Times of Our Lives

Chapter 42


After staying in Iraq for more than a year, Zhang Ganggang can already use Arabic proficiently on a daily basis. Now he is also equipped with a gun. When taking pictures in the field or in war zones, he will even pay attention to his posture. Know where the stray bullet hit.

When he's not working, Zhang Ganggang rarely wanders around. It's too dangerous and scary. The post-war city is in ruins. .

"Guang, look at the photo." Tazai is only 10 years old, but he is already the head of a group of children nearby. When he shouts Zhang Gang's name, he is a bit stubborn, and he shouts like a kang.

Zhang Banggang fiddled with his phone and smiled at him: "I didn't take any interesting photos, just last time."

Tazai frowned: "We'll see what you've done before."

He was followed by seven or eight children, a girl who looked only four or five years old, holding a tattered doll in her arms.

Zhang Ganggang pointed to the phone: "The photo albums are all there, but I can't even access the Internet, so I can't read them."

Tazai pointed to the little girl: "The roof of Dana's house is fine, let's go there and see."

Zhang Ganggang can't beat them, so he can only follow Tazai.

There are sheets of different colors hanging between the houses, which are used to cover the eyes during the shootout. When there is no danger, some children will play hide-and-seek in and out. The laughter is very clean, and the wind between the buildings makes the colorful curtains high. blow up.

Zhang Langgang has taken many similar photos, and when he occasionally takes them out, it will make his numb heart a little softer.

On the roof of Dana's house, a network with a weak signal could be found. Zhang Zangbang frowned and tried to log on to Weibo, and finally got on after a few times.

"The great China Mobile." Zhang Ganggang muttered: "The equipment manufacturers are so powerful... Are they all installed here?"

Tazai couldn't understand Chinese, so he pouted unhappily: "Bang, look at the photos!"

"It's coming." Zhang Ganggang squatted down and opened Weibo. He hasn't been on his homepage for two years. One is to avoid someone's memory, and the other is to prevent himself from regretting irrepressible regrets. Emotions, so when the photo album of the years appeared in front of him again, Zhang Bangbang couldn't make a proper expression for a long time.

Each photo was read, and the buffered circle was like a sharp blade, cutting through the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, the snow in the sky, the small bridges and the flowing water and the former teenagers in the photo.

Zhang Zanggang's fingertips slowly slide on the mobile phone screen, a group photo under the starry sky when the immortals are rolling, New Year's Eve at Xie Meng's house, everyone's childish smiles under the brilliant fireworks, photos of Beijing's hutongs, the plum blossoms in the white plum forest wins the snow, Zhuo Zhuo Xiaoyuan hugged Zhuo Jinjin, Han Dong's lips pressed against his forehead.

At the end of the photo is the sentence he wrote at the seaside of Xiangshan.

"Youth is immortal, we will be together forever."

It was the first time that Tazai saw a completely different scene from his hometown. He was very curious. He grabbed Zhang Bangbang's mobile phone and flipped it over from the first one, and suddenly made a "huh".

"Bar." He pointed to the photo and asked, "Who is this?"

Zhang Ganggang wiped his face, his eyes were flushed, but there were no tears, and he was slightly stunned when he saw that photo.

Before coming to the battlefield, he sorted out all the photos of Han Dong and sent them to each other, but he missed one.

That was his first shot of Han Dong.

In the photo, Han Dong, who was still a teenager, turned his face to look at the camera, with a gentle smile in the splendid stream of fireworks.

Zhang Ganggang saw the text he added at the time: "Uncle Han, you finally smiled at me."

When Xie Meng received Zhang Ganggang's call, he was almost speechless: "Where are you? Have you returned to China?"

"No." Zhang Ganggang explained: "I borrowed a phone from a restaurant I used to eat in Baghdad, and I won't be able to speak for a long time..." He said a few words to the proprietress in Arabic, and said to Xie Meng helplessly: "It seems that there is a circuit installed. The equipment is coming... I have to hang up, stay for another year and I will be back, everything is fine, don't worry about me."

Xie Meng didn't talk nonsense, and hurriedly said: "You must pay attention to safety, don't go to places with many people... Be sure to keep in touch."

The proprietress urged again, Zhang Gangbang could only say: "I know, you and Yimei have to be loving and loving, wait for me to come back."

After saying goodbye for a few times, Zhang Ganggang reluctantly hung up the phone. He saw several people who looked like assemblers entering the store. Zhang Ganggang said "sorry" in English and turned to his side. Phone out of the way.

