Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter 73: Traveler (10)


Huang Xuan dared to scold the housekeeper, and he dared to fight against Liu Bo, but even if he had to build up his courage for a few months, he would not dare to fight against his grandfather. He muttered a few words and sat down. In this situation, only Huang Jindi can come forward.

Zhang Xinyi couldn't say anything else, and the next topic was much more boring, so she quickly pulled Huang Xuan away.

While walking on the road, Huang Xuan still looked angry. He took his mother's hand and said, "You just watch others bully me?"

"It's okay. Your grandpa has been too busy these two days. After waiting for a while, it will be fine. Just keep your little money in the foundation's account."

Huang Xuan raised his head in dissatisfaction and said, "If I had known, I wouldn't have taken the foundation's account."

"What if you are under 18?"

"Let the bank release it, so what if you are under 18 years old? Who dares not to accept it?"

Huang Xuan's appearance made Zhang Xinyi laugh. She rubbed his hair and said, "Stupid, you only had a few dollars at that time. Which bank would take care of you."

"There's always something." Huang Xuan said proudly, feeling that he was in a better mood.

Three days later, Huang Xuan still did not see Huang Jindi. Instead, he met with Dutoit and Aubrey respectively. The total assets of 800 million US dollars deeply attracted these two investment groups. For this reason, he traveled back and forth between the two investment groups. Naturally, there is no need to hesitate. Although all the US$100 million involved in the timber contract was in the foundation's account, the two of them seemed unaware of it. It seemed that they were still optimistic about Huang Xuan's situation.

Indeed, although Huang Xuan's expenses are indeed not small, his cash flow has always been abundant. Whether or not the extra 100 million US dollars is available will not affect the operation of other assets. Therefore, he is at least equivalent to 5 billionaires.

Li Shenggang seemed to have a good relationship with the upstream and downstream authorities. This guy's triangular eyes seemed to have a unique way of wooing him. With the foundation he laid, Huang Xuan easily spent more than 20 million in cash and asked him to acquire two more. An old electrolytic aluminum factory.

These factories are a legacy of the system, with pensions higher than normal wages and liabilities higher than assets, not to mention profitability. But for Huang Xuan, these are not problems.

It is very simple for Lorraine to absorb direct energy from a long distance, including electrical energy, light energy, and thermal energy. Using energy chains will also lose up to 0% of energy. But for material energy, it needs to be converted at the base. Therefore, in this era of high oil prices, it is also necessary to get more electric energy to be prepared. Of course, if conditions permit, directly absorbing solar energy or thermal energy is also a better option. However, solar energy takes up too much space, and the initial investment in thermal energy is too large—the base cannot sit directly in the lava. In that case, the loss will be greater than the harvest. , Therefore, unless there is plenty of time, Huang Xuan would rather spend more money.

Just after making the call, Zhang Xinyi suddenly walked in in a hurry. Huang Xuan asked strangely: "Mom won't go to work today?"

"Your grandpa is sick." Zhang Xinyi looked very unhappy.

Huang Xuan's heart twitched violently and he walked out before he could pack anything.

There was no words to say all the way. Huang Jindi had probably been ill for more than a week, but he was busy with work and couldn't get away. Today he finally fainted on the road.

There were hundreds of people standing outside the ward to visit the patient, but they were all blocked by housekeeper Zhou. Zhang Xinyi walked to the door in two steps and asked, "Is dad awake?"

"I'm awake, but the doctor said I'm still very weak."

Zhou Li's face was heavy. He was only a little younger than Huang Jindi, but his health was much better.

"Can I go in to see grandpa?" Huang Xuan asked quietly.

Zhou Li nodded gently and said, "Your grandpa may have just fallen asleep. Let's take a look outside. Don't wake him up." Then he led Huang Xuan to change clothes.

"Lorraine, can you help me take a look at grandpa's body?"


The ward where Huang Jindi lives is slightly different from the general intensive care unit. You can see that the patient's window is located in the inner room, and the outer room is a reception room with some medical equipment. Huang Xuan and others can enter and change clothes, and they cannot be opened. Bedroom door.

"Physical condition E16, very bad." Lorraine replied softly: "According to the current medical conditions, he may not be able to hold on for much longer."

