Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 150: growth (8)


When Tang Yi heard Huang Xuan's voice, he turned around with a smile and said, "Huang Xuan, can't you sleep at night? Have you eaten?" He really liked this child. He was young, accomplished, and seemed to have a talent for language. Divided. Nor will he be stubborn and self-righteous like many young and successful children.

"I asked them to give me a steak and two bottles of Coke." Huang Xuan said with a smile: "It's just that the quantity is a bit too little. I heard that there is a sauna on the seventh floor and I want to try it.

The sauna in Langham is naturally not like some small streets in China, but Tang Yi smiled and waved his hand and said in Greek: "I can't do it anymore. I'm old and the sauna is too tiring. Well, let me introduce you to a friend of mine. , Mr. Klimenos from Greece, he is now in charge of Onassis's property, but it will be handed over to others. "He apparently heard from Huang Xuan's parents that Huang Xuan knew Greek.

The last sentence was obviously ridiculing, just like Tang Yi's usual style.

Huang Xuan knew that Onassis was the legendary Greek shipping king, but he had died thirty years ago. Since he had no heirs, his property was supervised by four Greek businessmen, waiting for his granddaughter to come of age. Recalling the rumors he had heard within the family, he smiled and shook hands with Clemenos and said in Greek: "Hello, Mr. Clemenos, I am Huang Xuan." He looked at Clemenos in confusion as he spoke. Rimenos asked: "Have we met somewhere?"

"That unforgettable lumber mill in Brazil." Krimenos chuckled.

Huang Xuan suddenly remembered that this fat Greek businessman was Galadia's uncle, the timber merchant from Greece. However, due to attacks from travelers, he did not even leave his contact information. Just left. Later, I was busy all the time and never had the chance again.

He touched his head and smiled sheepishly: "It was too chaotic at the time, and my impression is blurred."

It's a clumsy lie, but it works well. Tang Yi put his hands on the two people's shoulders with a smile and said: "It's good that you all know each other, Xiao Huang, I didn't expect that you also have a wide range of friends."

His last sentence was said in Chinese. The term "Little Huang" corresponds to Huang's father's "Old Huang" and the title of "friends of mankind" in the eyes of the Chinese. Such a statement made Huang Xuan scratch his head for a while and changed the subject: "Where are Uncle Tang going?"

Clemenos was not displeased at all because they spoke in Chinese. Hearing Huang Xuan's question, he replied naturally: "Do you know the Dorchester Hotel? The Chinese restaurant there has a very good reputation. , I have been famous for a long time. When I heard that Tang Yi was coming, I wanted to invite him to try it and help me order." He patted Huang Xuan on the shoulder as if he were an elder and said, "How is it? Come with us?"

"That's fine." Huang Xuan responded with a smile. He suddenly missed Galadia very much. Although this longing was no longer as strong as the initial emotion, his pounding heart told him that the fashionable blonde was still there. Secretly tempting him.

The owner of China Tang is David Tang of Shanghai Tangren Chinese Restaurant. He has spent many years of hard work to build this Tangren Restaurant into the most famous and expensive Chinese restaurant in London. On the way, Tang Yi used his unique upward 1.5 Du said in a tone of voice: "If it weren't for Clemenos' treat, I would never come here. Each Peking duck costs 80 pounds. Even if I use public funds, I can't afford it."

Huang Xuan almost spit out the tea in his mouth when he took the menu from the waiter. The Mar-Boh Tofu on it was 5 pounds, the Pot Sticker was 1 or 2 pounds, and Yang Cho Fried Rice (Yangzhou Fried Rice) is £79. The simplest way he could think of to eat it, a Yangzhou fried rice, something like seaweed soup, would also cost 100 pounds, and a cup of oolong tea while waiting would cost another 50 pounds, in a small Chinese restaurant A problem that can be solved in 10 minutes is charged more than 1,000 yuan.

