Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 181: One Hundred and Seventy Six Capital (1)


After a full hour, Huang Xuan and Galadia rode Feidian back to the track under the stands. Feidian was still young and was a little dissatisfied with being kicked away as soon as he was used. He screamed. After two sounds, Dianwei took great care of it. After stroking it a few times, it finally calmed down.

What was Klimenos going to say? He saw Galadia holding Huang Xuan's arm and smiling brightly. Finally, he coughed twice and said, "How does it feel to set a new world record?"

"Can such a game be used as a record?" Huang Xuan shrugged and said, "It should require a championship."

"It does require championship records." Ellison, who was more familiar with horse racing, nodded and said, "There are too many problems with small races, and records are indeed not recognized." After saying this, he still extended his hand in congratulations. Said: "Congratulations on breaking the world record."

Huang Xuan laughed and said, "There are no reporters today, so I shouldn't have to worry too much about this problem."

"That's what Mr. Chief should be worried about." Clemenos pursed his lips.

Huang Xuan followed his gaze and saw Mr. Xie Hao Mohammed walking over with two servants. His steps were strong but slow, as if he was looking left and right, but if he looked at his eyes, he was at least focused. And attractive.

Classmate Xiao Huang wondered in a funny way whether this person had practiced in front of a mirror, just like his uncle did when he was hit by him: he winked at a full-length mirror and pretended to be serious...

Smiling at Ellison from a distance, Xie Hao gave Huang Xuan a half-salute. Considering his age and status, such etiquette was already very high. In front of everyone, Huang Xuan quickly returned the gift, his movements were a little deformed, but overall he was still good.

"It's a really nice horse." Xie Hao sighed, a little disappointed. He smiled at Ellison and said, "Lawrence, can we talk alone?"

He called Ellison "Lawrence", and he looked very familiar. However, Huang Xuan was instantly relieved. The Dubai Sovereign Wealth Fund had long wanted to hook up with the Americans. It was not surprising that the two had business contacts. , not to mention they all like horse racing.

Clemenos smiled and left. Xie Hao smiled at Galadia, who was unwilling to leave, and said, "Miss Galadia, I want to use your boyfriend to say something."

Galadia had no choice but to leave with reluctance. Huang Xuan didn't remember whether he introduced Galadia to him, but thinking about Clemenos's wide circle of friends, he was relieved.

Several people walked away, Xie Hao coughed, and the two servants and the bodyguard who should be Galadia also walked away.

Huang Xuan was a little surprised by Xie Hao's attitude, especially Ellison's so-called "worry", which made him confused.

But the current situation, at best, involves issues such as assassination and sniping. Based on his "many days" experience, the main problem involved in shooting a sniper armor-piercing bullet at close range is 10,000 yuan, and the cost of a machete The power, according to the analysis in the Three Kingdoms era, is about 5,000 yuan (one-tenth) of the electricity bill. I don't think Mr. Chief would use AK Tutu. In that case, it would really cost a lot of money.

After guessing, Xie Hao was obviously not going to be so bored. After he sent everyone around him away, his circle-faced Hu smiled and said: "Although I didn't win the bet, I'm still very happy to see a wonderful event." Contest."

After he finished speaking, he added emphatically: "Only in a lifetime." It is a proverb from Arabia.

"Thank you." Huang Xuan didn't know what Xie Hao's purpose was. In fact, he was still thinking about the treasure map on Xie Hao's wrist. Lorraine had just erased it, but he didn't know that Mr. Mohammed had returned home. , what kind of expression will you feel when you see that the birthmark that has been with you for decades is gone

Xie Hao quickly adjusted his mood and said with a smile: "The US$70 million should be in Mr. Huang's account soon, but before that, I want to ask Mr. Huang for something."

"Oh?" Huang Xuan felt a little strange when he heard the word request.

"Although it's a bit hard to say." Lorraine's accurate translation interpreted Xie Hao's expression extremely accurately. The chief must be scratching his head now. He looked at Huang Xuan who was still calm after hearing the 70 million US dollars, curled his lips, and finally said: "I would like to ask, how many heavy-duty horses like Mr. Huang do you have?"

"You want it?" Huang Xuan said knowingly: "But these are family assets, I can't sell them to you casually."

"No." Xie Hao shook his head and said, "Why have I never heard of heavy horses participating in the competition before? I mean, Mr. Huang's horses should achieve very good results in flat racing."

Huang Xuan understood that he might have misunderstood, so he just smiled and said nothing.

Xie Hao felt like he was at an OPEC meeting. When faced with this problem that he had nowhere to answer, he habitually adjusted his sleeves and said, "I heard that Mr. Huang needs an investment?"

