To Burn On Touch

Chapter 66: 100 points!


The deep twilight melted into the cool evening breeze, the bodies of the teenagers hugged each other closely, and the shadows on the ground overlapped into a ball.

Chu Mian was a little dizzy, and her forehead was dripping with sweat. His neck was held too tightly by the other party, and the temperature of Yu Ran's cheeks was all attached to his skin, as if he was about to burn.

Driven by reason, Chu Mian corrected in astonishment: "Don't, don't bark."

Taking advantage of his courage, he asked Yu Ran, "Do you really understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Yu Ran's eyes were hot, and he almost cried with joy, "It turns out that selling one's soul can really make wishes come true! Now I'm not afraid of going to hell anymore!"

From the day when he awakened his love for Chu Mian, Yu Ran's beliefs have fluctuated between good and evil, and even the punishment of God can't make him change his mind, which shows that the evil thoughts in his heart are deep. He understands that he has only one option of "degeneration", so every night he devoutly meditates on his wishes, at the cost of a pure soul, hoping that the devil will come to help him escape.

Unexpectedly... Chu Mian got his wish so quickly and had the same idea!

"Hey! It's a pity—" Yu Ran let go of his arms, took a step back and stood up to look directly at Chu Mian, "It's a pity that we are only sixteen now! We have to wait a few years for this matter, damn it!"

Chu Mian was dumbfounded. Seeing Yu Ran's heartbroken way of stomping his head, he realized that the two of them seemed to have different expectations for each other... He just wanted to go from being a friend to a lover, but Yu Ran seemed to wish they could see each other off right away. Like entering a bridal chamber.

This really exceeded Chu Mian's expectations, and her heart was filled with a sudden sense of happiness. His face was burning uncomfortably, and he couldn't help pushing Yu Ran slightly, and said, "I don't want to marry you."

Then he hastily added: "I'll talk about the future..."

Yu Ran nodded hastily, the wind made his hair messy, he straightened it quickly to present Chu Mian his best image.

Chu Mian turned her head and glanced at the projection hall on the steps. Occasionally, students like them would sneak out, and she hadn't seen her classmates yet. Right now, Chu Mian still has an important question to discuss with Yu Ran: "Do you want to tell others?"


"Our current relationship."

In fact, Chu Mian himself has not yet adapted to this major change. If he hadn't been affected by the ambiguous atmosphere in the dark environment just now, he wouldn't know when he would have the urge to be with Yu Ran. It is true that emotions cannot control the process, but now that he has taken this step, he should really consider where to go next.

"Well... I, I have to go home and tell my parents, hehe!" Yu Ran hadn't calmed down from the surprise, and when he spoke, his eyes flicked at Chu Mian, "Oh, today is too sudden, I haven't Saving money."

"What are you saving money for?"

"I'll buy you a diamond ring." Yu Ran couldn't stop laughing as soon as he said this, and immediately squatted on the ground covering his face, and stood up when he had enough fun.

Being directly regarded as his fiancé by him across the couple relationship, Chu Mian hesitated to speak several times, and finally thought: "Forget it."

Anyway, if they have no conflicts and their relationship goes well...they might get married in the future.

Chu Mian thought for a moment, then suddenly came to her senses - she had thought too far away, Yu Ran, an idiot, didn't even realize the relationship of "boyfriend".

Chu Mian gradually calmed down, and said, "I don't think you need to tell your parents so early. After all, you are in school now, and they might object to your puppy love."

"Ah?" Yu Ran opened his eyes wide and scratched the bridge of his nose in surprise, "Can I still fall in love with you?"

Chu Mian was at a loss for words for a while, and then asked him angrily, "Otherwise?"

Yu Ran took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and laughed from the bottom of his heart: "Lei Gong, have you seen it! Try hitting me again if you have the ability!"

Chu Mian didn't know what he was provoking in the air, and she was afraid that shouting like this would be too eye-catching, so she quickly covered his mouth, "Stop making trouble, and be careful that the instructor finds out."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of him." Yu Ran gently cupped Chu Mian's cheeks with both hands, and said to him with burning eyes, "I'm not afraid of anyone now, just looking at you will fill up my courage, even if I don't do all the National Day homework I dare too!"

"The homework still needs to be written." Chu Mian said while holding Yu Ran's hand, "but you can go back and copy mine."

Seeing the palms of the two pressed together, Chu Mian's courage was recharged, and he asked in a deep voice, "Yu Ran, I'll ask you again, please answer carefully."


"What is our relationship now?"

"That, that..." Yu Ran was incoherent with excitement, "My lover!"

"You just have to have a 'husband'?" Chu Mian blushed helplessly and laughed, "Okay."

After getting Chu Mian's approval, Yu Ran also felt a little shy, took the other's hand and put it in his trouser pocket, saying, "From now on, you can take whatever candy I put here, it's all for you."

Chu Mian looked down and saw that not only were the pockets on both sides of Yu Ran full of snacks, but the middle of his trousers was also bulging.

He looked away, hurriedly withdrew his hand, and nodded in agreement.

The group watching movie was over, and the students lined up to stand in an orderly manner, waiting for the instructor to give instructions. The Sports Committee was in charge of counting the number of people, but after shouting for a long time, there was no sign of Ran Ren. It was not until a few minutes later that he was found running up from a distance.

"Why did you go?" Fang Zhao asked, "Hey, where is Chu Mian, did he fall asleep in there?"

