Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 41: wait(1)


The incident passed quietly. Early the next morning, Huang Qunsheng got up very early, woke up Huang Xuan and packed his bags. He would go to the University of Sao Paulo as a visiting scholar. Huang Xuan had to follow him because he was worried about safety issues.

Xihuang Industrial found a small villa for them, about 300 square meters, less than two kilometers away from the school. If you get up early, you can walk to the school. Huang's father liked the environment here very much and quickly agreed.

On these issues, Huang Xuan does not have much say. He will also audit at the School of Foreign Languages at the University of Sao Paulo. In addition, he also needs to spend hours a day as a tutor. The position will be filled by DaSilva until a better candidate is available.

Da Silva is the translator Xihuang Industrial found for Huang Qunsheng. He is a mixed-race Bazi and Chinese in his thirties. His Chinese is a bit slow, but his Portuguese translation is fairly accurate.

The official language of Brazil is Portuguese, but the geographical factors far away from the mainland of Portugal and the political and cultural influence for many years make Portuguese dictionaries difficult to use here. However, Brazilians usually know some basic Spanish, but English is not popular. . Of course, even if every Brazilian is proficient in English, it will not be of much help to Huang Xuan. Lorraine can serve as a translator. However, due to geographical reasons, this miser rarely speaks. According to him: "The energy storage sequence level is higher than Sequence level of communication.”

Huang's father also only knew English and a little bit of Latin, so he had a big problem communicating with ordinary Brazilians. On the contrary, the teaching staff at St. Paul University are of high quality and speak very standard English, and they had a great time chatting with Huang Qunsheng.

In terms of language, Zhang Xinyi has no good solution. She can only hope that Huang Qunsheng can take some time to discipline Huang Xuan. As for the effect, you only need to look at the previous 15 years to know.

Lorraine is working very hard to translate the information. His energy source relies entirely on Huang Xuan, and the domestic supply cannot meet the base's increasing consumption. If he wants to transmit energy to the base in Brazil, the base needs to be moved. Is it necessary? Worth it, is a very important question.

Brazil's nuclear power is very developed, but it must be state-owned. On the other hand, it is the largest bioenergy producer in the world, mainly producing biodiesel and fuel alcohol. The latter produces 100 million liters per year. After translating this number While talking, Huang Xuan seemed to hear Lorraine's saliva.

"Actually, I can not only digest electricity." Lorraine said.

Huang Xuan was also a little tempted, but it was no better here than in China. My mother said it was better to read more and talk less. He looked at the information on the computer and couldn't make up his mind. He tentatively said: "Lorraine, how about I buy it again?" An energy-intensive enterprise like an aluminum factory?”

"It can be considered." Lorraine seemed to have no enthusiasm for the same proposal. "It will take about a week for the base to store enough energy to upgrade to level 1. By then, daily consumption will reach the standard of 500,000 kilowatt hours per day. , not only requires stable energy channels, but also requires sufficient energy supply, otherwise base relocation is unnecessary.”

How could it not be necessary. Huang Xuan thought to himself, I still need your help, but after all, 500,000 kilowatt-hours costs about 00,000 yuan based on the cost of ordinary domestic industrial electricity, which is 9 million yuan a month, and although he has nothing now It has assets of 100 million US dollars, but the management rights are in the hands of the guardian, that is, the parents, and the amount at his disposal is only about 1 million.

Thinking of this, Huang Xuan sighed. He was a multi-millionaire half a month ago, but now he has dropped a level. In a few days, he may be in negative equity.

"Lorraine, is the ancient book auction going to be held in the next few days?" Huang Xuan thought of his last harvest and felt that his demand suddenly became stronger.

"three days left."

"Then help me contact Liu Qingshan. Even if I can't go to the scene, let me listen."

"Okay." As the energy Huang Xuan sent to Lorraine increased, the latter's attitude became better and better. The previous situation of shouting and killing has never happened again. Privately, Huang Xuan felt that this should not be the case. Just permissions related, maybe a sequence issue? Of course, everything is pure conjecture.

Soon Liu Qingshan's voice appeared on the phone, and Huang Xuan was not polite and said directly: "Mr. Liu, how are you preparing for the auction?"

"We have invited about 150 people to participate in the auction, and most of them are capable of competing for your lot." At this point, he congratulated: "I heard that you went to Brazil to study? Will you come back then?"

