To Burn On Touch

Chapter 42: Decide


"No way, Yu Ran, according to what you write, you can't even pass the school's preliminary examination, how can you go to participate in the city-level evaluation." The head teacher frowned, looking at Yu Ran's Arbor Day essay, "Actually, you just need to write your Just describe the process of planting trees that day, without adding so many embellishments.”

Bai Yuzhu has long heard from her Chinese teacher that Yu Ran does not follow the usual path in writing articles, and her skills need to be honed, but she did not expect that Yu Ran did not follow the Basic Law when writing a personal experience, which made the ordinary tree planting activity full of excitement. magical colors.

Yu Ran stood in front of the desk, still full of confidence, "Teacher, I understand, I understand, art comes from life and is higher than life, and I am already standing on the top of Mount Everest, and the height is too cold."

Bai Yuzhu couldn't help but sneered, seeing the study committee member of her class had just finished asking questions with other teachers, so she called him over.

"Yu Ran, ask Chu Mian for advice on how to correct your article so that it can reach a qualified level."

Chu Mian approached them, took the manuscript paper, and found that Yu Ran's handwriting was particularly neat this time, obviously practiced at home.

The title is also very ingenious, carefully tasted and a bit public welfare-"Green is our protective color".

[In this spring when there was no grass growing, I met a girl named Cui He.]

Chu Mian felt bad when she saw the name appearing at the beginning, so she read on patiently, and she really saw Yu Ran's superb story-writing skills.

[In recent years, the problem of environmental pollution has become more and more serious. The sky in my hometown has been covered by smog, and the sun of tomorrow will never be seen again. In order to save our homeland, my little friends Xiaochu and Xiaofang and I planted trees on Arbor Day, hoping that one day our hometown would become a sweet oasis.]

["Hmph, planting trees is so boring! They can't be used as food, and they won't give me money, so I don't want to waste my energy for it!" Smoking, he took every puff so deeply that his eyeballs almost popped out.]

[The smoke he exhaled rose into the sky, making the sky even more gray. At this time, Xiao Chu couldn't stand it any longer, and walked over to advise him: "Don't pollute the environment anymore, you are so dirty, we should work hard to contribute to the greenness of our hometown." She snatched Xiao Fang's mouth smoke, and extinguished it with his hand.]

["You're a bitch, can you control me!" Xiao Fang pushed her away viciously, then took out ten cigarettes from his pocket, stuffed them into his mouth, lit them all, and smoked a cigarette.]

When Chu Mian saw the name "Xiao Chu", she subconsciously thought it was her; seeing the pronoun "she" followed by her, Chu Mian couldn't help but look up at Yu Ran, as if asking him why he tampered with own gender.

Yu Ran was caught off guard when Chu Mian stared at him, his eyes dodged and his face was full of disbelief—Chu Mian actually guessed the prototype of the character!

Chu Mian gouged him out and continued to look down.

[At this moment, someone behind us suddenly yelled loudly and shouted at Xiaofang: "You actually bully women in broad daylight!" We turned around in surprise and saw a young girl who pulled up a tree on the side of the road. The willow tree waved towards Xiao Fang. Xiao Fang was terrified, a puff of smoke fell from his mouth to the ground, he knelt down with a "pants" sound, and shouted: "My lord, spare me!"]

["It's fine if you know you're wrong, why don't you hurry up and plant the tree?" The girl inserted the willow tree back into the tree hole, sat down on the stool next to her, and said to me, "Come here! Pour wine for Sajia!" I was caught by her Terrified by her aura, she hurried over and gave her a bowl of fennel beans. She introduced herself to us. Her pseudonym is Cui He. She is an afforestation expert in the neighborhood. Even though she is only 16 years old, she actually has more than 30 years of work experience.]

[She took a sip of wine happily and told us with something in her words: "Planting trees is the same as being a human being. It is nothing more than the word 'green'. Green is the protective color of our human beings. If you don't make efforts for the green environment today , then tomorrow others will work hard for the green on your head. Don't underestimate the ability of a tree, and don't underestimate the character of a person!" After she finished speaking, she drank the wine in the basin.]

