Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 156: Battle of Changping (6)


Compared with modern Chinese, the ancients were extremely tolerant in the face of unnatural phenomena, and emperors were often the strongest group among them. Qin Shihuang's style of one emperor through the ages is still regarded by some local chemists and The name of the alchemist can be deceived to death. From this, we can know that when it comes to gods, everyone would rather believe them.

However, the gods probably wouldn’t say “deal”.

Zhao Guojun and his ministers stared at the ball of light above their heads and the magical pistol in Huang Xuan's hand, looking left and right. Huang Xuan simply made a pose and said: "Then tell me what you want to know first."

As he spoke, he found a small table, sat down facing the old man behind him, and said: "To put it simply, in Changping now, the main force of the Zhao army has been divided into two parts, and one part is still in the camp. , numbering about 20,000 to 30,000, they are now surrounded and have basically lost their combat effectiveness. The remaining troops are led by General Zhao Kuo, numbering about 450,000, and are surrounded in the valley where the Qin Army was originally stationed. Here, everyone knows that the army has been short of food for three days. "

An old man wearing a military uniform, that is, a standard Hu uniform with narrow sleeves, said nonchalantly: "When our army goes into battle, we usually bring mare's milk and other food. We won't run out of food in three days. As long as we open up the food road, we can counter the siege." This Qin army.”

No wonder Zhao Jun’s morale was still good that day.

Huang Xuan was convinced that the word "anti-siege" must be Lorraine's translation. He turned the pistol in one hand and said, "Then let me tell you some new information. Do you know who stopped you from joining Zhao Kuo in Danzhu Ridge?"

Another old man in military uniform straightened up and said, "Is it King Qin?"

"Hmph, that's right." Huang Xuan couldn't help but glance at him and said, "Who are you?"

"Lian Po." The legendary old man who was the most prolific in the Zhao Kingdom raised his head proudly and said: "The Qin army is not elite, but they can fight to the death. This must be the King of Qin." He said and glanced at the head of the palace. King Zhao.

Therefore, never underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. Standing on the shoulders of giants, you can see further. But if you stand with a certain historical figure, it is better to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses. Huang Xuan swallowed his comments about the current status of the two armies, and said realistically: "The King of Qin recruited all men over the age of 15 to participate in the war, and was rewarded with the first level of civilian nobility. He is currently supervising the war in Hanoi." His eyes were always paying attention to Lian Po, and he said: "This is the last piece of information that's free, and I'm charging for everything else."

Lian Po had a ring-shaped beard, which was gray. The most eye-catching thing was a pair of big bags under his eyes, which had drooped down and moved around when he spoke. Perhaps due to long-term lack of sleep, his eyes were strong, but his whole person looked very haggard.

I don’t know if the kings and ministers of Zhao State understood it, but the old man who started it said with certainty: "If the King of Qin is still in Hanoi, as long as we send troops to Hanoi, we will definitely attract the main force of the Qin army, and then attack it with one army, and we can win." ”

Lian Po glared at him and said nothing. Huang Xuan looked at it like a veteran, but he also knew that Zhao Guo had no troops at all.

Even if King Zhao Xiaocheng also sent more than 15 men in the country to participate in the war, it would be impossible to open up the food route and then send troops to Hanoi. In terms of overall strength, Zhao State was far from being able to compare with Qin State. It seems that the Zhao people themselves cannot do such things as besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao.

King Zhao Xiaocheng listened to the discussion among his ministers and surprisingly did not say a word. Huang Xuan saw that he easily replaced Lian Po with Zhao Kuo. He originally thought that he was an impetuous person, but he did not expect that this person's meritorious service was so great. He was stunned. I can listen to a group of old men arguing without saying a word.

"I am the Zuo Si Guo Yang Zheng. I would like to ask, is the commander-in-chief of the Qin Army still the Zuo Shu Chief Wang Lu?" The speaker was an old man with gray eyebrows. He had a flat and round face like a Central Plains man, and he spoke slowly and slowly.

Huang Xuan smiled and said: "This news is worth 10,000 shi of grain." One shi of grain during the Warring States Period was roughly 0 kilograms. At that time, the yield per mu was about shi. field.

King Zhao finally said: "No."

Huang Xuan knew that he agreed casually. If he was really valuable, he would pay 10,000 stones. If not, it would naturally be just a number.

He smiled and said, "It's Bai Qi."

Lian Po rolled his eyelids, but he was not surprised at all. Even Zuo Siguo looked like an old god, which made Huang Xuan disappointed for a while.

At this time, the internal historian Zhao Xin said: "What exactly is Huang's so-called 'transaction'?"

"Haha, I can provide you with some help, which is usually difficult for you to obtain. Of course, it is for a fee, it is very simple."

It took a while for Luo Lin's translation to be understood by the monarchs and ministers present. Lian Po nodded slowly. After Lin Xiangru's death, he became the boss of Zhao State's military policy, and Zhao Kuo can only be said to be the result of compromise between all parties - In the past three years, the State of Zhao and the State of Qin have been engaged in a war of attrition. Today, they have to fight quickly, so they have replaced the main fighting faction.

