Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 149: Growth (7)


The London Stock Exchange (LSE) is the third largest securities trading center in the world. It not only trades stocks, but also trades government bonds, nationalized industrial bonds, Commonwealth and other foreign government bonds, and bonds issued by local governments, public institutions, and industrial and commercial enterprises. Bonds, of which foreign securities account for about 50%, have a large number of fund companies taking root here. For listed companies, entering the London Stock Exchange means entering the international financial world.

Fusheng Securities is also such a fund company. It is little-known on Sweetin Street, but the funds passing through this company exceed 100 billion US dollars every year.

Of course, more than 99% of the money does not belong to it, and most of the remaining 1% also belongs to more than 20 partners—most of them are traders in the company.

On the 16th floor of the British Securities Building, senior partner Leslie was having a heated discussion with Huang Zhengsheng from China. Leslie is a tall British man with a hooked nose. He owns 10% of Fusheng Securities and is the largest shareholder besides Huang Sugui. At this moment, he said emotionally: "Mr. Huang, we need additional funds. We can't do it in the future." Give up at this time.”

"I know." Huang Zhengsheng said dryly: "We can't get the money, we don't have the money, do you understand?"

Leslie moved around the room anxiously, clamped his hands inward, and made a puzzled gesture: "If we are to close the position due to insufficient margin, who will bear the loss?"

"It's the result of your blind expansion."

"But you took away the funds." Leslie fought for every inch of land.

"This is a transaction that has been confirmed for a long time." Huang Zhengsheng said word for word: "Three months ago, you knew that we would pay for 80,000 tons of soybean oil in mid-August. At this time, you purchased 100 million tons of soybean oil." Dollar bonds, of course, are your problem.”

Leslie shook his big nose and said negatively: "80,000 tons of soybean oil only costs 60 million US dollars. How can it affect cash flow? And you can definitely delay it."

Huang Zhengsheng sneered and said: "Mr. Leslie, your financial leverage is already 0 times. US$60 million can be used as US$100 million. This will of course affect our cash flow."

"I'm talking about the deposit." Leslie was a little angry.

Huang Zhengsheng continued to quarrel with him, scolding Huang Xuan in his heart. Sooner or later, the 80,000-ton soybean oil contract would be completed. They did not dare to default on the payment, fearing that Huang Xuan would check the company's background. , and Huang Sugui has just announced the reduction of the subsidiary companies of each house. As a result, it is also troublesome to transfer money from the country.

By coincidence, Leslie took a fancy to the one-year debt-for-equity bonds of several American companies at this time. These bonds were all experiencing large fluctuations. He originally wanted to make a fortune from them, but he failed. Unexpectedly, I lost money instead. Now it is unrealistic to walk away. However, continued margin calls have made Fusheng Securities' finances stretched.

At this time, of course Huang Zhengsheng couldn't tell Leslie that his biggest boss could no longer get cash to replenish the company. He could only advise: "We still have time to close the position now. Since we have no money, we will quit. "

"As long as you wait another week, some people do not like its low liquidity, but some people also like its debt-for-equity swap method." The so-called debt-for-equity swap means that after the bonds mature, they can be converted into stocks according to the contract requirements. For illiquid stocks, this feature adds value.

Huang Zhengsheng still shook his head. Several other partners watched the two people arguing fiercely and were unwilling to come up and interrupt. Until the evening, the two of them still did not solve the problem.

At the Langham Hotel in London, Huang Xuan and Meriwether gently clinked glasses and said, "It's your skill that makes Leslie unable to eat, reluctant to vomit, and disgusting to death."

I don’t know how Lorraine translated this sentence, but Meriwether smiled knowingly and said: "It’s all because of your accurate information that you actually knew their board of directors meeting in advance."

"NO, no." Huang Xuan shook the red wine in the cup until it almost overflowed, and said with a smile: "Your analysis is accurate and your analysis wins."

Both men laughed.

Huang Xuan looked at the sky and said, "I have to attend an auction tomorrow, so I'll go to bed early. I'll leave the rest to you."

"No problem." Meriwether felt inexplicably excited and drank down the red wine in the glass.

