To Burn On Touch

Chapter 24: little princess



It didn't mean that she opened her mouth, so Chu Mian sternly refused.

Seeing his cold eyes, Ye Xi didn't dare to refute anything, so Yu Ran also said at this time: "Yes, why did the prince do such a thing! Kissing someone while they are sleeping, it's not human, it's too obscene. "

After finishing speaking, he added in a strange way: "It's called 'human flow' for short."

"Now you know how to be obscene?" Chu Mian resisted not having a fit, but pushed Yu Ran's shoulder hard.

"I didn't know that "Sleeping Beauty" had such a plot! Fuck, princes are not good things. The prince in "Mermaid" is a big idiot, and so is the one here." Yu Ran said with righteous indignation, and turned to look at Ye Xi , "I don't care, I want to be a brave and just prince!"

Chu Mian asked him, "Then what kind of story did you think "Sleeping Beauty" was?"

Yu Ran thought about the words, and slowly explained his idea: "A long time ago, there was a princess who liked to sleep every day. Her mother died early, and the king married a vicious queen. This queen didn't like the princess and was jealous of her. Beautiful, I just want to kill her when the moon is dark and the wind is high... The kind prince saw all this from the crystal ball—”

"Shut up, you have to understand the topic without authorization." Chu Mian pinched Yu Ran's side face, "Let's go, physical education class."

Yu Ran went back to his seat to pick up the skipping rope, suddenly remembered something important, immediately raised his sleeves and stretched out his arms to Chu Mian, saying, "Twist me."


Chu Mian didn't bother to pay attention, raised her hand and gently twitched Yu Ran's arm with the skipping rope, and a light pink mark quickly appeared on the other's fair skin.

Yu Ran was stunned, and stretched out his other arm to Chu Mian, "One more time."

"Do you feel bad if you don't get beaten?" Chu Mian frowned, grabbed Yu Ran's wrist, and pulled him out through the back door, "Hurry up, we're going to be late."

The physical education class on Wednesday morning was at the sunniest time, and the energetic students were even more refreshed.

Both classes have separate classes for men and women. The girls have to assess the "three-step layup" in the middle of the term. Recently, they are practicing basketball throwing. Usually in teams of two, they toss the ball to each other to adjust their stance and gestures.

What Yexi is most afraid of is this kind of practice.

When the teacher gave an order to allow everyone to move freely, she immediately felt uncomfortable and sweaty palms. It has been a month and a half since school started, and the girls have already formed their own small groups, but she has been forgotten by everyone.

In order to ease the embarrassment of being alone now, she quickly squatted down to tie her shoelaces, as if she had something to do now.

"Teacher, no one is teaming up with me!" A hearty female voice sounded from the front, "You arrange a teammate for me."

"Why is no one with you?"

"They all hate me." Cui He replied generously.

Ye Xi squatted on the ground, looking at the girl in surprise.

She is a more unpopular existence than herself, but Ye Xi never expected that Cui He would admit the fact of being "hated" so straightforwardly.

The teacher helped her and asked loudly, "Who else is on the order?" Ye Xi then raised her hand in embarrassment.

In this way, the two girls became a practice group, throwing basketball in silence. After a while, the teacher left the field and went back to the sports group to rest. Cui He threw away the basketball to exercise his shoulders, and said out of boredom, "Class is so fucking boring".

Ye Xi didn't dare to go along with the other party's soliloquy, unexpectedly, Cui He would take the initiative to say: "Let's go, let's go play with boys."

"Huh?" Ye Xi was startled.

"Let's go, you stay alone, don't you have nothing to do?" Cui He urged her.

Ye Xi really didn't want to be alone and listen to other people chatting and laughing, but since she was a child, she has been in contact with the girls in the class for a long time and understands a truth - if a girl is unpopular with the same sex, she will only appear out of place; but if a girl Not only does she not have a relationship with girls, she also likes to play with boys...

People will definitely be ridiculed as "cheap" behind their backs.

"If you don't go, I will." Cui He ignored her.

Ye Xi looked around, hesitated for a few seconds, but still bit the bullet and followed.

