Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 216: BD Battle (13)


Pukou District.

This is also a national high-tech development zone. Since Hexin Industrial is a foreign company, Wen Yongtao, the deputy director of the development zone, personally accompanied him and wanted to win this large project with a first-phase investment of over 100 million US dollars.

Huang Xuan didn't know Wen Yongtao, but Wen Yongtao knew Huang Xuan, so the two of them could always talk about the same thing.

Li Shenggang also followed Huang Xuan with his head held high. He knew that the Huang family was powerful, but he could only guess how powerful Huang Xuan was. After all, he could not see clearly many things inside the Huang family.

So, as Li Shenggang walked, he was thinking: In front of him is the boss, and next to the boss is the deputy director of the development zone. There are many people called directors. There are also directors in the subdistrict offices, the schools also have directors, and the Family Planning Commission also has directors. I don’t know who this director is. No matter how high an official he is, the one standing next to him is the Chief of Punishment. He doesn't know what he does, but everyone calls him Chief of Punishment. Calling the director makes it clear, the county level, the county level, that is to say, the director is at the same level as his parents in the county, maybe a little bit older, so if he is surrounded by the director, wouldn't he be the same level? As old as the county magistrate

Just as Li Shenggang was thinking happily, the director of punishment next to him noticed what he was saying and thought he was neglecting the general manager. He immediately took out a cigarette and said, "Manager Li, would you like one?"

"Okay." Li Sheng just hugged his newly cultivated belly and took the cigarette. Xing Wannian immediately lit the lighter...

Li Shenggang's vanity was instantly satisfied to the greatest extent - look, the county magistrate is offering us cigarettes.

He took a deep breath, but he didn't taste anything. This was a rare thing for Li Shenggang, who had been smoking for 15 years. He took a second breath. Li Sheng took it off and took a look at it uncertainly. Ha, China.

Xing Wannian caught a glimpse of it, took off the cigarette in his mouth, and said with a smile: "I usually only smoke Yuxi, and only when I ask someone to smoke Zhonghua."

"This is life..." Li Shenggang lamented, thinking back then, in fact, this year, when he was still the director of a power plant, people would treat guests to dinner, and it would be Yuxi. The platinum ones were only 1, and the gifts were usually in soft boxes, one piece. If it's less than 0, look at people, "I just smoke Yuxi in normal times." Thinking back to those days, that is, before this year, what was a good smoke? Soft-packed white sand is also very satisfying.

This is life...

Wang Hao accompanies Huang Xuan, nominally the production director, but the factory still has no character, so where does the production management come from? He follows Huang Xuan mainly because of his good "product appearance". Huang Xuan was too young and did not get along with other people's hosts. Although he was a guest, the conversation always had to be in an atmosphere. With Wang Hao by his side, it was easier for him and Wen Yongtao to talk.

The deputy director is 56 this year, which is the right age for him to go up or down, but he probably won't be able to catch up in the next term. Having said that, this man was old and sophisticated, and he never mentioned preferential policies along the way. He just said: "The planned area of our development zone is 16.5 square kilometers, 10 square kilometers have been developed, and there are now 000 companies stationed in it. Haha." He laughed speciously, and then said: "Our plan is to expand the development zone to 50 square kilometers in 5 to 10 years, so Mr. Huang, you don't have to worry about the future expansion of the factory. place.”

Director Xing and Li Shenggang both laughed in amusement, while Huang Xuan curled his lips and remained silent.

Building the factory here was something that had been decided a long time ago. Just for the sake of being "close", it had to be built here, so Xu Qi was already making preparations for the opening. But when it comes to future expansion, if it can really gain a pivotal position in the BD alliance, it means that the main production of Blu-ray discs is tantamount to being monopolized by Hexin. If this is the case, then building the factory in Nanjing will have the cost advantage. It becomes a bottleneck.

Furthermore, Huang Xuan has not figured out what happened to Zhang Guangsheng.