The past day was an exciting day for a trader. Due to the accurate prediction of the floating range of several bonds, Meriweather designed a complex and easy-to-run model. Based on this model, JWM carried out a silent attack on bulls, including Fusheng Securities. Before the market closed, Meriweather found that he was followed by large institutions such as Merrill Lynch taking advantage of the situation, and he couldn't help laughing happily.

Thinking of the next few days, Meriweather couldn't wait.

Huang Xuanze just kicked off his slippers and watched the DVD in the room. Today's victory is normal for him. Even the most complicated securities market will change if he can get 95% accurate data. became transparent, not to mention the price he paid today made him not want to recall it.

The whole 600 Nengton was just to lure Fusheng Securities into the pot. He didn't even get 10 cents in benefit. Thinking about the next few days, he shuddered.

"Your heartbeat seems abnormal." Lorraine's voice was abrupt.

Huang Xuan was startled and cursed: "Don't talk suddenly while I'm watching a ghost movie."

"Don't you think you've consumed too much energy in the past two days?"

"It's a little bit." Huang Xuan shrugged and said, "But the buffer zone now has much more capacity than before."

"Only 500 more dens." Lorraine said calmly: "It is estimated that Mr. Dianwei and the two ladies will need to spend 00 dens to integrate into this society. If you continue to give Mr. Meriwether information, you will continue to consume It may exceed 1,000 energy tons. A simple calculation is that after about a week, the buffer zone energy of P11 will only be 00 energy tons more than the original. Even in the desert of space and time, this is not a safe number. "

"I know what you want to say." Huang Xuan turned off the TV, lay on the bed, and repeated with a sad face: "I know what you want to say."

"I have checked the super key I got from Zhu Xiankui. Do you want to know what it is?"

"Whatever." In fact, Huang Xuan was a little curious.

"A new plane coordinate, at least before T1000, is very interesting."

"You don't take risks." Huang Xuan sat on the carpet and said, "Why do you have to use this key? We can transmit it directly. T1600 will also be very good in the future." Using the key is very likely to encounter problems. To travelers, there was no assurance that travelers were friendly.

"Randomly go swimming in the Atlantic Ocean?" Lorraine said with a sense of humor: "Why are people using keys now? It's because of security. Believe me, places that are willing to make a key for a coordinate are always very profitable. Yes, and the time you can stay using the key is much longer. The current state of the base can only stay for about 10 days. What do you want to do in such a short time? "

Huang Xuan knew that even if he was not a pure traveler, he could not get rid of such a job. He simply shook his arm and resigned: "You actually care more about profits, don't you? What do you need to prepare?"

"Food is a very good trading item. You can bring Dianwei with you, so that we can save money on densely woven metal. It is best not to bring a sniper rifle..."

As soon as Lorraine said this, Huang Xuan interrupted him and said: "I don't mind paying 10 million US dollars for a time travel. Tickets have to be checked when taking the train. We should be more prepared."

"Okay then." Lorraine obviously had no intention of arguing with him on this issue, but said: "From the last situation, the price of products such as food is on the rise in the planes. I suggest bringing If necessary, you can use it as currency to exchange things with others.”

"For example?"

"Biological weapons, Nenton, whatever."

"OK." Huang Xuan thought about it carefully and had no intention of sleeping. He simply turned over and called the switchboard and asked, "What projects do you have here tonight?"

The switchboard was a British lady with a soft voice. She quickly checked the check-in record and said: "Hello, Mr. Huang, the history of Langham Hotel can be traced back to 1865. It is one of the most famous old-fashioned hotels in London. Our latest hotel originated from China’s boat-style spas (SPA) are very popular among Chinese tourists.”

"SPA?" Huang Xuan shrugged and said, "It's better to let me go directly to the sauna."

“There is a bathing and sauna center on the 7th floor, which is Japanese style.”

"Just over there." Huang Xuan hung up the phone. He was staying in the Langham's fashionable suite. It was much cheaper than the Eternal Suite, which is known as the largest. However, he came to London with Tang Yi, so he had better not act too violent. That's great.

The door was a corridor covered with red carpets. As soon as Huang Xuan walked to the elevator, he saw Tang Yi talking to someone, so he smiled and said, "Uncle Tang, are you going out too?" (To be continued)