It was time for the boys to move freely. Cui He found Yu Ran's place and sat cross-legged opposite him. Ye Xi carefully squatted with her legs together, very worried that she would lose her nakedness in front of the boys.

When she turned around, she almost fell to the ground—

Chu Mian was fast asleep, with her pillow on Ran's lap. He was lying on his side, so from Ye Xi's perspective, Chu Mian's face was almost buried between Yu Ran's legs.

Ye Xi felt a little dizzy, so she quickly turned her face away, not daring to look directly at them.

"Help me lift his leg." Yu Ran took off his school uniform jacket while speaking, and with Cui He's help, he put the clothes on Chu Mian's lower back.

After all, it rained last night, and the ground of the football field is still very cold in the morning. Lying here to sleep will definitely be frozen.

Ye Xi was a little surprised. She thought that Yu Ran was a single-celled creature who was easy to be careless, at least that's what boys usually look like in class. It turned out that he would naturally show such a caring and considerate side to Chu Mian.

She couldn't help but think of all the rumors about him during the military training before. Why did they go to the grove in the middle of the night? However, judging from the two people's previous reactions to "kissing", it should not be like a relationship between lovers.

"I heard that you submitted some stage play to Chu Mian, asking him to play Sleeping Beauty?" Cui He laughed gloatingly, "Does Chu Mian know?"

"He just found out, fuck, and forced me to report one too."

"He wasn't angry with you?"

"To be angry is to be angry..." Yu Ran tilted his head and laughed, and muttered, "But is it useful for him to be angry with me?"

Cui He also laughed, she saw that Yu Ran is a typical "remember to eat but not to fight", apologizing for annoying people one second, then annoying people with a playful smile the next second, trying different tricks to test Chu Mian bottom line of patience.

Seeing that he is still safe and sound, Cui He couldn't help feeling: "Chu Mian is really indulgent to you."

Then, she turned to look at Ye Xi and asked, "What's the matter with you, aren't you a class committee member, why is no one playing with you?"

Such a straightforward question made Ye Xi lose her voice, and then Yu Ran loudly aggravated her embarrassment: "Really, why? You are so nice!"

He was praised as a "good guy" just by borrowing a copy of "Anime Weekly", Ye Xi couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and replied helplessly: "I'm too easy to stand cold... It's annoying."

At the beginning of school, many people actively spoke and exchanged hobbies in the class. Ye Xi saw someone talking about the popular "Sword Art Online", and immediately joined the topic with great interest: "Huh? You are also two-dimensional?"

At that time, she didn't realize that there was a subtle change in the atmosphere in the group, and she continued to type to attract others' attention: "Hey, are there any rotten girls in the class?"

As soon as these words were sent out, the QQ group completely went cold.

Ye Xi was not discouraged when he couldn't make friends at the beginning, and waited to build up relationships with others while living together in the military training. As a result, before arriving at the base, she was discovered by the whole class as a hobby of watching danmei, but many people didn't know what "danmei" was, so they assumed that she was watching adult videos, and the girls all teased her in private. So yellow".

After a long time, Ye Xi gradually got used to that sense of shame, admitting that she is so easy to be annoying, no matter when and where, she seems to be able to make the atmosphere into an embarrassing rigidity.

Adolescent girls are like a plate of strawberries together, but she is the one hidden at the bottom that is whitish and stale.

"Since no one cares about you, let's have dinner with us from now on." Yu Ran yawned and said to her, "It's so boring to be alone."

Ye Xi froze for a few seconds before realizing that Yu Ran was inviting her. The boy's tone was so casual that she couldn't believe that she could be qualified to "join the group".

"Yu Ran!"

Fang Zhao called him not far away, Yu Ran turned his head and noticed a red soda can being thrown towards him, he subconsciously raised his hands to catch it.

It was a can of chilled Wangzai milk. Fang Zhao slipped to the canteen while the teacher was not paying attention, and brought Yu Ran a bottle of his favorite drink by the way.

The weather has turned cold recently, and Yu Ran had to let the cold drink dry for a while before drinking it. He felt cold in his hand, so he put it on Chu Mian's face.

