Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 212: BD Battle (9)


Zhang Guangsheng is a quiet man with a serious face. Many people who have worked with him for 10 years have never seen him smile. This is what Huang Xuan heard from his uncle.

However, the first time Huang Xuan met Zhang Guangsheng, he saw his smile. It was not a normal smile, but a smile where his eyes and eyebrows danced together. It was very wide, exaggerated and wonderful. Only then did Huang Xuan understand that it was not that serious comrades did not smile, but that their smiles were so unique.

When Huang Jindi introduced Huang Xuan, Zhang Guangsheng didn't smile. When he finished the introduction, Zhang Guangsheng didn't smile either. As for Huang Xuan speaking, he didn't smile, but when he sat down at the dinner table, Huang Jindi didn't speak again. At that moment, Zhang Guangsheng laughed, an exaggerated smile.

He doesn't laugh casually, let alone laugh with others at the dinner table. Zhang Guangsheng only laughs in front of his chief. Only when the chief starts to talk about an important issue and is about to come up with a plan, he laughs. laugh.

This smile is not for everyone to see.

Huang Xuan still couldn't understand this smile. He just thought it was weird. Huang Jindi nodded and said, "Okay, Guangsheng, please teach Huang Xuan when you have time. My grandson is still young and always a little ignorant." , I can’t even educate myself.”

Zhang Guangsheng smiled exaggeratedly again.

Huang Xuan suddenly felt that the snickering was not laughing at him, but a kind of relief. He also laughed twice and said, "Uncle Zhang, can I call you that?"

"Okay, you can call me whatever you want. Your uncle and I will not suffer any loss."

"That's good." Huang Xuan straightened his body. He suddenly felt that he had arrived in a hurry and was not prepared. This made him nervous, so he said to Lorraine in a low voice: "Open an energy screen for me."

He has the technology that others don't have, and he can see things that others can't see. This makes Huang Xuan's self-confidence inflated, and he puffed up his chest and said: "Uncle Zhang, I am going to build several factories now. Mainly It is the production of BD, that is, Blu-ray DVD, which is a new generation alternative technology to DVD. "

"I know this." Zhang Guangsheng leaned over and nodded: "But the threshold for BD is a bit higher. There are many companies in China now seeking to cooperate with Toshiba to develop HD in China. If you want to develop Blu-ray, you have to Without the support of the EVD Alliance, you wouldn’t be able to develop DVDs here in China.”

It seems that this Uncle Zhang has done his homework and has even been exposed to it. He said it was simple, but in fact he got to the core. But his guess, Huang Xuan knew much more than Zhang Guangsheng, and was much more accurate. After the collapse of Toshiba's HD, China's HD is still doing it. It's like EVD of the EVD Alliance performing a one-man show. The show will always go on. If he hadn't known about the inevitable death of HD, Huang Xuan might have really chosen it in China. Maybe HD.

China chose HD because the cost of HD is low and it can use existing DVD production lines. However, things in the world are so strange. Hollywood chose BD because BD has high entry barriers and high costs and cannot use existing DVD production lines. Production line, in this way, the difficulty of piracy will be high.

Naturally, Huang Xuan couldn't stupidly get in even though he knew he was going to lose money.

Compared with the fateful decision between BD and HD, if a Chinese HD dies or a Chinese BD lives, Neng Dun's losses are far less.

Huang Xuan then said: "Whether BD or HD is better depends on the market's judgment. Maybe the EVD Alliance is right, but maybe they are wrong. Maybe both survive. I think we always have to try. It’s better to try.”

"Doing business has risks, but the risks of doing industry are much greater than simply doing business." Zhang Guangsheng said in a calm tone, as if he was explaining or talking to himself: "Sell HD, or sell BD?" , this is not a problem, but if we don’t want to be charged US$0 in patent fees for each BD or HD, we can’t just sell HD and BD, we have to be on an equal footing with foreign manufacturers. Without state support, China’s current companies It’s very difficult to do.”

Huang Xuan didn't expect Zhang Guangsheng to be so proficient in the DVD industry structure. He was at a loss for words. He couldn't say that he had a way to enter the Blu-ray Alliance. He could only rely on patented technology. The most likely way was to reach a patent understanding with Sony, as Japanese companies often do. In this way, both parties will recognize each other's patents, charge neither patent fees or charge each other's patent fees, and then achieve real results in terms of costs and operations.

