To Make He Yu Regret

Chapter 36: The season you are waiting for


At one o'clock in the morning, Jiang Xiaozhen finally had a mouthful of warm rice.

With her hair tied up casually and her dirty face, she picked up the bowl, grabbed the chopsticks, and devoured it hungrily.

He Yu took out a piece of paper and handed it to her.

Jiang Xiaozhen didn't answer, not understanding his intention.

So he sat closer to her, took off her glasses, and wiped her face.

He wiped away tears, snot, dust and the like carefully, and he didn't think she was dirty.

With He Yu's hand holding her chin, Jiang Xiaozhen continued to chew, with an indescribably silly expression.

When it comes to her own story, she doesn't have too many emotional ups and downs. However, when He Yu silently listened to all her concerns, their relationship became obviously different.

In front of him, Jiang Xiaozhen let herself be in a mess and let herself be helpless.

After finishing the meal and packing her mother's share, Jiang Xiaozhen carried the plastic bag in one hand, and went to He Yu's with the other hand.

But not to hold him.

Her hands were clenched into fists, and the back of her hand was pressed against his palm, hoping to be held by him.

He Yuqian's Jiang Xiaozhen.

"May I ask you a question?" She looked up at him.

He answered without thinking.

"Next week's final exam, when the results come out, I will soon have to pay the next semester's tuition..."

Jiang Xiaozhen stood at the crossroads of choice, and she handed over the steering wheel of her life to He Yu's hands.

"Do you think I'm going to school next week?"

She asked cautiously, and He Yu also answered this question cautiously.

He pondered for a while, then replied.

"I think yes."

This is different from Jiang Xiaozhen's imagined answer.

"I thought you would sympathize with me after hearing my story. You looked as if you were deeply touched."

He Yu pursed his lips.

"Compared to sympathy, I feel more guilt, because I misunderstood you a lot before."

He said: "The exaggerated things I said to you were all based on my own speculation. I'm sorry, Jiang Xiaozhen."

Under the night light, He Yu's side face was shrouded in a layer of warm soft light.

His eyelashes drooped, quietly, beautifully.

Contrary to the adjectives he used to describe her, Jiang Xiaozhen thought: This person is really beautiful, no matter in heart or appearance.

"You are better than I thought..." After a short pause, he gave his opinion seriously: "So, Jiang Xiaozhen, you should continue to study."


Repeating the words in his words, she seemed to hear a joke: "How is it possible?"

"Being hated by others, having no friends, being ugly and fat, others think I'm disgusting, and I feel disgusting myself too. What's so great about me like this?"

He Yu held Jiang Xiaozhen's hand firmly.

There was a strange power about him that magically calmed her down.

His gaze was so clear and clear that she seemed to be able to see herself in it.

"Even so, you still worked hard to move forward. You probably didn't realize it yourself, but I have seen that you are firmly on the road to growth."

Jiang Xiaozhen opened her mouth, the self-loathing in her heart was an unquenchable fire, she wanted to refute, and wanted him to know how bad she was.

"The zipper of your schoolbag is not pulled, and I saw two application forms inside. You applied for a transfer, you applied for running for the leadership of the student union, Jiang Xiaozhen, you made a change to adapt to the environment, you made a choice to fight for what you want stuff, you want to keep learning."

He Yu patted her head.

It seemed to be saying to her: Well done, Jiang Xiaozhen.

Jiang Xiaozhen had already forgotten what she was going to say.

The knots entangled in my heart were untied.

There is a small amount of warmth that penetrates from the skin to the bottom of the heart.

She looked up from the bottom of the cell and caught a glimpse of skylight.

Her lips moved, Jiang Xiaozhen suddenly wanted to get rid of the endless waiting, she couldn't help asking him.

"Do you know when Jiang Mingzhen's season will come?"

There was a faint smile on He Yu's face.

"She's on her way there," he said.

When we were young, we thought growth would happen overnight.

After a certain day, the little ghost suddenly grew taller, put on a suit and a bow tie.

Between the snap of the fingers, the flower bud stretches all of it at once, blooming brightly and dazzingly.

"Jiang Mingzhen", who was waiting to grow up, voluntarily walked into the cage for self-protection. Family changes, turbulent environment, she hid in the cage, afraid to grow up. She didn't find a suitable technique for dealing with the world and dealing with malice, and she waited wholeheartedly for her own blooming season.

It was Jiang Xiaozhen who walked out of the cage instead of her. She locked up her fear, humbleness, and shaking.

She used the pretense and the strength she had created to force herself to face everything that made her feel uneasy.

In those days that passed, she split, acted, and became emotionally numb.

Jiang Xiaozhen moved forward with her head down, exhausted all her strength, and survived the dates on the desk calendar.

But, Huaguduo and Xiaoguitou never grew up in an instant.

Growth requires experience.

Moving forward with heavy loads and going through the dark jungle is also the "growth" itself.

The season that Jiang Mingzhen was waiting for never came.

But that doesn't matter, Jiang Xiaozhen is on the way there with her.

"Next week, I will take the exam."

Squinting her eyes, Jiang Xiaozhen smiled back at He Yu.


Seeing her smile finally, He Yu's tone also became brisk.

"As for the class next semester, you don't need to be in our school. Our school's teaching quality is quite high. If you go to other public schools, you can keep up with your progress. Do you want to try another school?"

Jiang Xiaozhen shook her head: "My parents won't agree."

"I'll help you talk to them."

They walked hand in hand on the way home, He Yu walked a little faster.

Jiang Xiaozhen's hand was held by him, shaking it slightly up and down.

He Yu talked all the way, swaying naturally, and didn't notice anything wrong at all.

"The books I studied in the countryside before high school were all public schools. My academic performance is very good, so there is absolutely no saying that public schools are worse than private schools."

"If the family is in difficulty, they can apply for state subsidies. I am familiar with this set of procedures. Moreover, the tuition fees of public schools are very low, which is not as scary as our school."

He rambled on patiently, one sentence here, one sentence there, planning the future for her.

Jiang Xiaozhen listened carefully and wrote down every word he said.

"You are in the first year of high school now, and you will go to college in two more years. A diploma is very important."

"When you go to college in the future, if you study well, you can get a scholarship. Ah, yes, you can also apply for student loans."

"Then when you go to university, you can work part-time in your spare time. The salary is higher than your current part-time job, and there are also lighter jobs, such as tutoring, part-time jobs in schools..."

In the middle of the night, why does the sun appear in the sky

Jiang Xiaozhen clearly felt that she was exposed to the sun.