Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 26


Liu Ziqing belongs to Sotheby's Co., Ltd. in New York. Although he has a good reputation around the world, he is still the boss of China Guardian in China's auction industry. When he heard that there was such a good opportunity, the auction company naturally attached great importance to it.

Although the industry has its own evaluation methods, for people who are preparing to auction collections, the highest price in history made by an auction house and other information are priority factors. Maybe his collection is only worth 5,000 yuan, but if it is of the same type, His collection has a record of over 50 million yuan in a certain auction house. He will definitely be full of expectations for this auction house. Even if his own items are inferior, an extra 500 yuan would be nice.

Only by auctioning more goods can we attract more buyers. The auction company is naturally familiar with the psychology of customers. Therefore, knowing that there are ten rare books worth more than 1 million yuan for sale, such eye-catching things are naturally desirable, so how can they refuse? Huang Xuan’s conditions. Of course Liu Ziqing also received praise. Huang Xuan was all smiles when he saw him for the second time.

Huang Xuan is naturally smiling. His family has taught him since he was a child that snacks must be eaten by everyone, benefits must be shared by everyone, and money must be earned by everyone. In this way, he can occupy it longer, eat more, and earn more. easy.

I transferred 1 million of the newly received money to my cousin's account. Currently, the number of generators on the construction site has increased to 15, and the gas money is owed again and again. Fortunately, Zhang Haoji doesn't care about this small amount of money, so he didn't talk to his cousin. My brother is chasing the debt, otherwise either Huang Xuan will go bankrupt or Lorraine will be weaned.

After playing comfortably all afternoon, when he returned home, he noticed that everyone was busy. He couldn't help but grabbed Butler Zhou who was instructing the servants in surprise, and asked: "Uncle Zhou, what's going on? I'm old." Where are my parents?"

"Today is the anniversary, have you forgotten?" Zhou Lintong was busy directing the packing of gifts. When he saw Huang Xuan, he immediately grabbed him and said: "My Mr. Huang, have you forgotten what I said to you this morning? I I also reminded you to bring your mobile phone. I’m almost dying if I can’t find you this afternoon.”

"Anniversary!" Huang Xuan suddenly jumped up. He had forgotten what the anniversary was celebrating, or no one had told him, but this did not deny its importance to the Huang family. The current anniversary celebration has gradually evolved into a representative meeting of the Huang family. Basically, important matters for the next year will be decided in these days. Every descendant of the Huang family needs to participate. If you don't come without any reason, the most direct punishment will be There is just no pocket money... It is simply terrible.

The phone is set to silent. Huang Xuan threw it on the sofa in anger, quickly ran back to the room to change clothes, picked up a glass of water and drank it, and asked: "What time is it now?"

"It's 5:30, and there's still one hour left for the anniversary celebration." Butler Zhou didn't care about the gift package anymore. He grabbed two people and went upstairs to help Huang Xuan change clothes and get things so that he could complain: "I've been here since noon. I'm calling you, and I've sent several people out to look for you just now, but you're gone and I don't know where you are."

"Does my mother know?" This is Huang Xuan's hostile creature.

Housekeeper Zhou said in an aggravated voice: "The whole family is almost dying of anxiety, tell me whether you know."

Huang Xuan shuddered fiercely, shook his head, and forgot about the terrible consequences. He put on his clothes carefully and said, "Oh, forget it. Let's leave quickly, otherwise someone will make irresponsible remarks."

"The car is ready." The person who spoke was Huang Qunsheng's life assistant, Li Qing. Because Huang Xuan's father, like him, was slovenly, almost to the point where he couldn't take care of himself, so there was also a special person responsible for tidying up his study. wait.

Seeing the time, it was already too late, Huang Xuan waved his hands impatiently and rushed out of the door.

There are dozens of cars parked in front of the Huang family's old house. Among them are not only Huang Xuan's uncles, brothers, cousins, but also relatives of relatives and friends of friends. It is said that there are many cooperations at the Sheraton Hotel in the city. Partners will also meet in the form of a buffet, because in the next few days, many companies will decide on new managers and other personnel arrangements, and even directly decide on many contract issues. However, Huang Xuan only listens to the adults. Just talk about it.

Underage children have their own gathering place. Although Huang Xuan does not like this small garden surrounding the lotus pond, if he wants pocket money, he must participate.