The person next to him who was about to squat down to remove the phone paused. He put on a hat and tilted his head slightly, as if he wanted to look up at Zhang Langbang's face.

Zhang Ganggang: "?"

Suddenly someone outside shouted: "There's a woman in the car! It looks like there's a bomb! Bomb!"

Zhang Bangbang looked out in horror. The restaurant owner was already screaming. The car was right next to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel. took him.

"What are you doing...?!" Zhang Langgang's native language was frightened, the other party didn't say a word, he hugged his waist tightly, rolled over and rolled into the back of the bar.

Zhang Ganggang stared blankly at the familiar face under his hat.

Han Dong's whole body was on top of him.

Zhang Langer struggled violently.

"Fuck you!" Han Dong roared angrily, "Let me lie down!"

Zhang Ganggang took a sigh of relief, his face flushed, and he shouted at Han Dong: "Turn on your side! Do you want to get hurt? Don't just protect me!"

Han Dong: "..."

He finally compromised and turned sideways, but still facing the outside, his hands and feet were tightly wrapped around the bar, their faces were almost pressed together, and their breath was filled with the smell of each other.

The sound of the explosion never rang out. Zhang Langbang was covered in sweat as he was hugged. He and Han Dong looked at each other, looking for a topic, "Why are you here?"

Han Dong lowered his head and stared at his mouth: "I've changed jobs and come here for technical support."

"Oh." Zhang Gangbang licked his lips: "Are you busy?"

Han Dong: "I'm so busy, I've been looking for you for more than half a year, and it turned out that I was right under my nose."

Zhang Ganggang felt a little dizzy: "Why are you looking for me?"

Han Dong: "What do you think?"

"..." Zhang Ganggang didn't know what to say.

"What about you?" Han Dong asked him, "How long are you going to stay?"

Zhang Ganggang said honestly: "One year... I don't know what to do when I go back."

"Do you want to stay with me then?" Han Dong asked him suddenly.

Zhang Ganggang looked blank: "Aren't we together now..."

Han Dong took a deep breath: "I mean together..."

Someone knocked on the bar, Zhang Gangbang and Han Dong turned around at the same time, a soldier holding a gun, and a companion in explosion-proof clothing stood beside him.

"The bomb has been defused." The other party spoke fluent American and had time to joke: "You don't have to hug so tightly, you won't be a desperate mandarin duck."

"… "

It wasn't until he walked out of the restaurant that Zhang Lantang felt that his legs were weak. He came out alone and stood at the door for a while until Han Dong drove a big jeep across in front of him.

Zhang Ganggang: "… "

Han Dong held up the brim of his hat and ordered, "Get in the car."

"...why are you so fierce?" Zhang Bangbang muttered as he climbed into the car. Han Dong leaned over to help him fasten his seat belt. He raised his head and wiped his chin across the other's face. Zhang Bangbang could feel that it wasn't shaved clean. His thorny stubble was a little red in his face.

Han Dong pressed his head: "Think about it."

Zhang Ganggang glanced at him: "What are you thinking?"

"What do you think?" Han Dong skillfully stepped on the clutch and shifted gears: "Would you like to stay with me?"

Zhang Ganggang puffed: "I want to be soft."

Han Dong laughed: "There is no Rourou, only me, I will treat you better than her and love you more."

Zhang Zanggang opened his mouth, and said embarrassedly, "You're not mushy!"

"Affectionateness is a tragedy, and it must be read in a sentence." Han Dong said suddenly, and he asked Zhang Gangbang, "Do you know what this sentence means?"

Zhang Ganggang shook his head with a question mark on his face: "I don't know..."

"..." Han Dong was speechless: "Then you still write this sentence for me?"

Zhang Ganggang innocently said: "I was dizzy at the time. I wanted to search the Internet for a sentence that was particularly emotional... I chose this sentence."

Han Dong: "..."

Zhang Ganggang frantically said: "What the hell do you mean!"

Han Dong sighed: "Forget it... I don't know."

"..." Zhang Gang was anxious: "You tell me quickly!"

Han Dong stepped on the accelerator hard, the jeep's tires picked up heavy dust, and the hot wind blew on Zhang Lantang's face. He narrowed his eyes and reached out to cover the blazing sun on the roof of the car.

"Between the day and the night, I know that there are thousands of changes in life, and I have to pay endless love for it." Han Dong suddenly said beside Zhang Langgang: "Do you understand this sentence?"

Zhang Gangbang held his hair tossed by the wind: "?"

"Silly." Han Dong reached out and rubbed the other's head: "Quickly fall in love with me, because I love you so much."