To Make He Yu Regret

Chapter 25: Ugly people are also ugly


After sending Jiang Xiaozhen to a sheltered place, He Yu turned and left.

His uniform was darkened by the rain, and there were also fine raindrops on his head and face. The two trips to her had completely soaked him.

He wiped the top of his head twice with his hand, and wiped off many big drops of water. He shook his head twice, and his wet and obedient hair turned into a little hedgehog with fried hair.

After finishing this, he opened the umbrella and stepped into the heavy rain.

Looking at the back of He Yu holding an umbrella, Jiang Xiaozhen suddenly felt: He doesn't seem to hate me as much as I imagined.

If he really hated it, he didn't have to come over to deal with her affairs in person, he didn't have to come to ask her if she was hurt by her father so she resisted seeing her, and he didn't have to wait for her to take her back with an umbrella.

Last time, I said I looked down on her because I regarded her as a friend, so I was blunt. Is this possible

"He Yu!"

Mustering up all her courage, Jiang Xiaozhen called out to him.

He stopped and turned his head.

So she asked loudly: "We are friends, right?"

He Yu glanced at Jiang Xiaozhen, she stared at herself, her eyes were full of hot and direct longing.

He took another look at her classmate standing beside Jiang Xiaozhen.

The girl was watching the fun with great interest, her eyes turned back and forth between him and Jiang Xiaozhen, she looked at Jiang Xiaozhen with undisguised envy.

A moment ago, he was still caught in the speculation that "Jiang Xiaozhen didn't see her father because of vanity". The next moment, he was asked this question by Jiang Xiaozhen.

He Yu only felt that he was being used.


— It was just a connection to show off, she was simply defiled "friends".

"Jiang Xiaozhen..."

His tone was so cold that it could freeze people, he said: "You are ugly, and your heart is also ugly."

The rain keeps falling, you can't see me clearly, and I can't see you clearly.

The veil-like rain curtain between them separated the two worlds.

Leaving the astonished Jiang Xiaozhen behind, He Yu left without looking back.

He wants to leave, but she won't stay.

— What is there to keep? Each go their own way of the sun, isn't that what they thought before.

Jiang Xiaozhen also left.

She climbed the few steps as if fleeing.

The staggering footsteps prevented her from successfully walking the first floor, so she fell on the wet concrete floor and broke her knee.

Looking at the painful part in a daze, Jiang Xiaozhen saw her princess dress.

On the hem of the skirt, there are stained lace flowers.

In the ear, the female classmate was frightened and exclaimed.

Those carefully maintained dignity leaked out bit by bit through the small gap opened here.

But in the pocket of her skirt, there is still money that her father stuffed for her.

He worked for a long time, took a long car ride, and took great risks in order to send her money.

This is not the time to throw in the towel.

If you run away now, you will run away later.

What she had built so far would crumble.

Can't break down.

Jiang Xiaozhen stood up.

She patted her skirt, as lightly as brushing off a small dust.

"It's disgusting, it's so slippery when it rains."

Jiang Xiaozhen turned around and reminded the female classmate.

"Be careful when you walk."

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for anyone, and ran up to the second floor in three steps and two steps.

Sticking her head out of the corridor on the second floor, Jiang Xiaozhen saw He Yu's umbrella again.

He went out so far that a corner was about to disappear.


From sinking to her dantian, she screamed in that direction with the shrillest voice in her life.

"It's your loss not to be my friend, just wait to regret it."

He continued to walk forward, not knowing if he heard it or not.

With a louder volume, Jiang Xiaozhen shouted.

"He Yu, you will regret it!"

How loud is her volume

To describe it specifically, it is the second and third floors of that building. After she finished yelling, as long as the students in the class were not in class, they all came out to look.

The time when Jiang Xiaozhen yelled was not long after the class bell rang.

The students are all sitting in the classroom, but some teachers have not come yet.

While waiting for the teacher to arrive, at the most honest and quiet moment of the whole staff, everyone heard Jiang Xiaozhen's call.

He Yu and Jiang Xiaozhen are both well-known figures in the school.

The students sighed: "My God, that must be He Yu", when He Yu passed by.

The students sighed: "My God, that must be Zhenzi", when Jiang Xiaozhen passed by.

A well-deserved handsome, a well-deserved ugly.

Jiang Xiaozhen should have understood "He Yu, you will regret it" when she was six years old. This sentence is a self-abuse skill that has no effect on the enemy's attack and only causes damage to herself.

The first time she said this sentence, the invincible life met an opponent for the first time.

The second time she said it, bird shit fell from the sky and hit her.

The third time she said this, she became the target of public criticism.

The facts that everyone can see are: Jiang Xiaozhen's ruthless words; He Yu, who is on duty, braves the heavy rain to help his classmates with his duty, and still maintains a gentlemanly demeanor towards an ugly girl like Jiang Xiaozhen.

Among them, there are different versions of the story of Jiang Xiaozhen's revenge made up by various imaginations.

As the story spread more and more widely, the word "Jiang Xiaozhen" gradually became a kind of lethal weapon that was passed down from mouth to mouth in the first year of high school.

"Do you like Jiang Xiaozhen?" Used to scold a person for his poor eyesight.

