Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 168: One hundred and sixty-three science and technology stream (1)


People are always unmoved by things they are familiar with. When Huang Xuan passed through the plane passage for the first time, he only felt it was gorgeous and dazzling, but when he looked at it for the nth time, he had already turned a blind eye.

Dian Wei stood behind Huang Xuan with half-squinted eyes, showing no interest in anything that had nothing to do with him. There was nothing behind the two of them. However, whether it was for Huang Xuan or those high-level travelers, they could gain more than a base. There are only two bases left.

In the era of big planes, plane bases are also valuable. Moreover, today after the time and space shock, there are only a few institutions left such as the Space and Time Administration that can create their own plane bases. High-level bases are even more scarce, and those bases that can be upgraded by themselves are even more rare. The major families hid it in silence, fearing that others would find out.

Through Nick, Huang Xuan can now get more information, and he doesn't have to worry about being found. It's like a hacker using a springboard. The only trouble is energy.

As a level 18 base, Nick's normal operation energy requires millions of kilowatt-hours per day, which is supplied through P11, which is equivalent to a daily electricity bill of 4 million yuan (10 times consumption). Although Nick has saved a lot of energy, it is still Huang Xuan was asked to pay the bill, which doubled his pressure.

Of course, if it is through P10, it is just a small amount of money to pay the bill with energy circles. Huang Xuan also knows this, but in fact, if this is really done, it will put the security of the base to a test.

The colors in the passage gradually became clearer. Huang Xuan moved his somewhat numb legs and feet twice, and said dryly: "Next time, I should get two deck chairs here. Now it's like buying a standing ticket. I don't know. At first glance, no one believes that I am the boss of this base.”

"What is a standing vote?" Dian Wei asked.

“It’s a standing room only ticket.”

Dian Wei looked at his hand and said, "Is this ticket so overbearing? Next time he comes, I will kill him."

"Lorraine, how much can you earn this time?"

It is very hard to raise two big-bellied men, and now we have reached a point where we have to borrow money to buy feed.

"10,000." Lorraine's answer was exciting.

Huang Xuan breathed, rubbed his hands and said, "But P10 will be my plane from now on? So won't this time's gain be in vain?"

"It's useless to have more energy in P10. As long as there is enough energy, we can let Nick change to another dimension. What you should consider is how to get the most energy in a short time."

"As long as it's a prank." Huang Xuan shrugged and said, "What's so difficult about it."

"Of course." Lorraine said seriously: "If the energy loss you cause is too large at one time, the space-time shock may destroy this plane, and then we will lose everything. On the contrary, since Nick is still in P10, the follow-up We can still get some of the energy lost, although it is very small..."

"How to say."

"As long as it is a direct loss caused by the energy output from our plane channel, this part of the energy can be obtained. Similarly, in P11, if it is a direct loss caused by Nick, it will still be obtained by P10."

"Then if we go back and forth like this, we won't be able to stop the loss?" Huang Xuan asked in confusion.

Lorraine said seriously: "It's a direct loss. Note, it's a direct loss. For example, if you ask Nick to kill the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, we can get at least 4,000 energy, but the energy lost by P10 may be a lot." Compared to 4 million dens, the loss of .6 million dens is an unnecessary loss. As a colonial plane, we do not want this to happen. "

"In addition." Lorraine continued: "This loss must be caused by the output energy of the plane channel occupied by Nick or me. Therefore, try to cause a loss of P10 to replenish P11 evenly, and store P10 before there is no profit. Enough energy to leave, this is a common colonization method in the era of big planes. "

"Okay, now I am a colonist." Huang Xuan crossed his arms and stepped on the auspicious clouds.

"The colonizer itself is not derogatory." Lorraine said very matter-of-factly: "A plane has a lot of energy, but there are not many energy between different time periods. Therefore, after we cause losses, Wait for a period of time to allow the energy in these time periods to be replenished. In the same way, if you want to increase the security of P11, it is necessary to replenish more energy to the lower space-time.”

"High-level space-time?" Huang Xuan has never heard of this term.

Lorraine quickly said: "A plane may have a history of 6 million years. At the bottom of its time period 6 million years ago, a new time period will be born. This consumes energy, and from its 6 million years ago, a new time period will be born. The time period from years ago to the top 6 million year period is all low-level time and space. Only the 6 million-year time period without history is high-level time and space. In other words, high-level time and space creates history, and Low-level time and space is necessary and should be consistent with history. He said in a calm tone: "High-level time and space determines which type of plane this plane belongs to. The relationship between high-level time and space and low-level time and space is like a locomotive and a train car. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the energy between the carriages is strong enough to keep up with the locomotive. "

"Then are we at a lower level of time and space or a higher level of time and space?"

"High-level space-time." Lorraine said disdainfully: "Otherwise, how could you find me."