However, this was still a year away, so he took advantage of it and said: "Director Wen, the infrastructure construction here has taken 10 years. Inspections are also a matter for the subordinates. What I am most concerned about now is Two points, one is our tax rate, and the other is the factory area and the price of land transfer fees. Let’s talk about this today, and I will leave the rest to Wang Hao.”

In this way, the tone of the purchase was set. Wen Yongtao said "Okay." Then he thought for a while and said: "Mr. Huang, let the Director of Criminal Affairs explain this specific policy to you. It is quite complicated to say. of."

Huang Xuan turned his head to Director Xing.

This year 4 is sentenced to ten thousand years. He has just been promoted for three years and is a division chief in his 40s. He is considered young. He has a very distinctive look. Above the nose, he has a Chinese character face shape. Below the nose, he sharply tightens up and becomes an oval face shape. Ordinarily, this is how he should be. He has a face of melon seeds, but he is not a big melon seed, nor is he a sunflower seed. Instead, he looks a bit like a watermelon seed. When speaking, the midline with the nose as the axis bulges out. For people with richer associations, the image of a squirrel eating melon seeds will immediately appear in front of their eyes - the cheeks are bulging, as if spitting out something.

Seeing Wan Nian take two steps forward, Li Shenggang quickly followed. This was his yardstick. He couldn't stand with the department-level cadres behind him, otherwise he would lose too much.

Director Xing cleared his throat and said with a smile: "Mr. Huang, let's divide it into two parts, one is the tax rate, and the other is the land, right?"

Huang Xuan nodded.

"There are two main tax rates. The first is the preferential tax rate. Hexin Industrial is a foreign company and follows a 15% tax rate. Other companies basically have a tax rate of %." Director Xing looked at Huang Xuan and said: "Second The first is regular tax exemption, which means that for productive enterprises, if they have been operating for more than 10 years, they will be exempt from corporate income tax in the first and second years, and in the third year. The corporate income tax will be halved in the fifth year. According to the progress of our factory, income tax will be calculated starting from next year.”

These can actually be seen in documents, but there are many differences in actual operations from what officials said personally. For example, the phrase "the year when profits begin" is very particular.

Huang Xuan asked again: "Where is the land?"

"Let's first talk about the transfer fee of this state-owned land use right. Industrial land is divided into five categories. What you are interested in now is the second category of land. Haha, in principle, no new industrial projects will be arranged on the first and second category of land. "It can be seen that this person who has been sentenced to ten thousand years is still very proficient in business, and he is also very skillful in speaking.

"The second-class industrial land is 80,000 yuan per mu. Let's not talk about preferential policies. Hexin requires 600 acres in the first phase, 1,500 acres in the second phase, and 000 acres in the third phase. Basically, this land can be allocated to Hexin Industrial, however, stipulates that if you don’t build, you will have to pay before construction, so 600 acres of land is 168 million.”

Xing Wannian chuckled, looked at his Director Wen again, and said: "Let's talk about preferential policies next. As for the regulations of the development zone, foreign-funded enterprises with fixed assets investment of 1 million US dollars can enjoy a 5% discount per mu of land, 10 million For US dollars, you can get a 10% discount, and Hexin is satisfied with this. The remaining ones that Hexin may meet the requirements are: one is a factory belonging to the modern supporting manufacturing industry in the park, and the other is a factory belonging to the national high-tech industry and support. District enterprises can be exempted from 10%-0% of the land transfer fee. Of course, the above cannot be superimposed, and only the highest one is calculated.”

It will not be until a few years later that the country will be able to issue relevant regulations to extend preferential policies, especially those for large high-tech enterprises, to the whole country. Before that, only enterprises in national development zones could enjoy the preferential policies. Because of this, many companies have sharpened their heads to dig in, and the land prices in these development zones have been rising steadily.

