Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 225: Warring States Period (5)


Tian Dan was the one who defeated the Yan army with the Fire Ox Formation. Apart from his cruelty to animals, everything he did was worthy of special mention.

In 86 BC, that is, 6 years before Huang Xuan's current time and space, the famous general Le Yi of Yan State conquered more than 70 cities of Qi State. No one knows how he conquered it, because Sima Qian did not say it, nor did other historical materials. leftover. But the result was miserable. At that time, Daqi, which could be described as powerful, only had two cities left, and Tian Dan was in one of them, Jimo City.

At that time, Tian Dan was just a small official who managed the market, that is, the "market leader" of Zhao State. However, after the Jimo doctor was killed when he went out of the city, he was elected as a general.

We know that the most troublesome problem for democratically elected governments is insufficient prestige. Especially in a life-and-death situation, people are likely to react excessively. But obviously, Tian Dan successfully solved these problems, and that's all. In words, it’s already amazing.

In fact, perhaps many younger children are more impressed by Tian Dan. His act of coating an ox's tail with oil, tying firecrackers, and lighting it on fire is really fascinating to the children.

At least Huang Xuan once tried to tie a firecracker to a rabbit to see how it could defeat a group of dogs. Unfortunately, the tie was not very strong. However, Zhang Xinyi supported Huang Xuan’s experimental spirit and used a goat tied with firecrackers to serve as Huang Xuan’s weapon. Demonstrating the climax of the story, of course, maybe she just wanted to play.

Huang Xuan needed a famous general, a general who could bring together a group of even a ragtag group of soldiers.

In this regard, throughout the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, no one was as outstanding as Tian Dan, whether Bai Qi, Li Mu, Le Yi, Wang Jian or Lian Po.

Under the same conditions, if the efficiency of an elected government is comparable to that of an autocratic government, there are only two possibilities: the leader of the former is better, or the leader of the latter is stupider.

Under conditions of extreme disadvantage, Tian Dan relied almost entirely on his personal reputation as a guarantee to defeat an entire country's army with one city. This was not the damn Dunkirk evacuation, this was the biggest reverse in human history. Attack.

However, many people only know that Tian Dan became the Prime Minister of Qi after regaining all his lost territory, but they do not know that when he was not trusted by King Qi Xiang, he switched to Zhao and openly became the Prime Minister of Zhao.

Tian Dan's last activity in history was to capture three small cities in Yan State for the Zhao army.

According to records in unofficial history, Zhao State used three large cities and dozens of small towns in order to exchange for fields from Qi State, which sounds like a loss-making deal.

There is an episode here. Le Yi, who was also a famous general of the Yan State and the Warring States Period, was Tian Dan's biggest rival in his life. He also served as the Prime Minister of Zhao State for several years, but he was too old. In 60 BC , has been laid to rest.

Pingyuan Lord Zhao Sheng blinked his eyes. He was actually quite wary of Tian Dan, but the latter had no power and power in Zhao State, and was not on the same level as him. Even so, Zhao Sheng always had a sense of forgetfulness. He dealt with Tian Dan's issue with an attitude, but when Huang Xuan mentioned it, he had to answer.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Sheng finally said: "Tian Xiangguo is indeed resting in the annex."

Pingyuan Junduo didn't say a word, not wanting to leave the impression of jealousy on Huang Xuan.

Huang Xuan nodded and chuckled: "I thought about meeting him in a couple of days. Maybe Zhao Sheng can arrange it?"

"Okay." Although Zhao Sheng really didn't want Tian Dan to get involved with Huang Xuan, he couldn't stand in his way either.

Huang Xuan felt a little more relaxed, and then he sat up straight and said, "How have you been, Mr. Pingyuan?" He said in a teasing tone.

Zhao Sheng laughed, took a sip of water, and said, "It's good or bad."

"How to say?"

"The king trusted me and worshiped me as prime minister. However, after the Changping War, all countries regarded Zhao as their enemy, and life became difficult." He did not discuss the trust issue of King Zhao Xiaocheng in depth, but even if Huang Xuan did not read the history books, We can also understand that even office politics is no exception to this kind of thing.

Knocking the cup with his little knuckle, Huang Xuan smiled and said: "I am young, so I will speak out if I have something to say. Your Majesty, please don't blame me if I say something wrong."

"Of course not. Huang Xuan, you are a genius in the world, I still need to rely on you."