Cui He gasped: "You fucking think you didn't die fast enough."

Yu Ran laughed and rolled an ice jar on Chu Mian's face. It didn't take long to find that Chu Mian's cheeks were completely wet. Then he felt that something was wrong, so he quickly wiped it off with his hands, and did not forget to comment: "Chu Mian's skin is wet. So slippery, hey, he shouldn’t be signed up for Sleeping Beauty, he should be in The Princess and the Pea.”

Cui He: "Do you dare to say this while he is awake?"

The short physical education class was coming to an end, two physical education teachers blew whistles to call the boys and girls to gather, Cui He and Ye Xi hurried back. Yu Ran sat on the spot, shaking Chu Mian's shoulder lightly, trying to wake him up.

Chu Mian's Adam's apple rolled twice, her eyes didn't open, her face unconsciously rubbed against the warm place while she was half asleep and half awake.

Yu Ran tightened his legs unconsciously, and stretched out his hand to cover the most sensitive part of a boy, where Chu Mian's nose was itching.

"Hey, wake up, get out of class is over." Yu Ran leaned over and shouted, "Idiot? Idiot, did you hear that?"

Chu Mian did hear it this time, she opened her eyes suddenly, and found herself looking at Yu Ran from a strange angle.

He realized something was wrong and got up immediately. Then there was a panic in my chest, and my heart beat automatically accelerated.

Chu Mian supported Yu Ran to stand up. When he took the first step, his feet suddenly became uncontrollable, as if some force pulled him forward.

Fortunately, Yu Ranyanji quickly dropped his school uniform and hugged him tightly with open arms.

Chu Mian looked down, her shoelaces were tied together at some point.

He was annoyed and called out "Yu Ran" in a dark tone.

"Hey, it wasn't me this time, Cui He did it." Yu Ran hastily explained, smiling to show his innocence, "Don't be angry, I'll let you go."

When the two talked, their faces were quite close, and Yu Ran's lips were almost touching each other's chin, and Chu Mian clearly smelled the smell of Wangzai's milk.

After the physical education class, the girls went to the football field to do exercises between classes. Cui He casually glanced forward, immediately frowned and said in disgust: "What are the two of them doing?"

Ye Xi followed her gaze, and her first reaction was to cover her eyes.

At this time, Yu Ran was squatting with his back straight, and when he raised his head to talk to Chu Mian, his face was right next to Chu Mian's crotch. What surprised Ye Xi even more was that Chu Mian impatiently rubbed Yu Ran's hair in the middle of the conversation between the two, as if she was pressing someone between her legs.

The girls hurriedly recited "See no evil" in unison, and turned their faces away.

Every day during the break between classes, Yu Ran is in high spirits, having fun on the playground without any restraint.

"Brother Yi, look at the bronze statue of a horse in our school. Those two rows of teeth are so strong. Don't they suit you well?" Yu Ran hooked his shoulders with Zhou Weixi, and the next second he shouted to the others: "Come here! Brother Shuxian!"

With his order, other boys rushed over with high spirits, straddled Zhou Weixi's limbs one after another, and carried him towards the bronze statue that shined brightly under the sun.

The excitement of the crowd is concentrated in the playground, and the quiet classroom has become a habitat.

Chu Mian has the privilege not to do exercises between classes, while Cui He asks the class teacher to ask for a leave of absence every day under the excuse of feeling uncomfortable, so as to avoid exercising. The two chatted casually in the classroom, and slowly talked about the topic of future exams.

"Let's talk about it in the third year of high school. I'm really not interested in college. I want to make cakes after graduation." Cui He said casually, holding a bottle of transparent nail polish in her hand, and carefully painted it, "If you want It's quite easy to be ranked in the top ten of Ronggang, and I don't think Xiehe can get such a high score."

"There are changes every year, who knows what will happen in the next year or five years." Chu Mian sorted out the class notes, and her hands were sore from writing, so she put down her pen and turned her head to look out the window.

Cui He was still talking on his own, Chu Mian forgot to continue listening. His gaze has passed through the crowd and arrived at the position of his class.

