Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 158: Battle of Changping (8)


Huang Xuan knew that doing something like this overnight, apart from being beautiful, had no advantages in terms of practicality. He believed more in the business method of gradually building trust.

Even if you are a liar, you will start from a small point.

Therefore, it is not so much that Huang Xuan completely conquered the kings and ministers of the Zhao Kingdom with his magical performance, but it is better to say that he conquered King Xiaocheng with ten thousand stones of food. He generously gave Huang Xuan thousands of acres of land, a house, and several slaves. Hundred.

It sounds like a lot, but it is a pity that in this era, hundreds of acres of fields can only be regarded as middle peasants. Huang Xuan does not expect to wait until crops grow in the fields. As for the slaves, the men of Zhao are either on the battlefield or have died. On the battlefield, except for an old man in his 50s, the others were actually women and children.

The so-called slaves are actually slaves. When Huang Xuan came home at night, the house had been tidied up in order. The old man kneeled at the door with hundreds of slaves, holding the deed above his head, and said: "Welcome you to return."

This house is located near the palace, facing the center of Handan. Huang Xuan was not interested in these contracts. Instead, he helped the old man up and said, "What is your name? Who else is there at home?"

The old man was quite frightened by Huang Xuan's courtesy, and said tremblingly: "I don't have a surname or name. There is no one in the family anymore."

"Then your name is Huang Xi." Huang Xuan let go of his hand and said, "Pack a house for me, and then come over and I'll ask you what to say."

"Yes." Although Huang Xuan did not have a title yet, giving a surname was still quite an honor to the servants. Huang Xi quickly agreed and sent two maids with low eyebrows to send Huang Xuan to the room. He handed the house deed to Huang Xuan, knelt down and saluted.

The master bedroom is a suite of more than thirty square meters. The outer room is a small room for servants. Two maids are busy making beds for Huang Xuan and pouring water. Huang Xuan walks around the Warring States bedroom curiously. The house is very dark and there is no There were no stools on the table, and the water cup was made of bronze and smelled like metal.

After a while, Huang Xi hunched over and walked in on his knees. The rules in Huang Xuan's house were very orderly. He had never seen anything like this. He smiled bitterly and said, "Get up and sit there."

Huang Xi agreed, but still knelt down. Huang Xuan stopped talking and said, "Do you know where the market in Handan is?"

"It's in the market outside the east gate of the city."

"Are there any cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and other livestock for sale?"

Huang Xi thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, most of the farm cattle belong to the state, and most of the horses have been collected in the past two years. Some people are selling the pigs." As he spoke, he looked up at Huang Xuan cautiously. He said: "If your Majesty is thinking about spring plowing at the end of the year, you can first ask the government to borrow cattle and horses." Horses are horses used for plowing and carrying heavy loads, and pigs are pigs, the so-called chickens, dolphins, and dogs.

"The name Junshang sounds pretty good." Huang Xuan smiled and said, "I have some food. You can go to the market tomorrow to sell it, and then pick up the healthy animals and bring them home. You might be able to do this."

In a family, the head of the family is usually called Jun. And if you are outside, the title "Jun" must be approved by the "Imperial Council" of Zhao State before it can take effect. Famous people such as Lord Mengchang and Lord Xinling are all famous big shots.

But with Huang Xuan's head, he couldn't figure out the difference. After all, they are people from two eras. In fact, even if two PhD professors were really sent from the 1st century, apart from being able to name some central official positions in some countries, the rest would be blind, and all the classics would be burned. It's almost the same, and only those who know it are pitiful.

Huang Xi only dared to look at Huang Xuan, then quickly lowered his head and said: "Yes."

He answered first, then lowered his head and whispered: "If your Majesty wants to buy a lot of livestock, you can ask the merchants in the market to come and have a look. They all have a lot of cattle and horses."

Most of the people in Zhao State who are now engaged in the livestock and grain business are businessmen from various countries. Although Qi State refuses to lend grain to Zhao State because it is dissatisfied with Zhao State's diplomatic vacillation, neither Qi nor Chu will prohibit merchants from coming to Zhao State. Transactions, and the rise in food prices during this period have accelerated the speed of merchants.