Grinning and returning the menu to the waiter, Huang Xuan still smiled and said in Greek: "Fortunately, I am used to being ripped off. I didn't expect that our craft of killing people has developed to the world."

"It's a good thing." Tang Yi said while looking at the menu: "French people in China only need 5 francs for a set meal, but for us, it still costs thousands to eat a French meal. These restaurants treat rice as an art. The price bureau also said that high-end restaurants are allowed to increase prices appropriately." He said and laughed.

Huang Xuan wasn't too relaxed yet. After all, everyone here was an elder, so he just smiled in his heart: This Uncle Tang is really a member of the State Council, and he never forgets the Price Bureau when he eats.

The foggy night is full of empty streets and unbreathed air.

Huang Xuan was quite satisfied with a cup of oolong tea costing 500 yuan a cup and soup dumplings costing 00 yuan each. Even at home, a meal rarely cost more than a thousand yuan. Huang's mother was a good housekeeper. She can always remember the dishes that her husband and son like, and mix them back and forth without deliberately wasting them. Whether in the Huang family or the Zhang family, luxury is far less common than in foreign aristocratic families.

Clemenos and Tang Yi chatted casually, sometimes in Greek and more often in English. Tang Yi's Greek can only reach the level of daily conversation, but considering the domestic environment, it is also very good. Compared with those professors who study the history of ancient Rome but have a lot of grammatical errors in their papers, he is still in line with the world.

Huang Xuan's Greek is not much better than Tang Yi's. These days, he occasionally learns some English, mainly because of the encouragement of Cai Wenji. This talented girl, without the support of the base, just finished memorizing a book. Concise English-Chinese Dictionary, Huang Xuan almost thought he had met a god.

Of course, memorizing a dictionary cannot prove a person's language ability, but it can prove ability. For a woman as talented and beautiful as Cai Wenji, reciting 5,000 words in a week is nothing. She has been trained since she was a child to memorize two articles every day.

Eating hard at 89 pounds a plate of BBQ Pork, Huang Xuan raised his thumb and said: "This barbecue pork is very authentic, Mr. Krimenos, try it." He cursed in his heart: Buy it in Nanjing , about 40 yuan is enough.

Clemenos smiled and selected a piece with a fork, turned to Huang Xuan, and said: "Many people told me that your Hexin Industrial is running very well, but I don't understand why you want to buy an energy company. At present, it seems that the profits of the power sector are declining year by year, especially in Brazil. What is your future direction? "

The so-called "many people told me" was naturally Clemenos' mantra. When he said this, Huang Xuan, who was focusing on barbecued pork, was stunned and blurted out: "Agriculture."

"Agriculture?" Clemenos thought for a moment and asked, "You want to focus on Shengfeng Company?"

"Yes." Huang Xuan put down his chopsticks and supported the table with his hands: "I personally think that the application of bioenergy and the increase in population in underdeveloped areas require a large amount of food, but now many areas are trying to increase the production of agricultural products. Quality, as well as price, I think doing this will not necessarily bring high profits, especially in the case of intensive production, and" he looked at Tang Yi and said: "This is not good for people's livelihood. benefit."

Tang Yi nodded with a smile and said: "At such a young age, he can say the word people's livelihood, which is much better than my son."

Huang Xuanze prayed in his heart: It is not my fault that international grain prices have risen. I only transported tens of thousands of tons of grain.

Krimenos nodded in agreement and said: "Brazil is a good place to develop agriculture. It may be the best place on the planet. It has government support, large farms, and countless land to be cultivated. It is very good."

Huang Xuan listened carefully and continued: "You know, I am still young, so I want to get in touch with various companies, and buying furnas is just a try. Although the current business situation is not good, there is always Profitable." He laughed and said, "I also think that Brazil's advantage is agriculture and animal husbandry. I recently bought thousands of horses and I also want to develop in this area."

