To Make He Yu Regret

Chapter 11: Blow the leaves trend


After a week, He Yu thought it through.

All the conflicts in the preschool have found a solution.

He no longer wants to be Jiang Mingzhen's "dog".

From now on, he will draw a clear line with her.

There are many ways to fight against Jiang Mingzhen, but after offending her, she will never let it go. Not against her... But he was also unwilling to accept Jiang Mingzhen's apology and go back to the past.

Finally, He Yu came up with a solution with his six-year-old brain.

—He wants Jiang Mingzhen to hate him, so that he will not approach him anymore.

So, let the story go back to the scene of his hand on her chest.

Jiang Mingzhen lowered her head and stared blankly at He Yu's hand. Ten seconds later, she screamed.


She knew that this was a bad thing, and that it had a bad connotation. It was what the teacher taught "boys should not do to girls" in the health education class.

He Yu did it!

"Living taro is shameless."

Jiang Mingzhen's hand was still straight, but now he raised it directly, and slapped him with left and right bows.

After beating him, she was ashamed and angry, and immediately turned and ran away.

He Yu's goal was successfully achieved.

Now, Jiang Mingzhen became the one who actively avoided He Yu.

When class started on Monday, she arrived at school early by herself and told the teacher that she would change the deskmate. When He Yu came, his place was already taken by a girl with a bow tie on her head.

Jiang Mingzhen and the girl folded papers together affectionately, and when He Yu came, she had no intention of talking to him at all.

Glancing at the changed nameplate on the table, he understood the situation on his own with great insight.

"Excuse me, where is your location?" He Yu asked the girl directly.

The girl pointed to him: "The third row in front, by the window."

After He Yu left, Jiang Mingzhen immediately became angry with the girl.

"Why are you talking to him." She kicked her from below, looking quite unhappy.

"He came to talk to me, and I just answered," the girl defended aggrievedly, and raised her foot to wipe her soiled shoes: " don't need to kick me, do you?"

"If you talk to him, you are a traitor." Jiang Mingzhen raised her chin, and set strict rules on the spot.

The girl had no choice but to respond: "Oh."

Jiang Mingzhen had a conflict with her family dog, but it spread among all the school children in one morning.

Last week, everyone saw that they were no longer inseparable like they used to be, and they felt that something happened.

This week, Jiang Mingzhen did not sit at the same table with He Yu, and it was expressly forbidden: anyone who played with her was not allowed to play with He Yu.

If Jiang Mingzhen found out that anyone was playing with her and talking to He Yu, then she would regard that person as a "traitor". The traitor is treated the same as He Yu, and everyone who plays with Jiang Mingzhen can't treat the traitor.

"The earth dog is so miserable," said the onlookers, "he was abandoned by his master."

He Yu, who was at the center of the turmoil, was the calmest one.

He was sitting in the new position, he was supposed to go to class, and he was supposed to eat. During recess, he doesn't have to help girls pick up shuttlecocks like he used to, but he will still go for a walk outside the classroom.

There is a place similar to a botanical garden in the school, where the teacher leads the children to know different kinds of flowers and plants during the gardening class. Usually, unless there are classes, people don't go there very much.

This is where He Yu always goes between classes. After stepping into the botanical garden, his figure disappeared among the lush trees. When the class bell rang, every now and then he would return to the classroom with a leaf or two.

At first I thought he was bored and was simply picking leaves to play, and everyone was not surprised. Until the music class on Wednesday, He Yu used the leaves he picked up to play "Little Star" in class.

Stunned by this strange scene, many people showed strong interest.

"I've only seen this in costume dramas!"

"I've seen it too! You seem to be an ancient man who can blow out songs from leaves."

"How did you do it?"

Jiang Mingzhen gave the person who tried to have a dialogue with He Yu a sideways look. Fearing that he would become a "traitor", he resentfully kept silent.

Even so, He Yu still answered him kindly.

"It has a lot to do with the leaves," he said, "you have to choose the right leaves."

In this way, the botanical garden suddenly became lively during the recess.

At first, no one took the initiative to talk to He Yu. The children gathered together to play in the botanical garden, they played with theirs, and He Yu squatted on the ground alone, looking here and there.

After He Yu changed places, they hurried to the grass where he had been.

"Did you see what kind of leaves the dog picked just now?" The children discussed in one go.

The person who saw clearly picked a similar leaf on the ground and brought it to his mouth.

"Puff puff—" Ye Zi made a strange sound, and he blew a few more times, until his face was full of saliva.

"Aren't you blowing hard enough?" The kid next to him suggested to him.

The man exerted more strength, and the leaf in his hand was directly blown apart by him.

The rest switched to different shapes of leaves, different methods, and tried a few more times. No one can blow leaves to make a nice sound like He Yu.

While they were busy here, the clear tune of "Little Star" came from the other end of the botanical garden.

It seems that He Yu has found another leaf suitable for playing.

The children listened to him in silence, and then looked at the leaves in their hands.

"I..." Someone said weakly: "I kind of want to ask the earth dog what kind of leaf it is."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one seemed to disagree.

"Um, do you want to ask?"

"If you ask, I will go too."

"Then I'll go too!"

Looking up from the bushes, He Yu saw a group of classmates from his class crowded around him.

"Hey, dirt dog," the boy coughed lightly, and said, "We have something to ask you."

He Yu naturally knew why they came, playing with the leaves in his hand, his voice was soft but firm: "I am not called a dog, I have a name."

"Okay... He Yu."

Asking for help is always soft-spoken, and they didn't struggle with small titles.