"It's easy to talk about." Huang Xuanyi cupped his hand and said: "To be honest, it is difficult for me to fundamentally solve the problem you encountered, Mr. Zhao, so there are not many places where I can help. However, small things such as material supply , I can still help a lot.”

Since the three families were divided into the Jin Dynasty, the State of Zhao has become increasingly powerful, but on the other hand, the monarch of the State of Zhao is also more and more worried that the same thing will happen to him. He summoned Lian Po and died of Li Mu for the same reason. Lord Pingyuan paid homage to the prime minister three times and stopped three times. Phase, the process is complicated, but the reason, to put it bluntly, is just that.

It would be a good idea for Huang Xuan if he could help Pingyuan Lord Zhao Sheng to ascend to power. The income from Neng Dun would be acceptable, and the loss of P10 from Neng Dun would not be too much. It is considered a good cost-effectiveness, but Huang Xuan cannot Time is wasted here. It is okay to push Mr. Pingyuan, but it is not practical to push him away.

What's more, what Huang Xuan needs most now is mercenaries, not Neng Dun.

Zhao Sheng felt relieved when he saw that Huang Xuan could understand what he meant. He put his hands on his lap and said respectfully with Zhou Li: "It's a small matter for you, but it's a matter of life and death for you to win..."

Before he could finish speaking, Huang Xuan waved his hand and said, "What are you missing now?"

"Bomb." Zhao Sheng looked at Huang Xuan with burning eyes. Ever since he used biological bombs, he had been fascinated by this weapon.

The reason for the increase in food prices in the major planes is largely due to plane travel. For example, Huang Xuan carried millions of tons of grain as general equivalent at one time. It is always impossible to bring these materials back. Calculated in tons of grain fields, This grain is equivalent to the annual output of 1 million acres of land. There are 1.8 billion acres of cultivated land in China, and Huang Xuan took away 1,800 of it in one go. But this is calculated in terms of tons of grain fields, but in fact, China's grain output in good years is about 500 million tons, and 1 million tons is equivalent to one-500th of China's grain output. If Huang Xuan traveled 100 times a year, according to this standard, theoretically, there would be 100 million hungry people in the world.

As for biological bombs and biological weapons, they all use biomass as raw materials. Better biological weapons can only be made after years of cultivation. Not to mention that as the population between planes increases, the demand for food quality increases, and the development of colonial planes-just like the earth in the 16th century, many colonial planes only produce products required by the main plane, and Food is completely dependent on imports. Therefore, although the technology of each plane is advanced and the output of various agricultural products (biological products) is much higher than that of the earth, after calculating the supply-demand ratio and cost factors, the earth that has not yet entered the plane era, but has been fully developed, has lower food prices.

Based on the food prices and electricity prices currently available to Huang Xuan, excluding Lorraine's production costs, the biological bomb costs more than 5,000 US dollars per kilogram.

In other words, each time a grenade explodes, it costs 0.05 cents, equivalent to 0.4 cents. If the transportation cost of about 10% is included, 4 grenades cost 1 cent.

Among the costs Nick paid to Huang Xuan, the commission for the plane base should be 500,000 US dollars per kilogram of biological bombs. Of course, this can be ignored.

However, Huang Xuan decided to multiply this price by several orders of magnitude before trading with Ping Pingjun.

Seeing Huang Xuan's eyes focused on the air and thinking, Mr. Pingyuan was not in a hurry. Huang Xuan knew his chips and just had to wait for the bid.

Huang Xuan was reading the new version of "Nanlu Daily" at the moment. When he saw the news that Chu Yining was about to arrive at R001, Huang Xuan suddenly asked strangely: "Lorraine, in the Gamma plane, aren't there many Chu Yinings?" "Condensation?"

"Travellers are different." After Lorraine said this, Nick said: "The ancestry of a traveler is a very important factor, and what this means is that there can only be one."

Huang Xuan asked in confusion: "What can only have one?"

Lorraine replied: "A person who can become a traveler should be a person who can easily change during his life, that is, in different time and space. For example, it is easy to die, it is easy to change the living environment, etc. Etc. This means that the easier it is for the same person in two different time and spaces to become different from before, the easier it is for him to become a traveler, and he should also become different. This is the prerequisite for becoming a traveler. "

"In other words, the Lu Min who contacted me can only be Lu Min from that plane, that time and space, and not another one?" Huang Xuan could vaguely feel it before, but now he confirmed it from Lorraine.

