To Make He Yu Regret

Chapter 55: little miracle


He Yu woke up on a sunny afternoon.

Golden light penetrated into the room through the windows, and the ceiling reflected flocculent patterns. When the wind blows, the patterns stretch and blur. From the graphics on the curtains, he thought. The wind gave them shape, falling to his eyes like a swirling wave in a sling lake.

The rainy season in the dream passed quietly.

The heating in the room, the dry bedding, and the quilt being tucked in properly... Immediately, the senses returned to his body.

He Yu heard the breathing of another person who was close at hand.

Looking to the side of the hospital bed.

Jiang Mingzhen leaned against the edge to take a nap, her eyes closed tightly, and her breathing was soft.

A head of silver hair seemed to melt in the sun, soft, and dazzlingly crystal clear.

He glimpsed a bouquet of flowers on the bedside table. With white petals, the little daisy has a bright smiling face. So he raised his hand naturally, took off the little flower, and put it firmly in her ear.

Jiang Mingzhen frowned, Xiao Hua trembled slightly, and He Yu quickly held her breath.

There was no danger, and it didn't wake her up.

He bent the corner of his mouth, listening to the pace of her breathing.

Take a moment, inhale and exhale with her, at the same frequency as her.

The last time Niuniu asked him a question: Grandpa, did He Yu regret it later

Different from the previous answer, he thought this time he would say: I regret it.

If you can go back, back to the first meeting at the age of five, before Jiang Mingzhen spoke harshly to him for the first time.

The little groom with a steamed bun face carefully held the edge of the red cloth with both hands, lifted it up, and saw the expectant eyes of the little girl under the hijab.

He was going to tell her.

Tell her that on the first face.

"Thank you for being my bride."

"you are pretty."

The flowers of childhood are caught between the white hair, the wind is good and the sun is good.

The regret is because you are too precious, no matter in the past or in the future, I want to cherish all the time with you.

Unknowingly, He Yu also felt sleepy.

He decided to take a nap with Jiang Mingzhen.

When they woke up next time, he would put on the sweater she knitted, and they would go home together and tell their unfinished love stories to their granddaughter.

How they met after they broke up in college, how Jiang Mingzhen got her name back, how they confirmed each other's hearts, and what Niuniu cares most about is the part where her grandmother beats the supporting actress.

That's a long time to talk, he thought.

It's okay to take a break now.

He Yu closed his eyes in peace.

God comes.

In the small ward, before anyone noticed, some small miracles happened.

When Jiang Mingzhen woke up, he would wake He Yu up with a scream.

The little daisy next to her ear let her know that he was awake, and that his arms could move freely.

Jiang Mingzhen will be very happy.

Wearing the small flowers he personally put on, wrinkles and white hair can't stop the beautiful seventy years old.

Xiao Zhen, who embraces He Yu, has a smile brighter than flowers.

The author has something to say: [This is the end, thank you for your support.

As mentioned at the end of the article, some unfinished events that happened later will appear in the form of extra episodes.]

Apologies to everyone who needs to follow up, the follow-up update of this article is too slow and too few.

The three-dimensional busy psychological pressure is mostly a factor that I should solve myself, which affects your reading experience, sorry.

I will stop writing this article for a period of time, and wait until I have time to save the manuscript before opening a new pit.

I would like to make a routine publicity at the end, and I hope to see you in future stories.

My column:

The next book is in advance, and I haven't decided what to write yet, so it's tentatively called "Sick Rose".