But to be honest, Huang Xuan does not have the confidence to compete with Japanese companies in industrial production. Skilled workers, a complete industrial system and uniform management are accumulated and cannot be brought by the plane base.

His real advantage lies in better technology. He can use the production model ten years from now and choose the design five years from now. The so-called advantage of strengths and avoidance of weaknesses does not mean that he and the Japanese compete for costs under the same technical indicators. Even the Americans would find it difficult to compete with Japan today.

Zhang Guangsheng looked at Huang Jindi and said: "If you want to seek state support, you can't do it now. The higher authorities have decided that the next generation of domestic DVD technology should first consider HD. However, if we seek common ground while reserving differences, you can do it if you believe in BD." As a BD, there is only so much I can do to help you.”

Huang Xuan understood that the other party was giving him an anti-epidemic shot, but he liked this kind of anti-epidemic shot, so he threw away the trouble just now, squeezed out a smile and said: "Uncle Zhang, I am not short of money or policies now, EVD If we do their HD and I do my BD, there won’t be any competition within three to five years.”

He was telling lies. In another two years, China's HD will only end up half-dead. There is no need to talk about competition. But Zhang Guangsheng saw it this way, and nodded with satisfaction: "That means you lack talents." ”

"Yes." Huang Xuan said convinced. He didn't understand the chess game played by his grandfather. His uncle might have understood it, but he didn't tell himself that Uncle Zhang also understood it. He thought he also understood it. Who knows, he I don't understand it at all. Adults' games are too complicated.

"Tell me what you think." Zhang Guangsheng is currently in a non-leadership position, but he is actually still a leader. Naturally, he must have a leadership tone when speaking.

Huang Xuan smiled modestly, moved his body, and said: "I'm going to put up a show first. You know, I borrowed 14 billion U.S. dollars. This money will really not be used up for a while, but if I were If I don’t lend it out in one lump sum and pay interest, they will naturally refuse, so I thought I had to pull out the shelf first and then fill it with stuff.”

In contracts with banks such as Citigroup and BNP Paribas, there are clear terms that stipulate that Huang Xuan can only use bank funds for BD expenditures, and the transactions must be between lending banks and subject to the accounting management of Ernst & Young Consulting Company , which means that if the bank does not approve Huang Xuan's expenditure, he will not be able to use even one cent, and the bank can also control the risk as much as possible. The most important thing is that when Huang Xuan uses the first 10 billion U.S. dollars, it will probably be a year or more later, which means that he is "uselessly" paying interest to the bank-precisely because Huang Xuan After Xuan agreed to such "overlord terms", Rubin could loosen his teeth a little and temporarily hide his bloody mouth.

However, for Huang Xuan, his investment period is much shorter than the bank estimated. In addition, he can rely on Mohammed's low-interest loans to maintain costs, so the one-time loan can barely be regarded as a win-win situation.

Of course, Huang Xuan still wants to spend the money as soon as possible to avoid being taken away too much by the bank.

Zhang Guangsheng did not comment on Huang Xuan's idea and said quietly: "Today we will talk about hiring people first. How are you going to hire them?"

"The company is going to be built within Hexin Industrial. I have already established a branch in China. My current idea is to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary to specialize in BD business and transfer some people from the head office to do administrative business. Recruit a group at the same time and find a group of headhunters. All advertising, packaging, and even planning will be outsourced first." He thought of Zhu Xiankui and added: "I have already made some preparations in this regard. "

After waiting for a moment, Huang Xuan drew a horizontal line on the table and said: "The factory is currently planning to build a disc factory first and use Sony's existing technology to carry out technological transformation. Professionals in this area are the most troublesome. Then there is the blue light diode. Production can be delayed a little, after all, BD sales are still small, but I also want to build first. In addition to these two things, I also want to develop supporting industries in the future, such as overall solutions and IC decoding systems for BD players and optical drives. , and finally the laboratory, which can be built together with production. "His actual idea is that he is not planning to carry out research and development in the early stage. Everything is focused on transformation, which can reduce costs to the greatest extent and have advantages in talent and production. Japanese companies compete.