"Animal husbandry is a systematic project. Many people tell me that raising a horse is much more difficult than running a factory. Sometimes I feel the same way." Krimenos said while shaking the tea leaves in the cup. Said: "But in my opinion, you have too many types of companies, such as warehousing companies, power companies, and agricultural companies. There is almost no overlap between them. This will increase operating and management costs. Moreover, you have put them aside." In a group.”

As the old saying goes, Huang Xuan knew that what he did intentionally or unintentionally was nonsense in the eyes of many operators, but the actual profit he gained from these nonsense was far beyond what people of this era could imagine. But now, he still looked ashamed, nodded, and said: "I was a little anxious at the time."

Clemenos smiled as if he understood, and said: "I said this, actually I just want to introduce you to a few management talents." He looked at Tang Yi and said, "You know, in the past few years, , many well-known companies went bankrupt. At that time, I recruited many people to my company. However, in half a year to a year, I will have to hand over my supervisory responsibilities. I am afraid it will be difficult to retain many excellent talents. "You're the youngest and most promising person I know in Onassis's business, so I want you to promote them."

"I really need some professional managers." Huang Xuan thought of several subsidiaries whose operating conditions were getting worse and worse. He rubbed his lips and said, "Well, let's talk about it after I return to China."

"OK." Clemenos smiled and shook hands with Huang Xuan, who pretended to be relaxed and said: "Last time we met together, how is your niece, Galadia? I didn't keep her. contact details.”

"She has been very busy recently." Clemenos said with a strange smile: "She has to deal with a lot of things. I will convey your greetings to her."

Huang Xuan shrugged his shoulders, saying that he knew, but couldn't say anything else.

The next day was a compact and busy day. Huang Xuan did not go to Christie's auction. He stayed in the British Securities Building all day, playing with Meriweather's heartbeat. This gesture made Tang Yi very fond of him. He mistakenly thought that Huang Xuan had handed over all his rights to him, and naturally expressed his feelings in his heart.

Auctioning anonymously and then bidding yourself is a simple and commonly used method of money laundering. When Interpol investigates such cases, the obstacle it usually encounters is the identification of the auctioneer and bidder. As the middleman, Tang Yi, Almost undetectable.

Since it was a set of auctions, the auction was very fast. Tang Yi used more than 30 million in cash on hand, plus the 100 million US dollars that Huang Xuan gave him, to get 80% of the auction items, and the rest Most of them are bamboo slips of low value or too many duplicates. This acquisition was also exclaimed by the British media as an upgrade of the Chinese government's cultural relic protection efforts.

While Tang Yi was being besieged by many media, Huang Xuan's eyes were fixed on the screen until he felt sore and sleepy.

Since Fusheng Securities could not come up with more funds, Leslie, who was unwilling to give up, was forced to continuously expand financial leverage from 0 times to 0 times. While he was doing long, Meriweather and many Wall Street groups lurked behind him, slowly valuing the bonds.

Buying and selling bonds is very unfamiliar to many people, but in fact, in the international market, most hedge funds come for bond trading.

Bonds include government bonds, corporate bonds, etc. For example, China's treasury bonds are a type of government bonds. The way it makes money is using U.S. bonds as an example. The U.S. government issues bonds every six months with a term of 0 years. Since it is generally believed that U.S. government bonds are the least risky investment tool—the Chinese government is also buying such bonds—so Six months or more after the bonds are issued, investors will put these bonds in safes and hold them for a long time. As fewer and fewer 0-year bonds circulate, their transactions have become more difficult. Therefore, on Wall Street, old bonds that are 9 and 1/2 years away from maturity are called "non-current bonds", while newly issued bonds are called "current bonds". The market generally believes that non-current bonds The value is relatively low.

This raises a problem. You can buy non-current bonds at a lower price, so you will get a higher yield, but in fact, the U.S. government will not pay even a penny more for these 6 months. , so the market actually deviates.