Huang Xuan patted his forehead and said, "Then you go find a few people tomorrow. I'll ask you before we talk." He estimated that the monarchs and ministers of Zhao State would have new military operations in the next two days, and he would not have much time to spare. There was not much left, so he urged: "Go early tomorrow morning, don't waste time."

Huang Xi immediately lowered his head to the ground and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry."

The exchange of grain for livestock was exactly the Warring States version of oil for food. At this time, many means of production belonged to the state, especially cattle. Of course, the big landowners always had some cattle and horses at home, but not many were willing to sell them. , but Zhao is close to the Xiongnu, so there is always no shortage of livestock.

During the Warring States Period, the meat that people ate the most was dogs. Until the Han Dynasty, butchers were referred to as dog killers. Every time Zhengyi slaughtered dogs, Fan Kuai also had this kind of occupation before following Liu Bang.

However, Huang Xuan is not picky. R001 is an entire plane, and according to what Lu Min and Shi Yu said that day, their sphere of influence in R001 should cover many planes. With so many people, there will always be people who eat dog meat.

Huang Xuan brought 10,000 tons of grain, 1 shi per 0 kilograms, which is 400,000 shi. Not to mention those corn spices and the like, if it is sold entirely as grain, this is 6 million yuan, which can buy 1,800 shi. A cow, or 18,000 pigs. Judging from the price of the latter, it is slightly more than the price when he bought grain. If it is used to exchange for cattle, he will obviously lose some money.

If we judge it by the price of food, Zhao's sword coins can almost reach a 1:1 ratio with the RMB, but if we look at the circulation, it is not the case at all. In the last 10 years of the Warring States Period, the total number of copper coins issued by various countries was no more than 1:1. 8 billion or 6 million yuan is enough to join the list of the richest people in Zhao.

Of course, Huang Xuan would not be able to take out so much grain at once, but the market was the most sensitive machine. From the next morning, Huang Xuan suddenly found that he was crowded again.

It’s really just a market.

Businessmen from Qi State, merchants from Yan State, envoys from Chu State, and even agents from the Huns. In the past few years, large-scale grain transactions have almost come to a standstill. The sudden appearance of this large amount of grain is simply exciting.

Soon, King Zhao's envoy arrived.

Huang Xuan smiled secretly, pretended to be busy, and said coldly: "Where can I find the time to see your king now?"

The envoy's eyes widened, and all the businessmen present stopped. He looked at Huang Xuan again, and said with a smile: "My king has important matters to discuss. Xuanzi just goes to see you, and I will help you take care of it."

"Then you all listen to Huang Xi." Huang Xuan shouted, "Huang Xi, they are all your subordinates."

The envoy and his servant's faces immediately fell.

King Zhao stroked the jade on his waist with his hand, his face as calm as water.

All the ministers in the palace were thinking about their own things, some bowed their heads in meditation, some closed their eyes to meditate, some gently stroked their beards, or some were wandering around. In the huge palace, the only sound was the sound of breathing, like a group of goldfish that had eaten their fill.

The sound of cowhide stamping on the ground sounded. Only the imperial guards had such equipment, and Lian Po's originally closed eyes opened wide.

As a general, he believed in God but did not believe that ghosts and gods would really appear. This was somewhat like the belief of later generations, but it was much simpler and simpler.

But Huang Xuan obviously gave him a huge impact, especially at this time when Zhao Guo's life was at stake.

Strictly speaking, Lian Po can only be regarded as an excellent general. His ability is not commensurate with his reputation. Therefore, even if Huang Xuan tells him that the person facing him is Bai Qi, what are they doing now and what will they do? Faced with such an unfavorable situation today, it is difficult for him to do anything.

The Battle of Changping was a typical national strategic battle. When the strategic intention was achieved, no amount of victory in battles could make up for it.

Therefore, at this time, Zhao State may really be saved only by God.

King Zhao's hand stroked faster and faster, until the jade pendant became hot, and he stopped in surprise.

"Your Majesty." Huang Xuan's voice was stretched and clear, as if he was answering a question in class.

King Zhao calmed down. In front of this "businessman" who was smaller than himself, he lost his innate sense of superiority. This made him extremely uncomfortable, but he had to endure it. Looking at the floor under the dragon chair in ecstasy, Zhao Wangdan said in a low voice: "Jun Pingyuan, please explain to Xuanzi."

