Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 173: Technology flow (6)


Half a catty of diamonds is actually only 50g, 150 carats. If it is a diamond less than 5 carats, the most expensive per carat is only 50,000 US dollars. But Huang Xuan left it to the last, how can it be cheap.

During the Great Depression in the United States, Huang Xuan was literally printing money to buy diamonds. Just think about the tens of millions of dollars spent every day to know how many diamonds Huang Xuan had left in his hands.

He didn't use it as collateral. Firstly, the cash was enough, and secondly, the diamonds were too eye-catching. However, Huang Jindi's health improved immediately. When he could get up from bed, Huang Xuan really had nothing to worry about. Now, I can work in the office with peace of mind.

Liu Ziqing accompanied Huang Xuan and chatted casually without going to join in the fun among the appraisers. He had just been promoted and received a salary increase, and he was in a good mood. It was related to Huang Xuan, so he drank whiskey and thanked Huang Xuan half-truth: "Thanks to you, the company was considerate of me a few days ago and gave me I’ve been promoted to a level. If you have anything to sell in the future, just tell me.”

He then pointed at the diamond in the center of the table and smiled: "But if this is the case, I can't directly make the decision."

With a smile on his face, Huang Xuan leaned against the table and said, "So what position are you in Sotheby's now?"

"The China area can always be ranked first." Liu Ziqing took a sip of whiskey and praised: "But I still can't afford such a good wine."

"I'd like to give you a few bottles. You can take the ones from the wine cabinet yourself."

"Next time." Liu Ziqing shook his head regretfully and said, "Let's have a chance next time. I can't get anything for today's work."

Huang Xuan said with a smile: "I'm afraid I'm worried that so many people will share it with you. Let's do it next time."

Liu Ziqing nodded, then smiled mysteriously, lowered his head and whispered: "Mr. Huang, are you going to sell all these diamonds?"


"If you need money right now, I have a proposition."


Liu Ziqing covered his face with a wine glass and turned around, carrying the appraisers on his back and said: "Sotheby's has a lot of business, including very small private auctions. Although the number of participants is small, if it is determined that they are all people with the intention to buy, On the contrary, it is easy to pay a high price, and Sotheby’s will never expose your identity at such an auction.”

Huang Xuan pouted and said nothing.

"The other one." Liu Ziqing said softly: "If you sell so many diamonds at once, the price will always be lowered, and the only ones who can buy so many diamonds are companies and institutions. We can invite them , everyone sits together, and the price is more realistic. ”

Huang Xuan thought for a while, then suddenly laughed and said, "Are you worried that it will be difficult to deal with so many diamonds without certificates?"

Liu Ziqing was not embarrassed, but had a look of understanding, which made Huang Xuan laugh. He patted Liu Ziqing on the shoulder and said, "That's it, you are professionals."

Seeing that Huang Xuan was so talkative, Liu Ziqing was relieved. These diamonds did not have certificates, and there would be a lot of trouble when they appeared in the auction house. Although there are quite a few gray diamonds, it would be best to persuade all of them to conduct a small-scale auction. method. For Huang Xuan, if news spread that he was in urgent need of money, it would always have some impact on subsequent plans, so it would be better if it was done properly.

After talking about the business, Liu Ziqing started to taste the wine, and he was very clear-minded. Huang Xuan listened with great interest. He also took the time to look at the energy screen in front of him and chat with Lorraine.

Most of Nick's equipment is unusable, and it will take a lot of energy to restore it. However, the communication and data collection capabilities are generally unimpeded. Although there is not even a buffer, the level 18 base is still more efficient, but it has not yet been connected to R. Plane, after all, it is not a plane like P11. Everything has rules. Huang Xuan was a little conservative before he figured it out.

If it is to purchase energy to supply Nick's base in P11, the down payment will be 0 billion US dollars, and it will be similar every year in the future. Huang Xuan is not prepared to do this. There are really not many people who can make 0 billion US dollars every year. Don't owe one when the time comes. Butt debt is good. And if you rely on Blu-ray DVD, it stands to reason that it will enter the harvest period after 4 years.

With this in mind, Huang Xuan clicked on the energy screen in front of him. Liu Ziqing had already squatted in front of the wine cabinet alone. He was a person who was good at observing words and emotions and would never displease his employer.

The failure of HD-DVD can be said to be due to its advantages. HD disc production is backward compatible. In other words, HD discs can be produced using DVD disc production lines. This is naturally beneficial to reducing costs, but for HD For Hollywood companies, the main supporters of the format, this is more advantageous than piracy. Therefore, when Warner believed that the format dispute should be ended quickly, they asked film companies such as Century Fox for their opinions, and the latter For this reason, Warner refused to join the HD camp, so Warner eventually switched sides to the Blu-ray camp, slamming its traditional ally Toshiba to the ground.

Of course, the reason for the failure of HD is not that simple. Sony's advantages as a Hollywood production company and the popularity of PS have made HD overwhelmed. But it is not inevitable. If this is an alien plane, Huang Xuan's first choice is Support Toshiba—precisely because this is P11, Huang Xuan will cautiously let nature take its course and follow Sony instead of doing the opposite.

Huang Xuan has read these materials several times. Many of them are analysis articles from different planes. There are even planes where HD won. However, in terms of local similarity inspection, the numerical values of these planes are too high. Low, and was listed as not being considered by Nick.

The so-called local similarity is an ability that Nick only has as an 18th-level base, that is, the ability to investigate part of the time or part of the events in a certain plane - the higher the base, the more detailed the investigation - local similarity. Degree is actually the similarity of a part of the two planes. Taking Napoleon as an example, no matter how much the overall similarity of the two planes is, just looking at Napoleon, if Napoleon from one of the planes would have died long ago, Replaced by another indigenous officer, then the partial similarity between P11 and it in this regard may be only 50%; if Napoleon in one of the planes not only dies, but no similar person even appears, then the Napoleon in the two planes The local similarity may be close to 0; but if the overall similarity of the last two planes is examined, they may still be above 80%. After all, the plane similarity faces the entire human history.