For the time being, Huang Xuan has 16 cousins and 1 cousin. Four of the cousins are his uncle's sons, that is, his cousins. The other one is his brother, his eldest grandfather and second grandfather. and the grandson of the fourth grandfather, and there are many other relatives who have not left the fifth server. The reason why it is said to be temporary is because the number of them changes every year.

Of course, the overall trend is towards growth.

Huang Xuan entered the lotus pond depressedly. He will be 16 years old in June. In this small garden, he is almost the eldest, although there are several cousins in the family who are two years older than him.

The two cousins waved happily as soon as they saw Huang Xuan. They were the sons of Huang Xuan's third uncle. The two families had frequent contacts, so they were closer. The most important thing was that, like Huang Xuan, the two boys never liked studying. Loves to cause trouble.

"Brother, let's go out to play tonight?" The two boys, one 1 and one 14, are at the age of making trouble. The first thing they said was to break the rules. Huang Xuan refused without thinking, "I have to go back tonight. You two should be nice."

The two of them circled around Huang Xuan as if they had never met before, and said, "Brother, were you beaten stupid by your aunt?"

"You were beaten stupid." Huang Xuan hit Huang Zhi on the head with a violent chestnut and said, "I have something to do tonight, you can go and play by yourselves."

"Illidan?" The two of them also played World of Warcraft occasionally and knew how crazy their cousin was.

"Almost." Huang Xuan thought to himself, what I am doing now is much more interesting than Illidan.

At this time, a few more boys joined in. Huang Zhi and Huang Ling didn't ask any questions and talked to each other enthusiastically. Huang Xuan looked at them and suddenly felt a little weird.

He was like this before, Huang Xuan thought. He used to love to play, no matter what, and follow his own preferences, but I don't know if it was his age or Lorraine's existence that catalyzed all this, but now he feels that it is no longer interesting to just think about having fun. However, this kind of thinking seems to be separated from his age and the circle he belongs to.

Although they are in the same big family, because there are so many children and grandchildren, no one can take care of these many people. Huang Xuan's grandfather Huang Jindi is a strict man and is very busy with work, so he is not very close to his children and grandchildren. On the other hand, there are many people in the family, and over time, the children will inevitably divide into small circles. Those who are closely related and related by blood will form a small circle, and those who have good relations with ancestors and fathers and are close to each other will also gather together. There are differences in closeness and distance, and the ideas of the previous generation will inevitably affect these children. And this division will eventually affect their relationship when they grow up, just like Huang Xuan's parents.

Just on the other side of the lotus pond, more than a dozen children gathered together, enjoying barbecue, talking about their recent life, newly opened entertainment venues, and so on. This is the territory of young people who are adults but not married, but in Huang Xuan's generation, it is a little different.

Huang Jindi is the third eldest son of his generation. He also has two older brothers and a fourth younger brother. Although he has led the Huang family to maintain its current status and strength, strictly speaking, it has only achieved success.

Therefore, Huang Jindi, as the patriarch of the Huang family, has been questioned a lot, and the ones who have raised the most questions are his two brothers, Huang Xuan's eldest grandfather and second grandfather.

Huang Jindi is nearly ten years younger than his elder brother, and his first two children are both daughters. Therefore, although Huang Xuan is the eldest grandson of the Huang family, he is 15 years younger than his eldest cousin, which happens to be It's double.

It is precisely because the four highest-status members of the Huang family were divided into two factions that while Huang Xuan was still playing around on one side of the lotus pond, his cousins had already gone to the other side of the lotus pond to form their own group. circle.

Huang Xuan spat into the pool in disgust. He had been at odds with several of his cousins since he was a child. He even fought a few battles when he was older. As Huang Jindi's health became worse and worse, the two parties also Unnaturally, he became hostile.

Seeing Huang Xuan's spitting action, Huang Ling secretly stretched out his head and said, "Brother, can we add some ingredients to them?"

"What ingredients should be added?" Huang Xuan said and laughed. These boys are all from the third house. Ever since the two fierce sisters got married, they have never won in a head-to-head battle, so pranks and the like have become Of course. Huang Xuan has always been self-disciplined as a guerrilla warfare commander.

"How about adding black dog blood and stool?" Huang Zhi also ran over with interest and offered suggestions, "I heard that Taoists all use this trick."

"It's boring to use stool all the time." Uncle Wu's youngest son Huang Song objected: "Let's give laxatives. Last time we gave too little, which was an advantage for them." (To be continued)