"Well, we want to ask you, what kind of leaves can you blow?"

He Yu smiled at them, spread his palms, and showed them his leaves.

"Leaves with a smooth surface should have such a straight, flat and curved edge. Then you can touch the leaves, and the whole leaf is almost the same thickness."

He taught very seriously, and all the children moved their heads together to observe the characteristics of the leaf.

"In addition to these, look for leaves that are just green. If it's too fresh, it's easy to blow, and too old leaves don't sound good."

There is simply too much knowledge in this.

Children are easily excitable creatures. Finding such a special leaf in the botanical garden is a very challenging task. After He Yu finished speaking, they couldn't wait to spread out, looking for their own leaves.

"Is this leaf okay?"

The person who found it quickly held up the leaf and came back to find He Yu for authentication.

He touched it with his hands, and nodded at him: "Yes, let's have a look."

The child opened his mouth and pressed his lips against the leaves...

"Can't it blow?" He was immediately disappointed.

"It's the wrong way to blow it." He Yu took the leaf, put his hands on the edge of the leaf, and turned it up slightly: "You have to fold the leaf to make a sound."

The child expressed doubts: "Really? What's the difference if you fold it? Show me."

He Yu pressed the folded leaf to his lips, and easily blew out a special sound like a small flute.

Now everyone couldn't hide their envy for his leaf blowing skills: "You are so good! Who taught you this?"

"I'm a country person, and I often play in the mountains. There are many trees like this in the mountains, so many of our country children can blow leaves. I was taught by other children. They are better than me. I only know the simplest ones."

Although He Yu showed distaste for the nicknames they gave, he didn't care about his own background, and said "countryside" very frankly.

"I want to learn!"

The owner of that leaf couldn't hold back when he heard the music.

"He Yu, can you teach me how to play?"


He readily agreed, folded the leaves, and taught him by hand.


Unskilled playing, half air, mixed with half deep music.

The boy stared wide-eyed, pinching the leaf, his eyeballs rolled around in surprise, expressing his excitement for the sound of blowing. Gathering his breath, he blew a few more times.

"Beep beep—"

"My God! It really can make a different sound!"

One spreads to ten, ten to hundreds, and everyone rushes to tell each other that there are leaves that can blow out sounds in the botanical garden.

A few breaks passed, and many people in the class were holding a leaf in their hands. The number of "traitors" in Jiang Mingzhen's team has gradually increased.

Because there were fewer people, their shuttlecock kicking teams were divided unevenly, and Jiang Mingzhen didn't go to the playground during recess.

She crossed her arms and sulked as she sat in her place. From time to time, the noise of "beep beep beep" blowing leaves came from around, making her expression more and more stinky.

"Jiang Mingzhen... everyone has gone."

Her new deskmate looked at her and asked shyly.

"Can I go to the botanical garden and pick up leaves?"

Jiang Mingzhen gave her a white look: "You can be a 'traitor' if you want, I won't share your delicious food on Friday."

After weighing the two, the new deskmate chose to return to his seat.

She was unwilling, and the bow on her head drooped.

"Why don't you play with live taro? Were you not very good before?"

There was no one in the classroom. Jiang Mingzhen was wronged by He Yu, and she kept it in her heart for so long, so she really wanted to tell others.

He waved at the girl, and the girl stretched out her ears smoothly.

"He..." Jiang Mingzhen bit her lip and whispered to her, "He touched me."

"Touch you?" The girl stepped back, looking around Jiang Mingzhen's body.

Nodding vigorously at her, Jiang Mingzhen pressed her hand on her chest.

"Ah?" The girl covered her mouth with her hands exaggeratedly.

"Isn't he, he's too much!" Jiang Mingzhen crossed her hips angrily: "I plan to ignore him forever."

The girl rested her chin, thinking.

Finally, she suddenly thought of something and slammed the table.

"I see!"

The bow jumped up and down twice because of her big movement, and the little girl spoke amazingly.

"Jiang Mingzhen, does Huoyu like you?"

Jiang Mingzhen burst into laughter: "What are you talking about?"

"It's true, I heard what my brother said!"

The girl moved the stool seriously, and talked to her carefully.

"One day my brother was hugging his girlfriend in the room very tightly, and I bumped into him. He said it was because he liked his girlfriend so much. My brother said..."

The girl cleared her throat, imitating her brother's tone.

"When a person loves another person deeply, all parts of his body will be abnormal, malfunction, and become wrong. When the person he likes appears, his body will be reinvigorated, and he will be attracted to the person he loves .So, my brother would stick it on his girlfriend, and the two of them seemed to be stuck, holding each other motionless."

She didn't learn it well, the whole paragraph passed through her mouth, and it became oily. But this level is enough to scare Jiang Mingzhen.

What love, love, six-year-olds, one is talking nonsense and the other is listening.

Jiang Mingzhen nodded desperately, but actually didn't understand much at all.

It was precisely because of her ignorance that she felt that what the girl's brother said was really amazing! It makes sense!

The topic returned to He Yu.

The girl asked Jiang Mingzhen with a serious face: "If it was an ordinary living thing, would he touch you?"

She answered firmly: "He definitely won't."

"Yeah," the girl snapped her fingers and matched the numbers one by one: "So, he is abnormal, malfunctioning, and something is wrong."

She looked up, and Jiang Mingzhen looked at each other, and then they looked at her chest together.

The last finger is also pressed down.

"He's attracted to you."

The conclusions are drawn easily and without doubt.

The girl said: "He Yu is in love with you."