Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 222: Warring States Period (2)


Huang Xuan swayed along with the horse's back. Slightly adding some anti-gravity adjustments would greatly improve people's comfort, just like what he is doing now.

Wang Luan Zexian was very cautious. In fact, he would not behave so badly on weekdays. On the contrary, Zuo Shuchang was an eighth-level military noble. He had really fought hard with his own blood. He just treated it as a certain death situation. Appear, most people will inevitably have psychological changes.

"Call Lu Min." Huang Xuan looked around as if traveling.

There are also common locust trees, poplar trees, elm trees and various types of pines and cypresses here, and there are even situations where the sun is blocked in the mountains. In the same place, in the 1st century, due to the perennial felling of the Yellow River Basin, such a scene no longer exists. exist.

The time between the planes was not uniform, so Lu Min called back almost immediately, using very non-standard phonetic notation: "Hi, BOSS."

This is obviously human pronunciation rather than intellectual translation.

Huang Xuan was surprised by the English. It stands to reason that the R plane uses the native language of R001, which is completely different from the earth. He smiled and said in English: "How do you know English?"

"I learned it in the library." The library that Lu Min mentioned was actually part of the plane base, just because of the translation. He chuckled and said: "But the description of this language in the book is Ancient Language Type 4. Because this language was used in the last communication with you, I went to check it out."

"I'm interested." Huang Xuan smiled in return. He now knew what the so-called glorious nobles were, but pretending to be a dandy was a compulsory course for others to misunderstand that his director father was the director of the department. His family's tens of millions of dollars were in US dollars, and they were all practical teaching materials for dandies. He laughed twice and said, "My family often uses Chinese and English, so I'm used to it."

"Oh, people in each plane have their own idioms, thanks to the advancement of the brain."

"Thank God." Huang Xuan used another sentence in English.

Lu Min seemed to know this sentence, so he repeated it and said: "Actually, I have also learned the Chinese you mentioned, which is the ancient Chinese type 6. It is very complicated. Maybe after a while, I will be able to use daily language. ”

"Why don't you use your brain?"

"I have left school. If I want to continue to use the learning equipment at the base, I have to pay a lot of fees. Most importantly, the permission requirements are also very high. I can access the Ancient Language Type 6, but I want to use auxiliary memory and All kinds of stimulating progress meters for thinking, but even the ancient language type 4 is not within the scope. "

Huang Xuan shrugged and said, "It seems very complicated. Oh, let me tell you what I want to do with you."

"Okay, I'm recording."

"Actually, it's very simple." Huang Xuan said with a smile: "I have prepared 00,000 animals and sent them to the R plane. Please prepare to receive them."

When he heard about the business, Lu Min immediately became excited and said, "Are you ready to sell everything?"

If they are all sold, there will be at least tens of millions of hot circle (energy circle) profits.

"It's best to change to Nengton."

Lu Min called out in his heart, "Selling Ga" and thought: The glory nobles are different. If you buy Neng Dun, does that mean you have the ability to monopolize the plane

With this in mind, he lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Huang, I think there may be a little problem here."

"Well Well."

"Nengton cannot be bought and sold at will. Nengton in the trading hall can only be sold, not bought. Only the gentlemen at the top of the trading hall have such rights. I can't do that yet." Lu Min's tone was indeed very serious Feel sorry.

Huang Xuan now knew Philip Camas' ability. He pondered for a moment and decided to tell Lu Min: "Philip Camas told me before that he needed some mercenaries and was willing to pay with Nengton." , I don’t know what’s going on.”

"Oh." Lu Min was a little nervous. He didn't know that Philip Conmas had communicated directly with Huang Xuan, but he did not answer Huang Xuan's question directly. Instead, he said with a slight deviation: "Huang Sir, Philip Conmas needs mercenaries. This starts with the recent events in the R series plane."

"Tell me about it." Huang Xuan was happy to learn more about the R plane. Due to the advanced technology, Nick could not easily enter the R plane to pry. Naturally, he didn't know much about this information.

Lu Min quickly said: "This incident originally had little impact on the R series plane, but for some reasons. Oh, let's put it this way, you know, some time ago, there was some friction between several small planes, It’s a normal situation, but this time there are some exceptions, a colonial plane from the plane has joined.”

What he said was a bit confusing, but Huang Xuan still understood it and immediately asked: "Plane?"

Huang Xuan did not hide his lack of certain common sense, which was normal for the Rongguang family who often had no contact with the outside world for hundreds of years.

