Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 215: BD Battle (12)


Xu Qi is a fat man with a Mediterranean face wrapped in long hair. He has a big head and a thick neck. In modern terms, he is short and fat with a pig's neck. But his eyes are lively. Even if he is sitting there, he can divert your eyes away from his belly. Come to his face.

Wang Hao is the other extreme. He has short, lean hair, a well-coordinated body, and a peaceful face. He looks more like a physical education teacher.

Sitting next to them, there are two foreigners. Gregory is an American and graduated from Harvard. There are Harvard students everywhere in the world. If the world only had the United States, Harvard people would be unemployed. Of course, Gregory is currently Being unemployed. This is a man who is over 50 years old from the middle of the country, which is the area with the most intense elections in the United States. According to Harvard's own statistics, students born in this area are more inclined to politics than business.

Sitting next to him was a woman named Judith. The name itself means Jewish woman and praise. She must be over 40 years old. Apart from her mother, this is the woman with the most beautiful resume and the most confidence that Huang Xuan has ever seen.

Huang Xuan was observing them, and the four of them were also looking at Huang Xuan. They had completely different expressions on the incredibly young boss, the gentlemen from China, and the two foreigners from Europe.

Huang Xuan sat behind the desk. After everyone had seen enough, he stood up, walked to the four of them, shook hands with her first, and said: "Hello, Judith, would you mind telling me why you want to join Hexin?" Industrial?”

Judith stood up and combed her hair with her left hand, and said calmly: "A booming company is something that many people want to join, and I found that your company currently does not have managers who are capable enough to deal with most countries in the world. , I think I can do it.”

"Sounds very good." Huang Xuan glanced sideways at the energy screen, which showed that this Jew who graduated from the prestigious European university Leuven in Belgium can actually speak 6 languages. Among experienced executives, this is unusual. Common.

Huang Xuan was basically certain that he would hire them. After all, starting Hexin was just the beginning, but he still said with a slight hesitation: "Ms. Judith."


"No offense, but I still need to explain."


"Chinese people have a good impression of Jews, especially Chinese businessmen." Huang Xuan laughed twice, but Judith didn't laugh. Huang Xuan had to continue: "Just like you think nationality and race should not be factors that prevent you from being hired." Reason, I also hope, is that your race will not affect the company’s judgment when dealing with more countries.”

"I have been doing this for 5 years, sir, I am a professional." Judith was no longer very happy.

"Then you should know that there are more people who are not as friendly as me." Huang Xuan bit his tongue and said: "If you are sure you will join, then I will hire you, but, as I just said Well, as a woman and a Jewish woman, I admire your resume. You have traveled almost half of Europe and worked for world-class companies such as Nokia. But on the other hand, Ms. Judith, I don’t want to Executives who make important judgments in the company have their own unique characteristics. By the way, this was probably the most rude conversation we've ever had."

Judith's face looked a little bad, she leaned back, then sat up straight again, curled her lips in disdain, and said, "Of course."

With a very simple sentence, Huang Xuanze smiled and stretched out his hand and said: "Welcome to join Hexin."

Judith did not shake hands with Huang Xuan, but stood up and said, "We haven't discussed the salary issue yet."

This was definitely revenge. Huang Xuan looked at this very characterful woman, smiled, and handed her a contract.

The contract is based on 75% of Judith's highest salary in history and includes the salary of an assistant, a secretary or a driver. This is not that Huang Xuan is stingy. In fact, 75% of the highest salary in history is a common figure, which usually meets or exceeds the average salary.

Judith finally shook hands with Huang Xuan, quickly took it out and said, "I'm glad to join Hexin Industrial."

Hexin Industrial's total self-owned assets have exceeded 0 billion US dollars, coupled with its total loan amount of 14 billion US dollars, it is a big impact for the world's managers, and it is also a huge attraction.

How many people imagine that they can squander 10 billion US dollars, but in the end they can only control 1 million US dollars.

"Mr. Gregory." Huang Xuan turned around and handed it out: "This is your contract."