When this deviation is large enough, those arbitrage institutions will enter. For them, 10 basis points is enough. Although according to most people's opinion, a profit of 1‰, 1,000 US dollars can only earn 1 US dollar, but for institutions using financial leverage, 1 billion US dollars can bet up to 1 million US dollars.

It’s not just U.S. government bonds that encounter this problem. Many corporate bonds or other government bonds also have the same problem. For example, China’s treasury bonds have a daily trading volume of more than 170 billion US dollars in various bonds around the world.

Leslie also chose several illiquid bonds, but Fusheng Securities is not a hedge fund - in theory, buying US$1 billion of current bonds and US$1 billion of non-current bonds, the risk is only buying one of them. 1/5 - Therefore, when Leslie made the decision of 0 times financial leverage, his risk increased by more than 1.5 times.

He purchased a total of 4 billion US dollars in bonds. From a financial point of view, Leslie's choice was not wrong. These bonds will inevitably return to the normal track, but before that, every time the non-current bonds fell by one basis point, he It would be a loss of one ten thousandth, which is 400,000 US dollars. Similarly, as long as he can wait until these bonds return to normal, he can earn $400,000 for every basis point increase.

For ordinary corporate bonds, 10‰ is a cut-off point, and now the price has floated to 16‰. Leslie is holding back his energy and wants to make a big profit.

Lorraine's role is to choose the right time to enter, and then exit at the right time, and then enter and exit again, always interfering with these bonds and delaying them to return to 10‰. time.

Huang Xuan's funds are not enough to fight the market, but Leslie's money is even less. Fusheng Securities has 100 million US dollars, and now it has 140 million US dollars left. This is already its limit. Just a month ago, Mai Liveweiser's JWM only has a capital of US$150 million.

"Pull up these bonds by another two thousand points." Huang Xuan calculated silently in his mind. Leslie entered the market at a position of almost 1‰. Under 0 times financial leverage, he lost ‰, which was also It was 4 million U.S. dollars. Later, he increased his financial leverage. This was because the soybean oil bill sent by Huang Xuan consumed funds. Under 0 times financial leverage, he lost another ‰. Of course, since the loss rate is calculated based on the total amount of bonds Yes, he also lost 4 million U.S. dollars. In this way, his loss has exceeded 8 million U.S. dollars. However, because Leslie purchased an array of bonds, for a single bond, such as the current Voltes Company, the margin has been Bottomed out.

The so-called margin, simply put, is the amount of money that investors guarantee that the bank will not lose money when they borrow money from the bank. In other words, when you make a profit, there is no problem, but the money you lose must not exceed your own real profit. The money you have, once it reaches the bottom line, the bank will take its money back. Therefore, the margin system is a profit and loss amplification system.

Meriweather didn't understand why Huang Xuan always knew Leslie's bottom line, but he would never ask this question. On Wall Street, everyone has their own unknown path. He arranged the time period for the funds to enter, walked to Huang Xuan and said: "If his position is forcibly closed this time, the bank will definitely require him to increase the margin."

"What if he can't do it?" Huang Xuanming asked knowingly.

"Either he will forcefully close a few of his positions and fill them into other positions, or he will evacuate them all now. According to the current situation, he will lose $15 million in the latter, but the loss is still controllable."

Huang Xuan chuckled and said, "If he were the boss, he might do this, but he is not."

Meriweather nodded silently. This is a game that every trader will encounter. You know that continuing to do it is extremely risky, but you have no choice but to continue doing it because the current loss is intolerable to the boss. This is quite Yu Zai said that if you continue to do this, it is possible to keep your current position and salary. The only thing that can stop this crazy move is the record in the industry.

Leslie obviously chose to continue. He is a senior partner of Fusheng Securities. If he fails, without this partner status, it will be difficult for him to become a partner or employee of other companies. His choice is better than ordinary Traders are more direct.

"Quickly raise the remaining bonds." When Lorraine heard Meriweather's call, Huang Xuan immediately ordered.

