Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 253: R plane (3)


Everyone saw the respect that Mr. Conmas and Jaschain Wendelin had for Huang Xuan. They consciously stood on the south side of Huang Xuan, standing there with him and talking quietly, with smiles on their faces. For other people, It contains too much information for the gentlemen of the family.

In fact, most people present did not know Huang Xuan's identity very well. They knew that an important person would come to R001, and they were invited by the two major families, so they came together. But who would really come? Those who understand the causes and consequences are very few.

However, this did not affect people's observation ability. When they saw Huang Xuan being treated with such courtesy and the antique-like loose clothes on his body, many people thought of a rumor. Suddenly, code words flew and emergency plane passages came one after another. of open.

More and more people are gathering under the "pen of magic".

Mr. Conmas waited intentionally for a moment before saying this to Huang Xuan and leading him to the front. A group of people immediately surrounded the three of them.

Lu Min also stood on the outside of the circle. Few people knew that he was Huang Xuan's agent. He was also happy to stay away from these crazy people.

In Lu Min's mind, being surrounded by a crowd, being introduced to countless unknown people one by one, and then shaking hands dozens or hundreds of times, should be an extremely painful thing, although it sounds very beautiful. However, Huang Xuan now seems to be full of energy, shaking hands with full force, and correcting those who make mistakes from time to time. Every movement is standard. He couldn't help but sigh: The glorious nobles are really different from other people.

Just as he was thinking this, someone next to him suddenly sighed: "It's amazing."

This sound frightened Lu Min, but when he saw it again, it was Shi Yu who was hunched over. He was not qualified to be here. He thought he found out through some connection. Lu Min sneered and said, "Who is more powerful? You?"

Shi Yu didn't feel embarrassed, he chuckled and said: "Then Mr. Huang must be great. Speaking of which, we all know Mr. Huang, and it's not too much to say we are familiar with each other. Logically speaking, we should invite him. , I read recently that all yellow people in the Great Plane era like to invite people to eat. How about I set up a table in Anqing Tower and let the travelers who went on adventures together get together?"

"Then why don't you go talk to Mr. Huang?" Lu Min glanced at him disdainfully. Travelers often get together and disperse. Even though they belong to the same plane base, they don't often cooperate. There are too many problems. Shi Yu said this because he clearly wanted to meet Huang Xuan, which violated his rights.

Shi Yu laughed sarcastically and said, "Mr. Huang is a busy man, and we can't get close to him. Maybe you can talk to him?" He had already used the honorific.

Lu Min shook his head but said nothing. Seeing this, Shi Yu coughed, walked a little closer to Lu Min, and whispered in his ear: "I know a secret."

"Oh?" Lu Min turned his head. Shi Yu held his head high this time and said, "If you agree, I will tell you."

"forget about it."

"No." Shi Yu grabbed Lu Min again and whispered, "You turn on the safe channel and I'll tell you."

Lu Min opened the security channel suspiciously. It was actually a plane channel for calls. Due to the sensitivity of the plane channel, any eavesdropping method would trigger a reaction in the plane channel. In addition to consuming energy, it is an extremely convenient way to communicate. Way.

Shi Yu stood next to Lu Min, covering his throat with his hand, and whispered a few words. Lu Min was immediately shocked and said, "Really?"

"There can be no lies. If you let me see Mr. Huang, I will tell you everything."

Lu Min stared at Shi Yu's flat face for a long time, and finally nodded and said, "Okay."

Huang Xuan on the other side also had pain in his muscles and bones from shaking hands. Most of these guys have never used the courtesy of shaking hands. It's okay if they can't use energy to protect their hands. Most people don't know the severity. "Animals" like travelers are in bad health. The harder the squeeze was, the more Huang Xuan felt like his flesh and bones were being separated. Fortunately, he understood the importance of this trip and allowed Nick to regain his grip after shaking hands with others. At least he persisted.

Mr. Conmas followed Huang Xuan with a cheerful look on his face, without saying a word or making any unnecessary movements. He was as respectful as a follower. In the eyes of these gentlemen who relied on the Conmas family to make a living, Huang Xuan's image suddenly changed. Got taller.

Walking out of the defense radius of this plane door, you can see many parked vehicles. The most eye-catching one is a transparent two-seater or eight-seater suspended "model", which is like the driver part of a helicopter. It was removed and two fish-shaped propellers were installed behind it. Judging from the way they were suspended in the air, they obviously also had anti-gravity devices.