Yu Ran was very sloppy in doing exercises between classes, his arms were hanging limply in his sleeves, he only relied on turning around to make his arms swing, and he even took the opportunity to kick other boys from time to time.

Recently, the school has intensified its efforts to check the exercises between classes, and the physical education teachers are trying to catch this negative example of Yu Ran. "Dancing Youth" had just reached the third quarter, when the music stopped abruptly. The teacher who supervised the exercise held a microphone and called the name: "The fifth-to-last boy in Class Two and Three, the boy in Class Two and Six with a blue skipping rope around his waist, the boy in Class One A group is burning, go out."

Yu Ran's expression changed: "Fuck."

The physical education teacher continued: "You three come to lead the exercises on the exercise platform, and let everyone see your demeanor."

There were bursts of laughter in the crowd, but Yu Ran's eyes lit up.

Chu Mian, who was far away in the classroom, rested her chin on her hand and watched the familiar figure trot all the way to the leader's platform.

The teacher told all the students: "Whoever does exercises and paddling in the future, just go up to the front and do it like the three of them. If you don't feel ashamed, let everyone see it."

The music of the inter-class exercise played again, and Yu Ran stood on the stage, looking at the lazy students below, he instantly felt a sense of mission to lead the exercise.

Soon, a picture that surprised everyone appeared—Yu Ran didn't have a loose attitude like the two high school boys next to him when he was doing exercises this time, but he also performed every movement full of strength. However, extremes are counterproductive, because the strength he exerted far exceeds the normal standard, making him look very exaggerated, especially when it comes to chest expansion exercises, his arms are like two sharp swords, savagely slashing at the seniors on both sides in the air, frightened They backed away again and again.

It was even more frightening when it came to jumping. Yu Ran actively showed his amazing jumping ability to the whole school, as if lighting a fire under his feet, he could take off and rush to the solar system directly. Everyone was shocked by his aura of wanting to go to heaven. When the music of "Dancing Youth" came to an end, all the students in the experimental class of the first year of high school applauded warmly for their sports committee.

"Oh, my mother didn't go to silence yesterday in Chinese, you said Teacher Wang—"

Before Cui He finished speaking, she only heard Chu Mian cough violently, and when she looked up, she saw the young man slipping from the chair weakly.

Cui He hurried over to support him, and asked with concern: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"It's okay... just stunned." Chu Mian's voice trembled, her brows were tightly frowned.

"Ah? Why did he suddenly collapse." Cui He became nervous. She still understood Chu Mian's illness to some extent. Usually, his limbs were weak when he was emotional. He was in a stable state just now...

Cui He suspiciously followed his gaze and looked out the window, and found that Yu Ran was doing exercises between classes like crazy on the stage.


Cui He understands—Chu Mian is laughing out loud now!

"Yu Ran is an idiot hahahahaha..." Cui He couldn't hold back his laughter, and was then severely asked by Chu Mian not to speak out.

"Don't infect me." Chu Mian frowned, bit her lower lip hard, "I don't want to laugh with you..."

"Okay, okay." Cui He covered his face, "You are too fucking miserable."

Once she wanted to laugh, Chu Mian would feel weak and had to rest for a few minutes to calm down.

After that, he stubbornly resisted the thought of recalling Yu Ran's exercises during class, picked up a pen and concentrated on studying. When the break was over and the students slowly returned to the classroom, Chu Mian put on earplugs and refused to listen to Yu Ran.

For a short time, he didn't even want to see Yu Ran.

For lunch, Cui He took advantage of Chu Mian to pick up food from a separate window, and quickly sat down to make fun of Yu Ran. Under her leadership, Fang Zhao and Ye Xi couldn't help laughing too.

"No, do you know what the funniest thing is?" Cui He laughed until tears leaked from the corners of his eyes, "Damn it, I heard Chu Mian cough, and when he raised his head, he fell down."

Yu Ran was also laughing with them, but after hearing what Cui He said, the corners of his mouth slowly retracted.

"Then Chu Mian is very uncomfortable." He said.

Yu Ran thinks about it carefully, and feels that Chu Mian endures a lot of hard work every day. If there is something happy, the first reaction is not to laugh, but to endure it first. If you want to release your emotions like others, you have to go through physical weakness The trouble of falling, he didn't know how many things Chu Mian usually endured to laugh out loud.

