Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 223: Warring States Period (3)


Wang Hao and his three followers spent a day playing with cow dung. From walking carefully on the open space at first, to walking on the cow dung without any scruples, they experienced a complete image change.

Dian Wei was very curious when he saw their appearance and asked Huang Xuan: "Why are they wiping sweat with their hands that just grabbed pig shit?"

"Maybe he sweated too fast." Huang Xuan said.

Dian Wei nodded in understanding and said: "So you must practice martial arts well. The speed is too slow and you can't even apply it on your clothes."

"There is no place to wipe their clothes." Huang Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Then it should be applied on the back." Dian Wei lowered his head and thought, then changed his mind and said, "Or use the underwear?"

Huang Xuan looked at the information to himself. He was now used to reading a lot of information, so although he was still young and didn't have much accumulation, when faced with a certain era, he could always keenly discover the hidden meanings in it. Features.

This may be inherited from my mother. Huang Xuan occasionally remembered that he thought so.

Nick can connect to the lower-level plane network of the R series. From it, Huang Xuan can see a lot of comments and speculations about the Space-Time Administration, as well as the "Nanlu Daily" mentioned by Lu Min, which is a network covering the entire R series. The large-scale media on the surface, said to be newspapers, but even Huang Xuan also knows that with the technological level of the R plane, this thing has long been extended to various media.

Huang Xuan paid special attention to the so-called Chu Yining, but did not find any pictures, or in other words, did not find any frontal images. This woman, who has been called "the most charming symbol of the Planar Era" by critics, does not seem to be happy to be "photographed" by any media, and all media seem to comply with her wishes - in Huang Xuan's view, this is almost It's impossible. If he had such a media company, wouldn't he be able to make a lot of money immediately just by taking a frontal photo and hanging it

What Huang Xuan didn't know was that with the technology of the R plane, he couldn't actually take a frontal shot. It was because of technology, not any intention.

The R plane has experienced approximately 100,000 years of development since it had writing, but starting from 10,000 years ago, the main development was inter-plane technology.

Their camera technology, that is, the technology for recording images, mainly uses the particle pixel reduction method. According to the popular understanding of the earth, quarks are the smallest units of matter currently known, but just like people believed that atoms are not divisible a hundred years ago (the Greek word for atom means non-divisible), for people in the Plane Age, Under certain conditions, it is possible to separate quarks and locate them, the latter of which is similar to that of isotopes.

Quarks are divided into six types of quarks in modern times: up quark, down quark, and top quark. After using energy to locate each quark, a person's basic image can be restored through quarks: a proton consists of two up quarks. A quark is composed of a down quark, a neutron is composed of two down quarks and an up quark, and the most basic particles such as atoms are composed of protons and neutrons. The advantage of this is that it can ensure the absolute reality of the image, and at the same time Since you only need to record the quark-level position when taking the camera - which is simple for the plane era - and restore it later, the storage media requirements are also reduced.

Theoretically speaking, the imaging technology of the R plane is enough to record the entire person after taking a photo. In other words, as long as a person is photographed, the entire person's appearance can be restored. No matter before or after. In other words, many media cannot restore Chu Yining, not because they don't want to, but because they can't.

Therefore, Huang Xuan could only look at the few behind-the-back photos that were widely circulated by major media in the R plane with regret.

Just as Lu Min described, she is a beautiful woman with excellent temperament and impeccable grace. She has a softly curved back and neck, a straight waist, and slender calves, especially the calm and steady movements. The pace and pace allow people to get a glimpse of the charm of a real person.

Come to think of it, the beauties respected by these travelers who are used to seeing beautiful women should be different.

Huang Xuan just thought about it and turned his attention to the Kangmas family.

As a glorious nobleman, Huang Xuan can gain too much benefit from the Kangmas family. In other words, the decline of the Kangmas family is obviously detrimental to Huang Xuan.

Now it seems that Mr. Conmas has invested too many chips in the 6th plane of the battle. Even if it is just a draw, he may have to lose a lot. After all, it can be seen from his sweeps of goods on all planes. It is much higher than Purchase various war materials at actual value prices. Once the war comes to an abrupt end, these higher values will not be compensated.

Thinking of this, Huang Xuan glanced at Wang Lu, who was dealing with the last 000 livestock, the largest number of which were large fat pigs, from group breeding in the United States, each weighing more than 150 kilograms.

"Wang Hao." Huang Xuan called him by his name.

General Wang now regarded Huang Xuan as a semi-immortal. He ran over in two steps. Before he could salute, Huang Xuan asked: "Has there been any war recently?"

"No, the Qin army is already in a critical situation at Hangu Pass. In addition, the Korean Canal was built, and all the strong men were taken away."

Huang Xuan also knew this, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, in that case, I won't stay in Qin for a long time. Do you have any money at home?"

"Yes." Wang Lu didn't know why, and looked at Huang Xuandu and said, "The Wang family has been officials for generations and has accumulated a lot. If Huang... Mr. Huang has something he needs, Lu will not hesitate to do so." He thought Huang Xuan wanted money.

Huang Xuan smiled and shook his head and said: "You have to buy more cattle, horses, pigs and sheep these days. When I come back, you will have enough."

Wang Hao didn't dare to ask how much was enough. Huang Xuan smiled again, sent the remaining cattle and horses to the plane passage, and said: "Where is your granary? I will give you some food."

Since the animals do not stop physiological metabolism in the plane passage, they are transported to R001 for the second time and need to be re-cleaned. Huang Xuan's animals are all sent to R001, and another 500,000 tons of grain are required. Together, he now has There are 1 million tons of grain.

If converted into the units here, it would be one million stones, which is almost equivalent to the annual output of the Guanzhong Plain.

Leaving 500,000 shi of food for Wang Lu, Huang Xuan rode on Feidian and rushed to Handan. Now Zhao was the most powerful country in the entire P10 Warring States Period. It needed mercenaries and had to take advantage of them.

Qin State can only recuperate and recuperate now. (To be continued)