Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 238: Abalone Feast (2)


The thermostatic box containing abalone has a volume of 0 liters, which is about the same as an ordinary microwave oven. The four full thermostatic humidifiers were obviously beyond Liu Ziqing's expectations, and he didn't even react for a while. It wasn't until Huang Xuan said, "Hey, no more?" Liu Ziqing hurriedly took the box from Huang Xuan. Since it was airtight, he couldn't help but ask, "How many are there?"

"Six big abalones, and some smaller ones." Huang Xuan relaxed his shoulders and stretched downwards. The abalones are not heavy, but the incubator is not light. Although it is portable, there are large pieces similar to notebooks inside. The battery, control IC and pure copper heat exchanger parts weigh 5 kilograms together.

"Six?" Liu Ziqing's eyeballs have a strong connecting nerve.

Huang Xuan made a smile and said, "Since it's an abalone feast, naturally we can't have one per person. What did Mr. Li say?"

"Master Li originally expected that if there were two three-headed abalone..." Liu Ziqing paused, then asked hesitantly: "How big is the big abalone?"

"Well, most of them are three-headed abalones, including the six two-headed abalones I chose. My family probably rarely eats them. Let's try them."

Liu Ziqing's eyeball connection nerves withstood the test tenaciously, and he swallowed back the words that came to his lips, made a gesture, and said: "OK, I'll hand it over to Master Li." He had already secretly decided in his heart to leave himself. Crazy boss stay away.

In the kitchen, Li Wenji stood behind Pi Dan, watching him stir the old soup with a spoon, and said: "When using stock to cook abalone, the most important thing is the heat. If the heat is too high, Jinhua ham will easily fall apart and the soup will become thicker. If the heat is too high, If it is too small, the shark fin and bird's nest cannot be stewed, and the aroma of the chicken cannot come out, so the taste will be bland... "

As he was talking, Liu Ziqing and Li Qing came in carrying an incubator. The former said loudly: "Master Li, the abalone is here."

"Oh, how's it going?" Li Wenji also came over with great expectation. The main reason why he agreed to this abalone feast was because he wanted to see Huang Xuan's strength and cook a few top-quality abalones with his own hands. Ordinary wild three-headed abalone can be obtained for 500,000 yuan, and domestically produced abalone has a record of less than 100,000 yuan, but such a top-quality three-headed abalone is not something that just anyone can afford or buy. In his opinion, Huang Xuan should not be reluctant to eat it himself.

Liu Ziqing's expression was very strange. He carefully placed the incubator on the table, took the incubator Li Qing was carrying, put it next to the two boxes next to it, and said, "How about you take a look first?"

He felt that repeating Huang Xuan's words would completely test the hearts of everyone present and create chaos.

Li Wenji, like many Hong Kong people, opened his shoulders and shrugged, took off his gloves, and said hello: "Wa Jai, come here to help."

Andy is a young man in his 00s and a little chef at Fulin Restaurant. He has just been promoted from a side dish to a chef and is qualified to cook a dish. However, he is serious about his work and is favored by Li Wenji, so he has the same opportunity as preserved egg. Went out with the master.

With a low voice of agreement, Andy ran to Li Wenji, took two wooden plates, and waited for Li Wenji to take the abalone.

The first incubator is opened.

Liu Ziqing took a look and saw that they were all abalones smaller than the palm of his hand, one size smaller than the ones Huang Xuan took out the day before.

Li Wenji became cautious.

While holding the abalone out with both hands, he seemed to be explaining to Andy: "The reason why dried abalone tastes better than fresh abalone is that the heart is runny. There is no difference between dried abalone and steamed bun residue without the runny heart. Now People are not particular about it, and farmed abalone is too cheap, so many of the abalones that are exposed are no longer soft.”

As Li Wenji spoke, he turned over the abalone and said: "The best four-headed abalone, with a smooth heart, square shape and elasticity. Each one costs at least 00,000 yuan." As he spoke, he looked up at Liu Ziqing and praised: "Your boss has the strength. ”

Liu Ziqing said nothing. He was still waiting for Li Wenji to open other incubators.

Li Wenji kept talking while his hands kept taking out the abalone and placing it flat on the wooden plate. The box was layered. He took out the 6 boxes on the first layer, and then 6 more boxes. Hua Zai next to him swallowed and said, "Is this a million?"

"More than that." Liu Ziqing, who had also done his homework, snorted and said, "If this wasn't in a house, I would have called security just now. I was shaking when I held it in my hand."