Therefore, only after having Nick, Huang Xuan could confidently and boldly rely on technology to make money, because he himself did not understand technology. If he could not obtain complete similar technology, he would not even be able to use it for others to modify.

As he was flipping through the energy screen, Liu Ziqing came over with whiskey in hand. Looking at Huang Xuan who was lost in thought, he called out in a low voice: "Mr. Huang, the valuation is complete."

"Oh." Huang Xuanen said, asking Lorraine to put away the energy screen, and then he said as if he had come to his senses: "How?"

"The total value is more than 800 million U.S. dollars." Liu Ziqing said with an exclamation tone: "In fact, since basically all diamonds exceed 10 carats, the final value will definitely increase a lot."

Diamonds over 10 carats are considered rare. In the international market, it is difficult for these diamonds to get a unified price, and they are completely negotiated by each other. In this regard, Sotheby's is obviously much better than Huang Xuan.

"That's good." Huang Xuan confirmed: "Then I will ask the Union Bank of Switzerland to contact you about the payment. Pay attention to safety on the road. Do you need to increase security?"

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged." Liu Ziqing shook hands with Huang Xuan and said, "I won't stay here anymore and will send the diamond back to the company immediately."

Huang Xuan responded and watched several people label each diamond.

Liu Ziqing and others said goodbye and left. Huang Xuanze just knocked on the table and thought for a while, then said to the air: "Lorraine, call my dad."

"Mr. Huang Qunsheng. Okay." Lorraine looked quite polite.

Huang Qunsheng's career as a visiting scholar in St. Paul came to an abrupt end. Coupled with Huang Jindi's poor health, he was inevitably in a bad mood. However, he was an ordinary person and had no emotions at all, so he stayed at NTU peacefully. .

When Huang Xuan called, he had just walked out of the laboratory, picked up the phone and said with a smile: "Son, what do you want dad for?"

"How do you know that I must ask you for help?" Huang Xuan snorted and said, "I can't greet you."

"Tell me, I'm sorry." Huang Qunsheng was not polite at all. He walked into his office, closed the door and said, "Shouldn't you be in school now? How about we talk about this?"

Huang Xuan immediately understood the situation, chuckled twice, and said proactively: "I want to send money to Nanda, and I want you to find a way to do it?"

Huang Qunsheng leaned on the chair, moved his wrist, and said, "Send money? Do you not want to take the college entrance examination, or do you want to buy a diploma directly?"

"Can I buy it?"

"What do you think?"

Huang Xuan also knew that he was asking a very stupid question, so he laughed twice and said, "Actually, I really have something to do. I want to invest in scientific research projects."

"Oh?" Huang Qunsheng turned his phone to the other side and said, "I just heard you say you wanted to develop high technology yesterday, and now you're doing it? Isn't it a little late?"

This was completely Huang's father's style of teasing. Huang Xuan lowered his head and accepted it, and then said: "It's difficult to give money now." He sighed and said: "This is an environmental protection project. I want to develop some Oil well mining equipment, coal mining, and supporting transportation equipment all use biological materials, such as wood and natural rubber. Only a small amount of engineering plastics, plastics and the like can be used, and metals should be avoided as much as possible. You can see how this can be done ?"

Such equipment is naturally what Huang Xuan plans to use for mining in P10, and it also exists in the R plane. However, all products related to plane travel that may cause energy losses are controlled products in the R plane. Huang Xuan There are currently no plans to reveal his identity, and therefore, he has nothing to gain and needs to be self-sufficient.

Huang Qunsheng said very puzzledly: "What kind of environmental protection is this? It's just a waste of money. Not to mention things like drill bits, even the derrick, made of wood, has a lifespan of less than two years." Although he does not learn drilling, But he also knows everything about engineering. At this moment, he said dissatisfiedly: "If you want to hype a topic, you should choose something similar. Environmentally friendly drilling is fine, but the idea is to focus on drilling. In terms of materials, do you think this is a waste of materials?”

Huang Xuan said "yes" modestly, and then said: "I'm not really ready to put it into production. I don't need to think about the drill for now. I'll just build a shelf first, like some necessary equipment that can use these organic products. Just use organic products, if that doesn’t work, we’ll consider alternatives, step by step, don’t worry.”

Sending 100 kilograms of metal may cost Lorraine 10 million U.S. dollars in energy. If the crude oil extracted does not have this value, it is equivalent to working in vain.

Huang's father said funnyly: "What's the use of doing this? Wood is much more expensive than steel. It's not environmentally friendly and it's a waste. Who gave you the bad idea? This can't be considered high technology."

Huang Xuan felt depressed for a while and couldn't explain it. He thought for a long time and said: "Do you think this is okay? If there is a free laboratory in the school, help me sign up for a project. If there is not one in Nanda, just ask someone else. School. I can invest 10 million US dollars in the name of Hexin Industrial. How about the rest?"

"You have to have your own idea." Huang Qunsheng listened to Huang Xuan's words and knew that he had considered it carefully, so he said: "You and your mother should discuss it more. I will go and ask for you today and tomorrow."

In the school's laboratories, there are always more people idle than busy, let alone projects with research funds. Huang Qunsheng was not worried that no one would do it. Before hanging up the phone, he asked: "Remember to go to class in the afternoon."

Huang Xuan's hand shook and he hung up the phone, thinking: I'm going to get on the plane in the afternoon, who will teach me. (To be continued)