Going to school in Brazil was naturally an excuse. Huang Xuan could only be called visiting Brazil. He smiled and said, "I won't go back, but I may trouble you if I have some requirements."

"Of course, please tell me."

"It's mainly a currency issue. You know, I'm in Brazil now, so of course I mainly use reals (Brazilian currency) and U.S. dollars, so I hope you can convert most of the auction money into U.S. dollars and deposit it into my account."

Liu Qingshan hesitated for a moment. It was quite troublesome to convert tens of millions of dollars into US dollars, but after only thinking about it for a few seconds, he still smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem with this, but because of our previous agreement There is no such clause in it, I need to apply to the company, and the payment time may be delayed. "

"Yes." Huang Xuan agreed, and added: "About 5 million yuan will be deposited into my domestic account, and the rest must be converted into US dollars or reals. If it is inconvenient for you, of course you can also directly Deposit RMB into the account. I will inform you of the specific account information and payment details.”

"Don't worry." Liu Qingshan repeatedly agreed. Although Huang claimed that he could still settle in RMB, as an auction house in fierce competition, Sotheby's would not make it inconvenient for customers.

The conversation ended there, as it was time for Portuguese lessons. Da Silva is a very conscientious teacher, or more accurately, a Brazilian who is good at teaching others. He can make full use of every minute of the hour, and the criterion is his speaking speed.

Huang Xuan didn't have any foundation, while Da Silva could only be regarded as a Brazilian learning Chinese. More importantly, Huang Xuan didn't have even the slightest interest. He just sat there in pain, watching the pages on the other side. With his lips, he said in an imperceptible voice: "Lorraine, is there any way for me to learn Portuguese all at once? I haven't even figured out English yet, and learning another language is too much."

"It's impossible to learn in an instant." Lorraine answered seriously.

"You still have to use Portuguese to buy toilet paper." Huang Xuan said helplessly: "Can you do me a favor? How about 10 million kilowatt-hours? Don't you have the technology tens of thousands of years later? Did you go to other time and space in the past and still have to use Portuguese? Learn the language first?”

Lorraine obviously liked the exchange conditions proposed by Huang Xuan, but he still said honestly: "The auxiliary learning function is only available after the level 1 base, but it still takes a long time. In addition, I suggest you learn the language well. Very useful when traveling. ”

Hearing the word "long time", Huang Xuan felt bored and said: "What's the use? Anyway, you have the ability to translate."

"When I don't understand a lot of things that you guys understand, it takes away a lot of opportunities."

"Whatever." Huang Xuan doesn't care about these opportunities.

The serious Darcival did not realize that his only student was in a deep state of distraction, talking happily alone. Huang Xuan stared at the textbook on the table in a daze. Lorraine suddenly said: "Huang Xuan, are you interested in going to other places?" Plane?"

This is the third time Lorraine has invited Huang Xuan. Huang Xuan always refused before. This is not surprising. After the freshness has passed, classmate Huang Xuan, who has no adventurous spirit, would rather watch a boring movie and discuss Watergate, Firegate, and Cuckold Gate than go on another trip that completely surpasses his own. Cognitive territory.

If he hadn't been sent to Brazil, he would have lost most of his interest in Lorraine. He already has more than 200 million U.S. dollars in assets to his name. He can be ranked on some rankings in China, and he has no grudges, so why bother? With.

After hesitating for a moment, Huang Xuan glanced at the spitting Da Xibal, lowered his head and whispered: "Actually, you know, I can't return to the country now. Didn't you say you are not planning to move the base now?"

"You can also travel through planes without moving the base." For Huang Xuan's question, Lorraine could completely understand it as contempt. He raised his voice and said: "You only need to consume a little more energy. You can conduct normal time and space travel, planes." The foundation of the era is energy, energy! "In the past, Lorraine might have been concerned about energy loss, but now, he has understood that only open source can meet the needs.

Lorraine said it twice. Huang Xuan covered his forehead with his hands, hissed and said, "That's fine."

Seeing that Huang Xuan was finally interested in going to other planes, Lorraine probably became excited and immediately said: "If you want to set off, you first need to prepare general equivalents, storage warehouses, and energy reserves..."

PS: Please continue to vote, thank you. (To be continued)