It is also 75% of the highest salary, but the annual salary is US$950,000. I have to say that although countries around the world claim equality between men and women, in actual operation, when salaries are kept confidential, especially among senior executives of large companies, equal pay for equal work is not as good as people imagine. Its operability is really poor.

Judith's salary is 0% less than that of Gregory, but Huang Xuan has no intention of paying more money until the two show their abilities to match their salary.

Even if it is labor expenditure, Ernst & Young Consulting will verify it. Being a feminist, such a high standard is not suitable for a 16-year-old boy.

After taking it apart and looking at it, Gregory nodded with satisfaction and said, "I am very happy to be a member of Hexin Industrial."

"I'm very happy too." Huang Xuan hugged him gently. Huang Xuan's body was still in the growth stage and was half a head shorter than the tall American.

After signing the contract, Gregory smiled unnaturally and said, "Well, Mr. Huang, I have some former subordinates who hope to join Hexin Industrial."

"I want to meet him personally if he is above the supervisor level." Huang Xuan looked up at Gregory and said seriously.

Although he is currently preparing the China branch of Hexin Industrial, everyone understands that this is the most important branch of Hexin Industrial, and may even be more important than the Brazilian head office. Therefore, Huang Xuancai pays more attention to the composition of personnel.

Li Shenggang is the established candidate for general manager, and Gregory and Judith will serve as professional deputy managers. Zhang Rong will also nominate two deputy managers. As a balance, Huang Xuan is going to ask Li Shenggang to recommend one of his subordinates as the fifth deputy manager, so that First of all, the composition of middle-level cadres is very important.

Gregory nodded understandingly and put the contract away.

After politely sending Gregory and Judith away, Huang Xuan turned to Xu Qi and Wang Hao and said, "Okay, the foreign devils are gone, let's talk between the three of us."

Wang Hao smiled unaccustomedly. They had not yet adapted to Huang Xuan's age and identity.

Huang Xuan leaned back on the table and said: "To put it straight to the point, I asked you two to come here. They were introduced by Mr. Zhang Guangsheng. Therefore, I don't know them well, but I still decided to hire them. This is not because of them." It’s Mr. Zhang Guangsheng’s resume, so there’s no problem with that.”

Xu Qi shook his big neck and said: "No problem." His voice was very heavy, as if he got lost in the process from the lungs to the throat.

Huang Xuan didn't have much confidence in his seductive power, so he just told the truth: "Then I'll tell the truth." He took back the remaining two documents from the table and said: "The salary of the two of you, and the salary just now The two are not at the same level at all, not because of their abilities, but because of their historical salaries. According to normal rules, I can increase their salaries to 110%. Even so, to be honest, it's not much. ”

For Chinese executives, it is not bad to have an annual salary of one million yuan. China Shenhua is considered the leader. The salary of the two vice presidents is only 40,000 yuan. PetroChina is even lower. The highest salary is Chairman Jiang Jiemin, with an annual salary of 916,000 yuan. The average salary More than 400,000 US dollars, and the original president of Shenzhou also had a salary of less than 1 million US dollars. When he switched jobs to HP, his annual salary immediately rose to 100,000 US dollars. Therefore, although Judith and Gregory were originally only vice presidents, their salaries were much higher than those of most Chinese presidents.

Xu Qi and Wang Hao looked at each other, and Wang Hao said: "Mr. Huang, we are all familiar with production management, and we did very well in the original company. I just heard that you are planning to build what may be the world's largest Blu-ray This is why I came here because of the reputation of the CD production workshop.”

Chinese people are very technical when talking, but Huang Xuan now has too many subordinates, subordinates, and talked to too many people. He squinted his eyes and smiled and said: "I am very happy that one of you is correct." s Choice."

A very simple smile, like that of Sloan or Mitsui Takasui, was full of pressure for the two people sitting opposite him, because they did not know that such a relaxed and ordinary smile, What are you laughing at

Huang Xuanze handed the two contracts to Xu Qi and Wang Hao respectively, and after they opened them, he said: "I don't understand production management, so I need two people who need absolute trust. I will not interfere in the entire factory construction." , but there are two requirements. First, I want to see the finished product within three months, and second, the factory built must meet this standard. "

With his last words, he moved half a person's height of printing paper from the back of the office, smashed it heavily on the ground, and said: "These are the production standards for BD discs. We can enter the preparation stage now. By the end of the month, regardless of whether I and Whether Sony has reached an agreement or not, we will start production.”