Zhang Guangsheng didn't speak, and Huang Xuanze concluded: "Based on this, I need a professional management team, a professional production team, a large number of skilled workers, and continuous construction capabilities. That's it." He didn't He said that Clemenos would introduce him to some managers. Anyway, no matter whether they were suitable or not, they always needed some blood to neutralize them.

After Huang Xuan finished speaking, Zhang Guangsheng laughed. This was his third laugh today, perhaps a record. Still that exaggerated smile. Facing such a smile for the first time, Huang Xuan felt neither ridicule nor appreciation. He thought about it in his heart for a long time, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Zhang Guangsheng spoke and said: "I think, since you have 14 billion US dollars and mature technology, the most important thing is not to put up any airs, but to expand production and reduce costs. What management We don’t need any team members or administrative staff. The important thing is the workers, factory directors, workshop directors, and other producers and production managers. Now you don’t need to worry about the capital chain, so you need to have leading technology to keep you. The current technological advantage is half a year ahead of the United States and South Korea, and three months ahead of Japan, so that we can cross the threshold of DVD. "

"Huh?" Huang Xuan said puzzledly: "How can we do it without a management team and administrative staff? Wouldn't it be a mess?"

"Just use your branch in China, or the Caotai team. You don't need to do any advertising, channels, or operations now. You use factory directors, workshop directors, and production team leaders to manage workers. Workers are the ones who produce things. What's the use of those CEOs and CFOs? It's a waste of energy." Zhang Guangsheng took a breath and said, "What are administrative staff? Are they responsible for the three insurances and one fund? Or the uploading and issuing of goods? Concierge? Those are not your concerns."

He paused for a moment, considered it and said: "The most important thing for you is to communicate with banks and communicate more with lawyers and accounting firms. Many people don't know where your patent came from. You also need to have technical reserves." Be prepared... In a word, spend money if you can, and don't waste time. Only by focusing on things can you save interest.

In the last sentence, he said it with emotion, and it was clear that he had personal experience.

Zhang Guangsheng didn't say some words, but he added the emphasis, but Huang Xuan heard it. His most advantageous weapons now are, firstly, patented technology, and secondly, the support of the bank group. Therefore, he must expand Advantage, maintain advantage. The bank is not a fool and will naturally be unhappy if you spend all your money in any way possible. In other words, only if banks feel that it is profitable to deal with them, will they think of ways to deal with them. Otherwise, in addition to money, many connections in the banking group will be lost.

However, Huang Xuan was confused about the organizational structure for a long time. He drank half of the tea before asking: "Isn't this the same as the state-owned factory before the reform and opening up?"

"How do you know that state-owned factories are inefficient?" Zhang Guangsheng asked back: "At the beginning of construction, state-owned factories are more efficient. As long as they can mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, don't build schools to run factories or hospitals. You don't have retired employees. Burden, what are you afraid of?”

He rolled his eyes and asked: "From your position, how do you think we can mobilize the enthusiasm of employees?"

Huang Xuan glanced at his grandfather, held it in for a long time, and said, "Give me money."

"It's over." Zhang Guangsheng clapped his hands and said, "You can teach me."

Huang Xuan was helpless, this was somewhat different from what he had imagined, but after careful consideration, he felt that what he said was reasonable, so he asked, "I heard what you said, can you find me a suitable factory director and skilled workers?"

"The job the factory director does is called production management. In this regard, I will introduce you to two people." Zhang Guangsheng took out two pieces of paper from his jacket pocket, wrote down two names and phone numbers, and then pointed: " This one is called Xu Qi. He has worked in Skyworth and Jiangsu Little Swan. You can talk to him. There is another one called Wang Hao. He has worked in Cologne, Konka and Hisense. You can get to know him first and then make a decision. ”

"Okay." Huang Xuan became more and more strange about Zhang Guangsheng. The two people he introduced seemed to have no connection at all, but he didn't know how he met or knew about him.

Putting the pen back in his pocket, Zhang Guangsheng touched the table with his hand and said: "Skilled workers, just buy relevant factories. If it's too expensive, you can also choose factories that have closed down or are on the verge of closing down. In this regard, you can ask these two people again." ." (To be continued)