Since Lian Po nodded, Huang Xuan waved, and an energy screen flew into the air to resemble a map sandbox. Huang Xuan pointed with his finger and said, "General Lian Po knows this place."

Regardless of being surprised by this energy screen, Lian Po asked curiously: "Changping?"

"That's right." Huang Xuan clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Now this is the position of the Zhao army. Here is the Qin army..." Huang Xuan pointed to them one by one, 41 kilometers long and 7 kilometers wide. , slightly rectangular in shape, with an area of 946 square kilometers. The terrain is surrounded by mountains on three sides in the east, west and north. It is shaped like a basket and slopes from northwest to southeast. The Zhao army, while squeezing the Qin army camp to the east, was surrounded by the Qin army from the south. From the initial 5,000 horse-mechanized troops to the continuous infantry support, the encirclement was guaranteed to be stable. sex.

While pointing, he read the energy screen that only he could see based on the information collected by Lorraine, and said: "The Dan River runs through the entire Changping area, and the rivers and valleys account for 16.7% of the area, uh, That’s 20%, and hills, that is, hilly areas, account for 35%…”

Everyone listened carefully, but when it came to Danzhu Ridge, Huang Xuan stopped, raised a finger and said, "Another 10,000 stones?"

"Okay." Lian Po glared at him, presumably a little dissatisfied with him for interrupting his train of thought.

Lorraine reminded: "Bringing food back from here is a loss, because the opening of the plane channel is based on you, which is equivalent to my use of energy in this plane. In this case, energy loss needs to be accounted for."

"I know it's because your technology is lagging behind." Huang Xuan ran out from the crowd of old men and said, "But Lu Min can have it. You can get it. It's called a biomagnetic card, right? Contact him and ask him what he wants. , let’s send him food.”

"Then we must also open a plane channel in this plane."

"As long as I can make some money, that's fine. Besides, I want to exchange something with him."

"Biological weapons?" Lorraine asked naturally.

"Of course not." Huang Xuan is extremely sensitive to other people's attitudes. This may be related to his living environment. Therefore, he can clearly feel that his sniper rifle, 81 modification, and possibly etiquette attitude, The reputation it brought to him, and seeing the almost flattering attitude of Shi Yu and others, as well as their arrogant and respectful manner, Huang Xuan would not foolishly mention the matter of biological weapons. Just looking at a person with level 4 authority in the Northern Dynasty, they can have a good biological weapon. It can be known that biological weapons are very cheap for them. They can naturally accept them if they are given to them, but Baba ran to exchange them. On the contrary, it might be a stupid thing to do.

It's like when someone asked him when he was a child: How is Mr. Wang feeling today

If someone comes to give him some novel game cartridges or interesting toys, he will probably know everything. But if he goes to exchange with others like this, he will probably not get anything good.

Therefore, Huang Xuan just shook his head, turned around and got into the crowd, and began to explain the situation in Danzhu Ridge.

It is unknown whether the kings and ministers of Zhao State believe Huang Xuan, but Huang Xuan does not really want to be a fool to deceive people. He values the buffer zone energy more than some small money. As long as he has energy, he can do two things. Isn't an indo050, or Pentium 10, more real than billions and billions? The main problem now is that only during the stay in a certain plane, the energy loss output by your plane channel in that plane will be Obtain, and in P11, the stay time does not matter at all. Therefore, Huang Xuan's energy consumption by doing an indoXP in advance may be more than killing Bill Gate in other planes.

Lian Po and others' attention was completely focused on the sand table that was beyond their understanding. Huang Xuan doubted that some of the people in the circle were really thinking about the military situation. Lorraine's sandbox can perform simulation calculations. In other words, it is a small RTS (real-time strategy) game. Thinking about the madness of the Red Alert era, Huang Xuan can completely understand them.

"Lu Min got through." Lorraine was distracted and relaxed.

Huang Xuan immediately became serious. He sat on the small table with his legs crossed. The guard next to him just glanced at him and turned his eyes away.

"Mr. Lu? I'm Huang Xuan, do you remember me?"

Lu Min's voice was full of surprise, and he said: "Mr. Huang, my God, are you okay? Ah, let me see, just after the standard time month, you actually traveled in time and space again?"

The so-called standard time is a time specially confirmed for time and space travel. Since in the process of time and space travel, whether it is a mechanical pendulum clock or an atomic clock, they all rely on the time of a certain plane. Therefore, before the beginning of the era of the big plane , when each standard plane has unified and established standards, it is calculated based on the ratio of the energy dilution or growth rate of any plane - the ratio of the rate, which will not change in any plane, regardless of whether the universe of this plane is expanding. Or contraction, the degree of energy change is the same - no matter which plane you travel in, superimposing the rate ratio of each plane is the standard time difference. Of course, the standards for different standard planes are slightly different, but they can always be converted.

Huang Xuan has been popularized similar knowledge, and he laughed softly and said: "I am also a person who can't stay still. I always want to move around. Have you not gone out during this time? This is not like a trip. The style of the author.”

