To Make He Yu Regret

Chapter 16: Grandpa is hard to feed


Grandma's story was told very slowly, and it took several days before Niuniu heard her grandma talk about her six-year-old.

But this also has something to do with Niuniu's love to interrupt.

When grandma mentioned that she was ugly when she was a child, Niuniu looked at her face and said very seriously: "It's too much, grandma doesn't look like a ghost."

Jiang Mingzhen broke the watercolor pens that He Yu's father gave him, and that part made Niuniu cry.

She lay on her grandma's lap, wiped her tears with a tissue, then blew her nose, and said in a low voice, "You are so pitiful, grandma, what you did was wrong."

When grandma finished talking about the Jiang family's ribbon-cutting ceremony, Niuniu excitedly spoiled the rest of the story.

"I know, you became a chef later, the chef of a big hotel! Grandma's dishes are the best in the world, and Niuniu's favorite food is the number one!"

The grandma pinched the little girl's cute face and asked her: "Is Niuniu hungry? Can grandma cook for you?"

Of course Niuniu said yes.

After lunch, the little girl couldn't wait to hear the next story.

"Grandma, why do you want Huoyu to regret it? Did he regret it later?"

Grandma smiled and said to her: "I will tell you stories when grandma is free. Your grandpa is going to eat."

Grandpa was fed by grandma mouth by mouth.

Half of his body could not move, and he had difficulty feeding himself.

Niu Niu responded with an unsatisfactory "Oh".

On weekdays, when grandpa eats, she would go out to play by herself, but today is different. Move the bamboo chair on the balcony to grandpa's room, and Niuniu, who is very curious about grandma and grandpa, sits in the corner of the room, hugs the back of the chair, and observes how grandma feeds.

A special cushion is placed behind grandpa to raise him up, in case the soup is accidentally spilled, grandma prepares a bib for grandpa.

The bib was sky blue and the fabric looked soft.

The clothes and trousers on my grandpa are all dark colors, which match my grandpa's serious face very well. The bib wrapped around his body instantly destroyed the seriousness, turning grandpa into a little baby.

Niuniu looked at the bib, and grandpa looked at Niuniu.

Following the curious eyes of his granddaughter, he looked down at the small bib on his chest.

Now grandpa is not happy to wear a bib.

"I can't spill it." Shaking his body, grandpa didn't cooperate with grandma's movements.

"I want to wear it, you wear it every day." Grandma grabbed the bib and chased after him, neatly tied a bow on the back of his neck, and fixed the bib.

Grandpa's mouth became a little flat and convex, and he was pouting to express his displeasure.

Grandma knew him best, looking at the little granddaughter sitting behind them, she asked.

"What, are you ashamed? Are you afraid that Niu Niu will watch?"

Grandpa didn't answer her.

After wearing the bib, the grandfather became an old child,

It's more like losing your temper now.

"Niuniu won't laugh at you."

Niuniu hurriedly followed her grandmother's words and nodded at her grandfather.

The bib is the first step in preparing meals, and grandma busy up and down by herself: the small table for eating is unfolded on the bed, and the dishes that grandpa eats are brought out from the rice cooker, and then placed on the small table one by one.

He holds an empty bowl in his left hand and a spoon in his right. Grandma scooped up a spoonful of porridge, cooled it carefully, and fed it to Grandpa's mouth.

He doesn't open his mouth very much, but grandma's skills are good. She put the spoon into his mouth, lifted it up skillfully, matching the curvature of grandpa's mouth, and fed it in one mouthful.

The stewed soft yellow croaker was boned by grandma in advance, and she was still worried about the thorns. Before serving it to grandpa, she would check it again and help him dip the fish with soy sauce.

Niu Niu stared from the sidelines the whole time.

The old and the children ate half a bowl of rice like sitting on pins and needles, and began to be uncooperative.

"Don't eat." He told grandma.

Grandma felt strange: "Isn't it delicious?"

"I am full."

She reached out and touched his stomach, it was flat.

"Just a few bites, how full are you?"

"I'll eat by myself." Grandpa raised his moving hand, trying to push the bowl of rice into his arm.

How convenient is that.

Grandma snatched the bowl from his hand.

"You're not allowed to eat by yourself," her tone sounded fierce, and her voice sounded like a roar, but she was coaxing him: "I'm happy to feed you! If you don't let me feed you, I'll be angry!"

After feeding a spoonful of rice, she asked grandpa to open his mouth: "Ah—"

Grandpa had no choice but to follow her: "Ah—"

"Very good," she patted his head, "I have to finish at least half a bowl of rice, and I'll peel some fruit for you later."


Reminiscent of the story she told earlier, the little granddaughter suddenly asked: "Is it difficult for Jiang Mingzhen to feed when she was a child, or is it difficult for grandpa?"

"Pfft," grandma smiled, and exchanged glances with grandpa: "Let me think about it."

Without stopping, she fed him a few more mouthfuls of food.

So come to a conclusion.

"Jiang Mingzhen is hard, your grandfather is much better than her."

"What is Niuniu talking about? What happened to you when you were a child?" The grandfather who was praised twice in a row asked obediently.

While he was obedient, the rice bowl in grandma's hand was almost bottomed out.

"I recently told her a story about my childhood."

Grandpa looked at her without saying a word.

"Do you want to hear it too?"

Grandpa nodded immediately.

"You listen too?" She laughed at him: "Don't you know everything, I told Niu Niu, why are you joining in the fun?"

"Grandpa, grandpa," Niu Niu jumped off the bamboo chair and ran to grandpa's bedside: "Do you know how to live? Grandma said that she married you to make..."

Oops, this seems impossible to talk about.

Niuniu hurriedly covered her mouth and glanced at her grandma, fearing that she would accidentally reveal her secret.

"To make He Yu regret it?" Grandpa cleverly guessed what Niuniu had left to say.

"Okay, let's chat after the last bite."

A spoon full of rice, dipped in delicious yellow croaker soy sauce, was handed to grandpa.

It's not in vain, he opened his mouth wide and ate it decisively.

The bib was finally removed.

Grandma packed up the tableware and went out to wash the dishes. Niuniu took her place and talked to her.

"Grandpa, did He Yu regret it later?"

He thought carefully for a while, and told her: "As far as I know, there is absolutely nothing."

"Ah?" Niu pulled out her exclamation tone, sounding disappointed.

Although Jiang Mingzhen in the story is wayward and unlovable, Niuniu knows that she is her favorite grandma, so she hopes that Jiang Mingzhen can "revenge" and succeed.

Not satisfied with the answer given by grandpa, Niuniu went to find grandma again.

The bowl in her hand has not been washed yet, and the grandma is dragged by the corner of her clothes by her little granddaughter, asking her to continue telling the story.

"I'll tell you right away." She washed her hands diligently with bubbles, "help me to ask your grandpa, what kind of fruit does he want to eat?"

Niuniu ran away and came back soon.

"Grandpa said, don't eat fruit anymore. He asked you if you want to take him out in the afternoon, and he will buy you dried sweet potatoes."

Grandma chuckled.

The sunshine outside the window was very good. Niuniu looked up and saw her grandma smiling very nicely.

Grandma's eyes are also full of sunshine.