"The system planes are the three most powerful series of planes currently known. They are also one of the few planes that have neither been closed nor destroyed after the baptism of time and space shocks. They are the ancestors of the development of modern planes. Of course, they are also The most powerful. They have occupied all the planes of the same series. I mean, it is more convenient to say three planes than three series planes. "

"Then what?"

"In the initial interaction, the three planes were called Alpha, Beta and Gamma planes by the outside world. They all had many colonial planes. This time, it was the Beta subordinates from the Beta plane who were involved in the war. 6 Colonial Planes.”

"But what does this have to do with you?"

Lu Min scratched his head on the Nanlu Star and thought: "The R series plane used to be a subordinate colonial plane of the Alpha plane, but later due to its growth, it applied for independence. But so far, the R series plane Most of them are still members of the Alpha Alliance, which means that we will maintain the same tone as the Alpha plane in plane affairs.”

When he said this, Huang Xuan nodded in understanding and said: "The Alpha plane and the Beta plane are not in harmony?" This is a common problem on earth. In other words, it is something that often happens to humans.

"Yes, that's right." Lu Min cleared his throat and continued: "The Beta 6 colonial plane is the nail planted by the Beta plane in the southern latitude plane, and the Alpha plane pays great attention to this nail. , so when the war broke out in the Bay 6 series of colonial planes, the Conmas family decided to condemn and sanction the Bay 6 series of colonial planes. "

Since things between planes are outside the scope of the buffer zone, there is no trace to follow. In other words, events between planes can theoretically only reduce the energy of the buffer zone.

Huang Xuanze guessed: "They used mercenaries?"

"What happened one standard month ago." Lu Min sighed and said, "We won, but when we could reap the fruits, we couldn't continue the fight."

"Beta plane?"

"No, it's the Space-Time Administration." When Lu Min said this, he looked left and right, and then said: "The Administration is worried that the gap between the planes will increase, so it requires both parties to stop treating time and space travelers as The main energy competition requires both sides to stop using mercenaries on a large scale. You know, that will have a great impact on the plane. "

Huang Xuan still didn't understand how the war between the planes was carried out. He put aside this question and said to Lu Min: "Then the mercenaries should be useless now, why does Feili still contact me?"

"Your mercenaries performed outstandingly in the last battle, actually." He paused and said: "The Space and Time Administration will send someone, but not right away. We don't know who will come, but everyone guesses that it may be the new Several leading figures of the generation.”

"Who is that? Oh, tell me about the mercenaries first."

"Okay." Lu Min operated on his light screen and said: "The Kangmas family began to sweep goods from several nearby planes. All biological equipment and mercenaries were within the scope of the sweep. Finally, A simple guess is that they may want to join forces with several other families to clear out the Bei 6 series of colonial planes at once and suppress their buffer zone energy below the limit. In this case, even if people from the Space and Time Administration come, , we can only admit the facts and maintain the status quo. In fact, many people speculate that the reason why the administration has not sent anyone for so long is to give everyone the last time to solve the problem. "

"Then people from Beilu should do the same thing, right?"

"Their strength is not good." Lu Min said disdainfully: "This is why Mr. Feili would rather exchange Nengton for mercenaries. Both are strategic materials, and the former is more important than the latter. But now, Kang Ma The Si family needs offensive weapons, not defense."

"Okay." Huang Xuan understood this and thought for a moment before asking: "Now let's talk about the characters in the Space-Time Administration."

"The most famous one is Hou Junlong, who is said to be a close disciple of the 'Wuhua Taoist' of the previous generation. Well, 'Wuhua Taoist' is a legendary first-class traveler. It is said that he once single-handedly killed a The experience of high-level plane shock and death, he is also a member of the Space-Time Management Bureau. In addition, the Hou family is also a Rongguang family. "

The Rongguang family does not have close contacts with each other, because the so-called Rongguang family is actually a family that survived the shock of time and space and gained a lot of benefits from it. Under the circumstances at that time, a large number of plane bases and resources were vacant and occupied. The families and individuals who acquired these things have made great progress in the following tens of thousands of years with little competition from travelers. For today's travelers, such opportunities will no longer exist. .

The Space-Time Administration Bureau is also a remnant administrative agency left over from the Great Plane Era. However, due to many reasons, the Administration Bureau cannot, and in fact it is impossible, really exercise administrative rights. However, because they retain the most advanced technology and technology at the time, A large number of resources, and in the subsequent era of plane renaissance, it established a huge influence based on this, so it was possible to connect various planes into a loose alliance. This is a system with plane strength, but it cannot be combined with the system. An institution that the plane federation resists.

