Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 147: growth (5)


Still at the door, Tang Yi and Huang Qunsheng started talking. They seemed to have a lot of classmates in Nanjing. After playing for two full days, they finally had fun. Tang Yi said in a loud voice: "Heidou, this guy , and now he actually accepts students. Thinking about how troublesome he was before, I wonder how he dares to really become a teacher. "

Huang Qunsheng smiled and replied: "Then you used to be cynical, but now you are an official, aren't you?"

Both of them laughed, and Huang Xuan also laughed. Ever since Huang Jindi fell ill, Huang Qunsheng had rarely had such a happy time. The struggles in the family were not suitable for him. Even after seeing these fights, he couldn't help but laugh. It was hard for him to accept.

Zhang Xinyi smiled at the two girls and went up to them. While preparing slippers for the two of them, she whispered with a smile: "Xuan'er has brought two little guests. Don't scare them."

Tang Yi declined and took the slippers and said, "Sorry for bothering my brothers and sisters." Huang Qunsheng put on his shoes and asked, "Huang Xuan's classmate?"

"Two girls." Zhang Xinyi said deliberately and mysteriously, causing Tang Yi to laugh again.

Huang Xuan then walked over and called out obediently: "Uncle Tang." The two women behind him also timidly said: "Hello, Uncle Tang."

Tang Yi said "Oh", took another look and said, "The two little ones are so beautiful. Your Huang Xuan has a good eye."

After chatting for a while, Cai Yan and Diao Chan's generosity and decency left a deep impression on the three adults. Huang Qunsheng didn't ask who it was, he just glanced at Huang Xuan, pulled Tang Yi and said, "Let's go, Lao Tang, I'll collect it here." For a few pieces of old ink, you can write an inscription for me."

"Really? You said my handwriting was ugly when you were in school."

"That's jealousy." Huang Qunsheng said humorously in front of his classmates: "You are promoted to a high-ranking official, and I can't even ask for one?"

"You." Tang Yi pointed at Huang Qunsheng and said, "Don't go to your study. There are too many things and the space is too small. It's right here with natural light. Let's look at your ink first."

Huang Qunsheng smiled and went upstairs to get ink. Tang Yi sat on the sofa and smiled at Huang Xuan: "Went to class today? How do you feel? You can only understand the friendship between classmates when you grow up."

Huang Xuan agreed. Although Monkey and others focused all their energy on the two beautiful girls today, he did feel some happiness from his peers, and said: "It's much better than talking about business with middle-aged people." ”

Tang Yi laughed and said, "You have brought me and your family into this."

Huang Xuan smiled awkwardly and apologized quickly. Zhang Xinyi patted Huang Xuan's head angrily and said, "I'm going to cook. You and Uncle Tang have a good chat and learn more useful things."

Diao Chan also stood up quickly and said, "Sister Zhang, let me go with you."

Zhang Xinyi saw that the chef hadn't arrived yet and there were a lot of people today, so she nodded, while Cai Wenji didn't know what she was thinking, watching TV alone.

Tang Yi is a very interesting person. He seems to be able to talk to anyone. He speaks very tastefully, ridiculing, humorous, and a little self-deprecating, which always makes people happy to talk to him. Compared to Huang Xuan I have met negotiation experts, such masters of traditional Chinese culture, who are actually easier to communicate with people.

After talking for a while, Huang Qunsheng brought a yellow box down, held it with his arms underneath, and stretched out his hands to hug it back with love and care. Tang Yi's eyes lit up when he saw it, he stood up, took it, touched the surface and said: " Is it Shanghai style Hui ink?”

As he spoke, he carefully placed it on the coffee table, opened the lid and said: "Last time I was in Beijing, I saw a piece of ink from Yisu Zhai, which cost 10,000 yuan. I thought about it all afternoon, but in the end I couldn't bear it. ”

The ink cartridge was wrapped with a piece of yellow satin. Tang Yi carefully opened it. Inside were four pieces of black ink that were as long as a pen holder and as wide as a knuckle. The edge of one piece was mottled, and a name was written on each ink. , the words "Send to Hexuan" were written on the edge. Tang Yi touched it with his hand, lightly scratched it with his nails, wiped it with saliva on the back of his hand, sighed, and said : "Hu Gongshou's ink is very good."

"Are you willing to keep your calligraphy treasure?" Huang Qunsheng smiled. He was a science major, but students of that era always had a lot of interest in Chinese studies.

Tang Yi still shook his head and said, "I can't afford it."

"What is Shanghai-style Huimo?" It was Cai Wenji who asked.

Tang Yi looked at her in surprise, shook his head and explained: "Ink is something that literati can use. Only when literati have money can they use ink well. Therefore, when Shanghai opened as a port, a large number of domestic literati, calligraphers and painters were Shanghai attracted people, and now it is called a gathering of people. At that time, the most famous ink makers were Cao Sugong and Hu Kaiwen. The sixth generation of Cao Sugong, named Sun Yaoqian, moved to Shanghai. His ink shop is the Shanghai I just mentioned. Later, descendants of Zhan Dayou from Wuyuan lit cigarettes and made ink in Xiaodongmen, Shanghai, and Hu Kaiwen's fifth-generation grandson also opened Hu Kaiwen Ink Shop in Shanghai. This revived Huizhou ink, which was called Shanghai Style. Hui ink probably started with Guangxu. If the teacher gives you a lecture, he will also add the sentence "a small area has thousands of things", which is the design of this ink.

