Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 159: Battle of Changping (9)


In the afternoon, Huang Xuan walked slowly out of the palace, and Lian Po went to reorganize the army. This time, King Zhao decided to recruit 10,000 strong men again, plus half of the imperial guards, to rush to Changping, and 10,000 strong women. logistics. This is almost the last armed force of Zhao State.

The air is floating in the air with heat, as if blowing on each other, trying to cool down the temperature, but it is getting hotter and hotter.

The afternoon in Handan was a bit dry and hot. Huang Xuan was not used to it and put his hands on his hips, thinking that it would cool down when he went out and rode a horse and gained speed. Dian Wei was wearing tight-fitting Hu clothes, but he didn't feel any discomfort. Maybe it was because he felt calm and naturally cool.

"Huang Jun." Xinling Jun called politely from behind. Logically speaking, he cannot be called king outside, but etiquette and privileges are meant to be transcended. Zhao Sheng also did this to show respect. After all, the kings and ministers of the Zhao Kingdom were still very unsure of his identity and status.

Hearing the name "Huang Jun", Huang Xuan felt very embarrassed and said: "Pingyuan Jun, please don't call me that. Just call me Huang Xuan. Everyone who knows me calls me that."

Zhao Sheng was of course very curious about Huang Xuan's origins. He smiled peacefully and said, "In that case, I will call you Huang Xuan."


Huang Xuan said one word briefly and stopped talking. Zhao Sheng continued: "Huang Xuan, how confident are you that you can bring food into Changping?"

Just now, Huang Xuan left early, and the gentlemen of Zhao State must have talked about something again. Huang Xuan glanced at him, smiled faintly, and said to Lorraine: "Be invisible."

The light on Huang Xuan suddenly became distorted, and Zhao Sheng was surprised to find that "Huang Jun" who was talking to him just now disappeared.

0 seconds later, Huang Xuan appeared from behind Zhao Sheng, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Pingyuan? How about it?"

Zhao Sheng quickly adjusted his mood and said in a slightly excited voice: "That's great, Mr. Huang, so I feel relieved."

Huang Xuan admired in his heart: This is the true style of a statesman. He is never afraid of being strong. The enemy will only be the enemy who destroys the enemy. Anyone who can do this should leave his name in history.

"Huang Xuan." After getting excited, Zhao Sheng said confidently: "Tonight, let's go to Changping together, okay?"

"Have you prepared the food?" Huang Xuan shook his head. He also knew that the situation in Changping could not be delayed any longer, but he also knew that Zhao Jun in Changping could hold on for many more days. It would be unwise to leave now. Only the other side desperately needs you. Only then do you have value.

He patted Old Zhao on the shoulder affectionately and said: "Mr. Pingyuan, I know that if you spend all your remaining food to support Changping, there will be no problem. But with such a desperate move, have you ever thought about what happens if Changping still fails? If you lose, how can you defend Handan? If you give me one night, you can get an extra 100,000 shi or a million shi of food, so why not do it?"

"A million stones?" Mr. Pingyuan said with some disbelief: "Can you really come up with so much food?"

Huang Xuan nodded heavily and said, "As long as you have so many animals."

Mr. Pingyuan looked into Huang Xuan's unfaltering eyes and said, "I have more than 1,000 cattle and horses in my pasture..."

He didn't continue, Huang Xuan immediately followed up and said: "Ten thousand dollars per head. If Mr. Pingyuan is willing to sell 000 head at a time, I will add 10,000 dollars for each head. If you can raise 4,000 head, it will be 35,000 for each head." Money. The price of grain is 90 yuan per stone, so you can exchange whatever you have.”

5,000 yuan is already the average price in the market. Mr. Pingyuan said happily: "Okay, Mr. Huang, please go to the ranch with me."

Huang Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "Let's go tonight. There are still many livestock that have not been processed in Dongshi." He added, "I won't sleep tonight. If Mr. Pingyuan can help me collect more, , I can also save some worries.”

He spoke very slowly, and Lorraine also translated very slowly. Mr. Pingyuan immediately understood that Huang Xuan wanted to collect enough animals before he was willing to leave. Although he didn't understand why he wanted so many animals, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Huang Don’t worry.”

In the past day, Huang Xi had satisfied the addiction of a big businessman. He had never had so many people come to him to beg him. The faces of those big shots who had dismissed him in the past were now full of flattery. Some of them were not used to the sudden change. The change of identity in the movie, the stiff smile on his face, and the fake smile on his face made people more happy.

Food, nothing is more important than food.

