Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 42: Spitsbergen Islands (1)


"P146T161W7814 arrives."

Whenever Lorraine did something related to his responsibilities, his tone was particularly harsh. Huang Xuan stepped on the hard ground and walked out of the plane passage. This was much better than being in a rootless environment in the passage. .

"Where are you now?" Huang Xuan said, taking a deep breath of cold air and saying, "It's so cold."

As he spoke, his whole body suddenly warmed up, and Lorraine replied: "In 161 standard time, the geographical location is near Longyearbyen in the Spitsbergen Islands. It is close to the Arctic Circle. The current temperature is °C. I have I’ve put an energy ring on you to keep you warm, but it’s still recommended that you put on your clothes quickly.”

"You asked me to wear less clothes." Huang Xuan looked at the long-sleeved T-shirt he was wearing. This was because the short-sleeved T-shirt gave people too strong a visual impact... Although he no longer felt cold, Huang Xuan still hit it. He had a cold war, stamped his feet, and said, "Look for someone."

"There is a lot of human activity a kilometer to the west. Also please note that you can only stay on P146 for a maximum of 84 hours."

"It's only three and a half days, it's so complicated." Huang Xuan shrank his neck, always feeling that he was out of touch with the nearby hard frozen soil, shook his head, and took steps in the right direction.

On the way, Lorraine began to search for plane information. This is the most important step. It can not only determine the current safety, but also a key step in determining where to go. Before the time and space oscillation occurs, the environment of each plane has been fully understood. investigation, but in the current desert environment of time and space, the data are outdated. The only thing we can place hope on is the similarity of the standard plane. If this is also a plane that has experienced severe space-time shocks and developed, then it usually Will have a higher degree of similarity - at this time, the desert of time and space has become an advantage. If it were in the era of big planes, there would be no similarity at all. Countless business guys would have destroyed everything they could. , if not for this, how could space-time oscillations occur

As the human settlement closest to the Arctic, the Spitsbergen Islands have very little plant coverage, especially in the inland areas, where only a slight amount of moss is often exposed. Lorraine said there are also a large number of polar bears here. The haunting made Huang Xuan's departure somewhat thrilling.

As he walked, Lorraine began to spread basic information about the area to Huang Xuan. The content was so rich and complicated that he was overwhelmed. He thought, if he really listened to it, he would just have to travel through time and space a few more times, and learn about history and history. Geography can be considered a master's degree.

Spitsbergen Islands, also known as Svalbard Islands, belonged to the territory of Norway in Huang Xuan's era, but currently, the owners here are the Dutch.

The Netherlands in the 17th century was the most powerful country in the world, known as the "Sea Coachman", and Spitsbergen, as its colony, also received considerable attention.

The air seemed to be cold, and people began to hear voices in the distance. Through the open wilderness, a small fishing village could be seen.

"It seems to be a market." Huang Xuan quickened his pace. The energy circle had a good thermal insulation effect, but he still preferred clothes. "What was valuable in the 17th century?" He was already thinking about what clothes to change into? Polar bear fur jacket? Will it be a little too heavy

"Tulips." Lorraine's answer almost made Huang Xuan vomit blood. He suddenly remembered that he had heard similar information just now. It seemed that there was a period of crazy trading of tulips in the Netherlands. People sold their assets to buy tulip bulbs to hoard and competed to buy them. The newly developed sick varieties allowed a rare tulip to be sold for thousands of guilders, worth 0 times the average annual income of the Dutch at that time.

Of course, this madness will inevitably end. When the madness passes, the value of those tulips that are cherished by people has depreciated by more than 90%, and most of the ordinary varieties are fed to livestock. This is known as the first economic bubble in history, which seriously affected the economic order and even economic strength of the Netherlands. However, this thing was ridiculously expensive before it depreciated.

"Tulips are still valuable now?" Although he already knew that he was born near the Arctic Circle, Huang Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"Based on the similarity of this plane, the sales of tulips are at a peak."

Huang Xuan was slightly disappointed. He had known that bringing a batch of tulips would definitely be better than famous products like "Forever Augustus".

Several small sailboats quickly appeared in front of Huang Xuan's eyes with three sails. This is a style that has never been seen again after the electrical age. They all have their own horizontal sails, which are sewn from pieces of canvas, and the seams are is vertical. Ropes are tied to the sails and movable riggings are used to thread them together. The triangular fore-and-aft sail has not yet been invented, so the area of the sail is far less large than people imagined.

Seeing the boat coming, people in the fishing village shouted. At this time, several Nordic men also walked out of the low wall and saw Huang Xuan.

At this moment, the expressions on their faces should be one of shock. Huang Xuan shrugged. If he were near the Arctic Circle and saw a yellow man walking around in a T-shirt, he would probably scream. After all, it is easier to fight monsters if there are more people.

"Hoegaathet (How are you?)" Huang Xuan took the lead in greeting him. Lorraine acted as his translator, and his voice was also very similar, as if Huang Xuan himself was speaking Dutch.

"Hoi" a man stretched out a hand and replied. Huang Xuan looked very happy and asked loudly: "Hello. How far is it from Longyearbyen?"

"Just in front." A young man looked curiously at Huang Xuan, who was gradually approaching, pointed to the west, and said, "Where are you from?"

"Amsterdam, my friend." Huang Xuan deliberately showed friendliness. He had heard of the famous Viking for a long time. He smiled and said: "I went to Amsterdam from Java Island, and now I am an employee of the East India Company."

Java Island is today's Indonesia. As far as the history that the Chinese are familiar with is concerned, the Dutch East India Company invaded Taiwan from its base on Java Island, and was finally driven out by Zheng Chenggong a hundred years later. However, the young man in front of him obviously didn't know where Guawa Island was, but every Dutchman knew about the East India Company. Hearing that Huang Xuan was so familiar with the life of the Dutch, the middle-aged man standing at the back came forward and said : "If you want to go to Longyearbyen, you can come with us later."

"Thank you very much." Huang Xuan shrank and said, "Can I exchange some clothes with you? I can exchange them for spices."

Although spices are no longer the legendary violence since the 17th century, they are still expensive. However, here is located in the northernmost part of the earth, and spices have a more marketable market in Europe. The middle-aged man shook his head, but still agreed to give him a set of clothes.

Huang Xuan accepted it sheepishly. He could not free up a large amount of food from the plane passage now. However, several young people showed great enthusiasm. Especially when Huang Xuan put on the seal skin, his image changed drastically and he became more similar to them. .

The previous small sailboat brought some fish and algae, as well as a large amount of shrimp, and many of them were Norway's famous jellyfish. As far as Huang Xuan knew, their selling price was higher than the broken ship that carried them. , but now it is just food for fishermen in their spare time.

Looking at the jellyfish thrown casually on the ground, Huang Xuan felt refreshed, and the cold air was no longer so biting. (To be continued)