To Make He Yu Regret

Chapter 40: A little more tortuous


For no reason, what Jiang Xiaozhen did in her life seemed to be a little more twists and turns than others.

Adapting to campus life is slower than normal students, and repeated grades for two years; puberty is more violent than people of the same age, with acne that can't be eliminated; when I arrive at a new school, I want to be the same as before. I applied for several positions, but they all fell through.

With a strong desire to get rid of her current appearance, she wakes up early, takes a lunch break, and finishes her homework every night, exercising desperately to burn off the fat on her body. Even if there is discomfort and soreness in the body, he refuses to stop.

Too heavy body, such a sudden increase in high-intensity exercise, caused Jiang Xiaozhen to be sent to the hospital by Xu Meiyin because of unbearable pain in her feet after a night run one day.

After the doctor's examination, it was Achilles tendon rupture, and surgery was performed that night.

Wearing a cast for six weeks, a long rehab period for the Achilles tendon.

Jiang Xiaozhen was determined to reduce the expenses on her for their family, but the sudden medical expenses added another sum to the debt.

He squeezed the fat on his arm hard. Jiang Xiaozhen fell into a long silence, sulking with herself.

Although Xu Meiyin didn't say it clearly once, she could see that her daughter was growing up quietly.

She wants to be good and beautiful.

After borrowing money last time, Xu Meiyin and Fan Xiuhui's contacts became more frequent. After being introduced by Fan Xiuhui, Xu Meiyin began to work as an apprentice in a beauty shop opened by her friend, learning some skills such as eyebrow tattooing, cupping, massage, makeup, and manicure.

In the past, Xu Meiyin, who was a noble lady, was a frequent customer of beauty shops, and she knew that if the business in this business was good, it could make a lot of profits. In addition, Fan Xiuhui persuaded her: "Look at your hands, they are so tender, you can't see them doing heavy work. Your face is naturally beautiful, which is the best sign. Wait for you to study for a few years, learn the craft, save If you have contacts, you can come to my clothing store, and I will give you a place to do business."

Relying on her husband's compensation for work-related injuries, Fan Xiuhui walked from the countryside to the city, relying not only on luck, but also on her brains. Everything she said to Xu Meiyin made sense.

So even if it is an apprenticeship, the initial salary is not high, and the work is tiring, Xu Meiyin is still very grateful to Fan Xiuhui and chooses to accept this job.

When Jiang Xiaozhen was wearing a plaster cast and was lying on the hospital bed looking at the ceiling, Xu Meiyin said to her.

"When mother learns those beauty skills, Xiaozhen will be a free customer, and Xiaozhen will become very, very beautiful in the future."

Jiang Xiaozhen turned her head and looked at her mother.

"Mom," she said, "you know, this is the first time you've taken the initiative to admit that I'm not pretty enough."

Xu Meiyin felt that she had slipped her words, and stared into Jiang Xiaozhen's eyes in fear.

Unexpectedly, she didn't find any gloomy negative emotions in it, and there was even a smile in Jiang Xiaozhen's eyes.

Xu Meiyin swallowed all the explanations that came to her lips because of that smile.

Pursing her lips, she also smiled at her daughter: "Yes."

As mentioned before, Jiang Xiaozhen has more twists and turns in everything she does than others.

So in the remaining two years of high school, she was still ugly and fat, and she failed to lose weight. The bad popularity has not changed except for the two unshakable friends around him.

In the third year of high school, the life committee member in the class resigned because of the heavy academic work. Jiang Xiaozhen remained enthusiastic and was assigned a class committee by the teacher as she wished.

The Academy of Fine Arts that He Yu studied basically did not accept non-art students, and Jiang Xiaozhen had a very narrow range of choices.

She finally decided on the major of "Industrial Design" as her first choice.

On the day she came out of the college entrance examination room, Jiang Xiaozhen went to the small shop at the school gate to buy a bottle of drink.

It was the kind of tea that had the "one more bottle" award, which she and He Yu had bought before.

Jiang Xiaozhen rubbed her hands together, praying for the result she wanted, and then unscrewed the bottle cap.

With one eye closed and the other open, she lifted the bottle cap and saw the little "Xie".

"Thank you for your patronage" - nothing can be shaken, and it will remain unchanged for thousands of years.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaozhen made sufficient preparations to fail her first choice.

But God, sometimes, it's really weird.

You keep putting your wishes into the prize pool of your life, and he doesn't even look at it all year round. On a certain day, you give up all hope and push a button. The screen "peng", suddenly appeared the first prize.

Jiang Xiaozhen saw her admission result on the admission inquiry page.

Just like that, she was admitted to He Yu's school smoothly and without real feeling.

That sounds very powerful, majoring in industrial design.