"What is this called?" Huang Xuan asked Mr. Conmas. Although Nick also knew it, taking the initiative to contact the plane base at this time was not a friendly attitude.

"Qia Kongshuo." Mr. Conmas smiled: "Most of them are produced by us, and some are purchased."

"Very interesting." Huang Xuan laughed.

"That's not the case with the people inside." Jaschain turned sideways and said, "These are the media from Nanlu and several nearby planes, as well as travel reporters from the Alpha plane. They are interested in everything. "

Huang Xuan curled his lips. In his opinion, although the reporters in this plane were very powerful, they were not much different from the reporters on earth. You still have to hold a long gun and a short cannon, you still have to chase the client, you still have to wait until your head hurts and your feet hurt, you still have to have a sensitive and strong heart - if anything, it is also a disadvantage, such as Mr. Conmas Such advanced travelers can use energy to be immune to ordinary image recordings. In other words, if a journalist's camera device is lagging behind, he will not be able to capture Mr. Conmas's image. This is why there are so many empty shuttles at the scene. The more advanced the image Recording devices take up more space, and this is true both in ancient and modern times.

However, even the highest-level image recording device did not take a photo of Chu Yining. If Mr. Conmas was not willing, there would never be more than 5 people here who could take photos of him.

Mr. Conmas turned his head and asked Huang Xuan for his opinion: "Do you want to talk to them?"

"Of course." Huang Xuan agreed readily. He had no mysterious capital. Among the reporters present, there were even Level 1 travelers. They wanted to get some exclusive news about Huang Xuan, just like a joke.

However, Huang Xuan is well aware of the power of the media, and Zhang Xinyi is also very good at using media resources. Her family skills allow him to have no stage fright in front of the flash - even though the imaging technology of this era has been very advanced.

Seeing Huang Xuan nod, Mr. Conmas immediately signaled to Jifu, who raised his hand and said, "If you have anything to ask, please submit an application."

As he spoke, a huge energy screen appeared in front of him, which should have been applied for from a nearby base.

The gridded energy screen was filled with red dots in an instant. Jiff randomly clicked on one of them. Immediately a man stood up and said loudly: "Mr. Conmas, what is the purpose of your visit? It is preparation. Will you receive members of the Space-Time Administration?"

Mr. Conmas showed a standard smile and said: "This time, I am mainly here to pick up my friend, a friend of the Conmas family and the R-series plane, Mr. Huang Xuan."

As he spoke, he took a step back and let Huang Xuan out.

Immediately the image light flashes. The media reporters had long noticed Huang Xuan, but before they could ask about this mysterious visitor, Mr. Conmas took the initiative to introduce him. Everyone immediately knew that this was an important person.

In particular, Mr. Comas did not answer questions about the members of the Space-Time Administration, but directly introduced Huang Xuan.

For some smart reporters, this is an answer worth savoring.

Huang Xuan smiled shyly and said: "I have some, uh, daily interactions with the Kangmas family. This is my first time coming to the R series plane. I am very happy to be here." He bowed softly as he spoke. Bowing, when doing this, press the penultimate button of the suit with the little finger of your right hand to prevent the tie and clothes from floating up.

Image lights are more powerful. An old reporter excitedly said to the young man next to him: "Big news."


"This etiquette." The old reporter wrinkled his face and showed his teeth when he smiled: "The last time I saw such etiquette, it was when a high-level traveler from the Miyu plane came to Nanlu Star, a top-level traveler. "

"Isn't that the same level as Mr. Conmas?" the young reporter asked.

The old reporter lowered his voice and said: "The Conmas family has a short history, but it has produced high-level travelers. In other planes, there are many families from the era of the big plane, and their etiquette is very similar to these."

"I said I didn't learn it in school."

"If there is no family teaching, you have to reach level 6 or above before you can apply for study. Haha, I'm afraid it will be a waste of contribution points."

The two of them were talking, but the movements of their hands were not slow at all. The young reporter asked reluctantly: "Is he also a high-end traveler?"

"It doesn't really look like it, but he always has a distinguished status and has news to dig up." The old reporter replied and started taking photos seriously again.

When he was at home, although Huang Xuan had never attended a press conference, he was caught by reporters many times. Therefore, after getting used to the atmosphere here, his movements and tone became smoother. When answering reporters' questions, he used diplomatic rhetoric frequently and without missing a beat. Not only did he stare at the family members behind him, but he also made the reporters present love and hate him.

What I love is that new topics have appeared in R001, but what I hate is that the topics are hidden so deeply in this book. (To be continued)