Cai Wenji nodded and asked, "Since this ink is so good, why don't you try it?"

"It's a waste." Tang Yi sighed again.

Huang Xuan watched secretly and asked Lorraine in a low voice: "Did calligraphy exist in the Han Dynasty at that time?"

"The most famous one is Zhang Cao."

Before he could ask again, Huang Qunsheng smiled and said: "Okay, don't be polite. I bought this specially for you. Leave a piece of calligraphy for me, and take the rest home to study. If you are reluctant to part with it, , then you can only stay here."

Tang Yi laughed heartily again and said: "Then let's stay here. The living room is big, and I will give you a big calligraphy."

Huang Qunsheng had already prepared paper and pen, and asked Li Qing to lay it out. Tang Yi picked up the thick wolf hair on his arm, thought for a while, and wrote with a pen: If the cup of water is as light as the name, the tea from the village should be more fragrant than the wine.

But it is Mr. Qi Gong’s couplet.

Cai Wenji's eyelashes flickered and she looked at the ink stains on the ground carefully. Huang Xuan quietly approached and asked, "Did you have ink at that time?"

"Of course." Cai Wenji glared at Huang Xuan and started looking again. She was obviously very interested in Tang Yi's calligraphy. According to Huang Xuan's opinion, she didn't have time to read these miscellaneous subjects in these few days.

This couplet was completed in one go, with a majestic energy hidden in it. Tang Yi looked at it with satisfaction and said: "Old Huang, will you give us a bet?"

"No, just write an inscription and I'll leave it to my son." Huang Qunsheng said and laughed.

Tang Yixiao glanced at Huang Xuan, noticed Cai Wenji's gaze, and asked curiously: "The little girl can also calligraphy?"

Cai Wenji didn't hear clearly, pointed to herself and said, "You want me to write?"

Huang Xuan's smile suddenly stiffened, while Tang Yi laughed loudly and said, "Okay, not many young people nowadays dare to write."

Cai Yan took over the brush that was thicker than her arm with a smile on her face. Only at this time did she have the temperament of a 17-year-old girl.

Cai Wenji was quite used to carrying such a big writing brush. She tilted her head and thought for a while, then wrote in big words on the side of the paper.

Huang Qunsheng read it gently, and it was nothing more than what year, month, and so-and-so words. But Tang Yi had a solemn look on his face and said: "Gu Li, I don't know many people anymore." The so-called ancient official Official script is probably the official script before Wang Mang. For people in Cai Wenji's era, although the chapter grass is beautiful, the inscriptions are written in ancient official script, which shows humility.

Tang Yi squatted down as he spoke, looked over it carefully, and said to Huang Qunsheng with a wry smile: "This little girl is amazing. When she mentions this word, this piece of paper is worth a hundred times." He said a little bookishly Said: "It's so wonderful to be dedicated and elegant."

Huang Xuan didn't recognize the word, but even if he really didn't know, just looking at the arm-thick brush, the handwriting the size of a finger was still complex and clear, and he could tell with the palm of his hand that the pretty girl in front of him was This beautiful little girl is really an expert in ancient books.

Cai Wenji smiled modestly. After a while, the two of them were talking about official script. Huang Xuan finally closed his eyes, and someone else was talking to Cai Wenji about official script...

Tang Yi became happier and happier as he talked, saying, "You go to school here? Who are your parents?"

"My family is in Nanyang, and I will live in China for a while." This was the rhetoric that had been prepared for a long time. Huang Xuan, who had rich experience in telling lies since he was a child, was also an expert.

"Are you in high school yet?"

"No." Cai Yan shook his head, while Huang Xuan felt very bad.

Sure enough, Tang Yi asked a few more questions, and then asked about Cai Yan's ancient literary skills. If there was any doubt, after only three or two minutes, Tang Yi said: "I will teach graduate students at Renmin University to study history and Ancient literature, the focus is on ancient pre-Qin literature, with some poetry from the Han and Sui Dynasties and family research. Are you interested in studying for my graduate degree? Since you are also an overseas Chinese, you just need to apply. "

Huang Xuan absolutely believed that Uncle Tang had the ability to solve Cai Wenji's quota problem. The three people from Dahan all had complete identity certificates. It took Lorraine Zhizhiquake to complete it all afternoon. With his background in the State Council, he Can a graduate student be restricted

Cai Wenji's eyes flashed, as if she thought of something, and she glanced at Huang Xuan coquettishly. Huang Xuan almost closed his eyes and shook his head. After a long time, he heard Wenji's beauty say: "It still doesn't work. I may not be able to stay in the country for long this time. Moreover, I just started taking classes at Shicheng Middle School here, so I always have to lay a good foundation.”

Tang Yi was so disappointed that Zhang Xinyi, who was serving the dishes, glanced at Huang Qunsheng twice. The latter stared at Huang Xuan unjustly. (To be continued)