Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 143: growth (1)



Huang Jindi's physical condition was already very good, which surprised and delighted everyone. When Huang Jindi regained consciousness, the first thing he did was not to see his children. Instead, he called Zhang Xinyi to him and whispered instructions.

Although several of Huang Xuan's uncles came to the hospital, they had to wait until Huang Jindi gave instructions before they could enter the room. Although this made everyone a little unhappy, they always understood it - at least in the third room, if they wanted to compete with the other two in business, Whether the house is good or bad, the only one I can rely on is this daughter-in-law.

Since Huang Xuan made a big fuss in the hospital before, his eldest uncle Huang Yanbang gave the hospital supervisor a hard lesson. Coupled with Huang Jindi's identity, the hospital is currently under a high level of security. Huang Sugui and others should also be aware of his condition. Unknown.

Huang Yanbang has a very powerful face with Chinese characters. In terms of temperament, he is almost carved from the same mold as Huang Jindi. Because he aspired to an official career, he basically gave up receiving bonuses from the Huang family, but to Huang Xuan, he was still one of his closest uncles.

According to the efficacy of Delay 4N, it will take at least a few weeks for Huang Jindi to return to his mental state before he fell ill. As for his complete recovery, he may need continued rehabilitation. Of course, it is very satisfying to be in such a state.

The doctor asked to disturb the patient as little as possible, and everyone quickly walked out of the hospital. As soon as Huang Xuan got into the car, he said: "Lorraine, call Meriwether."

JWM's survival status is pretty good. Among the countless fund groups on Wall Street, it is not as good as the top but more than the bottom. However, for Meriweather, such results cannot satisfy him. In his financial transactions in the past 20 years, even when he was second to Salomon Brothers, he was still a small alligator who could make waves. But today, with a total capital of only 150 million US dollars, he has to rely on others. Sniff, how could this not make Meriwether feel angry.

From beginning to end, Meriweather believed that he was the best. This idea was no exception after the failure of his long-term capital management company. Huang Xuan's billions of dollars seemed to give him a shot in the arm, boosting his confidence. My heart swelled again.

"Mr. Huang Xuan." Meriwether, who was staring at the computer screen, said in a heavy-sounding voice.

"Has the money arrived?" The US$100 million will be put into a separate account and operated as JWM's partnership funds.

"Yes." After confirming twice, Meriwether stood up from his seat, paced back and forth in the room and said, "I found two traders, and they and I will provide you with services for your small transaction. Support, they…”

Before Meriweather tried to name the two traders, Huang Xuan interrupted him and said, "That's enough. Can we start this afternoon?"

"As you wish." Meriweather was a little uncomfortable with Huang Xuan's vigorous and decisive approach. In fact, financial companies are very careful guys. They can give up 10 million in order to save a possible loss of 100 million U.S. dollars. Cash in U.S. dollars is a transaction method allowed by every trading company, or in other words, this is a popular transaction method on Wall Street. However, they will not make decisions easily.

Even for the largest venture capital companies, the risk they can bear will never exceed 0%. The famous Soros, the hedge fund controlled by this predator, was itself established to avoid risks. What many people don’t understand is that Wall Street is the most risk-tolerant place in the world—when a farmer is willing to invest an extra $1,000 in fertilizer on his farm that may be hit by a hurricane, Wall Street may They are frantically estimating corn, wheat, and all agricultural products that may be hit by hurricanes. More often than not, they will not simply estimate, but will buy another batch by the way. This is also to reduce risks.

What Meriweather does better than most Wall Street traders is that he has greater endurance than most traders. Because of this, he has a chance to become the trader with the most losses in the world. However, this is such a guy. When he heard Huang Xuan's request to expand financial leverage to 100 times, his first feeling was "This Chinese is crazy."

The so-called financial leverage, to explain in simple terms, means operating with debt. The margin system of the futures market makes full use of this. That is, use your money as a fulcrum and use this money as a margin to invest more money. However, once you lose more than the margin amount, the bank will take back all the money and the leverage will end.

Financial leverage in a broad sense is extremely widely used. It is not only applicable to transactions with banks, but also is common among various funds, or in the entire Wall Street, London, and various markets around the world. In theory, your Financial leverage can be anything you want, such as 100 times, or 1,000 times.

However, of course, returns bring high risks. A more reasonable financial leverage is between 10-0 times. The 100 times financial leverage proposed by Huang Xuan means that Meriwether can use 0 billion US dollars to carry out operations. Financial investment, however, once the downward movement of his investment products reaches or exceeds 1% - the game is over.

A 1% fluctuation, whether it is futures, stocks or even real estate, is a natural thing.