These floating words convinced Huang Xuan that Xie Hao really wanted something from him, so he blinked and said half-truthfully: "I need a loan, not an investment."

There is a big difference between investment and loan. Investment is risky, but the return is theoretically unlimited. For example, Google and Alibaba are typical examples of returns exceeding a thousand times. However, loans are different. The interest on the loan is limited and is in a certain period. stay out of the decision-making process. The Blu-ray strategy prepared by Huang Xuan is very reliable, and the risk may be lower than that of national debt. If you are looking for investment, wouldn't it be convenient and quick to go to Sony directly

Xie Hao made a rough assessment of Huang Xuan's appetite in his mind, and said in a decisive tone: "I can lend you a low-interest loan of US$1 billion through Islamic Bank or Dubai Finance. In return, I hope I will never see you again. Heavy horses like Lightning and Pink Rabbit appear on the racetrack.”

Huang Xuan suddenly understood.

The development of the thoroughbred horse industry relies on two points. First, the thoroughbred horse is indeed the fastest horse race in the world, and it is elegant and beautiful. Many people like the thoroughbred horse. Second, thoroughbred racing is a profitable market.

The former determines the latter, and the latter drives the former.

As a profitable market, the thoroughbred horse trade is like a world-class pyramid scheme: a young horse, if it has a world-class father and a good mother, can be sold for sale when it is one year old. Pay one million US dollars; by the time it is two years old, if this horse can perform well in breezeing, its value will rise to tens of millions of dollars; by the time it is three years old, if this horse can win a world-class title , and after receiving millions of dollars in bonuses, the horse owner can retire the horse with peace of mind, and then receive tens of millions of dollars in breeding fees every year.

For those who want to join this collection, the first thing they need to do is to buy a thoroughbred horse or get a breeding fee.

However, there is one thing that supports all of this - the speed and price of a thoroughbred horse are closely related to its pedigree: the son of a champion must be excellent, and excellent pedigree will definitely bring a champion.

Undoubtedly, the appearance of Red Rabbit and Feidian will definitely break this myth. In fact, if Huang Xuan had not cheated and there had not been the mythical Chitu, the myth would not have been exposed.

Xie Hao will never allow this myth to end. Although there are only some shadows of the end now, whether he is the leader of the "Thoroughbred Horse MLM Organization" or a purebred horse enthusiast, Mr. Chief does not need heavy horses or Half-breed horses come to disrupt this world that has been planned for a long time.

Thinking of this, Huang Xuan sneered and said: "Don't Mr. Muhammad think that it is difficult to keep a secret with so many people present."

After thinking about this problem, Huang Xuan is actually the one who least wants to break this myth. If a market worth 100 billion U.S. dollars per year is subverted, Huang Xuan simply cannot imagine how many losses there will be.

Xie Hao pointed to the sky in a Zen-like manner and said: "Meteors may disappear every day, and the United States is a country where meteors occur frequently."

Speaking of which, it was Muhammad who reassured Huang Xuan. He reciprocated and said: "Then it will be 4 billion U.S. dollars, with an interest rate of 4.5% per year."

Xie Hao's eyes widened and his beard curled up. He couldn't believe that Huang Xuan really dared to speak so loudly. Sub-groups such as Dubai Investment Group only controlled 6 to 7 billion US dollars in funds, how could they lend it all to him.

Huang Xuan knew that Mr. Muhammad was too much. He snorted and said, "Speaking of it, 4 billion U.S. dollars with 10% interest is only 400 million U.S. dollars a year. It's just two bets. If you don't want to, I can take the flying power to Kentucky."

This was a threat, but Xie Hao didn't mind. In his life, he had experienced countless threats, but they were all resolved one by one. At this moment, he was more concerned about Huang Xuan's credibility and asked: "How to ensure that our agreement is effective?"

Huang Xuan looked around and said: "If someone lent me 10 billion US dollars, do you think I would sacrifice my own talents and open a new racecourse to compete with Dali?"

Xie Hao became more energetic. As a senior politician and successful businessman, he has never been a person who cares about the gains and losses of one city or one place. What's more, Dubai is originally a "country" with endless money. If it weren't like this , they don’t need to set up so many investment funds.

Muhammad asked with great interest: "What do you want 10 billion US dollars for?"

"Create a brand new market." Huang Xuan had a good impression of Xie Haoda at this time. Although he negotiated a secret agreement, anyone who can afford it and let it go will always achieve something, not to mention that the other party is Dubai. Chief.

Seeing that Huang Xuan would not say any more, Muhammad stopped asking and nodded gently. (To be continued)