It seemed that Huang Jindi's complexion was not bad, and he seemed to be asleep, and no respirator or other things were inserted. After hearing what Lorraine said, Huang Xuan immediately shouted: "You are talking nonsense."

"Xuan'er, don't make a sound." Zhang Xinyi didn't hear clearly what Huang Xuan said, but she still patted his shoulder to comfort him.

"The base's judgment is usually accurate." Lorraine probably didn't understand Huang Xuan's emotions, so he added.

Huang Xuan felt his cheeks were wet. He wiped it with the back of his hand and said with his throat: "Then there is nothing you can do?"

"I have said that low-level bases can only perform vaccinations and other activities. Even higher-level bases have no better way to deal with the natural decline of vitality. Our base is a forward base, not a logistics base."

Comrade Warden was as plain as ever, but to Huang Xuan's ears, he was full of indifference. He took a breath and said, "Can't you say something useful? How can you cure my grandfather, 10 million kilowatt hours of electricity? How much do you want?" Can we do something practical?”

"I'm afraid not. The forward base can handle most of the battle injuries, but for those with declining vitality, a B or above medical base is needed."

Huang Xuan was about to curse, but just looking at the frightened doctors and nurses beside him, Huang Xuan knew that relying on these guys was far worse than relying on Lorraine. He gently loosened his clenched fists, avoided everyone's sight, and said silently Said: "Then how can we get a medical base above B."

"This is impossible." Lorraine immediately extinguished Huang Xuan's last hope.

Looking at his sleeping grandpa, Huang Xuan thought of a lot. He felt that his eyes were already filled with sparkling crystals. He gritted his teeth and twisted his lips and said: "Lorraine, now I want you to find a way. Don't tell me anything is impossible. , If you can’t cure grandpa, you won’t want me to send you energy in the future, you know?”

Lorraine was silent for a long time. It was not until Huang Xuan and others left the hospital that His Excellency the Warden said: "If we catch the time traveler, he may be able to provide a solution."

"How to catch him? Where is he? Didn't you say that as long as there is energy, there will be no problem?"

"Only if he uses energy can I find him again." Lorraine explained: "He should gradually integrate into this time and space, and the fluctuations in the buffer zone are gradually decreasing. But I need to remind you that it is easier to kill this traveler. , but if you want to capture him alive, it’s hard for me to be of much help.”

Huang Xuan felt that his emotions were beginning to become unstable again. He sighed and said, "What on earth do you want to say? Can't you give me some practical suggestions?"

"I think he's probably going to continue to create shock, or look for our base, but other than that, there's no other suggestion."

Huang Xuan held back his anger and said, "Can a normal person catch him?"

"Of course not alone, but he is not Superman."

This answer is enough. Huang Xuan closed his eyes and thought for a long time. When was the last time he thought so concentratedly? What’s the worst cheating experience on your first exam? Or smashed grandpa’s blue and white teacup

Thinking of his grandfather, Huang Xuan's heart trembled again.

Zhang Xinyi looked at her son distressedly. Although she often dealt with Huang Xuan and sometimes slapped him, she couldn't bear to see the frown on his face.

From a normal perspective, this is an unsatisfactory son, but he is very smart, always in good health, smart and lovable. For a wealthy family, ordinary eyesight is often ineffective. What satisfies Huang Xuan most is his eyesight—not the eyesight of a hotel waiter, but the eyesight of a big family. He can understand the environment. , understand the thoughts of people around you, say the right words at the right place, and use different methods to achieve the goal when facing different people, even if the goal is to make more pocket money.

Huang Xuan's face no longer showed the youthfulness and stupidity he had when he left China. Sometimes Zhang Xinyi couldn't help but wonder if her decision had hurt her son, causing him to break away from the carefree life of his peers and start to enter this world. The conflicting society and family, maybe it was because of him that his son felt an overly competitive atmosphere, forcing him to learn the language and learn to manage the company.

As a mother, Zhang Xinyi is still outstanding. Compared with her image in the shopping mall, her mother's Zhang Xinyi is a little more gentle, a little more careful, and a little less shrewd. She gently poured a cup of Coke for Huang Xuan. In the past, she would not have kept this kind of junk drink that young people like in her car.

The sound of the glass being placed on the trolley awakened Huang Xuan. He secretly wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, and said to his mother in an unusually firm voice: "Mom, I want my uncle to help me." (To be continued)