To Make He Yu Regret

Chapter 56: Spoiler


"Dear Niuniu, you have to know something a little cruel.

Heroes who are just there to lend a helping hand when you need them exist in both novels and soap operas. Most of the time you need to save yourself, and if you can't save yourself, then you will experience failure and you will fall to the bottom.

That's when you have to know another thing that's a little bit lucky.

Failure and falling to the bottom does not mean that your future life will not recover. Most of the time you can stand up, we are actually stronger than we think. "

On the day of He Yu's senior graduation ceremony, Jiang Xiaozhen, who had parted with him, went to the top floor.

In the storm, she was tortured by endless self-loathing.

Unable to get through to her mother's phone, Jiang Xiaozhen and death were only a short jump away.

Friendship abandoned her, love abandoned her, and family affection could not be the thread that held her life.

Walking towards the edge of the roof with empty eyes, Jiang Xiaozhen stepped over the railing, with one foot dangling in the air.

"Grandma, don't die!"

Niuniu grabbed Jiang Mingzhen's arm, and she screamed at her pinch.

"It hurts! It's not dead, don't pinch it so hard."

Speaking of where

Oh, one foot is in the air.

at this time!

There was a voice, piercing through the sound of wind and rain, reaching Jiang Xiaozhen's ears.


There was a prolonged stomach growl.

Hungry, not late because you have something important to do.

Jiang Xiaozhen dressed up carefully to see He Yu and didn't eat for a whole day.

"At that moment, I thought of fried noodles."

"It's very out of place, but I really want to eat a bowl of fried noodles before I die."

Grandpa on the hospital bed frowned.

As Jiang Mingzhen's story was told, He Yu, who was in a coma in a dream, reached out to the fallen Jiang Xiaozhen.

He stepped over the railing, rushed to her, and took her into his arms.

"It's fried noodles," the real Jiang Mingzhen said to Niu Niu, "it was fried noodles that saved my life!"

Jiang Xiaozhen on the rooftop lowered her head and looked down to the seventh floor.

Outside the recess school, on the opposite side of the street, the red roofs of the food stalls are still open.

"How do I describe the taste of that bowl of fried noodles..."

"The fried shredded pork is slightly charred, but it doesn't burn at all when you bite into it. The meat tastes full and delicate. The combination of noodles and bean sprouts is amazing. It's refreshing, salty and spicy, and it's fragrant when you chew it in your mouth."

In this way, in order to lose weight, Jiang Xiaozhen, who has not eaten meat and oil for a long time, sat at the food stall and ate four bowls of fried noodles raw.

"Although I'm telling you the love story between me and your grandpa. But how should I put it? The happiness brought by fried noodles and the happiness brought by love are incomparable. Love will make you sometimes painful and sometimes happy, fried What about fried noodles? The happiness brought by fried noodles is simple and fulfilling, which can fill your stomach. Only if the fried noodles are not delicious, you may be unhappy. But that’s okay, there are other delicious foods in the world, you can eat again Just eat something else."

"Grandma..." Niuniu swallowed, "You told me I was hungry."

Just as Jiang Mingzhen said: It was fried noodles that saved the girl Jiang Xiaozhen.

While eating those four bowls of fried noodles, Jiang Xiaozhen's head was lit up by such thoughts.

She decided to make different delicious things in the future to bring continuous happiness to herself and everyone.

Stir-fried noodles with fried noodles seem too down-to-earth.

Because it is a story told to children, it must have educational significance, so we call it a dream.

The night Jiang Xiaozhen was rescued, it was a dream that reached out to her.

On a cold rainy night, when I yelled "one more bowl" to the shopkeeper, I suddenly thought about continuing to live.