To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 34: If you have expectations, you will be hurt


Su Qingsang didn't seem to react until she got into the car.

She sat in the passenger seat and looked at Huo Jinyao. She knew before at the wedding that this man's mouth would only open when he didn't open his mouth, and he would be extremely powerful when he opened his mouth.

But he didn't expect that he would have the upper hand in front of Qiu Yanbo. This is really—

He said that it was just a meal, whether she ate or not she was still the daughter of the Su family.

But the fact is, whether she eats or not, she is not considered the daughter of the Su family. After all, no family would treat their daughter like this.

Lowering her eyes and looking at her slightly pale fingertips, she could not see through some very simple things.

In fact, there are still expectations in my heart, and if I have expectations, I will be hurt. If there are no expectations, there will naturally be no disappointment and no hurt.

Su Qingsang was stunned for a moment when his hand was suddenly held by someone. He raised his eyes to look at the owner of that hand.

Huo Jinyao didn't know when he stopped starting the car. He was holding her hand and looking at her intently.

"If you don't like it, don't come here next time."

Su Qingsang was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Huo Jinyao's enlarged face.

He was also looking at her, his eyes focused, as if she was the only one in his eyes. Feeling uncomfortable with such a look, Su Qingsang turned away.

"There's nothing not to like. This is my home."

Although the people in this family don't regard her as family.

She said the last sentence very softly, but Huo Jinyao heard it clearly. He squeezed her palm gently.

"Your home is not here. Come on, let's go home now."

That three-bedroom den is their home.

Su Qingsang heard the meaning of these words and watched Huo Jinyao hold his hand.

His hands are beautiful, slender, well-proportioned, and well-defined.

"That's not right." Huo Jinyao suddenly said, causing Su Qingsang to turn around and look at him again.

"We should go eat now."

The Su family villa is actually a bit far from the city. After all the fussing just now, it was almost noon.

"What do you want to eat?" Huo Jinyao looked at Su Qingsang. There was some encouragement in his eyes: "Don't say casually. If you say casually every time, I feel like you are very difficult to support."

Su Qingsang swallowed back the two words casually that she was going to say. Looking at Huo Jinyao's smiling face, the negative emotions just now dissipated without a trace.

"I want to eat cross-bridge rice noodles."

When I was in school, there was a person from Province Y. She often takes herself to find Guoqiao rice noodle shops opened in various places in Yang City.

She was not particular about eating, but she could never forget that feeling.

"Okay. Just eat Cross-Bridge Rice Noodles." Huo Jinyao started the car as he spoke: "Where?"

"I know there is a shop owned by people from Province Y. The rice noodles there taste very good." Su Qingsang took out his mobile phone while talking.

"You have to make a reservation every time you go there. You drive first and I'll see if there's still a seat."

"Okay." When Huo Jinyao spoke, he glanced at her from the corner of his eye. When he realized that the lost emotion just now was no longer visible on her face, the corners of her lips rose a little.

… …

When Su Qingsang woke up in Huo Jinyao's arms again in the morning, she found that she felt used to it.

It had only been a few days, but she was already used to being in a man's arms

Looking at Huo Jinyao's tightly closed eyes, she felt some strange emotions in her heart.

She still doesn't know who Huo Jinyao is. His identity, his origin, and even their marriage were not even seen by his parents themselves.

But Su Qingsang wanted to believe that he would not hurt herself.

This intuition is not trustworthy. But she didn't feel like resisting.

There are still people who say they can’t see what the author has to say? I'm also tired. Please collect, please collect, please collect! ! ! ! ! !

(End of chapter)