To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 144: I am willing to come back


"Tsk. Are you willing to come back? I thought you were planning to die in Lin City for the rest of your life and never come back."

Huo Yifan, the eldest son of Huo Jinyao's uncle Huo Mingliang. Huo Mingliang's family usually does not live in the main house of the Huo family. This time it is rare to see him here.

Huo Jinyao's grandfather Huo Yangping had three children in his life. The boss, Huo Mingguang, is Huo Jinyao's father.

The second oldest, Huo Mingliang, has two sons, Huo Yifan and Huo Yiyang. There is also a daughter, Ho Manzi.

The third child, Huo Mingmei. Married to Wei Nantian, the eldest son of Wei who is also from an upper-class family in Rongcheng. There were two children, Wei Sihai and Wei Simeng.

The Huo family is a big family, and Huo Yangping also has a brother, Huo Yangyuan, who did not engage in business but took the path of being an official. One sister, Huo Yangxiu, married a commander of a certain army.

In other words, the Huo family is extremely famous and well-connected in all walks of life.

But the one with the greatest reputation is Huo Yangping. He started from scratch and accumulated a huge fortune.

At the same time, he is very capable, and there is almost no business that the Huo family invests in that is not profitable. This is also the reason why the Huo family's head office is named Tianyu.

Under the sky, there are areas that the Huo family is involved in.

Huo Mingguang is the current chairman of Tianyu Company. After he retired from Huo Yangtang, he began to take over Tianyu.

Compared to Huo Yangping, his tactics were more sharp than gentle. He is considered the favorite of Huo Yangping's three children.

Because of Huo Mingguang's presence, the Huo family's main room has now become the most influential room in the entire Huo family.

Although Huo Mingliang and Huo Mingmei both work in Tianyu, their rights are much smaller than Huo Mingguang's.

This also made Huo Yifan, his cousin, very unconvinced. In his opinion, his ability is not much worse than that of his cousin Huo Jinyao.

"Yifan, you are joking. Rongcheng is my home, why don't I come back?"

"Really?" Huo Yifan sneered: "You still call this place your home? I thought you called Lin City your home now. After all, my aunt and uncle have wanted you to come back for so long, but you still won't come back?"

"Opening up new markets is naturally a bit busier and tiring. Not to mention my parents, even my grandpa understands me. But -"

Huo Jinyao glanced at Huo Yifan and chuckled: "Of course you won't understand such a situation. After all, my abilities are limited, so why would I let you do something like opening up new territories?"

"Huo Jinyao." Huo Yifan stopped calling him cousin now: "Don't go too far."

"Did I say something wrong? I'm really sorry." Huo Jinyao spread his hands and said, "Generally speaking, the truth is always frowned upon. If you're sorry, I have to go up to find grandpa."

After passing Huo Yifan and walking upstairs, Huo Yifan's voice sounded behind him, sounding cold.

"Huo Jinyao, don't be complacent. No matter how capable you are, if your uncle doesn't support you, you won't be able to get into that position as you wish."

Huo Jinyao didn't look back: "Don't worry, even if he doesn't support me, he may not support you. After all, your qualifications are too ordinary."

Ignoring Huo Yifan's ugly expression, Huo Jinyao went straight upstairs.

The main residence of the Huo family has five floors in total. Huo Yangping lives on the second floor. In addition to his bedroom, there is also a study room dedicated to him alone.

When Huo Jinyao came in, Huo Yangping had just finished writing a piece of calligraphy. He stepped back and looked at his writing, not looking up when he heard the door open.

"What? Did you know you were back?"

Third update, this chapter was from yesterday. I go to sleep. Continue tomorrow.

PS: I explained the background. There are foreshadowings in it. Did you see it? In fact, Yue Ma has laid several foreshadowings. Waiting for you to guess them one by one!

(End of chapter)