Nick said noisily: "Not only that, in each plane, there can only be one time and space segment with a plane base. Only under very special circumstances, the plane bases will be distributed in different time and space." He raised his voice. Said: "Moreover, once the most powerful time and space in each plane develops, it will have a huge impact on other time and space. If it develops to a high-level time and space, the structure of the entire plane will be destroyed and become more and more complex. Flat, it finally becomes a composition of only one space-time, which is the legendary first-level plane.”

“Wouldn’t that mean a lot of buffer energy is lost?”

"So in the era of large planes, there are very few first-level time and space, but it will also produce many high-level travelers. However, as the first level of time and space increases, the risk of space-time oscillations also increases. This is a paradox. On." The one who spoke more seriously was, of course, Lorraine.

Huang Xuan thought for a long time and asked: "Then you are saying that there was another Huang Xuan three minutes ago and I became a traveler. What will happen to it?"

"You will become less and less like Huang Xuan, and eventually become an independent Huang Xuan, because you have experienced different environments and received different education. You are no longer a dude, Huang Xuan." Lorraine used a string of words. Huang Xuan ended his question.

But what Lorraine and Nick didn't tell Huang Xuan was that the traveler's level, its compatibility with energy and energy, is determined by its specificity. For example, Chu Yining was The master discovered that he had brought back the Time and Space Administration - a plane that no one knew about, and gave him a brand new name. Only this baby girl named Chu Yining had a higher degree of innate energy compatibility than any other baby born in time and space. Twin baby girls, under different education, are completely different from their time and space twins, and as time and space pass, their traces will become increasingly faint.

Huang Xuan remained silent, but Mr. Pingyuan thought he was measuring his advantage. Seeing Huang Xuan's increasingly solemn expression, he felt uneasy. Could it be that "bombs" are so expensive

"Zhao Sheng." Huang Xuan finally spoke. Lord Pingyuan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked, "Your Majesty?"

"I want 00,000 young men, preferably prisoners who have received military training. If they can kill people, that would be the best."


"For every 10,000 people, I will give you the same number of bombs as last time. At least 100,000 people." Huang Xuan gave Pingyuan Jun 50kg of bombs last time. In other words, the cost was 50,000 US dollars.

However, if he is a traveler from other planes, regardless of his familiarity with a plane, whether he can be integrated into this plane depends on his traveler level, otherwise he will not be able to access more information. Like Lu Min - on the other hand, in addition to peripheral areas such as the P plane, such as the R plane, they have been developed into scraps. The colonists rely on large investments to generate profits and rely on Nengton to maintain their rule. Capital operations with high costs and high returns have passed. For those low-level travelers who have no luck and want to pull the lever alone, the era has passed.

PS: For readers who have read this chapter at a glance: In the second half of this chapter, a very important concept is mentioned, which is the main component of Dou's lie system, that is, the traveler must be different from his time and space twin. That is to say, In Lu Min's plane, although there is an organism called "Lu Min" in each time and space segment, there is only one Lu Min recognized by each plane, and Phil Comas is no exception. Likewise, to be a traveler, one must be different from one's space-time twin. But this does not mean that a person's twin can only have one traveler, as long as they are different.

This actually means that everyone in each time and space is independent. They have independent thoughts and independent consciousness. They are not intentionally doing things related to their twins. In fact, the buffer zone It doesn't care about such issues, it only cares about the comprehensive result of the entire plane. Therefore, it can be considered to a certain extent, or from the perspective of a traveler, that everyone in every plane and every time and space is different.

In other words, there is only one traveler Huang Xuan, and he will be more and more different from his twin. It can be considered that this is just a string of people with the same name and the same surname.

At the same time, in theory, only one of the time and space segments of a plane has a plane base, usually the high level time and space. However, with the development of plane technology, there are more accidental factors.

Note that what we are talking about here is between time and space, not between planes. Planes are composed of countless interconnected time and space segments, which are what is usually called time and space.

Finally, for those who have skipped PS, the essence of PS is: in the era of planes, there are no real two identical people doing the same thing. Putting aside the science fiction novels you have read before, this is different. There are no two Huang Xuan, or countless Huang Xuan, they just have the same name and surname, there are no two Lu Min, there are no two Mr. Conmas, and there are no two Chu Yining.

The greater the change, the greater the fit.

… (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in to .qidian. There are more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!) (To be continued)