The large amount of short-selling funds seriously affected the trend of these bonds. They rose by ‰ in just a few minutes. These are not US government bonds. 10 billion US dollars is enough to pull them to a high of 0‰.

No matter how stupid Leslie is this time, he still knows that someone is sniping at him. In fact, any securities company may encounter sniping. Sometimes it is intentional, sometimes it is unintentional. You can't just because someone is doing the same bond as you. , and the position was forced to be closed, so he didn't really care at first.

Now, the bank's ultimatum has been issued, and one of them has been forcibly liquidated. Huang Zhengsheng is already furious.

US$140 million in assets is nothing to the Huang Fund, but US$140 million in cash is very important. What's more, Fusheng Securities is very likely to go bankrupt because of this, and panicked investors will withdraw their capital frantically. The resulting chain reaction will destroy the funds that are being operated in the long term. If such a thing happens, the assets under Huang Sugui's name will be destroyed. The loss will exceed 400 million U.S. dollars, and not only will he no longer be able to transfer funds illegally, he will also be in dire straits because of his past records.

For the operation of its entire capital chain, such a thing is disastrous.

Leslie looked defeated. He pushed Huang Zhengsheng away with one hand and said: "I am Fusheng's senior partner, and I have the right to decide what to do." He said and ordered: "Close positions No. 776 and No. 91. The remaining money will be used to cover other positions.”

"You are crazy." Huang Zhengsheng almost roared: "What if these bonds continue to rise? This is increasing losses."

"We have already lost 5 million, 0%. Sir, for this company, what difference does it make if we lose 10 million more?" Leslie didn't even look at Huang Zhengsheng.

The latter was slumped and speechless.

1st floor, British Securities.

Huang Xuan shook hands with Meriweather and said with a smile: "I'm going to Brazil in the afternoon, and I'll leave the rest of the work to you."

Meriweather nodded and agreed. In the investment world, there are many ways to withdraw locked-up funds. The one he used most skillfully was naturally the gradual short-selling method proposed in Merton's "risk-free arbitrage model." For example, start withdrawing from block 0, and continue to short-sell gradually at positions such as 9 and 4, 9 and 1/, etc. This can minimize losses.

As a trader, Meriweather also admired Huang Xuan very much. There were many Wall Street people who had access to inside information. They could use this information without changing their expressions and lose 50 million US dollars, just to make others lose 100 million US dollars. Dollars, such rich people are the real financial giants suitable for Wall Street.

But he didn't understand that Huang Xuan's foundation was ultimately in the Huang family, and Fusheng Securities was Huang Sugui's personal bank. If this "bank" collapsed, Huang Sugui's capital chain would be tightened, and this was nonsense. The first step to break it.

Clemenos will stay in London for a few more days, and Tang Yi is already ready to return home with a full face. When Huang Xuan said goodbye to the two of them, Professor Tang still narrowed his eyes and said, "Why don't you go to Brazil just to skip school? "

Huang Xuan smiled awkwardly and said: "Company business, company business."

Lorraine directly shook his eardrums and said: "Dianwei will arrive in Sao Paulo at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Our arrival time is 1 o'clock in the afternoon. There are currently 10,000 tons of various grains in the Cabres warehouse, including wheat. , various commodities from corn to soybeans, and your favorite weapons are in the base.”

"You should like weapons." Huang Xuan smiled and waved to Tang Yi, turned around and got into the car, and said: "Weapons are for protecting yourself and are necessary for plane travel."

"If it is a biological weapon, I have no objection, but in fact, the metal weapon you carry has no advantages except that it does not consume energy during shooting."

"That's an advantage." Huang Xuan chuckled and said, "A little advantage is also an advantage. We will talk about this issue when we get to the airport."

Other than the word count: This chapter is a very solid 7,000 words, plus the chapter at noon, which is 10,000 words updated today. Please vote to encourage everyone. (To be continued)