"He went to the teacher's dormitory to take a shower." Yu Ran laughed a few times. As long as he thinks that he has developed a new relationship with Chu Mian, he can't restrain his joy. However, in Fang Zhao's eyes, this smile is very intriguing, as if he has an attempt on Chu Mian who is taking a bath.

"Yu Ran, let me remind you." Fang Zhao dragged him to a place where no one was around and whispered, "There are some things that you have to do when Chu Mian is awake... but don't take advantage of them, so Injury."


"Don't worry, it's nothing else, just give you a vaccination."

Fang Zhao said so, but in fact he had mixed feelings in his heart. When he met Yu Ran and Chu Mian a year ago, he never thought that they would have the relationship they have today, and he has always regarded them as brothers, but now he doesn't know who to call sister-in-law.

He sighed and said, "I don't understand this kind of thing, and I don't know what to say, I wish you grow taller, and strive to surpass Chu Mian as soon as possible."

"No, I think it's fine now." Yu Ran smiled and put his arms around his shoulders.

The two followed the crowd back to the dormitory, picked up the good things, and went to the public bath together. Yu Ran didn't fight with others this time, after washing quickly, he quickly packed up his things and left, waiting for Chu Mian on the way back.

It was already dark, and the stars were dotted with the boundless night.

Yu Ran was standing by the side of the path playing with his mobile phone, his fingers just dipped in hot water didn't have much strength, and he made frequent mistakes in the game. He turned off the interface angrily, looked up and saw Chu Mian coming over in pajamas and slippers, and his brows were filled with joy.

Chu Mian's hair was wet, she only used a towel to absorb some water, and then put it all up to wait for it to dry naturally. With the light of the street lamp, Yu Ran carefully looked at Chu Mian's handsome and handsome eyebrows, and said with concern: "My mother said that you must dry your hair after washing, otherwise you will have a headache."

But there was no hair dryer in the base, so Yu Ran had to fan the air with both hands hard, and just waved it a few times, and accidentally slapped Chu Mian's head, and he rubbed it lightly again in a hurry.

Taking advantage of no one around, Chu Mian wrapped her arms around Yu Ran's waist and hugged him into her arms.

Perhaps because there were too many mistakes in the process of confirming the relationship, Chu Mian still has a strong sense of unreality. Only a hug can calm him down, proving that the memory in his mind did happen not long ago.

He lowered his head, leaned against Yu Ran's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Did you say anything to them just now?"

"No." Yu Ran smelled the fragrance blowing towards his face.

"Then wait a few days." Chu Mian's heart flashed a few hot currents, "Let me get used to it first."

Yu Ran poked Chu Mian's shoulder with his chin, "What are you used to?"

"I don't know, maybe it's this feeling." Chu Mian's heart throbbed for a while, and she unconsciously tightened her arms, "Although I guessed that you like me a long time ago, but-but I really got the answer, but I don't feel very happy. Easy to accept...”

The hug that couldn't see each other's eyes gave Chu Mian a sense of security, and he was finally able to express his inner thoughts to Ran, "I was still thinking about this when I was taking a shower just now, the more I thought about it, the more empty my mind became, as if it was going to rain heavily. "

Yu Ran heard that Chu Mian's tone was a little flustered, so he quickly comforted him: "It doesn't matter if it's raining heavily, no matter how much water gets in your head, I like you the most!"

Chu Mian choked her breath, and couldn't help pinching Yu Ran's waist, "I should tell you this."

He sighed softly, and gently covered the back of Yu Ran's neck with his palm, making up his mind to say the straightforward words: "Yu Ran, I also like you the most."

This was the first time in his life that he uttered his heart outright, and at the moment when his emotions poured out, he suddenly had the urge to tighten his neck again. Fortunately, reason suppressed this inexplicable thought, so he continued: "Yu Ran, you are too dull."

Yu Ran didn't refute, and listened to him quietly.

"Every time I give you a hint, you can't understand it, it really makes me very angry." Chu Mian still feels sullen in retrospect, "If I like you 100%, you may only find one Minute."

"What?!" Yu Ran froze and raised his head in astonishment, "100 points? Why are there so many!"

"Don't make noise." Chu Mian's ears hurt from his shouting, "Look, you are so stupid."

"One hundred points is too much!" Yu Ran felt his blood boil, "You can save it, and you can give me one point, anyway, I can treat it as one hundred!"

"It can't be saved," Chu Mian couldn't help laughing, "I'll give you two hundred now."

"Oh! You are too fucking polite, this will make me proud!" Yu Ran rubbed his face against his neck happily, "Pride makes people regress, what should I do if I fail in the future..."

"Then work hard." Chu Mian laughed lightly, "I will pass you."

Yu Ran felt that he was top-heavy now, as if he was floating in the air, "How hard you work, give me a direction, can I buy you breakfast every day in the future? Five days a week, I don't bring heavy food, and I add a bag of sugar to my coffee."

Chu Mian let go of her hand, ended the hug with a lot of thought, looked directly into Yu Ran's eyes and said, "No, just remember our relationship honestly, and if others ask in the future, don't talk nonsense."

"it is good."

Chu Mian took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Listen, I'm not your husband, your fiancé, or your lover; I'm—"

"My little princess." Yu Ran said it first, grinning.

Chu Mian corrected again helplessly: "It's a boyfriend."