["You're right! You're right!" Xiao Fang burst into tears, determined to make amends. He knelt into the tree pit and buried himself with soil, "I want to grow into a towering tree! I want to protect everyone from wind and rain!"]

[Cui He's words also made me realize: It takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to grow a person. I used to think this sentence was just a legend, a story. It turned out that tree people really existed, and Xiao Fang's soul was buried in that pit. After a hundred years, he will protect our children and grandchildren. I hope that by then, our hometown will already be a green ocean...]

After Chu Mian finished reading, Bai Yuzhu asked sincerely, "Come on, Chu Mian, how can you make Yu Ran pass the primary election like everyone else, if you have suggested revisions to Yu Ran?"

Chu Mian pinched the edge of the manuscript and said softly, "I think this is fine now."

"Can you...?" Bai Yuzhu was very surprised. "I haven't learned Chinese for many years. Are you all so imaginative in your writing now?"

Chu Mian couldn't change his words after saying that, so he could only help Yu Ran think about his words: "He used irony and exaggeration, his personal style is distinct, and some sentences are thought-provoking, maybe it will make the judges' eyes shine. "

Bai Yuzhu was dumbfounded, she trusted Chu Mian's appreciation ability very much, unexpectedly the young man seriously analyzed Yu Ran's advantages, and she began to waver, wondering whether she could not keep up with the literary accomplishment of this generation of children.

She hesitated and took back Yu Ran's manuscript paper, "Okay... I'll hand it in first and have a look."

Yu Ran smiled happily, winked at Chu Mian, said goodbye to the teacher happily, and went back to the classroom.

"What's the matter, is there something else?" Bai Yuzhu looked up and saw Chu Mian standing where she was.

"I want to ask you about the division of arts and sciences this semester." Chu Mian said, "If you study science, will you still be divided into classes?"

"Of course there are class divisions. There are hard-working children in ordinary classes. Who wouldn't want to squeeze into the experimental class? There are two experimental classes in science this year. If the students in our class have enough grades, they will stay. assigned to another class."

"What grades are the classes based on?"

Bai Yuzhu thought for a while and said, "We haven't discussed this in the meeting, but it should be the same as in previous years. The summer placement test accounts for 30%, and the remaining 70% depends on the test scores in the first year of high school."

Chu Mian nodded, "Okay, thank you teacher."

Everyone expected the shift, but it was confirmed that it was about to happen, and Chu Mian's breathing would inevitably become slow.

He didn't know if Yu Ran was willing to stay in the experimental class, and he didn't even know if Yu Ran wanted to study literature or science, so he could only quietly wait for the other party to make the decision he expected, so that his worries would dissipate.

After returning to work, Chu Mian saw Yu Ran lying on his desk turned around, and he walked over quickly.

Yu Ran glanced at him, raised his head and said, "What's wrong with your rubber, it's full of your piercing eyes, it's so ugly."

"Yeah." Chu Mian didn't refute, and sat down on the seat.

Yu Ran opened his schoolbag, groped for a while, and took out an unopened black eraser and gave it to Chu Mian, "I bought a lot, this one is the best, you take it."

Chu Mian looked at the eraser, and suddenly remembered that Yu Ran had another important identity, that is, a future art examinee.

Regardless of the learning pace or the intensity of homework, the experimental class will definitely be a bit higher than the ordinary class. As an art student, there is probably no need to add pressure to yourself. Studying in Chengjun’s ordinary class can still meet the requirements of the score line, and the efficiency may be even better. it is good.

Chu Mian's brain quickly analyzed these, and then realized... Yu Ran really had no reason to stay.

He wanted to poke something with the nib of the pen, but found that his scarred eraser had been taken away by Yu Ran, so he had to change his hand to change the pen.

The bell for math class rang, and Yu Ran saw that the teacher was not taking a test in this class, so he hid his phone in his pencil case and stood up, secretly put on a single earphone, and watched the finale of "Unheard Flower Name" downloaded last night.