1 stone of grain only costs 80 yuan. Although it is only 10 stone cheaper than the market, in fact, there is not much grain for sale in the grain shop. At this time when the price of grain is rising, which boss does not hesitate to sell

Huang Xuan's requirement was that as long as they were live animals, except for humans, chickens, cows, dogs, and pigs were all required, as long as they were in large quantities, so a new group of second-level dealers and even third-level dealers quickly appeared in the East Market. Various livestock are collected from retail traders at lower prices and then sold to a certain businessman. The businessman can collect ten large livestock or a hundred small livestock for one transaction, and sell them with yellow mats in exchange for grain, which is then used to Get livestock from the downline.

The people of the Warring States Period were wise.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the three large granaries behind Huang Xi, which were the wheat that Huang Xuan left for Huang Xi to sell after renting them. They were guarded by King Zhao's guards. People who didn't know it suddenly understood. I thought it was the royal family selling grain.

There are about 0,000 tons of grain in the three granaries, which is 90,000 shi and worth 810,000 yuan. In half a day, almost 0 cows and more than 00 pigs were exchanged. After hearing the news, more and more people came. Sweat broke out from Huang Xi's nose. If there was no food to sell after a while, things would get worse.

Fortunately, Huang Xuan rushed back quickly. Seeing the masses of people holding chickens and dragging pigs and sheep in front of him, Huang Xuan fell deeply into the labor force. With Dian Wei passing through the human wall, Huang Xi could no longer hold on. .

"Continue selling." Huang Xuan hurriedly put grain into the three granaries. Most of the rest were corn and other grain crops that were no longer available. It seemed that they could only be used to feed livestock.

"Lu Min." After placing the food, Huang Xuan looked at the crowded Dongshi, took out his biomagnetic card and dialed it, asking, "Has your plane channel been opened?"

"No problem."

"Okay, let's pass it on one by one. I probably have, uh, thousands of various animals now. Can you sort them?"

"Fully automated operation." Lu Min said with a sense of pride: "The technological level of R001 is the highest among the nearby planes."

"That's no problem." Huang Xuan thought for a while and finally asked, "How do you usually deal with non-biological substances in animals?"

"You mean poop and mud?"

"Uh, that's right."

"How about bowel cleansers and adsorbents? They can be solved at regular intervals. If you want, you can do it for 1 minute. If you want, you can set it for 0 minutes."

Huang Xuan said unceremoniously: "Give me a batch, I didn't prepare this time."

"Right away." Lu Min liked Huang Xuan's impoliteness, which made him feel closer to the "glorious noble".

Handan East City is a large market, but as the Changping War progressed, business gradually slumped. Huang Xuan found the market supervisor (Market Supervision of the Warring States Bureau of Industry and Commerce) and asked for a few acres of open space behind the market, and drove all the animals away. passed.

Colon cleansing agents are all in the form of very simple granules, which will automatically adhere to active saliva, and then enter the animal's body according to the set time to promote bowel cleansing. The adsorbent needs to be sprayed over the organism to automatically absorb non-biological matter, condense and fall off. . Huang Xuan took out a few boards, handed them to a 1-year-old servant, and said: "Peel this place open and feed one to each animal here." Then he called two more boys, and asked the two boys who felt that they were behind. He handed the modern adsorbent to the two people and said: "You take this small box, uh, this thing that looks twisted but sealed, and press it above each livestock. I don't know the sky? It's the top of the head. Count three and then switch to the next one, understand?"

The three little servants were very clever. They not only knew the order, but also knew how to separate the fed and unfed with fences. Huang Xuanze covered his nose and walked away.

The servants of the Huang Mansion all knew that their new master was a very capable person. At least magic such as transforming live cattle and transforming grain were something they had not been able to see before, so they worked harder and harder.

It's a pity that Huang Xuan never returned to the house rewarded by King Zhao. He busily sent the newly purchased livestock to R001, and then exchanged the edible grain for the livestock, and waited until the sun rose again in the east. , the outside of Handan City was already crowded with landlords and farmers from Jingxing, Fukouxing, and Zhidao.

The price ratio of R001 to protozoa and edible grain is between 1:00 and 1:500. Based on the most expensive cattle, Huang Xuan needs 10,000 kilograms of grain to exchange for a strong cattle, a bullock from the Warring States Period. Generally, they weigh no more than 400 kilograms, and the ratio is almost 1:140. On average, excluding energy consumption, there are about 40% profit and countless decimal places in income. As for the price of pigs and sheep, they are much lower. If the pig is 80 kilograms, the exchange ratio is below 1:0, and the profit has exceeded 100%.

As Lord Pingyuan's 5,000 cattle and horses and tens of thousands of pigs and sheep were delivered to the East Market, the whole Handan was in a sensation. The nobles who were hesitant at first could not hold back when they saw this. The breeding industry of the Warring States Period It has become quite large, with stables for cattle and horses, and pens for pigs and sheep. The feed is made of stubble, which is cut and processed grass. The stubble is a fine material. The main feed is millet and bean, which is expensive. In terms of grain prices, When prices skyrocket, the costs and risks of continuing to support them are higher - ancient people didn't know the term risk, but they could understand it emotionally.