He said that he would never interfere because he believed that Li Shenggang's popularity would definitely surpass those of these two people.

Xu Qi and Wang Hao didn't know it, but they seemed a little moved. When they looked at the bright red 1,000,000 on the contract, their eyes turned as red as ink.

When paying in RMB, it does look better than US dollars.

Just hearing Huang Xuan talk about three months, Wang Hao said with some uneasiness: "Mr. Huang, although we have all presided over the construction of factories, we have very little contact with optical storage. Three months may not be enough. "Actually, even with experience, three months is barely enough.

Huang Xuan was very happy that he would put forward opinions, which proved his sense of responsibility, but he had his own plans and shook his head: "I will ask someone to give you guidance, but the other person is abroad and the visa has not been obtained, so in the early stage, I have to You come and prepare. If you have any questions, he will solve them at any time. At the same time, I also hired a photographer and a full-time assistant to quickly pass on the first-hand information here. "

"Who is this expert?" Wang Hao immediately believed it and asked.

"My name is Lorraine." Huang Xuan suppressed a smile and said, "Then, I leave it to you?" He pointed to the printing paper on the ground.

The two smiled bitterly.

Walking out of the window triumphantly, Huang Xuan was thinking in his heart, and Nick, who was always in a state of excitement, suddenly said loudly: "Great Master Huang Xuan, your humble servant, but a servant who surpasses other servants, Nick at the 18th level base has I have news for you.”

The long list of definitions confused Huang Xuan for a moment before he realized what was going on.

"Lu Min just asked me to inform you of your property status in the past quarter."

"Let's talk about it." Huang Xuan shrugged.

"Including some daily expenses of 68 million energy circles, you used a total of 41.8 million energy circles in the past quarter, and the balance is 158 million energy circles."

"sounds good."

"Yes, as the dividend income from the equity participation in Base Three, this quarter, you received a total of 86 million energy circles after tax, and your current bank deposit is 44 million energy circles."


"That's right."

Huang Xuan was too busy thinking just now to calculate by himself, so he frowned and asked: "What is the rate of return?"

"7.1%, this is the income in the second quarter." At that time, this .5% equity was worth 100 million yuan.

"Isn't that year's income going to be 0%?" Huang Xuan said in surprise.

"According to Lu Min, in the last two months of this quarter, due to the outbreak of wars in several planes, the income from plane travel has been greatly reduced. Normally, the annual return rate of plane bases is more than double."

"No wonder everyone wants to have a plane base." Huang Xuan laughed twice.

Nick also laughed like a sewing machine without lubricant.

"Shut up! Nick." Huang Xuan said angrily.

Nick stopped laughing aggrievedly and said, "I have no mouth, Master."

"Then stop laughing."

"Okay." Nick said dullly, "But there is one more thing."


"Mr. Philip Conmas would like to thank you, saying that the general named Bai Qi and his soldiers are very good. In addition to thanking you for your generosity, he hopes to buy more mercenaries from you. ”

"I'm not a human trafficker..." Huang Xuan paused here, licked his upper lip with his tongue and asked: "Nick, how are you doing in that plane?"

"Seven countries are in confrontation. Qin's national power has declined and it retreated to Hangu Pass. However, it still has 100,000 soldiers in the country, so it will not destroy the country. Instead, it is possible to build a smaller Zhengguo Canal in advance. Zhao is powerful, but it is not on good terms with South Korea. Wei The country also did not trust Zhao, and the king of Zhao stationed a large army on the border and was unable to advance. "

This is the role of the buffer zone. Huang Xuan only sighed and said: "Nick, ask Fili, if I want to exchange for Neng Dun, what is the price? Use mercenaries in exchange."

"Okay." (To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in to .qidian. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!) (To be continued)