"A thief who knows the goods like this can be regarded as an elegant thief." Li Wenji joked, spread out the abalone on this layer, and then picked up the layer below.

"Eh, so young?" Hua Zai yelled. Liu Ziqing also turned sideways and took a look. Sure enough, they were all small abalones with less than 0 heads.

The preserved man on the side stretched his head over to take a look, gave Hua Zai a shoulder by the way, and said: "I don't understand, it's not easy for Xiao Bao to show off his runny heart, and these are what rich people eat."

"How much is such a small thing worth?" Andy, who had just seen the four-headed abalone, said dissatisfiedly: "I can afford this."

"Can you afford it?" Pidan sneered: "These are not for the table."

"Not serving?"

Seeing that Liu Ziqing was also listening, Preserved Egg said more seriously: "Although these abalones are only 8 or 0 in size, they are authentic Jipin abalones. They only have soft hearts. They are stewed over slow fire and then placed in the refrigerator." When you want to eat, just take one and eat it, just like a snack."

"Dim sum?" Andy added, "This abalone should cost 1,000 yuan, right?"

Li Wenji picked out these small abalones one by one and said: "It's almost the same. In the 1980s, many Hong Kong rich people also liked to eat like this, but now few people can afford it. There are fewer and fewer abalones. Now 8 abalones can be served at the table." ”

"Hong Kong eats so many abalones every year, of course." Preserved Egg looked at the fire and said, "I'm afraid that by the time I can make a feast, I won't even be able to see four abalones."

"It's almost gone now." Li Wenji shook his head and said: "Two years ago, there were still people who wanted to try two-headed abalone at a high price. No one sold it when the price reached 5 million. I don't think no one sold it. It's the only one in this world. There are no more two-headed abalones. If you occasionally have family heirlooms, it's really better to keep them in a safe. At the current rate of appreciation, it is definitely more profitable than investing in the stock market. If you think about it, a kilo of abalone tanned to more than two pounds is considered a three-headed abalone, let alone the Internet. Abalone, even Jipin abalone, takes thirty or forty years to grow. Two-headed abalone requires 5 pounds of abalone to be dried, and it won’t grow in 100 years. The bigger the abalone, the slower it grows. I haven’t seen a two-headed abalone in almost five years. Yes. Your master hosted a state banquet for Deng Xiaoping and saw two-headed abalone. That was all 40 years ago..." The master Li Wenji was talking about was naturally Yang Guanyi.

As he was talking, Andy next to him said in a muffled voice: "Chef, look at it, this abalone seems a bit too big."

"Huh?" Li Wenji didn't pay attention. He turned his head over as he said something, and almost bit his tongue with a "Huh" sound.

There were two abalones placed neatly in the second incubator. They looked like gold ingots, with raised edges, just as big as an adult's hand. Li Wenji made a long exhalation sound, as if he wanted to spit out all the air in his lungs. . He gently grabbed the lower end of the abalone with his hands, held it over his head, and shined it on the light. Under the light, the red color shone along the edge.

"Two-headed abalone." Li Wenji whispered: "This is the two-headed abalone."

Everyone in the kitchen stopped and looked at Li Wenji, who was like a pilgrim. For a chef who only started making abalone in the 1990s, he was very lucky to see two abalones.

Andy placed the wooden plate in the thermostat in the kitchen, then turned around and handed over the plate again. Li Wenji carefully placed the two abalones on the top on the plate, solemnly as if he was really carrying the ingot.

He took a breath and wanted to take a look at Liu Ziqing, but he didn't and just opened the second layer of the incubator.

There were exclamations one after another.

Whether the chef here is from Fulin Hotel or Li Wenji invited from a nearby restaurant, whether he understands it or not, he just heard him introduce two-headed abalone. Each one is priced at 5 million but has no market. How can it be done here? Isn’t there already 20 million

Li Wenji held his breath and illuminated the two abalones under the light. The same red light came out, which was a sign of heartache. He moved his shoulders and put them in Andy's arms. on the plate. The latter was worried that he would miss, so he changed his praise to a hug.

Steadily but slowly, Li Wenji opened the third layer of the incubator.

Two equally dazzling abalones.

The dried abalone at both ends is actually not big at all, only ten centimeters high, with an obvious waist curvature and thirty centimeters long, but in the eyes of everyone, it is made as huge as a diamond.

Liu Ziqing looked at Li Wenji's pilgrimage and knew in his heart that with his own plan, they were already inseparable if they wanted to cooperate again.