"You are the one who likes Jiang Xiaozhen, and your whole family likes Jiang Xiaozhen" was used as a reply to the previous sentence.

There are other usages such as: "You and Jiang Xiaozhen are a good match", "Your whole family is a perfect match with Jiang Xiaozhen"; "Looking at you, I can only marry Jiang Xiaozhen in the future"; "Your face today looks like it was kissed by Jiang Xiaozhen. .”

Regarding these words, what is Jiang Xiaozhen's own reaction

She also enjoyed it herself.

The male classmate's chair blocked the road, and she said to him, "If you don't arrange the chair properly, I'll just sit in it." The boy immediately moved the chair closer to the inside.

During the morning exercises, a group of people in front of them slowly blocked the road. Jiang Xiaozhen said to them: "If you don't go, I will go to hug you", and the road was immediately cleared.

Jiang Xiaozhen threatened those on-duty students who procrastinated: "If you don't do it, I will be alone with you when others finish."

Jiang Xiaozhen used her closeness as a weapon to gain the long-lost deterrent power... If she can scare people away anytime and anywhere, it can be regarded as a kind of deterrent power.

A few weeks after the situation fermented, Jiang Xiaozhen saw her deskmate Sun Qin come out of the teacher's office with red eyes.

After returning to the classroom, Sun Qin didn't say a word, her mouth was pouted.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Xiaozhen asked her softly.

Sun Qin squinted at her, clasped her hands together, and lay down on the desk, sobbing.

Guessing that she was scolded by the teacher for something in the office just now, Jiang Xiaozhen handed her the tissue in her pocket at a loss, and asked in a lower and softer voice.

"What happened?"

Sun Qin just cried and refused to take her paper.

Seeing that she was crying hard, Jiang Xiaozhen patted her on the shoulder comfortingly.

The moment she made this movement, Sun Qin screamed.

"Jiang Xiaozhen, are you sick?"

The group of girls who played with her every day surrounded her, as if they couldn't bear Sun Qin being bullied, they stood up for her.

"Why are you touching her?"

There are many of them, Jiang Xiaozhen is not afraid, she said one by one: "I will comfort her."

"I want you to pretend to be kind!"

The girl pulled Sun Qin up and asked her to hide behind them: "Will she cry without you?"

Jiang Xiaozhen didn't understand: "What's none of my business?"

Sun Qin, who was standing at the back, wiped her tears and said sobbingly, "I don't want to sit at the same table as you. I've said it several times. The teacher won't let me change..."

Jiang Xiaozhen immediately pulled away the chair and got up.

The group of people thought she was coming to beat Sun Qin, so they hurriedly protected her and backed away.

Stepping out of the seat, Jiang Xiaozhen staggered away from them and went straight to the classroom office.

Seeing this influential figure come to the door, all the teachers in the office cast their eyes on him in unison.

The ugly girl who became famous throughout the school, she wore a princess dress as before, she was as fat and ugly as before, and as before, she spoke with an angry tone.

"Report to the teacher," Jiang Xiaozhen said word by word, "I don't like to sit at the same table with others."

The head teacher took off his glasses and rubbed his temples: "Jiang Xiaozhen, do you know how much I worry about giving you a deskmate? You are still here..."

"Yes," she interrupted the teacher: "I don't want to be at the same table. They will disturb me in class and make me unable to concentrate. I have a strong need, I want to sit by myself."

The back is straight, the chin is raised high, and the attitude of "of course you have to listen to her" when discussing.

Jiang Xiaozhen didn't look like she was abandoned, not at all.

"The number of people in our class is odd, teacher, what's wrong with me sitting alone?"

"I don't care about you anymore." The teacher in charge waved her hand and let her make her own decision.

"Thank you, teacher."

Jiang Xiaozhen bowed deeply and left the classroom office.

The first thing she did when she got back to class, she put her feet on the chair next to her arrogantly, and asked Sun Qin to pack her schoolbag and move out of the next door to her.

"Don't forget to return the ruler I lent you."

Sun Qin digs and digs in the drawer silently, finds the ruler in the depths, and throws it to her.

Jiang Xiaozhen opened her pencil case and put the ruler in it carefully.

"Wonderful." The girls murmured about her.

It was the same group of people, Jiang Xiaozhen tried her best to blend in with them since the beginning of school. I eat with them every lunch break, and get together with them every day after school.

In fact, there must have been happy moments, Jiang Xiaozhen personally thinks.

Sometimes her jokes can make them all laugh; sometimes they listen with great interest when she speaks; sometimes the snack she brings is Jiyu, which is snatched up by the hungry, and they say while eating: "Xiaozhen, it's good to have you."

She thought she was their friend.

Every day, together.

"You too, give me back what I ate." Jiang Xiaozhen stretched out her hand towards them.

The girls showed speechless expressions, and were taken aback by her words.

"The ones you eat in big bags at a time are as much as garbage, and they are all cheap for a few cents."

"That's right, who wants to eat your food? How many times have you begged us to eat, but we don't want to eat it. Occasionally, it is forced to eat. How about you have pity?"

"That's still eaten."

Jiang Xiaozhen stared straight at them, and moved her hand further, reaching under their eyelids.

"Return it to me. If you can't spit it out after eating, return it to me in exchange for money."