Huang Xuan understood clearly that 10% reduction was OK, and 0% reduction would have to be negotiated, but he neither said yes nor said no, so he walked forward alone, leaving a group of people behind, eagerly taking the food. idea.

Huang Xuan just stopped when he walked to the land that was going to be enclosed. Li Shenggang had been exercising too little recently and was panting from exhaustion. Before he could recover, Huang Xuan called out by name: "Li Shenggang."

"Oh, here we come." Li Shenggang held his stomach and trotted two more steps. He looked at Huang Xuan and smiled and said, "You are the general manager of Hexin's China branch. This is your first task in this position."

"Negotiate the price?"

"Yes." Huang Xuan nodded. Others stood far away in the outer circle, pretending not to look at the two of them. Huang Xuan knocked on his temple and said: "Gregory will be your deputy. If you have any questions, ask Wang Hao. I will leave this matter to you. 168 million, show me how much you can talk about." ”

"I know." Although Li Shenggang was very tired, his voice became louder.

"Okay?" Huang Xuan patted Li Shenggang on the shoulder. He still had the same idea in mind: if a villain has a backing, he will be invincible. After secretly laughing twice, Huang Xuan raised his head and asked him, "How is the abalone?"

"They haven't responded yet. Maybe they think we are some kind of traffickers. I'll push them again in the next two days." Li Shenggang said this. In fact, he also felt that Huang Xuan was a "trafficker". The three-headed net abalone grew on his own. It would take tens to hundreds of years. Yang Guanyi was so famous, but his family only had a dozen or twenty small shops. The Huang family had no fishery project, so how could they have many.

Seeing Xu Qi coming over from a distance, Huang Xuan said "OK." and sent Li Shenggang to entertain a few people. He waved Xu Qi over and asked, "How is it?"

Xu Qi is Huang Xuan's internal candidate for factory director. He is taking several former subordinates to conduct on-site inspections and make preparations for construction. This is the edge area of the development zone, with overgrown grass and some areas are still abandoned farmland. The trees standing near the highway should have been planted before the development zone was built. The big trees can be twenty or thirty years old. It is difficult for a person to hug the sycamores and the like. In terms of scenery, it is better than in the city. Many parks are even better.

This fat man was still fat and big-eared. He took a lap in the grass and his head was full of oil, but he didn't lose weight. He spoke in a loud voice: "If it only produces Blu-ray discs, this factory will be very simple. The requirements are similar to those of ordinary DVD manufacturers. It mainly depends on the production line. Now I have a question. It is said that the current monthly sales volume of BD discs is one million copies. If we suddenly build a 500,000-disc monthly factory, is it big? A little bit.”

"When we produce it, it won't be big."

Xu Qi didn't say anything and waited for a while. Seeing Huang Xuan maintaining a gaze-gazing posture, he couldn't help but said: "Director Huang, I don't know much except production, but I just want to make a suggestion." Huang Xuan is young and works in different places. There are many subordinates, so naturally this title becomes confusing.

"Well, tell me."

"Ordinarily, the production requirements for this Blu-ray disc are not high. To put it simply, it is to replace the DVD production line with a BD production line. If it is HD, it can be produced directly with a few modifications. I think it costs so much. It’s a waste of money to build such a factory.”

Huang Xuan slightly asked inexplicably: "But there must be a factory."

"Let's buy one." Xu Qi looked around and said, "Now the DVD disc market has begun to shrink. There are two factories in this science and technology park. They used to be OEMs for Xinke, Wanwei and the like. Now Although the efficiency is no longer good, it can still be done, but as long as you pay for it, you can still buy it.”

Huang Xuan pouted and said, "Is it enough?"

"It's not enough, but we can continue to build here without affecting anything, and there will be so many more skilled workers."

Huang Xuan actually thought about buying it directly, but the current DVD disc has not yet reached the point of losing money. If there is a profit, you have to buy someone else's factory. On the one hand, it will cost a lot of money. Secondly, in fact, it is also It's a waste of time to complete a merger and acquisition. Months are not long, but by that time, your own factory will be built.