Chu Mian occasionally raised her eyes and saw that Yu Ran hadn't attended the class, so she was more sure that he would not take the experimental class, so she was a little absent-minded.

—Forget it, it’s also good to divide into classes.

Chu Mian weighed the pros and cons, and felt that he could take advantage of this opportunity to stop caring about the fuzzy boundaries of Ran.

In the middle of the math class, Chu Mian noticed that Yu Ran raised his arms frequently, as if rubbing his cheeks.

He didn't take it seriously at first, until the math teacher glanced at him and asked in surprise, "Yu Ran, why are you crying?"

The eyes of the whole class quickly and neatly focused on the boys.

Yu Ran hastily pulled off the earphones, stuffed the phone in the pencil case and replied: "I, I..."

He looked at the arithmetic sequence on the blackboard and burst into tears: "I can't learn this question! I'm so anxious!"

"Oh, it's not difficult." The teacher comforted him, "It's okay, I'll explain it to you after class."

Yu Ran wiped away tears and nodded vigorously, still immersed in the emotion of being moved by the animation.

Throughout the afternoon, Yu Ran always went to Yexi to discuss animation plots with her between classes, and the two had a lively chat. After school, he still couldn't get enough of it, so he dragged Chu Mian to recommend him to go home and watch that work.

Chu Mian happened to be in a bit of a depressed mood today, and Yu Ran continued to whisper in her ears, interrupting him with a muffled voice: "No time."

"That weekend—"

"I'm not free on weekends either."

Yu Ran is not good at reading other people's tone, but he can distinguish Chu Mian's attitude. Sensing that Chu Mian seemed unhappy, he immediately calmed down and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, are you hungry? I'll take you to eat cold noodles."

Hearing that he was very gentle to her, Chu Mian finally relaxed, shook her head and said "I'm not hungry".

Seeing that they were about to go to the place where they parted, Chu Mian pursed her lips, and finally couldn't help asking Yu Ran: "Do you know... will we be divided into classes this semester?"

"Well, it's not about literature and science." Yu Ran casually said, "I think I should study science, politics is really too fucking difficult! What do you mean 'one cannot step into the same river twice'? I still think that people cannot be in the same river hanged from a tree!"

Chu Mian stared at the road under her feet, and calmly told Yu Ran: "The meaning of class division means that all classes must be disrupted and reorganized according to their grades, and our class is the same."

Yu Ran unexpectedly stopped, "Huh? It means that only with good grades can you stay in class one?"

"Yeah." Chu Mian turned her face away and looked directly into Yu Ran's eyes, "If you don't study, you will go to another class."

Yu Ran was stunned for two seconds, then said decisively, "No."

He stared at Chu Mian intently, "You will definitely be in the experimental class, I don't want to leave."

Chu Mian felt a hot current in his chest. He wanted to maintain a calm look, but when he opened his lips, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Then you have to study hard this semester." He looked away from Yu Ran's face, and tightened his mouth, "As long as you get into the top 80 of the grade every time you take the exam, if you don't know it, ask the teacher more, or..."

—or just ask me.

Yu Ran frowned and fell into deep thought: "The top eighty... how many points do you get?"

Chu Mian thought for a while, and was a little dazed, after all, he was dozens of times higher than the second grader every time.

"The scores are not fixed, and the difficulty of the papers varies anyway. Do you still remember your approximate ranking in each exam last semester?" Chu Mian asked, "This semester's exams accounted for 35% of the class placement grade. The better you do in the exam, the easier it will be."

"Really?" Yu Ran felt that he had seen the dawn, and tried to remember with his hands on his forehead, "I don't remember the monthly exam, 280 in the midterm, 300 in the final..."

After Chu Mian heard him say these numbers, the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly faded.

If I remember correctly... There are a total of 320 students in the first grade.

Yu Ran was full of anticipation, and asked Chu Mian with a smile: "How is it? Is there any study method that will allow me to get in the top 80 every time this semester?"

After thinking deeply, Chu Mian sincerely patted him on the shoulder.

"Try to make a wish."