To Make He Yu Regret

Chapter 50: Come on Jiang Xiaozhen


After Jiang Xiaozhen celebrated her 22nd birthday, she quietly became prettier.

Find the makeup, hairstyle, and clothing style that suits you. The persistent weight loss has achieved remarkable results, and her body deflated like a deflated balloon.

When Xu Meiyin talked to Jiang Xiaozhen, she couldn't help being proud of her: "Although we Xiaozhen have more twists and turns than others in everything we do, it doesn't matter. The result after the twists and turns is always good."

The beauty business at home is booming, Jiang Yuan and Xu Meiyin told Jiang Xiaozhen not to send money back home, and the debts owed will be paid off within this year.

Everything is getting better and better.

The girls in the same dormitory and classmates don't have much communication with Jiang Xiaozhen, but they don't hate her or reject her.

On the contrary, seeing her working so hard to live and become beautiful, they secretly admired her: Jiang Xiaozhen is so amazing.

Jiang Xiaozhen realized that she became more attractive because of inquiries from her classmates and roommates.

"Xiaozhen, your clothes today are so beautiful, where did you buy them?"

"Your eye makeup is so clean, your eyes look much deeper."

"Jiang Xiaozhen, Jiang Xiaozhen, what brand is your bag?"

"Xiaozhen, your skin has improved obviously. Do you have any skin care secrets to share?"

Jiang Xiaozhen's change of look is the kind of look that can dress up a little girl.

The choice of clothing that maximizes strengths and avoids weaknesses conceals the parts of her body that have not lost weight, and the hairstyle that modifies her face shrinks her face in a circle. The foundation and lipstick color that suits you best after many times of practice, the eye makeup and color contact lenses that enlarge the eyes, the nose shadow and highlight that make the bridge of the nose straight, and the shadow powder that sharpens the jaw line.

An unqualified foundation, after her careful management, finally met the public's aesthetics.

Jiang Xiaozhen always remembers what He Yu said to her.

In high school, he talked about practicing Mandarin because he cared about others laughing at his accent.

She asked him, "Why compromise someone else's aesthetics? It's unfair to you, isn't it?"

"It's not fair," he said, "but if I mind, I'll get rid of it."

If you want to change, change it and face your own ugliness. That's exactly what Jiang Xiaozhen did, it sounds like the right path, doesn't it.

However, when she was twenty-two years old, Jiang Xiaozhen seemed to wake up suddenly.

This society, these people, are accepting her and welcoming her out of her own world.

When Jiang Xiaozhen stood in the crowd, she heard all the ridicule of others who had been shut out by her for many years in an instant.

She realized how ugly and repulsive she was.

The jokes in the past: ugly girls, fat pigs, freaks, accusers, autistic children, fake princesses, how cleared are they now? Are they washable

"Come on, Jiang Xiaozhen, you've done a good job." The surrounding voices kept encouraging her.

Jiang Xiaozhen, who was praised, talked less and less.

come on.

Refueling is to move forward, it is still insufficient, and it is to maintain the status quo.

To what extent is it enough to get rid of this soul, this body

The eyes should be bigger, the nose should be straighter and smaller, the arms should be thinner, and the face should be whiter. Jiang Xiaozhen picked up the mirror pickily, looking over and over again.

Pulling the loose skin on the waist and upper legs due to the rapid weight loss, I pinched myself to the point of pain and scratches.

So ugly.

Lost weight is still ugly.

how so? Shall we reduce it a little more? In many places, it needs to be reduced a little more.

She couldn't remember the last time she had a normal meal, smelled meat and even reflexively wanted to vomit.

"Come on, Jiang Xiaozhen." Pulling herself together, she forced a smile at herself in the mirror.

How can I admit that I can't hold on any longer.

Come now, hold your breath.

Continue to work hard, continue to grit your teeth, and it is still far away from reaching the destination.

That time, Jiang Xiaozhen anxiously dialed He Yu's number.

It was quickly connected over there, and the familiar voice asked politely.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

He deleted her number.

Son of a bitch.

Jiang Xiaozhen vowed to hate He Yu forever.