Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 236: Captive (3)


Huang Xuan ended the conversation with Lu Min. Tian Dan was also yelling loudly at this time, and Nick translated impatiently.

This was also the first time Huang Xuan heard Tian Dan be so verbose. As he looked back on the past, he also discussed the training of the past three days, while thinking about the future, talking about almost every mid-level officer and quite a few junior officers, and inevitably the soldiers he remembered.

At this time, Huang Xuan just realized that he still didn't understand this most famous militia leader in history, or in other words, he underestimated him too much.

Tian Dan remembered almost 00 names, the names of Huns soldiers. It’s like the legendary photographic memory. In fact, among those historical celebrities, there are many who have a photographic memory. The familiar Ji Yun, or the less familiar Zhang Song of the Three Kingdoms are among the best. I just don't know whether Tian Dan from this plane has this ability, or whether he has developed it through hard training like Sima Qian.

Of course, Huang Xuan believed that he underestimated Tian Dan, not because of his photographic memory, but because of his unusual nonsense.

This is not what some people say when they are nervous. Tian Dan kept mentioning names that were familiar to these soldiers and might be standing next to them, which greatly relieved their fear of the unknown - if it was A psychologist from the 1st century, Huang Xuan would not be surprised, but as a politician born in BC, this kind of grasp of human psychology must come from experience and wisdom.

Huang Xuan secretly made up his mind to sell the field at a good price.

After about an hour, Dian Wei separated all the people with red circles on their heads and ordered them to line up. Tian Dan's lengthy speech came to an end:

"When you win in another place, you will not only get a reward of beheading a sheep for each one, but also benefit your descendants. Every well-trained soldier, that is, the soldiers standing in the north, will get a reward of one sheep each. As a reward of a sheep, if your family members are also captured, the family members of well-trained soldiers can receive preferential treatment without labor service. When you kill the first head, your family members can be released and receive that reward at the same time. The reward of the first sheep…”

Tian Dan repeated Huang Xuan's welfare policy in a simple, clear and contagious voice. In the R plane, in order to keep the level 4 mercenaries combative, the biggest difference between them and slave soldiers, that is, level 4 mercenaries, is - You can preserve wealth and designate beneficiaries in case of unexpected death. So it often happens that 95% of a level 1 combat regiment is killed, and the remaining soldiers all become millionaires. Because many soldiers have no relatives, they set their comrades as beneficiaries, and the comrades of their comrades also become millionaires. It’s the beneficiary again—most plane regimes will encourage this situation. On the one hand, the properties of fallen soldiers will be used as pensions. On the other hand, it can also boost morale. Of course, some nasty things would occasionally happen, but in Huang Xuan's opinion, this was pretty good.

Following Tian Dan's speech, Huang Xuan placed tens of thousands of fast-growing sheep purchased from R001 on the west side of the school ground. Although the price of a fast-growing sheep is only a few hot laps, and transportation back and forth will waste a lot of money, but He thought that these Hun soldiers would rather have a sheep by their side than a line of numbers on a magnetic card.

Not only were the Hun soldiers dumbfounded by the white sheep falling from the sky, but also Zhao's soldiers were amazed. Zhao Xi followed Huang Xuan two steps behind. Looking at the fat sheep floating down from his head, he couldn't help but licked his lower lip and said: "Mr. Zhixian, what a waste it is to give such a good sheep to these talented people."

"If you want the horses to run, you have to let them eat grass." Huang Xuan glanced at him and said, "As long as the soldiers use their lives, I, Huang Xuan, will never treat them badly."

A flock of white sheep soon occupied half of the school grounds, and the sounds of "baa baa" could not be heard. Although the place was crowded, the Hun soldiers who had a silent face did have a look in their eyes.

Tian Dan glanced at Huang Xuan, stopped his nonsense speech, raised his hands, and shouted: "Listen to my order, first team, line up your position and lead the sheep."

When the Hun soldiers standing on the far left in the west each returned to the team holding a sheep, the scene began to become noisy. In order to choose a fatter sheep, many Hun soldiers fought for it. When he got up, not only the soldiers standing on the east side were jealous with jealousy, but even the Zhao soldiers guarding around the school grounds couldn't help but whisper.

During the Warring States Period, sheep were a luxury item eaten by the nobles. The poor people could only eat pork and dog meat. Only the richer people could taste a little bit of mutton during festivals and sacrifices. This also shows that sheep are expensive livestock. A live sheep weighing 100 kilograms can be exchanged for 10 times the amount of rice. Imperial rice is polished rice. People pounded rice during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The millet that has not been shelled is called millet. Millet is 16 bushels per bucket, and 10 buckets of rice is called raw rice. The rice yield rate is 60%. After 10 buckets of raw rice, 9 buckets of rice are produced. , is called 糳(zuo) rice, and 8 buckets of rice is called 篇(hui) rice. When it reaches the stage of glutinous rice, it is not considered brown rice. If it is finer, 7 buckets of rice is called Yumi or Zhiyu. The rice yield rate 4%, more than half was wasted.