But this was Xu Qi's first suggestion. Huang Xuan thought for a while and finally said: "You are the director of the factory. As long as we can really negotiate and the price is right, I can buy these two factories. But there is one thing. You have to buy it within a month and start construction in 45 days. The price is 0% cheaper than building it yourself. Otherwise, there is no need to buy it. "

Just after he finished speaking, Huang Xuan felt that it was quite silly to put a production manager in charge of mergers and acquisitions, so he changed his words and said, "Bring Li Shenggang and Gregory with you, they will take charge of the negotiation, and you will only provide professional advice. During this period, construction on the construction site cannot be delayed.”

"Don't worry." Xu Qi was already very satisfied and confidently twisted his big neck. The head on it was like a merry-go-round.

This slightly disrupted his train of thought. Huang Xuan thought about it and said, ""You know Director Wen, right?" Go say hello to him and ask Wang Hao to come over. "

Wang Hao, who was wearing a suit and had a strong figure, walked over with goose steps and said, "Boss is looking for me?" He knew that Huang Xuan liked this title.

Huang Xuan's original plan was actually to send Xu Qi to Germany. A fat man has the advantages of a fat man. He is patient, easy to attract attention, and looks richer. But Xu Qi has an idea, so it doesn't matter if he stays in the country.

"In just these two days, you are going to go to Germany." Huang Xuan kicked the dirt with his feet and said, "I am going to buy a BD disc production line from SINGULUS Technology Company, including single-sided single layer and single-sided double layer. Well, the single-sided double-layer prototype may not have been built yet, but it doesn't matter, we can help him." He pondered for a moment, actually looking at the energy screen, and read: "By the way, I will go to Switzerland, Oerlikon's optical disc production line is also there. You can check it out and compare prices. ”

The two companies Huang Xuan mentioned are both leading companies in the world's optical storage equipment manufacturers, with a market value of tens of billions of dollars. If Sony wants to produce optical discs, it must first let others build the production line before it can make them itself. Now Germany's Singulus is a cooperation with Sony Partner, it is possible to enter the BD alliance, but oerlikon is a little hesitant.

Wang Hao only understood that he was being sent to Germany and Europe. Although he had just started to get in touch with Blu-ray DVD, he also knew that the existing cheaper production lines cost more than 4 million US dollars. After thinking about it, he asked: "Are you going to How many production lines do you want to buy?”

"All of them." Huang Xuan said disdainfully: "How many production lines do you think they can have? If you order now, it would be good if you can buy three. The daily output is estimated to be 5,000 pieces, and the monthly output is 750,000. Zhang, what’s the point? Do you know how many copies of Spider-Man can be sold?”

Huang Xuan didn't say which sequel it was, and Wang Hao couldn't understand. He was only half-baked now, and how could he compete with Huang Xuan? He was defeated immediately, but thinking about his salary, he still said it responsibly. In one sentence, he said: "BOSS, the cost of BD is so expensive now. If you can't sell it, you will lose a lot."

The cost of Sony BD is around US$0, 750,000 copies, which is a monthly cost of US$15 million. In the eyes of most people, current BD is quite easy to lose money. Even Shuhei Yoshida is prepared to lose US$5. It only started production with a plan of 100 million US dollars.

Huang Xuan knew what he was worried about, shrugged and said: "Okay, I will worry about these. You go to Germany first and have a good talk with SINGULUS. They should be able to have 0 production lines this year. If you can negotiate everything, by the end of the year Let’s sign a new contract.”

When Wang Hao heard about the contract, he was immediately filled with fighting spirit.

Other than the word count: a generous 5,000 words, which is said to be enough for one day. However, the dolphins have not exploded for a long time, so they will be updated normally in the afternoon. Let’s count it as an expansion. If you have a monthly ticket, you can also try to vote for this book. (To be continued)