"Pingyuan Lord Zhao Sheng?" Huang Xuan asked Lorraine uncertainly. He had seen this person in the information.

"Yes, the Fourth Young Master of the Warring States Period." Lorraine answered in the affirmative.

Mr. Pingyuan is at least 50 years old, but he has flowing black hair and a face as beautiful as a crown jewel. He is very handsome. He is the younger brother of King Huiwen and the uncle of the current Zhao Wangdan. After the war, he was sent to Chu State to ask for help.

This is a legendary figure who was dismissed from office three times and resurrected three times. He is one of the few well-known figures in the Warring States Period.

He rarely comes to regular meetings, and Huang Xuan didn't see him yesterday.

Zhao Sheng knelt down elegantly on the table, leaned forward and said: "We think your judgment is correct, so we would like to ask you how to solve the current dilemma."

It's very simple and direct, but it does have an attitude of solving problems. Such a gesture, when made by a superior person on certain occasions, can really make people feel good.

Huang Xuan's eyes met with a nod and a smile, which made him feel a little embarrassed and said: "In the current situation, in addition to Zhao Jun having run out of food, both sides have suffered considerable losses. I feel that resolving the siege of Changping is the first priority."

Saying it means not saying it, a pithy Chinese answer.

Mr. Pingyuan still said humbly: "Then how to break the siege of Changping?"

Huang Xuan shook his head and said: "I don't understand military affairs, but I can send tens of thousands of stones of food to Zhao Kuo's army. The rest depends on your efforts."

Although 10,000 dan is only enough to feed the 400,000-strong army for one day, it will play a huge role in alleviating the food shortage. Moreover, if you save enough, it is not impossible to persist for a few more days.

"In this case, Xuanzi will be rewarded." It seems that Huang Xuan's answer was already expected by the kings and ministers of the Zhao Kingdom. However, Zhao Wangdan was still happy and said: "In this case, what reward does Xuanzi want?" He could not tell the deal yet. this phrase.

Huang Xuan raised three fingers with a smile on his face and said: "I can send food to Zhao Kuojun, but there are three requirements."

"Please tell me." Mr. Pingyuan sat up seriously.

"First, my business in Zhao must not be affected."

"Of course, your servants can trade freely in the East Market, but the number of cattle bought and sold must be restricted." Huang Xuan's transaction, to a certain extent, was of great benefit to alleviating Zhao's food shortage. After all, No matter how delicious the pork is, it cannot survive hunger. In history, after the Changping War, the Zhao Kingdom was starved to death.

"Forget it if you don't have cattle." Huang Xuan likes the competition between you and me in negotiations. He put down a finger and said: "Secondly, I also want to make a deal with your country."


"I know that Mr. Pingyuan himself, including Mr. Pingyuan, has a lot of livestock, cattle, horses, and silk at home. I am willing to exchange food for it, which can also alleviate the crisis in your country. I hope Mr. Pingyuan can set an example. However, regardless of Are the prices in the market going up or down? Food costs 90 yuan per stone, cattle and horses cost 10,000 yuan, and sheep and pigs cost 0.000 yuan. Is that okay?”

When there is more food on the market, the price will naturally drop, but for Zhao Guo, such a thing is considered fair. Besides, it is not known whether Pingyuan Jun and others understand such economic laws, so Zhao Sheng immediately slowed down He lowered his face and said, "Okay."

After Bai Qi slaughtered all the Zhao people in Changping, and during the siege of Handan, Pingyuan Lord generously donated his money, used his family home to support the defenders, and ordered his concubines to mend the sergeants. To Zhao Sheng, who had a better reputation, it was just equality. The transaction is nothing.

What's more, if we want to alleviate Zhao Kuo's crisis, we must send out more troops. These will need food. Huang Xuan's suggestion is beneficial to both parties.

Huang Xuan raised his middle finger at this time and said to the kings and ministers of Zhao: "The last one, in return for helping Zhao, if I recapture Shangdang or even march into Qin, I will have the first right to purchase all items."

After explaining what the right of first refusal was in two or three sentences, Zhao Wangdan clapped his hands on the table and said, "I promise you."

Nothing is easier to sell than future interests. (To be continued)