However, the Space-Time Management Bureau is inherently political, and traveling between planes does require such a political organization. Therefore, the current Space-Time Management Bureau has become an arbitration institution between planes, and to a certain extent, Has a weak central agency—when the plane is weak, the Space-Time Authority is more effective, and vice versa.

Huang Xuan had already figured out these most basic things through Nick, so he smiled and said, "I don't know much about these families."

Many Rongguang families were so full of food that they went back to live in seclusion. The feeling Huang Xuan gave Lu Min made him think that the Huang family should also be such a Rongguang family: with their own plane and their own status. It is a base on all planes, but it does not participate in the competition among the major planes. It only occasionally sends outstanding disciples to walk among the planes, meet the market, and then go home to continue to be the emperor.

Lu Min smiled along and continued: "However, the recent Nanlu Daily said that Miss Chu Yining may also come to mediate this dispute, because she was born in the Gamma Plane and her position may be more appropriate." When he said this, his tone and words became gentle. Huang Xuan got goosebumps when he heard it, and asked curiously: "This Chu Yining is very beautiful?"

"More than just beauty." After hearing Huang Xuan's question about Chu Yining, Lu Min suddenly became energetic and said unbearably: "There are many beautiful women, but temperament, you know, temperament is different between people, and temperament is the most important thing." A good woman is always the peak of the tower - and she is really beautiful." He said intoxicatedly: "Facts have proved that women who are made of the most beautiful parts are not the most beautiful. Before Chu Yining, there was no such thing. No one knows how to integrate all parts of the body to reach the limit. This is what "Nanlu Daily" said. "

Huang Xuan hates the cold. He is actually somewhat immune to beautiful women. Even Diao Chan, apart from the psychology of a young man, does not have much beauty complex. He was really fascinated by Xiao Diao because of the latter's understanding. , Kaijie in the Peony Pavilion made him fall in love with her.

After coughing, Huang Xuan changed the subject and said: "Let's not talk about people. If the administration comes, how will they solve this problem? I mean, just mediate?"

"Of course not." After Lu Min denied it, he added emphasis: "The administration may open a zero-category plane, and then send people from both sides to let senior travelers compete in the zero-category plane. If you lose, "Yes, naturally we have to give in." He then smiled and said: "This is also the reason why Philip Conmas is anxious. He is the highest level traveler except Mr. Conmas. If he opens the zero category. In the Zero Plane, anything can happen."

At this time, Huang Xuan did not ask again about the concept of the so-called zero-type plane. For him, these things were still too far away. There was no need to make Lu Min doubtful, so he shrugged his shoulders and said: "Then I'll go Find mercenaries. You can take over these animals first, and then change them to Nengquan (hot circle)."

"No problem." Lu Min immediately started sending messages in the trading floor.

While they were talking, Huang Xuan and his group of six people had also arrived at the former Qin soldiers' garrison mentioned by Wang Lu.

It can be seen that the ground here has been specially leveled. Although it is overgrown with weeds, it is a good place to shelter from wind and rain. Seeing that the distance is about the same, Huang Xuan said to Lorraine: "Let all the animals out. Three thousand at a time.”

Three thousand animals were almost endless, and Wang Hao and others were stunned by Huang Xuan's ability to transform into sheep out of thin air.

As if it was a matter of course, Huang Xuanze waved and took out the "cleaning agent" and "adsorbent" that were not used up last time from the plane passage, pointed at Wang Lu's entourage, and said: "You guys, take this thing, Feed each animal a little, and then press this blue thing on the head of each animal. Then take the animals that have used these things aside and divide the work among yourself. "

Zuo Shuchang's entourage can also be regarded as an officer, but Wang Lu didn't say anything, and the three of them did not dare to resist at this moment. They covered their noses and walked over, reluctantly asking for something, but Huang Xuan gave him a slap in the face. He palmed his hand and said: "Be careful, if you mess things up, you will be just like these animals."

Huang Xuan's fierce look was quite intimidating, and Comrade Dian Wei was by his side, so they all took their things and left obediently. Wang Lu was just glad that he had not become a member of the purge organization, when Huang Xuan glared at him. , said: "You will be the supervisor and finish these three thousand animals in half an hour, otherwise you will also work."

After that, he ignored him and sat on a big rock with his legs crossed. He said, "Open an energy screen for me. I want information."

An energy screen opened in front of him at the same time.

Nick shouted: "This is my plane, level 0 base Lorraine,"

In addition to the word count: Yesterday everyone voted for this book by a hundred votes. Dolphin's spirit was lifted, so the writing became much smoother. I hope everyone will continue to vote and recommend, and Dolphin will continue to work hard. (To be continued)