Meriweather had to be patient and said to Huang Xuan: "Mr. Huang, in fact, by adjusting the financial leverage to a ratio of 15 times, you can already get a very high rate of return. 100 times is a very dangerous number. , and there are very few financial institutions willing to take this kind of risk. "What he calls the risk to financial companies is that although the margin system is relatively safe, if the leverage ratio is higher than the one-time fluctuation range, specifically, if a certain financial company If the product suddenly drops by %, the institution may not have time to recover the funds. This extra 1% loss becomes a loss for the financial institution. However, in fact, financial leverage of more than 10 times was achieved indirectly by borrowing different financial derivatives. Meriwether said this just to make Huang Xuan give up this idea.

Huang Xuanze confirmed to Lorraine: "Can you guarantee that your information is correct? A hundred million dollars is not a small amount."

The Lord Keeper said calmly: "You only need to pay attention to your energy consumption. Are you sure you risk losing thousands of energy just to make a few dollars? That thing is of no use in plane travel."

"It's not just about earning a few dollars." Huang Xuan covered the microphone and said: "Moreover, dollars can buy food and livestock. Think about it, why did Lu Min finally give us a sum of money? Isn't it because I gave food to Because of him, your experience in the big plane era is no longer suitable."

Lorraine did not refute, but Huang Xuanze thought for a while and said: "Then let's control the financial leverage to 60 times. This is the lowest value."

Of course, 60 times is much safer than 100 times, but it still does not reassure Meriwether. He insisted: "Mr. Huang, I think it may be more suitable to increase the amount by 50 million US dollars."

That is a financial leverage of 1:48, which is 1 billion U.S. dollars. Huang Xuan calculated it in his mind and thought it was acceptable. Although Lorraine insists that his information is very accurate, and Huang Xuan is not prepared to speculate on uncertain products, similarity cannot be guaranteed for things like 1%, and it is always useful to listen to the opinions of professionals.

Huang Xuan's obedience made Meriweather very happy and said: "Mr. Huang, we are ready."

"Hmm." Huang Xuan looked at the table below and took out the printing paper from Lorraine. The front page read ":0". The Argentine government announced that the farmers' strike may come to an end, and soybean futures fell. The July soybean contract fell below Most moving averages were between $1.40 and $1.1, and the new crop 11 soybean contract ended at $1.47-1/4, down 1-/4 cent, with July soybean meal down 6.70. USD, at $45 per short ton. July soybean oil was down 1.47 cents at 60.0 cents per pound.”

This news comes from the consultation that Lorraine is looking for. Since government information has a certain degree of resistance to interference, such news is usually credible in planes with a similarity of more than 95%. As for the information itself, it is related to the news a few days ago: Argentine farmers protested against export taxes on soybeans, and the farmers' strike has affected Argentina's soybean exports.

Such news may not be a secret to Wall Street. They have a high chance of getting the news a few hours before the Argentine government releases it, but they will never get it earlier than Huang Xuan. He chuckled twice and said : "Lorraine, how is Fusheng Securities?"

"They're still in the bond business."

Huang Xuan nodded, picked up the phone and said, "Mr. Meriweather, I hope to short July soybean futures."

"When? How much to short?" Telephone trading actually gave Meriweather a sense of security. Compared with the confidentiality of face-to-face, Meriweather needed something less confidential like the phone to ensure that he would not He was dragged into some whirlpool, so his current state is much better than the day he met Huang Xuan.

"Half position operation, hold for three days or the decline will exceed %." Huang Xuan looked at the printing paper again. The next strike will be in three days. The decline during this period will be around %. Based on the current financial leverage, Look, % of the half-position operation of 6 billion U.S. dollars is 100 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to his principal of 50 million U.S. dollars, and the profit rate is about 50%.

"OK." Now that Huang Xuan had made his decision, Meriweather said nothing more.

The main reason for not investing more money is to consider the issue of similarity. As Lorraine said, too much total capital will cause a great loss of similarity, which not only affects the energy of the buffer zone, but also makes subsequent information less accurate. On the contrary, increasing financial leverage, because most of the funds come from Wall Street itself, has a smaller impact, and it can also make more profits.

The second page of the printed paper mentioned that "As feed prices are rising, livestock product prices will rise later in the month..."

Huang Xuan raised one leg and lay comfortably on the back seat.

Thank you all for allowing Dolphin to have a place on the monthly ticket list in May. I am very happy to say that. By the way, there were quite a few top heroes who still had monthly passes in the last few hours yesterday.

May 1st is over, and Children's Day has started for another month. We still need everyone to continue voting, and Dolphins will keep up the good work. (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in to .qidian. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!) (To be continued)