's secretary. work. But fortunately, he was the secretary. If it were Housekeeper Zhou, there was no telling where his money ended up.

Director Deng of Sifang Technology Co., Ltd. is a big guy with a powerful voice. As soon as Huang Xuan heard the call, he said sweetly: "Uncle Deng?"

"Who are you?" Director Deng was immediately confused. He didn't recognize the number and the voice was unfamiliar. He couldn't remember that his eldest brother had a son.

"Hello Uncle Deng, my name is Huang Xuan, and I am Zhang Xinyi's son."

Whenever Huang Xuan announced his mother's name, he would always get many different names, and this time was no exception. Director Deng responded very quickly, and immediately said in a kind voice: "He is Mr. Zhang's son, please ask for uncle." What's going on?"

"I have a question to ask you." Huang Xuan pretended to be a harmless voice and simply explained the two programs. Of course, the author became himself, and finally asked: "I want to see if I can They're sold, what can you do?"

"That's it." Director Deng pondered for a moment. Current cryptography programs are usually difficult to solve mathematical problems. Many of these problems have been proven for hundreds of years without success. Not to mention that a teenager can research a new world problem. It is not easy to get to know each other, but the other party is the boss's son. After finally calling him, it might be Mr. Zhang who indicated it, so it would be very troublesome to answer like this.

He couldn't simply deny the other party, nor could he pat his chest and say help him sell it, not to mention that the company was not in the software business. After thinking for a while, he felt that the other party should be anxious. Deng Liwei just said calmly: "Huang Xuan, do you think this is okay?" Okay, my uncle will help you recommend the software to some software companies to see if they are willing to acquire it. In addition, how about you send the software to "Shared Sky" to see if anyone else is interested? "

""Shared Sky"?" Huang Xuan's computer only plays games, so he naturally doesn't know about these professional websites. Deng Liwei felt a chill in his heart. He didn't even know about the most famous original software website in China. He dared to say that he had made two password software. , who dares to use such software to hide secrets? Of course he couldn't say that. Instead, he patiently taught Huang Xuan how to upload the software and how to apply for protection. The phone call lasted for half an hour, and finally Huang Xuan uploaded the software. Deng Liwei wiped his hands in cold sweat, thinking what if his subordinates If someone is so ignorant, he will definitely be kicked out without saying a word.

Huang Xuan didn't know what the other person was thinking, so he sent another copy of the software to Director Deng's email. He put down the phone with satisfaction, feeling that the director he randomly selected had a pretty good business level, at least he could send his software to I went online and it was pretty good. (To be continued)