Times of Our Lives

Chapter 35


A few days after stopping the drug, Zhuo Jinjin's spirit improved significantly. At the end of July, Han Dong and Zhang Ganggang came to Beijing again in the name of tourism. The little girl's ward was very lively all day long.

When it was not too hot, Zhuo Xiaoyuan suggested to climb the Great Wall together.

It is rare that there are not many people on weekends. They chose Mutianyu. Zhuo Xiaoyuan held Zhuo Jinjin to the top of the mountain, and the majestic Great Wall spread in front of him like a dragon lying on a mountain, slowly spreading out.

Zhuo Jinjin grabbed her brother's shoulder, her eyes widened, and she propped up her thin back with excitement.

Zhuo Xiaoyuan hugged her quietly.

Zhang Langgang raised his camera to capture this scene. In the camera, Zhuo Jinjin was sitting on Zhuo Xiaoyuan's arm. The boy raised his head and looked at his sister with a gentle expression.

"Let's climb for a while." Ji Qinyang pulled Xie Meng, and he stretched out his other hand and handed it to Zhuo Jinjin: "Would you like to come down and walk."

The little girl nodded vigorously, and Zhuo Xiaoyuan carefully put her down.

Zhuo Jinjin clenched Ji Qinyang's fingertips. She walked very slowly, and every step of her step was full of strength. She walked for a long time, and finally grinned in the sun with a bright smile.

"Brother." On the way back, Zhuo Jinjin leaned on Zhuo Xiaoyuan's shoulder and whispered, "I've arrived at the Great Wall."

Zhuo Xiaoyuan did not turn his back on her back and said, "Well, Jinjin is really amazing."

The little girl smiled and said, "You're not a hero if you don't go to the Great Wall."

Zhuo Xiaoyuan: "You are already a hero."

Zhuo Jinjin didn't speak, she hugged her brother's neck and buried her face on the sweaty back of Zhuo Xiaoyuan's neck.

A drop of water hit the ground, Zhuo Jinjin raised his hand to touch Zhuo Xiaoyuan's face, and the boy avoided.

"Don't touch it." Zhuo Xiaoyuan said in a hoarse voice, "It's all sweat, not clean."

Zhuo Jinjin leaned into Zhuo Xiaoyuan's ear, and she said, "Brother, don't cry."

Zhuo Xiaoyuan: "…"

Zhuo Jinjin: "Don't cry."

Zhuo Xiaoyuan: "…"

Zhang Ganggang hurriedly washed out all the photos of climbing the Great Wall. He and Han Dong only arranged a five or six-day itinerary, and Zhuo Jinjin was in good spirits when he left.

That night, the little girl began to fall into a coma, and the critically ill notice was issued for the first time in the early hours of the morning.

When Ji Qinyang and Xie Meng arrived, Zhuo Xiaoyuan stayed by Zhuo Jinjin's bed with exhaustion from not sleeping all night.

"Just woke up once." Zhuo Xiaoyuan calmly said, Xie Meng saw the little girl's hand holding the photo taken a few days ago.

Ji Qinyang reached out and stroked Zhuo Jinjin's forehead gently.

At noon, the hospital issued a second critical illness notice. Zhuo Jinjin woke up once. She looked at Zhuo Xiaoyuan, and she couldn't speak with an oxygen mask on her mouth, but just blinked slightly.

Zhuo Xiaoyuan held her hand, he lowered his head and kissed his sister.

"Go to sleep." He said, "Brother will take you home."

Zhuo Jin squinted her eyes, she seemed to show a smile, and Xie Meng saw her making a mouth shape lightly behind the oxygen mask.

That's a "good" word.

Beijing, which had not rained for a long time, finally had a sound thunderstorm in the evening of early August. The refreshing summer wind was wrapped in the fishy smell of soil, and the thick clouds blocked the last sunlight.

Zhuo Xiaoyuan was waiting on the train platform holding Zhuo Jinjin's urn, Xie Meng and Ji Qinyang beside him.

"Be careful on the road." Xie Mengcai handed him the bag when the train entered the station: "Suzhou has already agreed that Han Dong will come to pick you up, don't forget to contact."

Zhuo Xiaoyuan nodded: "Thank you."

Ji Qinyang punched him: "It's all brothers, thank you."

Zhuo Xiaoyuan's dangling eyes were slightly raised, he smiled a little, and said, "Thank you for a lot, and thank you for Jinjin."

The train stopped and the door opened.

"I'm leaving." Zhuo Xiaoyuan waved his hand, he got into the car, and when he looked down from the window, Xie Meng suddenly pointed to his bag and said something.

"?" Zhuo Xiaoyuan couldn't hear the screeching sound of the rails, so he shouted, "What?!"

Ji Qinyang said loudly, "Take care of your bag!"

Zhuo Xiaoyuan was a little puzzled. When he opened the bag, he saw a white cloth wrapped on top of it, with a stack of brand new hundred-yuan bills stuffed in it.

"..." Zhuo Xiaoyuan stood up abruptly, holding his sister's urn against the window glass.

The train slowly left the platform, Xie Meng followed the car for a while, and finally stopped, smiling and waving his arm at Zhuo Xiaoyuan.

Zhuo Xiaoyuan sat down slowly, he put his head on the urn, and let the tears flow from his eyes, the choked sob finally broke through his throat at this moment, he couldn't cry, and the tears were pouring down.

====================Next chapter content============================ =====================

When Qian Mo found Ji Qinyang in the solfeggio hall, the other party was wearing headphones and burying his head writing a score. Qian Mo waited for a while before walking up and knocking on the desk.

"Do you need to fight like this?" Qian Mo sat across from him.

Ji Qinyang took off his headphones and rubbed his eyebrows: "Why are you here?"

Qian Mo: "I heard Tao said that you want to advance the money for next month's concert first?"

Ji Qinyang raised his eyebrows, but did not deny: "Yes."

Qian Mo snorted: "Who told you to give so much to your friends before, do you regret it now?"

"First, I don't regret it." Ji Qinyang said lightly: "Second, I said not to talk about this topic."

Qian Mo raised his hand helplessly, and he made a gesture of surrender: "ok, I won't tell you, did Wen Tao promise you?"

Ji Qinyang frowned and did not speak.

Qian Mo looked at him for a while, and then took out an envelope and handed it to Ji Qinyang: "Thank me well." He proudly said: "You can use these first."

Xie Meng paid the tutor's money for the last month. He counted it, and after a long time, his expression was still not relaxed. Xu Shaohe looked at him and couldn't help asking: "Meng Meng, do you think that you have too little money? Do you want a raise?"

"..." Xie Meng was a little embarrassed: "No, it's not what you think."

Xu Shaohe: "It's not a class, so don't make it too obvious on your face."

Xie Meng simply shut up and didn't speak. He gave Xu Shaohe the key points and let the boys do the questions.

Xu Shaohe said unhappily, "You can't abuse me like this just because I said something on your mind... Be careful that I will deduct your salary!"

Xie Meng: "..."