According to Zhao Jun's standards, during non-war times, the average soldier received one bushel of grain for every three people per day, which is one-thirtieth of a bushel for each soldier. This is only an official standard. If you think back to the Japanese army in the mid-20th century, there is no guarantee. One-third of the daily supply, one can understand that given the conditions in northern Xinjiang, if it were not for Huang Xuan's support, most of the soldiers would have eaten grasshoppers instead of millet. The food is bean leaves, not even as good as millet. According to the productivity of this era, millet cannot be regarded as a coarse grain. From this, we can see how valuable 1 million shi of wheat is. Even if it is only half, it is worth Li Mu's tens of thousands of lives.

Seeing thousands of sheep being taken away, Zhao Xi became more and more greedy. He casually nodded at the heads, cleared his throat, and approached Huang Xuan and said: "Jun Zhixian, look at so many sheep, these killing talents , Oh, even the Xiongnu, the Xiongnu soldiers can't take them all, why don't we kill a few for the soldiers to satisfy their hunger? "

What Zhao Xi said was quite reasonable. Those Zhao soldiers watched the original prisoners eating and taking things while holding their weapons and staring at the cold wind. This was a bit unreasonable. Regardless of whether Zhao Xi is greedy or not, it is always not good for these many Zhao soldiers to look at him. Huang Xuan thought about it and said: "These Huns soldiers have to fight hard. I can't treat them badly. The soldiers have worked hard these days. Let's do this. I will leave the remaining sheep to you. Kill as many as you want." I don’t care if you keep it or eat it now, but one thing is that you must fully cooperate with Xiang Tian’s training. If something happens to the Huns soldiers here, I will take the blame from your soldiers. If something happens to the officers, I will take it from you. If the officer fails to complete the training, I will have someone perform surgery, do you understand?"


Huang Xuan's words were neither serious nor serious, but Zhao Xi was sweating profusely. He was a realistic dude. What he was afraid of was not harsh words, but Huang Xuan's attitude of spending a lot of money. Thousands of sheep and hundreds of shi of food were enough. Sending it out without blinking an eye further proves that his intentions are not trivial and he dares not be cautious.

Tian Dan organized the officers and soldiers who had received the sheep first and then distributed the live sheep to the newcomers. This was another good training opportunity. Da Bojin and others were also released from the tent, but there was a person behind each of them. Zhao Bing watched over him and didn't let him speak. Even so, these nobles from the Dabo Department were also surprised.

Even for a tribe with a population of more than 10,000, more than 10,000 sheep are almost the property of the entire tribe. Of course, richer tribes may have more, but many such as the Dabo tribe are struggling on the verge of death. If not, they would also He will no longer beg for food in an area so close to Zhao State.

Huang Xuan rode his horse and passed by Da Bojin and others. He glanced at them and said in a calm tone in Hun language: "Think about it." After that, he headed towards Tian Dan.

Tian Dan, who was here, maintained a cautious wait-and-see attitude towards Huang Xuan's rather miraculous skills, which was probably the idea of keeping a respectful distance, so when Zhao Xi tried to flatter him, he remained silent.

Huang Xuan didn't take it seriously. He looked at the orderly Huns soldiers in the chaos and said, "Is Prime Minister Tian willing to lead the army to join the battle?"

"Bring these Huns?" Tian Dan laughed dumbly.

"It's not these Xiongnu, it's more Xiongnu." Huang Xuan said with a serious expression: "If you are lucky, Prime Minister Tian can still see General Bai Qi."

Tian Dan finally showed a surprised look, Huang Xuan smiled comfortably and turned around.

The next day.

Hun soldiers lined up in neat formation, each holding a sheep, standing on the main campus. Some of the sheep chains in their hands were made of broken mats, some were slightly tied with clothes, and some simply held the sheep weighing more than a hundred pounds with one hand, which was not tiring.

Huang Xuan opened the plane passage in the center of the school ground and told Lu Min a few words to wait there. Only then did the soldiers line up to enter.

Naturally, some people would be timid and hesitate to move forward. Huang Xuan was not in a hurry and looked at Tian Dan with a smile.

Of course the militia captain knew the meaning in Huang Xuan's eyes. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and finally stepped in first.

Huang Xuan raised his eyebrows and said to Lu Min with a smile: "Keep an eye on my field slip, it is not a cheap item. After you treat it, send it back to me."

"Yes." Lu Min didn't ask in detail. (To be continued)