Lu Min laughed twice and said, "We don't just go wherever we want." He spoke in a low voice, as if he didn't want to talk about this issue. He immediately changed the subject and said, "Mr. Huang Xuan, is there anything I can do to help?"

"I want to ask you for a favor." Huang Xuan felt that this state was like talking to members of a small family on an anniversary, so he said habitually: "You know I always travel alone. I have gained something from this plane, but I can’t use it, so I want you to help me change it to Nengton.” He said and immediately added: “If anyone asks me, just say it’s in this plane. , but don’t say anything else.”

This gave Lu Min the feeling that he was a rich man who was running his own business outside. He had achieved some achievements, but he felt a little embarrassed to show off proactively. It must be said that Huang Xuan is too suitable for this status. In the Huang family, he is originally such a descendant of the aristocratic family.

"Nengton cannot be traded below the first-level base." Lu Min said these words now without any embarrassment. He smiled and said: "The high-level base of R001 cannot be used casually, and there is no Nengton in the trading hall. You know, we can only exchange the energy we obtained. Once we return to this plane, we will no longer be eligible for exchange."

The way for high-level bases to exchange for energy is very simple. They create limited shocks in their own plane and then redistribute them. However, those bases on smaller planes usually cannot control the scope of shocks and energy dissipation. As for Lorraine, as an advance base, since it belongs to this plane, of course its energy can only be exported, not imported. Without naturally distributed plane channels, the escaped energy cannot be obtained. In the era of big planes, the most basic solution is for the three bases to input and output each other.

The current plane base is generally a remnant of the Great Plane era. Of course, Huang Xuan could roughly guess a thing or two, so he just smiled and waited for Lu Min to continue.

Lu Min was full of admiration in his heart. As a traveler with a small family, it is easier for such a child to admire members of a larger family. Just think about it, what is the concept of having a high-level base that can trade Nengton? He thought for a while and said: "Mr. Huang, how about I help you change it to grain, standard grain."

Huang Xuan was a little disappointed. It seemed that the price of biological equipment was not as high as that of food, but he still cheered up and asked: "Standard food?"

"Haha, what everyone usually eats is standard food. What is used in plane transactions is called edible food. This is the division of R plane. Standard food is prepared by nutritionists of high-level planes according to the environment of different planes. , all have various functions, generally speaking, extending life span, which is the most common, but also strengthening the body, treating diseases, resisting viruses, relieving fatigue, beautifying and so on, um, What do you usually call this?"

Huang Xuan was stunned, then chuckled, and said: "It depends on the level and location, such as Northeast Rice, Special Yifeng, etc..."

"Oh, that's a good idea too."

His face could not be seen during the call. Huang Xuan watched the quarrel between several Zhao generals getting angry. He turned around and covered his throat and said: "But what I earn is the food you mentioned, and some livestock and the like. You You know, biology is the best deal.”

"Food is valuable enough." Lu Min laughed and said, "The food you gave us last time was equal to our income from one trip. After all, the population in each plane is increasing, and the demand for food is always increasing. Most people can’t always eat standard food, and the price of food is always rising.”

Of course, the direct consequence of extending life expectancy is a surge in population. Huang Xuanzhuang said clearly: "But exchanging food grains for food is always not possible, so I will think of another way. Originally, I wanted to bring more so that I could go home." "

Lu Min's admiration was even higher. Neng Dun is only needed by families with their own planes. He rubbed his brain and said: "Mr. Huang, are animals also food animals?"

"That's right."

"The price of animal food is higher." Lu Min thought: "You know, nutritionists will not transform animals when they are very young. That would be too expensive, but if they are from high-level planes Fast-growing livestock tastes bad, so many young travelers make money from the price difference. For example, they take a fast-growing livestock, exchange it for a native livestock, and then sell it to nutritionists. Haha, although it is more troublesome, it is always Some small money." He also felt that he was talking too much nonsense, so he quickly changed the topic and said: "Mr. Huang, look at this, I will directly help you exchange for R001 fixed assets, such as stocks of large companies, or real estate, or even positions. It’s also convenient for you if you own the equity of the base.”

The suggestions he made were of course selfish. If there really was a glorious noble with assets in R001, wouldn't this glorious noble become the most powerful link in his network? At that time, if he wanted Naturally, there will be more people who get to know Lu Min, and they will be more classy.

Huang Xuan was moved in his heart. According to Lorraine, as long as the channel between the two planes is established, materials can flow in both directions. This is the main reason why he is planning to sell materials to Lu Min. But if he thinks about it in reverse, If Lu Min sells him some grain, wouldn't it be easy to solve the food crisis for Zhao Kuojun and the entire Zhao country

He immediately asked: "Lu Min, what is the price comparison between your native livestock and edible grain?"

"Depending on the type, it is always above 1:00." It is seven to eight times higher than the price of pork and wheat after the price increase.

In addition to the word count: 10,000 words in the whole day. Gentlemen and ladies who remember that they still have a monthly ticket, you can consider this book. If you don't remember whether you still have a monthly ticket, click on the top of the page to cast a monthly ticket and give it a try. (To be continued)