"Then what kind of prescription would cost hundreds of thousands of meals?" Huang Xuan still remembers that Lorraine said that one more prescription for Viagra would cost 00,000 meals.

"That will change the similarity relative to P001. Every 1% change in similarity will cost 1% of the original energy loss."

Huang Xuan was more concerned about the high-level time and space. He asked worriedly: "So there is no Huang Xuan in front of me, but there are many Huang Xuan behind me?"

"Theoretically, that's the case." Lorraine's voice gradually decreased and said, "However, I didn't find you."

"What?" Before Huang Xuan heard clearly, Lorraine said in his standard tone: "P11 has arrived."

Huang Xuan stepped on the five-color cloud and walked out of the plane passage. It should be afternoon at this moment, and the light under the window lattice was so strong that he couldn't help but cover his eyes.

Lorraine threw the two of them back to the room in Nanjing. Huang Xuan covered his forehead with one hand and looked around. The person who had just walked out of the plane passage was like a queen who had just woken up at night. His eyes were dazed and he didn't know where he was. Huang Xuan only saw a shadow lying on the bed and walked over unconsciously.

Dian Wei's health was much better, and he quickly regained his balance and said, "I'm going back first."

His home is a fitness room, just like the threshing floor of the village in the past.

Huang Xuan gave a muffled "Yes". At this time, the shadow on the bed heard the sound and stood up suddenly, and immediately bumped into Huang Xuan who had just walked over.

"Who?" Huang Xuan reflexively stretched out an arm to hug the other person, then forced his eyes open and asked, "Diao Chan?"

The two people's eyes met, and their faces were very close. The little mink beauty had a black hair wrapped around the middle. The breeze blowing from the window was gently blowing, making both of them feel a little itchy.

"Yes." Miss Diao replied weakly, her whole face flushed, and she moved slightly to avoid Huang Xuan's gaze.

Huang Xuan's right hand was on the head of the bed to support his body, and his left hand was around Diao Chan's waist. He could only feel that this slender waist was graspable by his hand, which was soft and flexible. With his nervous breathing, he seemed to be holding it. The palm of the hand bounces away.

He rubbed his nose in the cloud of black hair and said, "Why are you in my house?"

"I, I'm tidying up the room." Diao Chan's breath was like blue, but even her earlobes were red.

Huang Xuan sniffed the fragrance from the girl and relaxed suddenly. Only then did he truly realize that he was really back home. In Changping, although I didn't really see mountains of corpses and seas of blood, nor scenes of flesh and blood flying everywhere, all my nerves were tense, as if I was taking a special exam, no matter how easy it was. , the moment you walk out of the examination room, you always feel comfortable.

"Did you miss me when I was away?" Huang Xuan leaned forward slightly as he spoke.

"Yes." Miss Diao responded with a sigh. She was lying on the bed, adjusting the sheets. After being frightened, she just stood up from her knees and was hugged by Huang Xuan. Face to face with Huang Xuan, he was already so embarrassed that he wanted to lower his head, but then he touched Huang Xuan's shoulder, and his whole body suddenly bowed back in shame.

Huang Xuan's right hand also gently stretched out, and then gently placed it on Diao Chan's waist, fixing her in front of him, and then said: "I often think of you when I am outside."

Diao Chan gave a slight "Yes". The uneven force on the bed made her unable to kneel or stand up, but her hand unconsciously grabbed Huang Xuan's arm. The latter exerted a little force, and the two of them were immediately close to each other.

Under Huang Xuan's eyes, Diao Chan's breathing quickly became nervous. Huang Xuan hugged the beauty in front of him a little harder and whispered: "What are you doing when I'm not here these days?"

Diao Chan pushed hard, but couldn't move Huang Xuan, so she tilted her head back and said, "My sister and I were listening to classes at school, going shopping and watching movies, and that white-faced uncle always protected us. "

The white-faced uncle? Huang Xuan immediately realized that it was Isaac, but he didn't know what this Israeli man would think if he knew that he was described as being like an ancient internal official.

Just for a moment, Huang Xuan was pulled back by the soft rhythm on his chest. A pair of pigeon breasts moved slightly as he exhaled, like the softest cushion in the world. After a brief touch, he quickly moved away. . Huang Xuan slowly closed his eyes and followed the feeling.

The gap between Xiao Diao Mei Mei's breathing became smaller and smaller, so the touching became more frequent. Huang Xuan put a little more force on his hands, making the two bodies closer together, and his own breathing rhythm was quickly interrupted. Messy.

The two of them were in a hazy state when they suddenly heard Zhang Xinyi shouting from downstairs: "Ruochan..."

It was as if Xiao Diao Meimei and Huang Xuan were suddenly awakened from their slumber.

Huang Xuan was also a little embarrassed. He grabbed Diao Chan's hand and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go down with you."

The little girl lowered her head and said "yes", but the blush on her face did not diminish. (To be continued)