Therefore, Mr. Pingyuan's cattle and horses were like a flag, which instantly increased Huang Xuan's workload by 10 times. He had to announce that large animals must be more than 100 to be traded here, pigs and sheep need 00, and chickens and dogs are It only takes a thousand heads.

Since the time between different planes is independent, the moment Huang Xuan sent the cattle and sheep into the passage - Lu Min could receive it - but to these cattle and horses, they may have passed for several hours.

Lu Min would send the grain to him after a rough check, and Huang Xuan didn't have time to check it before moving on to the next batch. He has set up more than 10 livestock pens, occupying half of the East Market. The non-biological substances on the ground have been shoveled more than a hundred times, all thanks to the servants sent by Pingyuan Lord. If not for this, the East Market would have been unheard of. .

On the night of the third day, Mr. Pingyuan sent someone to urge him again. Huang Xuancai reluctantly said to Lu Min: "In the future, there is no need to exchange it for grain. You can just sell it for me. Shares or whatever."

Plan ahead and you’ll thank yourself when you need it. Huang Xuan still remembers the family’s small classroom.

Lu Min agreed with some regret. He had not had a moment of rest in the past three days, but as long as he looked at the hot circles growing on his magnetic card, he was full of motivation again. He didn't know that this "Glory Noble" hated trouble. I still want him to share some profits. All livestock are calculated based on the number of heads. In the protozoa trading hall, the trading of protozoa is very complex and accurate, including species, age, production location, production method, and meat quality. Waiting for hundreds of factors, averaging these, he can get a total premium of about 15%. After deducting the money and energy for renting plane communication, it is higher than a year's travel income.

As for Huang Xuan, he had unknowingly traded more than 50,000 livestock and more small animals. According to the profit margin, the extra grain gained exceeded 1 million tons, which is 0 million shi, which is more than the annual output of Dujiangyan in Sichuan after it was built. All are higher, this is the power of technology.

After the Qin State built the Zhengguo Canal, the grain output per mu was only 70 kilograms, which was not comparable to modern grain production, let alone the production efficiency of R001. The reason that restricted him from exchanging more livestock was the traffic in Dongshi - This is already the place with the best transportation in the entire Warring States Period. In its heyday, tens of thousands of livestock could be traded every day. But if tens of thousands of people and tens of thousands of tons of grain are added to this, the efficiency here will be too low. .

This is also the reason why Huang Xuan insisted on large-scale transactions. For example, Lord Pingyuan sold Huang Xuan 10,000 livestock of various kinds, worth 40,000 tons of grain. If the piles were 500 meters long and 500 meters wide, they would also be 10 meters high. Huang Xuan The grain brought is 0 times the weight, worth 100 million U.S. dollars. It takes 50,000 trips to transport it by a 5-ton truck, and 500,000 trips by a carriage carrying a load of 500 kilograms. If Huang Xuan hadn't gone to his rice warehouse to trade with him, this transaction alone would have kept him busy for more than ten days.

Thanks to the tolerance of the residents of the Warring States Period to unnatural phenomena, after Lord Pingyuan took the lead, big businessmen from various countries were willing to trade with Huang Xuan in other places, and sent the cattle and horses to the East Market, and Huang Xi sold them as thousands of heads. The work unit circled him, waiting for Huang Xuan to send him away - the establishment of this kind of credibility was the inherent guarantee of the "animals for food" program that lasted for seven days.

In addition, so many grain transactions obviously surprised and delighted the kings and ministers of Zhao State. The surprise was naturally Huang Xuan's ability, and the joy was the acquisition of so much grain. The population of Zhao State must not exceed 5 million, and 1 million tons of grain. Even if all the cattle are sold, we can survive for two years, let alone in a crisis like now.

Therefore, on the fifth day after Huang Xuan came to this plane, and on the seventh day after he started trading livestock, Huang Xuan received a government order for 100,000 livestock, mainly horses, pigs and sheep, as well as a small amount of farm animals. Cow, with a total value of 1 billion US dollars. After switching to the hot circle, Lu Min was immediately bluffed into incoherence and stammered: "I have given you a magnetic card based on your physical characteristics. You will become the most popular R001 It must be a distinguished guest."

However, a large amount of food is certainly a good thing, but the life and death of the entire country's military forces did not last long, so the joy of the people of Zhao could not last long. Lord Pingyuan increased from one reminder a day to four a day. On the seventh day, it was even more light and simple. Sui, regardless of the filthiness of Dongshi, lived here and waited for Huang Xuan to set off.

Calculating the time, Huang Xuan felt that Zhao Kuo had done enough. When the 00,000th livestock was delivered, he finally said to the eager Pingyuan Lord: "You can only bring two people with you. We will set off in the evening." (Unfinished) to be continued)