Huang Xuan was joking with his grandfather at this time. Huang Jindi was an old-school person and liked the feeling of being at the knees of his descendants. He also "kicked" the long table out of the living room and replaced it with a red sandalwood table. The large round wooden Eight Immortals table is an old piece of furniture from the Guangxu period. It should have been left by Huang Xuan's great-great-grandfather, Huang Jindi's grandfather. It is said that it was a captured trophy. The officers with mud-legged backgrounds were ignorant and burned two of them. , leaving two. Later, I found out that it was valuable, so I kept it in the old house. Huang Jindi liked it, so he took it out. Huang Sugui couldn't say anything wrong.

Huang Jindi made it clear that it was given to Huang Xuan, so the two uncles also understood what their father was thinking.

The waiters invited from the hotel were on both sides of the hall, ready to bring tea and water. When there were more people in the room, even the tea seemed to be drunk faster. Zhou Li stood behind Huang Jindi and gave him a try. To adjust the water temperature, get some small things that are out of reach, while Zhou Lian walks in and out of the room and directs.

Zhang Xinyi led Little Diao Meimei in from the front door, pulled her to Huang Jindi, and said, "Dad, this is Ren Ruochan, whom I recognize as my goddaughter."

At this moment, Huang Jindi was less majestic and more tender. Seeing that the little Diao girl's beautiful eyebrows were very beautiful, he said, "Okay, okay."

He sat on the big Taishi chair, holding the handle in his hand and asked: "Ruochan, right? How old is she this year?"

Unexpectedly, seeing Huang Jindi asking questions like the elders in his hometown, and being Huang Xuan's grandfather, Xiao Diao Meimei knelt on her knees, kowtowed three times respectfully, and then said: "This year 16 Years old."

These three heads were kowtowed to the point that people in modern times are not used to it, but Huang Jindi was so happy that he stood up, personally pulled the little Diao Meimei up, and said cheerfully: "Such a beautiful girl, come and sit down. Next to grandpa."

His thoughts can still keep up with the times, but old people, especially retired old people, always need the respect and attention of children. Xiao Diao Meimei appropriately satisfied Huang Jindi's requirements for children and grandchildren, and he immediately became happy. , touched his arms with his hands, and asked Zhou Li: "Where is my bracelet?"

"Here he is." Zhou Li hurriedly handed the small box in his coat pocket to Huang Jindi. Today was a family dinner. As an elder, he naturally had to bring a lot of small gifts to make red envelopes.

"Here, this is your grandpa's gift." Huang Jindi said and took out a pair of jade bracelets from the box. They were full of green and delicate, and in the words of experts, they were full of green.

Diao Chan naturally recognized the value of this bracelet. In the Han Dynasty, jade and jadeite were the heaviest, followed by copper. Wang Yun was a Sima, and his family's belongings came and went frequently, but such jade and jadeite were rare, but Miss Diao did not refuse. She reached out and asked Huang Jindi to put the bracelet on for her.

Yang Li also walked over with a smile and said jokingly: "What a lovely little girl, since your grandpa likes it, my aunt will also give you a meeting gift. The things are not as good as grandpa's, so you can't dislike it."

She took Ruochan's hand, took out the gift she had prepared, and said, "This is a brooch, try it to see if it fits?"

Miss Diao smiled before saying anything and said, "Thank you, Auntie."

The brooch is made of broken diamonds, with bifurcated tail wings and a bright red gemstone at the front end. The polished facets are sparkling, and it is also very valuable. Although Huang Yanbang was eating from the public family, the Yang family had a lot of money, and it was obviously prepared by Yang Li herself.

On normal days, Huang Yanbang would always be a little unhappy if Yang Li gave such an expensive gift. But today was a family dinner, and Miss Diao was acting well-behaved. Secondly, she wanted to please Huang Jindi, and her father had given such a big gift. If Yang Li gave him another brooch, he would not care. No matter what you say, keep smiling and watching.

Huang Xuan's eldest aunt took the initiative, and the aunts also took out the gifts they had prepared. The little mink girl turned around and basically put together an outfit. Looking at Huang Xuan, she was happy and envious at the same time.

That is, he was only one year old before he received such treatment.

Other than the word count: I have guests at home, so I can’t write a book all day, so I only updated one chapter yesterday. There are also uncertainties today.

Another note: The previous QQ group for time and space smuggling is full. Readers who want to join please join the new group 644696. Try not to join repeatedly. (To be continued)