Yu Ran realized belatedly, no wonder Chu Mian carried a Band-Aid with her.

Cui He also gradually put away his smile, "Well, but he is almost used to it."

Yu Ran doesn't think it's a good thing to learn to get used to pain at a young age. He turned his face away, quietly staring at Chu Mian's side face, and began to be dazed.

In the next few days, Ye Xi stayed up all night deliberating on the script, and finally came up with the first draft of "Sleeping Beauty". This is the first time she wrote it, and she lacked experience, so she asked the two leading actors to study it in her spare time.

The location was in Chu Mian's lounge, but the one lying on the bed was Yu Ran.

"Don't worry about the extras, it's just that the script has to be handed in earlier, so you can see if there is anything else you need to modify."

Ye Xi handed Chu Mian a few sheets of A4 paper, and wanted to give the other to Yu Ran, but the other party refused: "I'm too lazy to read it, you give it to Chu Mian."

Chu Mian looked at the character setting, "Why is the princess still a woman?"

"Ah?" Ye Xi was embarrassed, "Didn't you cross-dress..."

"I didn't promise that," Chu Mian said, "I thought you would just change the gender of the princess to a man."

Ye Xi showed embarrassment and smiled apologetically.

"Oh, it's the same for boys and girls!" Yu Ran lay on the bed and raised his arms high, "If it's a girl, let it be a girl, isn't it just to let you wear a skirt."

As soon as the word "skirt" came out of her mouth, Chu Mian grabbed the paper tightly and asked Yu Ran, "Would you like to wear it for you?"

"I don't want to, but I'd love to see you wear it."

Yu Ran showed her white teeth with a smile, Chu Mian immediately threw a few pages of paper on his face.

Ye Xi lowered her head and continued: "Also, I changed the setting of the prince kissing the princess to 'the prince wakes up the princess with petals', do you think it's okay?"

The teenagers nodded unanimously, as long as they don't kiss, the princess can wake up anyway.

"Then you don't need to worry about the other things. I will find a way about the props. We will rehearse after you memorize the lines." Ye Xi glanced at the time and got up, "I'll go and hand over the script to the teacher."

As soon as she left, the lounge fell into silence.

Lying on the bed, Yu Ran softly called out "Chu Mian."


"Little princess."


"Chu Mian Chu Mian."


Yu Ran looked at the ceiling and asked, "Is your first kiss still there?"

"..." Chu Mian hesitated to speak.

His face was a little hot, "What does it have to do with you?"

Yu Ran turned to look at him, "My brother is only thirteen years old, he lost his first kiss, what about you?"

Chu Mian turned her face away to avoid Yu Ran's gaze.

Yes is still there, but Chu Mian doesn't want to tell Yu Ran. In this era when even junior high school students are beginning to fall in love, it seems to be a thing behind the trend if they still have their first kiss before adulthood. Chu Mian felt that there was nothing embarrassing about it, but in front of Yu Ran, such topics became inexplicably difficult to talk about.

Seeing that Chu Mian ignored him, Yu Ran took the initiative to answer: "I am here."

Chu Mian gave him a gouged look impatiently, and said, "I'm not interested in knowing."

Yu Ran laughed twice, couldn't help teasing Chu Mian and called him "Little Princess" a few times, and then he was dragged from the bed to the floor by the collar.

When the bell rang for the end of the lunch break, Yu Ran stretched his waist and stood firmly towards the door, urging Chu Mian by the way: "Go back to class, my little princess."

As soon as the words fell, both of them hesitated.

Yu Ran only felt that it was a bit strange for him to blurt out that "mine", but after thinking about it, he didn't find anything wrong, so he opened the door and went out without hesitation.

Chu Mian's mind suddenly went blank. Just now his heart twitched obviously. He thought he was about to suffer from a sudden collapse, so he quickly supported the corner of the table.

But after waiting for a while, there was no abnormality in his body, and he was still standing steadily.

… It's just that his cheeks are getting hotter, making him a little top-heavy.